We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Dear Friends and family:

I have volunteered to be the State Coordinator for Texas at We the People USA.

I am organizing meetings with US Attorneys, elected officials and other citizens in my home State ~ Texas!

We need other citizens to "step up to the plate" and help coordinate the same kinds of activities in their home state. If you want to take action, please read the following post:

Then, sign up to be a State Coordinator, or Assistant Coordinator, for your home State. All activities will be Coordinated on: www.wethepeopleusa.ning.com

I am NEEDING the following Associate Coordinators for Texas:
Southeast Texas Coordinator - Houston area
South Texas Coordinator - San Antonio area
East Texas Coordinator - Tyler-Palestine-Athens area
North Texas Coordinator - Kelly Canon, Ft. Worth area
West Texas Coordinator - Lubbock-Amarillo area

You may also just remain as a member IF you desire!! DO Something! Sit, Walk, or STAND!! DO Something!! Your country is "deteriorating" right before your very eyes!

You may go to my Website and "Join" there if you wish: http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/profile/CharlesLingerfelt

You MUST join We The PeopleUSA to be a Coordinator. There will be a National meeting here in DFW in the month of May, and a National March on DC on May 30th. The march will be on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, with more than a Million present!! YOU are URGED to make Your Plans NOW!!! We MUST Rally behind this cause before our country is "ripped apart" at the seams.

The current "Marxist" Administration wants to "Ram down our Throats" a phony "Stimulus Package" which is nothing more than BIG Government Waste!!!! It's time to Take Your Stand ~ It's past time!!! DO Something about it!!

When You get "sick-and-tired-of-it" You will finally understand what a "Mad-On" is.

Thank-you in advance for your consideration and support!

Your Fellow Patriot,

Charles Lingerfelt, Founding Co-Director/Teacher
Kurdish American School
Dohuk, Kurdistan- Northern Iraq
"Still Trying to Make a Difference"
972.286.0606- Home/Office
972.400.2898- Mobile

P. O. Box 360722
Dallas, Texas 75336



"To educate a man in mind only, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt

I am currently making plans to return to Kurdistan ~ Northern Iraq sometime in March. I will be there NO more than 8 weeks to teach American English, Government and Democratic principles to our students in the Kurdish American School. If you are a Teacher, retired or otherwise, and want to go with us and be a small part of the School, Please e-mail me pronto!!

Each time I return, I distribute my CD's to Kurds living in Iraq and Iran. The CD's cost me $0.95 per Cd there to produce, and if you want to "Help" in this endeavor please let me know. I am hoping that my NEW book will be published in time to carry some "Copies" there too for FREE distribution to the Kurds also. Please keep me in your prayers!
(Romans 8:28, 29, 30, 31, 34 and 35)

Views: 24


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Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on February 5, 2009 at 10:55pm
YW-- No Problem!!
Charles Lingerfelt
Comment by WTPUSA on February 5, 2009 at 10:30pm
Thanks for your efforts Charles. I appreciate your support. I wish I could clone you 46 more times.
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on February 5, 2009 at 2:13pm
Table okay w/Dr. Orly??
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on February 5, 2009 at 2:12pm
Got Yur may date down-- March on washington is May 30th!
Hopefully we can get a Busload to go from the dallas-ft. worth area!!
Comment by Lyn on February 4, 2009 at 11:16pm
Charles, I will check with my contacts in San Antonio and Houston regarding the coordinator position. I can work with Kelly. When is the May meeting? Our Defend our Freedom convention is May 8-10. I would like to talk to Orly about having a table set up for this group to hand out literature to get participants, what do you think?



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