We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

American are Crime Victims of the Government--as long as Sotoero remains in office

Americans are Crime Victims of Barry Sotoero

To: All the journalist of Fox News
Mr. Bill O’Reilly
Mr. Sean Hannity
Mr. Glen Beck
Ms. Greta Susteren
Et al

Dear Journalists,

The greatest Story in Modern History in America Happening Now Is—Suppressed

America became the greatest country in the world and hope and inspiration to the rest of the world. People from all over the world dreamed, worked and struggled to come to America. So many different people came America became known as “The Melting Pot of the World.” The statement written at the base of the Statue of Liberty, “Giver me your poor. . .” always brought tears of pride to my heart. America was the only country in the world the people could escape the suppression of their own fascist, Tyrannical, dictatorship governments. The dream of America was the dream to rise or fall according to one’s own ability without government interference or piracy. The dream was to succeed!

Many nights I have fallen asleep trying to identify the main factors that made America great from the many, many factors in the total history. Just what is the definition of freedom? What did it mean to the immigrants who so desperately struggled to get here?

Before I fell asleep, they always boiled down to these—the Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. The fountain heads that inspired the wisdom of our fore fathers who wrote these amazing documents sprung from their own deep rooted experiences of the mistakes of governments from the countries from which they or their families came. They all knew what too much government interference, suppression and oppression meant. From the agony of their experience, they wrote the Constitution of the United States. With the completion of the Constitution, they gave us a Republic under one God in a nation for which we can stand. The knowledge of those concepts spread all over the world and drew the oppressed people of other governments to America. From that day to January 20, 2009, we lived under a Republic.

You guys know all this. You guys also know that this is no longer the American Republic under the United States Constitution. If you fail to inform the public who relies upon the news media for complete and honest information you are betraying America.

Fox news is just about the only station I watch to keep up with television news. I tend to depend more on the inter net than television for real honest factual news. It isn’t that Fox, lies—it does not as near as I have observed to date. It is just that Fox doesn’t tell ALL the news. The greatest obvious suppression of the news that Fox and all MSM is practicing is the story of the failure of Obama to prove he is legally eligible to be president under the rule of our Constitution. Is or is not Obama a legal citizen of the United States and qualified under the “natural born citizen” clause in the Constitution to be our legal president? Blood and soil are what it demands.

There are millions of frustrated, angry Americans who are asking this question. There is a very long laundry list that suggests Obama fails to meet the Constitutional legal requirements to be president. There are several legal actions taken against Obama regarding this single issue right now. IE: Quo Warrento filed by at least two attorneys and one private citizen (might be wrong of the private citizen). Run away grand juries that have examined the evidence and filed presentments and/or indictments with the district attorney’s of several states. There are active and retired service men who have filed criminal complaints against Obama for usurpation, treason, and more. The state of Oklahoma filed a huge document against Obama with the declaration of sovereignty from the federal government. WND has begun posting bill boards across the nation saying “Where’s the birth certificate?”

When asked MSM and Fox News fail to answer why it refuses to even mention the words “birth certificate” in the same sentence with Obama, let alone cover a story about it. Instead of answering the many letters and telephone calls requesting the news cover the story, the people who bring this forward are treated like Robert Gibbs treated the reporter who asked him why Obama has never produced a birth certificate. They are hung up upon, ridiculed, accused of being “conspiracy people” or “birthers” (as if the government hasn’t given all us reason to be that way if we are), lied to by being told Obama already proved he is a citizen with the COLB he published on his web site, this is old news, denigrated and generally demeaned and SHUT UP. None of those responses directly confront the GREAT SILENCE OF THE PRESS OVER OBAMA’S CITIZENSHIP.

I watch you guys day after report the latest deed done by Obama’s government that loots, ramsacks, removes, diminishes, and shreds one more American freedom, the Constitution, and the Republic. I listen to Glen Beck promote his 9/12 Project and beg Americans to help restore America to the Republic she once was. I hear Sean Hannity describe the evils of Acorn and voter fraud. I watch Bill O’Reilly’s daily performance pretending to challenge every and any thing negative Obama and his thugs have done. Yet, the great silence about the single most important story of America in modern history is slighted and ridiculed—by O’Reilly. I believe I heard him say in a disgusted voice one time when a slight mention of Obama’s citizenship came forward—“Oh, that’s old news.” (May not have been those exact words, but something like that.)

