We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Blood Of The Martyrs Is The Seed Of The Cause

The Blood of the Marty is the Seed of the Cause! The cause is to restore America to the Republic under the original Constitution.

I see Dr. Alan Keyes as the next Martin Luther King leading all of us to the restoration of American under the mighty Constitution. As much as we don’t want to see any one arrested or harmed –especially for exercising their rights under the US Constitution. We must also recognize that Dr. Keyes and the protesters arrest will do more good for our cause than any thing else that can be done. The arrest of Dr. Keyes and the other protesters will also weaken Obama’s position. Though it is a painful way to go, it demonstrates determination and brings focus upon this and the many other issues we have with Obama and their thuggery.

Dr. Keyes—through his arrest-- is letting the world know---–in spite of the Obama’s thugs denials–that America does not want Obama’s “change”. We, Usapatriots-shout are supporting Dr. Keyes in every way possible. As a person educated by Catholic nuns, I can’t think of anything more disgraceful than having the likes of a thug like Obama giving the Commencement speech at Notre Dame. If there were any decency left Father Jenkins, he would politely ask Obama to not come and find another speaker–like Allan Keyes.

These are strange times we are in. Everything you ever thought was wrong in life is now considered legal, fashionable and good. Like HR 1913—the pedophile protection act. Everything you ever though good is now wrong. Like Ms. California saying she was raised with Christian values and believes in same sex marriage. One by one states are declaring their soveriegnty and their rights to manufacture and bare arms—as long as the guns are not taken across state lines. Never in the past 20 or so presidential elections have Americans been so frightened and misinformed about the new man in the Whitehouse. Is he or is he not a US citizen. Why hasn’t he produced one document to prove he is a citizen and put an end to the controversy? If people are confused, it is understandable. America, to us the greatest country in the world is now made out by our own president to be evil. Protecting America from terrorists in the best way we knew how at the time is now claimed to be torture and our past administration was threatened to be prosecuted.

IN strange times like these, there are going to be a whole lot of protests, tea party and other rallies, marches, petitions for impeachments, letters to attorney generals, grand jury indictments and presentations along with demonstrations of all kinds. These protests may lead to riots. The riots may turn to civil war. The civil war may turn to revolution. A government guilty of a coup de 'etat knows very well there is a mass population who knows it is an illegal government with a usurper imposter President. YOu can be certain it best defense is a good offence. You know very well these criminals will do all in its vast power to make the innocent look guilty. (The Janet Napolitano Homeland Secrity report has already set the most innocous American citizen to be guilty.)

There will be many, many arrests of innocent Americans who have done no wrong save exercise their rights under the US Constitution. There will also be many arrests of people who never even participated in a music concert. The arrests will not stop in public functions. The arrests will infuriate freedom loving Americans. They will come right into your home in the name of HOMELAND SECURITY. The guilty knowledge of the criminals who know very well they stole the American Presidency are preparing well in advance of what they know is inevitable. Why do you thikn Obama is already building his civilian army? Is it to protect who? ? ?

As you read this essay you can be certain Global thieves stealing America are preparing not only to arrest hundreds of thousands of Americans in the name of “threat to the government”---they are preparing to detain American citizens while they steal their private property. Let us not forget, there are many who believe Fema is building camps right now. I for one am inclined to believe it is so. The Bilderberg, Trilateral, the Illuminate, puppet Obama and his nefarious thugs have been preparing to do this for many years. Suceeding in getting Obama in the Whitehouse is their first major step in their large and complicated blue print to steal Amereica. Fortunetly for us, they haven’t completed the total theft of America, yet. It is not too late to take back America and restore America. There are millions who working tirelessly and courageouly at this very moment towards this goal. This is why I broadcast my weekly program and constantly write. I do so while I still can before I-- along with the rest of the patriots may be arrested. Being arrested will be more positive experience of what I believe will really happen to us. I am not afraid. I am at an age where most of my life is behind me. It is my grandchild for whom I fear. At this stage in American history--this is what patriots must do. We must also support Dr. Allan Keyes!

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