We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

J M J .

Secret WikiLeaks Document Confirms North American Union Plan

May 18, 2011

For Continental Release

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864 Press@alipac.us

A secret document recently released by WikiLeaks reveals a high level US ambassador promoting a merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one combined consumer and labor market, with a common currency and a mutual electronic security perimeter with less focus on physical borders.

The secret documents reveal a well developed plan that advocates secrecy, an incremental approach as not to alarm the public. The document clearly states, that the plan is to prevent US efforts to protect citizens from terrorism or disease from interfering with commerce and other financial interests. The documents also advocate that promotion of this plan focus on "individual firms, industries or travelers, and especially consumers" instead of the nations as a whole.

This high level leak appears to validate earlier concerns by many groups of plans to create a new government, which would supersede the sovereignty of America, Canada, and Mexico in a way similar to the European Union. Critics of these merger plans call the plan the North American Union. Supporters of the plan call it the North American Community or North American Integration (NAI).

"It is conspiracy, but it is no theory," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "These traitors are trying to conceal their plans, but they are out in the open now. They are trying to force an economic union on America that is not ratified by the US Congress, not authorized by the US Constitution, and not approved of by the American Public. This plan is being facilitated by the nonenforcement of our existing immigration and border laws."

Americans were shocked to learn in 2005 and 2006 that millions of illegal aliens had been imported into America and were now marching in the streets demanding legalization, citizenship, voting rights, and taxpayer resources. Federal lawmakers LOYAL to the North American Integration plans have claimed "our immigration systems are broken" when in fact the immigration systems have been compromised by those advocating a merger of the populations of America, Mexico, and Canada.

Other examples of this economic union plan which has been pursued by Presidents Bush and Obama, can be found in the writings of Dr. Robert Pastor of American University, in releases by the Council on Foreign Relations such as "Building a North American Community," and in announcements made by heads of state in all three countries supporting the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

"North American integration requires American disintegration. Americans would never voluntarily enter into this devilish arrangement that would disintegrate the United States beneath a larger super state; and a new government which would destroy the existing US Constitution and Borders," said William Gheen. "This is why these elite banking, business, and political influences are flooding America with rampant illegal immigration and hyper legal immigration. They are conquering the freedom-loving innocent citizens of America by bringing in outsiders who will REPLACE us incrementally in our jobs and homes."

While news of this recent WikiLeaks disclosure is circulating on the Internet, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is releasing the news and documents to the nation today via national press release.

American citizens are encouraged to take appropriate steps to organize in defense of the nation, and prepare to politically challenge and defeat those pursuing this unlawful, unconstitutional, and nation-destroying agenda.

William Gheen is releasing a more detailed article today titled "WikiLeaks Releases Secret Files: North American Integration" which will be distributed nationally along with this press release.

American Disintegration for North American Integration Plan

Copies of the WikiLeaks documents can be seen at this link...

Leaked Secret WikiLeaks Documents about Integration

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Comment by Gloria Woodward on July 7, 2011 at 11:50am

It seems as though, everyone is waiting for the Euro to collapse.  I would think, the European Union would fail too. Then our dollars will collapse. They have been working to establish a global currency. I don't like the sound of that either.

Who knows what is really going on.  You can't rationalize something that isn't rational. 

There are wars, and rumors of wars. Canada has bought new jets.  There is a huge contract, for ship building.  There are going to be, new prisons worth billions of dollars in Canada. There is a larger military presence, in the high Arctic.  Canada is one vast, huge country to protect. 

Country's as far away as Australia have said, how badly democracy has eroded in Canada.  Our Constitution is ignored. Our Civil Rights and Liberties, have been taken away from us.  Our Democracy and Freedom is very badly eroded indeed.  We Canadian citizens, are being dictated to.  So we no longer feel free, we feel oppressed and angry.  Harper has pretty much given Canada away.




Comment by M on July 7, 2011 at 8:53am
This is nothing new, I first read about this idea in a book by E.E.Smith written in 1911. However the original Idea was for the United States and the Constitution to be the working model the Fictional 'North AM' was predicated on. Historically Canada was invited to become part of The United States during the Revolutionary era, and I believe again during the war of 1812. Not completely sure on the last though. It's beginning to look like the United States and 2/3 of North America are the last bastion of freedom in the World.
Comment by Gloria Woodward on July 6, 2011 at 5:28pm

I am a Canadian. Or an American friend calls me, a crazy Canuck.


We hear you on the N.A.U.  The American people and the Canadian people, are good neighbors, friends, and allies, in times of trouble.  However, we both want to keep our country's free and sovereign.  That's what we both love about our country's. 


If there are open borders with Mexico, we will be overrun by them.  Our ways of life, would be gone.  Mexico has terrible drug cartels.  A crime rate that can curdle your blood.  I'm sure there are decent good Mexican people, but it's the criminals, that come first to take new territory. There will be drug wars, where innocent people get shot right on the streets. The N.A.U. want a huge, cheap labor force. Neither the U.S. and the Canadian people, can live on $3.00 per hour.

The worst of it is.  When you try and tell people, what is going on right under their noses, they think we are radicals, and not quite all there.  I have even told them, Prime Minister Harper gave a speech in New York, at the Council of Foreign Relations. He fully endorsed the N.A.U.  This was all the way back, on Sept. 25/2007.  They still say nothing and do nothing.


I had three brothers, two brothers-in-law and a sister, in the armed forces during WW11.  I'm sure, pretty much every American family was touched by the war too. Both country's fought, so we wouldn't have fascism, Communist and dictatorship in our country's.  We wanted to keep our country's free.  Did our young military boys, get blown to pieces for nothing?  It sure seems like it to me.  I was born during the war, so I know a lot of terrible war stories.  The N.A.U. to me, is like a Communist, dictatorship regime.  We will work and have everything taken from us, for our one huge nation, the N.A.U. 


The globe will be sectioned off in Unions. The New World Order, will govern all the worlds Unions.  They are the giant gas and oil corporations, and other huge company's. They have all the money and they will hoard it, until they bankrupt every country they can. This is going on, in many different country's.  Ask yourselves, what caused the recession, for what reason?


In Communist China, I read some time back... Chinese workers in an apple factory, had to sign a pledge, they wouldn't commit suicide. Those are the working conditions in China, for the have not people.

Comment by Catherine Linton on May 19, 2011 at 9:56am

Here are some positive activities we can do to wake up more Ameriicans:

1. Print out info from conservative sites, make copies, flood your neighborhood

2. Find the cheapest site for stickers , buy in bulk, simply "Impeach Obama"

3. Sticky notes campaign (don't underestimate this)

4. Download www.ThePatriotPage.com, follow instructions and/or distribute

If we're not going to assemble, we MUST do more than type.

Comment by Catherine Linton on May 19, 2011 at 9:24am
MEMBERS.....TAKE A STAND AGAINST THIS!!  Print it out, make copies, stick it in mailboxes and under windshields. Make this and other blogs on this site your personal campaign!  Force this info on your neighborhood if they won;t come to us, DRAG THEM TO IT! STAND FOR YOUR COUNTRY! Stand for your life!



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