We The People USA

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RE: Electoral process
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 3:21 PM
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"'Kevin Akin'" , lullabyesmom@yahoo.com, chairman@cagop.org, office@ca.lp.org, info@cadem.org

Dear Kevin,

According to your notion the requirements for being natural born are less stringent than those for being a citizen! A US citizen whose offspring is born on foreign soil may transmit their citizenship to that offspring only if they have resided in the United States for a particular cumulative period of time. At the time of Obama’s birth, his 18 year-old mother had not been a resident of the United States for 5 years after her sixteenth birthday as was required for her to transmit her citizenship to him if the birth occurred in Mombasa as his paternal grandmother alleges. This was according to a 1952 law in effect at the time of Obama’s birth. His father was incapable of transmitting US citizenship since he was a Kenyan citizen.

Your assertion that there is no basis is wrong in law and fact. The fact is a video taped interview with the paternal grandmother where she says she was present for the birth of the infant Obama in Monbasa, then a protectorate of British East Africa and under the sovereignty of the Sultan of Oman.

This tape was acquired recently and is attested by numerous individuals including a well-know author who collected it. Other relatives say the same thing. Hawaii actively promotes citizenship fraud by allowing certificates of live birth to be issued persons born in foreign countries and for obvious reasons refuses to release such records without the explicit permission of the person on whose behalf they are abetting citizenship fraud.

You are quite uninformed on the McCain matter as well. I am in possession of proof that McCain’s parents were unmarried because they fell victim to a Tijuana marriage scam. This document is filed in the only state which has Spanish as an official language, New Mexico , as a full faith and credit document for any to access. This is relevant, because of the naturalization opportunity enacted in 1937 about a year after “McCain’s” birth, which opportunity was not exercised by the way, required that his unwed mother be an employee of the Panama Railroad Company, the US Military or the US Government. She was a housewife. The reasons for the non-citizen status of “McCain” at his birth, regardless of the marital status of his parents I will explain on request if you are open to real information rather thant the disinformation to which you have obviously been subjected!

Markham Robinson

Chairman of the American Independent Party



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