We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

No Wonder the Public is Shouting at the Town Hall Meetings

The media are claiming that the public is using extreme words when it describes the Obama health care plan as “evil, euthanasia plan, death warrant bill, or comparing it to Hitler or Nazi Germany.” The media suggests these words are too extreme and harsh. To me the words are not strong enough under the government we are now suffering and fearing for our lives. The people didn’t write the health care bill. They are merely accurately describing what already exists in the bill. To use any words that fail to describe sections of the plan is simply watering down, distorting the horrible intent and reality American citizens will face if this bill gets passed-in any way, shape or form. Murder is murder by any other name is murder. (page 425 in HC Bill) So is government control of your bank account total control of your money by any other name is still control of your bank account. (See pages 58/59 of the HC Bill) Read the bill, and you will hear every lie and the supporters of the bill are bald-faced telling the public.

In the past week, a conservative black man passing out “Don’t tread on me Flags” outside a town hall meeting was attacked by the Obama’s Purple shirts. The other day Mike Sola tried to be heard regarding his son in a wheel chair. The police escorted him out. He said they were civil to him. Then he was visited in the middle of the night by Obama’s purple shirts. He stated publicly he would go to jail for killing them if they every return to his property and threaten his family again. Sola is a man with guts and back bone. Mike Sola and the black conservative are not isolated incidents. This is happening across America.

The media , Obama and his cohorts are denigrating the shouting, anger, frustration, and seeming hysteria of the people attending the meetings claiming this is no way to get things done. Some of the Congress people have actually walked out of their own meetings. Others like Pelosi have called the protestors “Un-American.” Millions of people have sent letters, faxes, made telephone calls, politely sat through many meetings while being lied to their faces. They rallied, carried signs, and taken this government to court hundreds and thousands of times since January 20, 2009 to now. They have been ignored, demeaned, threatened, ridiculed, manipulated, lied to, and while witnessing the DOJ, Eric Holder, the entire judicial system, and the Supreme court deny and convolute our laws and justice system on the behalf of wrong over right so consistently they have reached their last nerve. The Chicago style of politics that is being practiced in Washington today is so offensive to people with integrity, it is all they can do to remain calm in the face of the lying to their faces these foolish Congress people are doing. They now realize the American Government of checks and balances is no longer working because they have all been bought off or intimidated by Obama thugs paid for with George Soros money. (Moveon.org) It is demonstrating THE PRESIDENT IS ABOVE THE LAW AND CAN DO ANYTHING HE PLEASE AND THERE IS NOT ONE SYSTEM OR PERSON WILLING TO STOP HIM. THIS IS NOT ONLY VERY DISAPPOINTING, IT IS TERRIYING. IF OUR GOVERNMENT IS LAWLESS WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE THE PEOPLE? At the mercy of Tyranny? Not that I wish to see it, because I don’t. America is only a few steps from becoming violent.

Though it may be argued that people don’t learn from history, I do believe the great value of history is to see and learn from it. It doesn’t take a genius to see the many parallels between pre World War II Germany, Nazi Germany and today’s government. Obama’s Acorn, Seui aka “Purple shirts” are the equivalent to Hitler’s Brown shirts. There is an old movie I recommend to look up and watch again—CABERET, which is about pre World War II Germany. While the German people were being entertained in the night clubs, the Jews were being beaten in the street. The German government at that time was no longer hearing the people. Any one who dared disagree or criticize the government was harmed or murdered. Pay attention and notice how similar it is getting to that right now. Sola is only the beginning. The pity is under America's Constitution, Mike Sola should never have had to be pushed against the wall and have to threaten he will trade his freedom to protect his family. The thugs who threatened him should be the ones worrying about their freedom sitting in jail now. (Eric Holder dismissed the case against the Black Panthers who were committing voter intimidation. Nothing will happen to the thugs who threatened Mr. Sola.) Isn’t this exactly the way Hitler’s brown shirts acted in Germany?

Look at what Obama has done to America with his Acorn, Seui thugs, his "snitch on your friends and neighbors, (which he is not soft peddling as a desire to answer objector’s questions and fears) and his hit back twice as hard, and Saul Alinsky tactics. We are the citizens of the United States. Since when do citizens have to live in fear of being “struck back twice as hard” because we honestly point out negative facts about the health plan? This is some sick, sick strategy by the President and his thugs. It is very reminiscent of pre world war II Germany. They are already trying to control “free speech, right of assembly, and books.

They have already succeeded to creating “The Media Black Out about the question of Obama’s presidential eligibility regarding his birth certificate. So people are not exaggerating when they use words that are compared to Hitler’s Germany—incendiary as they may be. The most powerful action against the suppression and oppression of Obama’s dictatorship is to call it what is in clear unvarnished and deadly accurate language. There should be no misunderstanding as to what our words mean when it comes to describing the crimes this government is committing against America. We must immediately go for the jugular vein because time is of the essence.

Whether Democrat or Republican, the government is supposed to be about listening to the people with a servant’s heart. Once Ozero was sworn into office, he was no longer representing only Democrats. He became President to all Americans. It was time for him to stop favoring one over the other.

Obama’s government has it all upside down. They are there to serve the people and not the other way around. It isn't about forcing unwanted, unnecessary programs onto an unwilling public. It also isn't about government being responsible for the 46,000,000 uninsured people in America. Even though Obama proclaims 46,000,000 uninsured people in America is some kind of travesty--that is his biased, hidden agenda opinion. He is only pretending concern for uninsured people. I say it honestly; I could care less about 46,000,000 most of whom are illegal whether or not they are insured. Maybe, you feel the same way? To be honest it is neither the government's nor the people's problem! That is the price of a just system of government under the Constitution as written by our fore fathers! America already has excellent health care for those who worked to earn enough to pay for their own health care. It is the greatest system in the world. Obama wants to destroy it because he wants to control 20% of American business health represents.

Like it or not; recognize it or not, America is at war with its illegal government. I fear for America and for my life that if this health care plan succeeds in getting passed, America the Republic under the Constitution will be ancient history.

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