We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Extremism in Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice

Marxism vs. Obamanism - Definitive !!!

- thanks c2c Politicalchick of Denver
Precious Freedom
I Hate To Say ‘I Told You So’

August 6, 2009

Where we are six plus months into his administration.

In ‘A Comparative Study – Marxism vs Obamanism’, I compared the process of introducing a Marxist regime to an otherwise Democratic Republic (we are, after all, a Republic, not a true democracy). I still truly believe we are on course for such a dramatic transition and the largest majority of our populace has absolutely no idea that this is actually happening.

They don’t realize it because the vast majority of our populace is, unfortunately, too young to realize they’ve been hoodwinked. They’ve been indoctrinated in our schools. How do I know this? Well, schoolbook publishers and editorial staff freely admit that they sanitize books so that no one group can possibly be offended by any one word in their textbooks. Take, for example, the word “American”. This word can no longer be used in textbooks! Don’t believe me? Well, the new translation for this word, now taboo in our society, is “Person(s) of the United States”. Puhlease! But I digress….I was going to talk about Marxism vs. Obamanism and where we are in the transition. Just keep in mind that the lemmings are still running toward the cliffs.

Step 1: Direct massive military power that results at once in the desired communist take-over. Examples of this are found in the Baltic states (although this step is not required to achieve).

Mr. Obama has not yet used a formal military force. I no longer believe that he would not dare to do so as I originally mentioned in my first blog on this subject. At this time, though, he has firmly placed in his pocket, walking lock-step with him, the SEIU, the AFL-CIO, and other heavy-hitting union workers and agitators, along with the wholly corrupt group, ACORN. During the election cycle, they falsified voter registrations. He further usurped the states during the election cycle by engaging Democrat officials of each state in mishandling voter ballots, particularly in Minnesota (where more votes were counted than there were residents in the districts that Franken took) and in Ohio (where people were bussed in from other states to register to vote and where college students and ACORN volunteers aggregiously falsified voter registration documents) and in Nevada (where ACORN continues to be investigated for voter fraud). He acquired and is holding firmly to college students in his civilian army because of their malleability. They hear only one side of any argument and anyone who dares to believe other than the liberal point of view in the college setting is dehumanized and villianized by the professors. He has his army – it just doesn’t wear a uniform equipped with a gun.

Step 2: Always used to the utmost advantage is the saturation of a target country with propaganda.

Well, folks – it’s Obama time all the time. There’s not a single newscast in this country from coast to coast that does not feature Mr. Obama’s name or likeness in some story. Whether it is a discussion of Mr. and Mrs. Obama going out on a date, their children, his blatent lies about healthcare reform, or his “beer” diplomacy in a situation he should never have opened his mouth about, it’s Obama all the time. The liberally-dominant mass media cannot seem to get enough of Mr. Obama, even though they have started to express distaste for the amount of air-time he is demanding. His chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, does not ask the stations for air-time. He demands it by talking not to the television station presidents, but rather by going directly to the companies that own the television stations. It’s almost as if he’s telling them, ‘hey – it’s okay – if you don’t want to run our press conference, no problem – we’ll just send our goons over and make you change your mind!’ Meanwhile, so-called journalists (really just talking heads without an original thought) such as Keith Olberman and Hollywood rejects who can’t even tell the truth about the Tea Party patriots (like Jeneane Garafalo – who’s the real racist in the room????), keep spouting the drivel of the White House Administration. Drive-by news media continue to persist in not telling the whole story or by slanting the story to Obama’s favor by not recognizing or even delving into the details of a piece. Not one reporter has discussed the town hall meetings with those actually attending the meetings. Instead, they talk to the congressmen and the White House Administration press secretary to create their story. ‘Don’t bother with the little person – he/she doesn’t matter – let’s talk about how we can spin this to Obama’s advantage’ – this is the thinking of the primetime news anchor.

Step 3: Creation within the target country of mass agitation. Any issues at hand are used.

Boy! Need I really delve into this one? The two “at hand” issues right now are the economy and healthcare reform. Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and their hacks are using the town hall meetings where people are expressing genuine disgust with the performance of their representatives and this healthcare bill that would hog-tie our options for receiving any form of healthcare in a timely manner, would cause our parents and grandparents (and one day us) to have to make repeated end-of-life decisions from the age of 65 years, and which would deny coverage to any person the governement-appointed committee deems not worthy to receive life-saving care as their bailywick for mass agitation. Obama is well on his way in this regards. As to the economy – his team has absolutely no idea what they’re doing. The Fed must be audited. If it were, we’d find that we are much, much worse off than we ever dreamed. The Fed runs without any restrictions. The Constitution does not permit the use of the Fed. It places the act of printing money and its management to the Congress, not to a private body that basically runs/creates/destroys our whole economy.

Obama originally used college students to create mass agitation – he told them last October to “go out and ‘get in their faces’” for whatever they disagree with common sense thinking individuals about.

Step 4: Infiltration

This was already achieved by Mr. Obama from the day he signed on to the Democrat Party. The National Democratic Socialist Party was, is and will always be his first party. The Communist party found its niche in the Democrat Party because it was the weaker of the two party system.

