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BHO Thugs Making the Innocent Look Guilty--Daily

BHO Thugs Making the Innocent Look Guilty Daily

”You knew you were guilty the first time you sentenced an innocent man,” is what the American judge, Dan Harwood said to the German judge when Judge
Ernest Hanning “Why?”

People who deny specific crimes they commit knowing full well they are guilty ultimately inadvertently pay the price. The price is paid by the invisible master called guilt. Some of the serial killers, who got away with their murders for years, seemed to be very glad to confess to them in the end. Ed Bundy, BTK Killer, Jeffrey Daumer and many others found great comfort in admitting their guilt. They were relieved they were caught. Some even created ways for themselves to be caught so ultimately, they could confess.

The pain of guilt is not limited to just murder. There are all kinds of crimes that bring deep inner misery to those who commit them. Even the most amoral narcissist ultimately suffers from guilt one way or another. Adolf Hitler suffered in many ways from being the criminal he was. He constantly had nightmares and counted in his sleep. He lived in constant fear of being assassinated. Ultimately, Hitler committed suicide to avoid public trial. Some might argue there were attempts on his life so he had reason to fear assassination. I will counter, if Hitler were not guilty of any crimes against his country he would have no reason to fear assassination and thus not suffer guilt. I truly believe O.J. killed Nicole. He managed to get himself in jail. Drew Petersen seems not to suffer from guilt. Let’s see what will be coming forward on that. Guilt is a strange animal.

Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Sotoero knows very well he is not a US Citizen. He also knows very well he does not qualify to be president under the three requirements of the US Constitution. BHO also knows the meaning of serving as president while not being legally eligible to be President. This is also no secret to the many people who surround and have supported him through out his campaign. I suspect George Bush, Cheney, The Clintons, and an army of other people also were aware prior to and after Sotoero’s election. They chose to pretend everything they are doing is perfectly legal, while they betray America.

What boldly confirms my suspicions is the nearly $1,000,000 that Obama has spent in legal fees defending the nearly 100 legal suits that have brought against him regarding this one vital issue. What has rudely awakened me about the entire crooked government is that NOT ONE JUDGE IN AMERICA TO DATE HAS HAD THE SIMPLE JUDICIAL INTEGRITY TO REQUEST OBAMA PRODUCE HIS DOCUMENTS. That’s a whole lot of cover up and a whole lot of truth to keep attempting to shove under the rug to continue pretending to be something he isn’t. That something he isn’t is a legal American President. He knows he is an imposter and usurper. So do all of the above mentioned people know he is a fake, illegal and a usurper. That’s a whole lot of people carrying a whole lot of guilt lying to the American people every day.

What is even uglier is these guilty liars know we the American people know that BHO is not an American citizen and is a usurper. They know that we know that they know the imposter has no legal right to be president and they have to pretend every day they are telling the truth. Everyday they are faced with the disgusting task of attempting to make the innocent look guilty—so they can continue holding their illegally gotten power.

Everything they have politically gained, they have done so by cheating, lying, stealing, violating decency, ethics, and the US Constitution. Now nothing this nest of snakes have gotten from all this today brings them joy. Every thing they have gained is glaring at them and mirroring like a monument to their own rotten character.

Father Jenkins of Notre Dame is guilty far more than just asking Obama to speak at this year’s Commencement. Father Jenkins is especially disgraceful because he has chosen to ignore the most vital question being avoided by BHO. Does Obama even have the right to be president since Obama has failed to prove he is eligible? If Father Jenkins ignored Obama’s abortion policies, it is not surprising he chose to ignore his eligibility issues as well. Thus Father Jenkins has chosen support and honors the guilty while violating the innocent. He has chosen to honor false gods.

It is only a matter of time that Obama’s ill gotten Presidency will become a curse so hideous, he will regret his ambition. BHO will crumble inwardly because he does not have the inner steel to perform for a prolonged period with the hell hounds of guilt snapping at his soul 24/7. Every where he goes, whatever he does, the innocent harmed by his crimes of usurpation are glaring at him. The law suits just keep coming. The innocent are suffocating him. His watch dogs are impotent in their ability to protect his from the hell hounds of his guilt and power of the righteous that refuse to give up their demands until he steps down. I notice, already, Barry is beginning to show signs of breaking down. His looks are rapidly changing. His nest of snakes is being eaten by the same hell hounds. They got what they “wished” for but were never prepared for the enormity or horror of what they got.

Everyday with the full and clear knowledge they are guilty they face America to attempt to make the innocent look guilty. Every day, every heart beat, every breath, every private thought, every denial, every hour, minute, second they know they are guilty and that we know they are guilty while they pay millions to convoluting lawyers to say they are not.

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein
MSM and every one else has got to stop treating BHO as if he is a real President. He is not!

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Comment by Terry Hall on May 16, 2009 at 2:51pm
Jenkins is a butt kisser extraordinaire!



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