Senator Patty Murray 1-11-10
173 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Senator Murray,
Today I read Bill# H.R. 4298 and feel compelled to write you to express my objection to this bill and why I think it’s wrong.
This bill only serves to chip away at all Americans civil rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. H.R. 4298 is a scheme designed to increase the cost of firearms from dealers, restrict personal or two party sales, reduce availability, and worse massively increase the size, scope, & authority of the federal government. H.R. 4298 is proposed to address alleged problems of only one state (New York) by adding more regulation to the other 49 states? This is completely unreasonable, it approaches absurdity.
H.R. 4298 is open ended leaving critical points to the attorney general to be determined at a later time. This is a sneaky yet typical tactic by the current federal government, after all if it’s passed these undefined points can then be set to a level that completely defiles the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, which has been largely ignored for the last year anyway.
Finally, the proposed cost of H.R. 4298 is absurd particularly considering the current economic state of the entire nation, have the sponsors of this bill lost all rational thought capability? In four years H.R. 4298 will add 3,500 federal employees in the form of agents & investigators, at a proposed cost of $875,269,311.00. This number will easily exceed $1 billion as proposals are rarely close to accurate, and this is in addition to what already exists. Besides being a government assault on civil rights, it’s the usual wasteful spending that the United States can’t afford. What this means is taxes will go up so we the people can pay the federal government to eliminate our freedoms and liberties as Americans. Currently there are plenty of laws and regulations on firearms; bill H.R.4298 is clearly unreasonable and unnecessary in its entirety.
As your constituent, I urge you to immediately oppose H.R.4298, and to work diligently towards its defeat. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this issue as it relates to this bill specifically. I hope this letter finds you well, and vigorously studying the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Merrill Berger
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