Step 5: Demoralization

The Republican Partyis clearly demoralized at this time. Everyone who is a registered Republican is sitting there wondering how we got ourselves to this point and what, if anything at all, can be done about it. Well, writing, talking, going to town hall meetings, voting with your feet, your mouth, and your brain are the ways by which we can regain that center right to mid-right, moral-loving society that we so desperately yearn for.

Mr. Obama is brilliant at the “scare” technique which is the equivalent of demoralization. He uses phrases like, “right now”, “must be done to avoid disaster” and phrases similar to these in order to try to push things over on the American public. It’s urgent! Desperate times are upon us! Oh no! And then there’s Rahm Emmanuel. His phrase, “don’t let a crisis go to waste” makes anyone with half a brain sick to his/her stomach.

We were told that the “stimulus” package was supposed to spur our economy and bring us up out of the recession; that there were thousands of projects within the stimulus package that were “shovel ready”. There are big problems here folks. More than 3/4 of the stimulus won’t even take effect for another year. What’s been distributed so far, six months in, is less than 3% of the total stimulus authorization. There are few, if any, substantiable jobs created or saved (despite what the White House may say) and those jobs that have been created have gone to large construction companies that already have a union workforce. See, the caveat of the bill is that those jobs created must be given preference to the unionized worker.

Step 6: Intimidation

Back in my original post, I talked about the Obama Thought Police and Truth Squads. Well, those thought police and truth squads are still out there. In the state of Missouri, the state police (and other sub-jurisdictions) have been told to pull over and treat as potential terrorists anyone who has an anti-Obama sticker on their vehicle or any sticker that they could potentially even remotely think is anti-government. Missouri is not the only state, but I find it somewhat interesting that Missouri was also the state where the District Attorney and prosecutor threatened to pursue anyone who speaks ill of Mr. Obama.

And, as if that weren’t enough, now, in the state of Florida, at least one US Representative now has the SEIU (Service Employees International Union – an Obama goon squad) escorting her to/from her town hall meetings in order to intimidate those individuals who disagree or intend to question the health care reform bill in open meeting. Other representatives in other states aren’t even going to hold town meetings by being there physically. They’re going to hold them by way of video phone or telephone conference so that they can control the meeting.

We have clearly entered the genre of intimidation.

Step 7: Gain the confidence of the people – study their problems, provide help for them, sell yourself as their friend in aiding them to achieve their goals.

Mr. Obama has done this with our youth – the college student, and with the illegal aliens (who have entered our country and expect others to support and provide for them without their having to go through the proper process to become legal residents/citizens). Mr. Obama is clearly a good speaker (as long as he has his teleprompter), but speaking “off the cuff” is not one of his strong suits.

Step 8: Subversion

Mr. Obama has subverted the Congress (both Senate and House) to speak his message. They have denied the Republican minority party the right to put their own message out through mailings which is clearly the Republicans prerogative and is thus a violation of the free speech given them in the US Constitution. The Constitution itself has been subverted and continues to be subverted through strong-arm tactics of the Democrat party in the House, Senate and White House.

Step 9: The end – it is voluntary surrender to Communism and the loss of all freedoms.

Not if I have anything to say or do about it – not as long as there are freedom-loving individuals out there who are fighting for the rights of all individuals in this country.


Step 1: Fulfill all promises made in gaining the people’s confidence.

Obama is trying to do this by pushing through, at breakneck speed, all of the programs he spoke about in his campaign – healthcare, taxes on those making more than $250,000 ($200,000 for individuals), and many others. He has further authorized the UN Diplomatic corps to agree to international law being part of the US code of justice and to vote affirmatively for the US to agree to allow UN dictates to say what our parents can and cannot do to/with their children. He has directed Secretary Sebelius to determine “degrees of gender” (giving him the opportunity to give full/equal rights for marriage to anyone of any gender, particulary those who espouse themselves to be homosexual – a practice with which I wholeheartedly disagree). He has appointed and, as of this writing she has been confirmed, an associate justice to the supreme court who is a “legislate from the bench” justice. He has already had Joe Biden (nobody messes with Joe) go to a “closed meeting” with the unions in Florida where they were having their lavish annual get-together (funny how no one complained about private jets, lavish spending, etc for the unions). There’s more to come folks – he has to get all of his promises done in the first year or his plan to remove all those “gifts” will be forced to happen more quickly.

Step 2: Disarm everyone, and confiscate all weapons. At the same time, activate a powerful secret police system.

Well, he’s successfully appointed Sonia Sotomayor to the bench. She’s clearly anti-gun possession in her stance. She’s clearly reverse racist in her rulings. Now that she’s on the bench of the Supreme Court, the removal of personal right to bear arms is quite likely. While I originally believed he’d have to achieve step 3 in this process first (since no item in these two lists has to be taken in direct order of presentation), I now believe that since he has Sotomayor on the bench, he may not have to arrest all of the Supreme Court. He has the ability to stack the court in his favor by appointing additional justices. Nowhere in the Constitution does it stipulate that there must be 9 judges. There have been and can be more. All he need do is appoint a 10th or 11th justice to the court and he has complete control of the Supreme Court at that point. Then he can arrest and remove from office any conservative justice from the court to solidify the hold he has.

