We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

My Letter to Rep. Brian Baird for his hypocritical "Yes" vote rebuking Rep. Joe Wilson

Congressman Brian Baird 9-22-09
U.S. House of Representatives
2443 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Baird,

I feel compelled to address your “YES” vote in the rebuking of Rep. Joe Wilson for shouting “You lie” during President Obama’s health care address to a joint session of Congress. Your “YES” vote strikes me as rather hypocritical, considering your public statements comparing Americans to the likes of “Timothy McVey” and Hitler’s “brown shirts”. Any reasonable American would expect a Congressman who recently made such an error in judgment as you did, to have some sense of compassion for an error in judgment by another. Interestingly there is evidence that supports Mr. Wilson’s statement, where as your statements Mr. Baird was baseless, completely fabricated, and unfounded. I guess with your background in psychology which you frequently mention in town hall meetings, electronic communications, and written correspondence I expected better from you, which was an error on my part.

Mr. Wilson’s actions are what I consider tacky and disrespectful, but make no mistake they were less tacky and disrespectful than your false statements about the American people. Can you explain to me how an apology is good enough for you, but Mr. Wilson must apologize than be reprimanded as well? It appears you subjectively hold others to a higher or different standard than you hold yourself Congressman. You clearly demonstrated your elitist demeanor as well as the fundamental breakdown and lack of ethical standards within our government, of which you are a part of. I find this reprehensible!

When are you going to stop wasting time on trivial issues like this and start upholding your oath to office, which includes defending the United States Constitution?

As your constituent, I respectfully request a timely explanation from you on this matter.


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Comment by Merrill on September 25, 2009 at 10:46am
What's worse is the Republican Party condemn his actions, I don't get it. Wilson's outburst was the only factual words in the entire address.... What's wrong with calling a liar a liar? I'm afraid I'm disliking both parties.
Comment by Michael Frome on September 24, 2009 at 2:21pm
I really find it incomprehensible that the only one to pipe up in Congress (protocol be damned, this is America!) and call the President on just one of his misleading or outright false statements is the one to be censured.

The particular lie that Joe sang out about is not the lie that I would have chosen to call the President on...there are so many to choose from...but out of all the "information" presented at that Joint Session, I feel his was the only germaine contribution to the debate. He probably made some people who did not realize what was happening to do a little research and possibly wake up to what the progressive movement is attempting to do!
Comment by Walt Holton on September 23, 2009 at 4:00pm
Good stuff! keep the heat on! Encourageyour friends to do the same.



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