We The People USA

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Mainstream media death throes begin, Hard times signal end of an era.

Mainstream media death throes begin
Hard times signal end of an era

Posted: December 08, 2008
7:50 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldnetDaily


Job losses are at the worst level since 1974, the year Richard Nixon resigned from the presidency.

The desperation of Big 3 automakers is evident, as their conduct resembles begging more than bargaining.

And now the death throes of the mainstream media have begun, Red Alert reports.

On Friday, Dec. 5, President Bush walked out of the White House by himself to a podium and microphone positioned on the South Lawn. He then made a short statement on the economy in which he officially declared the U.S. is now in recession.

"There's no doubt the Obama administration will blame the auto industry debacle, as well as every other economic woe, on the Bush administration – at least for as long as the mainstream media will peddle the myth," Corsi writes. "The only good news this week is that the death throes of the mainstream media have begun in earnest."

The New York Times has borrowed against its building in Manhattan just to stay in business, and the
Tribune Company has filed for bankruptcy.

Now Red Alert's author, whose books "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" have appeared atop the New York Times best-sellers list, notes the day the Tribune Company filed for bankruptcy the Chicago Tribune ran a story quoting Joseph Farah and crediting WorldNetDaily as chronicling the story of Obama's failure to produce a doctor-generated, hospital-validated, original copy of his birth certificate.

Without disclosing that it would declare bankruptcy later in the day, the Tribune noted WorldNetDaily is one of the most visited websites on the Internet – as the U.S. economy wobbles under globalism and the mainstream media struggles to survive.

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Comment by JJ on December 9, 2008 at 12:41pm
MSM, you reap what you sow--and for years you've been puppets.
Enjoy your unemployment as your masters, the elite, dine on caviar; this loss to them will be minimal.
You chose to walk the walk and talk the talk--it was just down the wrong path and fair and balanced untruths.
Comment by Kevan Corkill on December 9, 2008 at 10:41am
Prayers, praying that the TRUTH will come into the light for all to see...Amen.
Comment by michelle jauquet on December 9, 2008 at 9:24am
I think maybe the dam is getting ready to BUST!.

Hopefully it is not to late, for the rest of America to... WAKE UP!.

I wrote a letter to the Supreme Justices, where I mentioned the betrayal of the bias media and how they have been suppressing vital information from the public, by spreading(propaganda)
which I thought was a Soviet tactic, and possible security risk to our country.

I don't know if that was appropriate of not, but, that is what was in my heart, and I felt that they needed to know that most people were not getting all the information they needed to make a informed decision before they cast their vote!

"I think the media died this year" RIP MSM
Comment by WTPUSA on December 9, 2008 at 3:21am
Maybe if the Chicago Tribune and The New York Times were fair and balanced they wouldn't be in the financial postion that they are in now. Since when does the media get to decide which news is important and which news isn't? I think most Americans are smart enough to consideral all sides of an issue as long as it is presented in a fair and unbiased manner and then judge for themselves. Thank God for the WND an other internet new sites or we would never know what is going on in our Country. And, what's even more scary, is there is still so much going on that we don't know, because the media has refused to give the American public the "benefit of the doubt." The only way Americans can send a loud and clear message is to turn off the idiot box, cancel their newspaper and magazine subscriptions and don't support any of their advertisors. The more MSMs that fail, the more likely it will be that more people will be turning to the internet for REAL NEWS!



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