We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Dear friends and family:

My dear, sweet Mother passed away this evening around 6p.m. after a struggle from the
effects of her stroke last May 22nd. The last few days have been such a "heavy strain," and
I've found it difficult to stay positive. But last night I prayed for Mom, and I asked God
if it were His Will to "bring her on Home" just go ahead and do so. I just didn't want her to lie
there in "pain and suffering!"

I THINK I've prepared myself for this, and I KNOW that Mom has been "ready" for many years
for this. She was 91 years of age last May 13th. and we were "blessed" to have had her with us for so long. We are sad, and we WILL miss Mom ~ but I know that she is now at peace and rest with our Lord.

We would appreciate your prayers for our family. I love you ALL!


Charles Lingerfelt, Founding Co-Director/Teacher
Kurdish American School
Dohuk, Kurdistan- Northern Iraq
"Still Trying to Make a Difference"
972.286.0606- Home/Office
972.400.2898- Mobile

P. O. Box 360722
Dallas, Texas 75336



Mark Levin blasting leftist idiots:

"To educate a man in mind only, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt

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Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on February 22, 2009 at 11:43am
Thank-you Fred!
God bless,
Comment by Fred Stephens/Texas Assistant State Coordinator on February 22, 2009 at 11:35am
Dear Charles,
My mother passed away almost 22 years ago and there is not a single day I do not think of her and her influence on my life and I believe that you will find as time passes that your memories of her will grow and provide a stability for you that you could not achieve any other way.

Comment by Cindy on February 22, 2009 at 9:06am
Dear Charles,
My sincere sympathy & prayers for you & your family with loss of your Mother. May God continue to bless all of you & help you through this difficult time.
Your Friend,
Cindy in Saint Charles.
Comment by Robert Millward on February 22, 2009 at 8:02am
Our sweet Mother passed a couple of years ago. Missing her was painful though we were so glad that her prayer to "Go home" was finally answered. She meant heaven but we were out of our house due to tree damage repair. She wanted to die at home and was concerned that the repairs would not complete in time. We had her home three days then sat by her as she peacefully left for her true home. Now, nearly two years later, we know she is still here helping us however she can.

God bless you and yours forever, Charles.
Bob Millward
Comment by CaliforniaRuth on February 21, 2009 at 11:19pm
Charles, rest assured there will be many prayers for your mother to rest in peace.

Our parents reach old age and experience medical problems that give us hints of our loved one's impending departure. Even though we go through all this with them, in the end we realize that we were not quite as prepared as we thought. The bottom line is that we miss them, we miss celebrating and sharing with them. However, what never leaves us is the influence they had on our lives. The gifts they gave are too numerous to count. That is where our loved ones live on with us.
May the Lord Bless you and your family.
Comment by Art in Idaho on February 21, 2009 at 11:12pm
Charles, my condolences, sympathy and prayers go out to you and your family.
She raised a good son.



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