As to the secret police system, Mr. Obama’s office has already begun the process of requesting anyone who “hears anything fishy” about the healthcare bill to rat on their fellow citizens.

Step 3: Shoot all of the leaders of the conquered country, and all potential leaders.

Originally, I indicated that he would have to dissolve the Supreme Court. I no longer believe this. He need only stack the court with additional bench legislators bringing the liberal majority to more than 60% so that no decision he wants can be overturned. All Republican leaders, governors, state house leaders, and US military officials would still have to be silenced in some fashion (either by imprisonment as political prisoners or by death).

Step 4: Take over all communications and transportation systems.

He continues to enjoy complete control over all of the liberally-dominant mass media and has had the Democrat-controlled Congress work to pass “fairness doctrine” legislation to silence talk radio that tends to be right-leaning. He needs this legislation to pass. In addition, he is attetmpting to place restrictions on internet and telephone communications by additional legislation.

As to transportation, democrats are attempting to pass legislation that would require GPS tracking devices to be placed in all vehicles that would allow the government to know where you are traveling, how often you use the road systems, and know your transportation habits.

Step 5: Set up the new government as the only employer or source of jobs. Everyone will be forced to work where the government dictates, doing what the government dictates and receiving for wages only what the government dictates.

The expansion of the federal government is occurring at breakneck speed. Mr. Obama has more than 22 “czars” who report to no one but him and are in charge of very sensitive areas of our federal government. They each have staffs. And, just in case you weren’t aware, Mrs. Obama has more staff than any first lady before her – 22 staff persons.

His setting up of the government as the only source of jobs is occurring – the federal government now owns two of our car manufacturers – General Motors and Chrysler/Dodge. It now owns or holds ownership position over hundreds, if not thousands of US banking institutions. That hold over private industry will not abate soon, if ever. He has dictated to and received cooperation from, Barney Frank, head of the House Banking Committee (the most powerful Congressional Committee), in order to achieve complete control over Wall Street. He will dictate wages, board seats, company management, and all other aspects of management of these companies and industries. It is real and it is happening.

Step 6: Take back anything given to the people in Step 1. This was always the plan and now it can be done safely.

Mr. Obama said, ‘no one earning less than $250,000 ($200,000 for individuals) will pay one penny more in taxes’. This will be safely reversed by year-end. By early 2010, every person will be paying more in taxes. Whether it is through cap and trade, health care, income taxes, taxes on your Health Spending Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Individual Savings Plan (ISP), or some other formerly pre-tax dollars on your paycheck, the federal government will take it and tax it. You will be taxed on what you eat, taxed on what you wear, taxed on what you do or do not do. Regardless of what it is called – fee, assessment or whatever – you will be seeing an increase in your taxes. This is inevitable.

Mr. Obama has said you will be able to keep your existing healthcare coverage. This is untrue. He said, in 2003, in a union meeting at which he spoke, that he envisions a “single payer healthcare system” (exactly what is in place in Canada and England, Germany and France). Why should your employer, who currently pays a handsome sum over and above whatever you contribute (your employer typically pays about 2/3 of the premium and you typically pay about 1/3), continue to pay for health care coverage when the employer would be better off paying the $2500 fine per employee per year? What employer will hire more than 15 employees if they can do the work with 13 or 14 so that they don’t have to pay for medical coverage? What makes anyone with a brain think that we will be able to keep our existing health care coverage when the federal government will automatically undercut any insurance company’s premiums?

Step 7: Set up a forced internal spy system – with everyone spying on everyone else and reporting to the secret police.

This is already happening – to go flag@whitehouse.gov if you doubt me. They have specifically requested that you report to them anyone who is speaking out against government healthcare reform. If this is not an internal spy system, I don’t know what is. If you still don’t beleive me, check out the “blog” page at whitehouse.gov. It’s there for all to see.

Step 8: Forbid all travel outside of a small area - such as a 10 mile circle. This will make virtually impossible any effective resistance or organization of any opposition group.

While this may seem stupid in this day and age, it is not. The federal government can still control where you go/what you do if it has control of the media and the internet. This blog could disappear any day just becasue of step 7 above. Someone could report my site to flag@whitehouse.gov if they so chose. Will it stop me from talking – absolutely not. Would it force me to find an alternate method of getting my beliefs out – absolutely yes. But forbidding travel and requiring each person to have a GPS system in their vehicles that allows the government to monitor your movements is possible and entirely probable in a future of marxism.

Mr. Obama may or may not be a natural born citizen of this country – frankly, I don’t know. But, what I do know, is that given the comparisons above, this man scares the begeezus out of me and he should scare you too.

Stand up for your freedoms. Don’t let this precious commodity be snuffed out. You, more than anyone, know what your freedom is worth. No one should be able to take it from you and no one should be able to endanger it. You deserve better than you have gotten from a man who simply promised “change”. http://politicalchick1.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/i-hate-to-say-i-told-you-so/

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