We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


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Comment by wakeupamerica on January 9, 2009 at 4:12pm
Comment by michelle jauquet on January 9, 2009 at 11:35am
I have just returned from London,where I spend the Christmas holidays.

While there I contacted reporter Peter Hitchens of the Daily Mail, which is a somewhat conservative British newspaper. I asked him if he was aware of the twenty something law suits that have been filed in a number of courts across the county regarding the eligibility of President elect Obama . He said that he had heard something about it, but dose not think there is enough evidence to report on it.

I chose Peter Hitchens because he wrote a great article just after the election ("The night we said goodbye America, our last best hope on earth") I thought that he seemed to know that BO was a CHARLATAN and he would help us get the truth out. .He was quite pompous with his response and I could hardly get a word in edgewise, and I got the distinct impression that he thinks that I wear a tin foil hat!...When I told him of all the voter fraud and the fact that "we the people" feel that the media had chosen BOTH of the candidate's. His answer to that was that the "Republicans need to get there act together!. (We all know that's true), I told him that a lot of information has been suppressed from the American public and they have been fed (PROPAGANDA) in order to control the out come of the election, he said that happens in all elections. He said he felt bad that such a great country had fallen for such a low life, but until the Supreme court agrees the hear oral arguments he won't touch it...and would not hear that there might be corruption as deep as the SCOTUS, that really was a conspiracy theory!.. At the end of the day PH is part of the media complex and this hot potato is just to HOT for him to handle!!!

I told him of the growing resistance groups in this country, that are willing to fight to get their county back! . He said good luck with that!...COWARD!!!



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