Mr. O’Reilly, this is not “old news”. To this date (now, not last year) Obama has failed to produce his real birth certificate and other documents to prove he is eligible to be our legal president. Until Obama does so, this story remains alive and now, and will never go away until Obama produces the documents he has spent nearly a $1,000,000 in legal fees keeping hidden. For whatever reasons you or Fox News continue to suppress this story, we may never know, but please, Mr. O’Reilly don’t emulate Robert Gibbs and use Saul Alinsky tactics and denigrate the reality, urgency, currency, and importance of the fact Obama has failed to produce the documents to prove his citizenship and thus his legitimacy as president. You know you are guilty of a “cover up” every time you suppress this story and demean its importance. (Even if you, personally do not believe in its merits, millions of other very sane, rational people do.) How can I or millions like me believe you really care about the stories you report if you fail to tell the greatest story of all? .

Millions of people watch Fox news asking the same question I am asking now. Why don’t you do a story of Obama’s citizenship? Though you brag about your high ratings as a news program, even though you may not misrepresent, YOUR CREDIBILITY IS IN QUESTION BY THE MILLIONS WHO WANT OBAMA TO PRODUCE ALL THE DOCUMENTS HE IS HIDING. These millions are watching Fox news and discussing on the inter net Fox News’s failure to tell the story. You can’t imagine how high your ratings would go if you would just do this one story and give it all the attention it deserves. America wants to know.

Your silence shouts volumes about you and your credibility. Your silence is the very root of suspicion. Who, what or why is shutting you up? All of Europe, Russia, Canada and the Middle East know about this controversy and have reported stories about it. They are laughing at America right now because of the MSM and Fox news cover up on this most vital issue. People want to know who owns Fox news and are they calling the shots.

We patriots who have been following this vital issue since last August 2008 understand the many questions raised about the validity of this issue. We realize the legal, political, and all other ramifications this very sensitive issue can cause. WE also are keenly aware of Obama’s governing style is by intimidation of any and all kinds. America is fighting for her life and may lose. We understand the legal responsibilities all news stations have in reporting false or incorrect information. These are not sufficient reasons to suppress this story since you can cover your legal rears with all sorts of disclaimers. . .

1. “We don’t know how true this story is, but here is what millions of Americans are asking today about Obama’s citizenship. . . .” or

2. “This story does not reflect the view of Fox news but this is what is happening . . .

3. There are several law suits past and present challenging Obama’s presidential eligibility to be president based upon his citizenship

4. A Quo Warrento was served to Eric Holder demanding Obama prove his right to govern.

5. Run away grand juries have been formed and handed the district attorney’s “presentments” stating Obama is guilty of treason for failing to produce all the documents to prove he is eligible to be President. . . . And so on and on.

Our wonderful America has been hijacked. There is a large collection of evidence that indicates the man in the White House is a usurper. Every thing he does as a usurper from the first act he made when he entered the WH can be made null and void, once he is tried and found guilty. Arresting and trying Obama for all his crimes is the salvation of America! The American news media and most of the public claim, he is too powerful to ever be arrested and tried for his crimes against America. Germany once thought way about Hitler. If this isn’t the greatest story in modern history in America, then nothing is. You guys know all this, and I suspect know far more so than even we patriots who ask the questions. The fact of the matter is all Americans are crime victims of Barry Sotoero as long as he fails to prove his eligibility. (Chances are even if he does prove his eligibility, America is still his crime victim.) America has only his and his goon’s words that he is legal. You must break the silence. The future of the American Republic is at stake.

Mr. Beck if you care about saving America as much as you so dramatically claim you do, you should realize the sooner Obama stands up or steps down, the sooner America can began to recover and restore itself.

Therese Daniels

Cc: To any one interested
My mailing list with requests they continue to forward this letter

Published: everywhere possible on the internet

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