We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


The Truth About Political Groups|ATLAH Media Network
Tags: 16 Dec 1773, America, ATLAH, boston, David, england, Groups, Harbor, Indians, James, Manning, Matthew 24, Navahoe, Party, political,
Shipment, taxes, Tea, truth

Sorry, Not meaning to change the subject Everyone! Please check out Mr. Manning's Great point that is not being brought up out of fear??

If you didn't know there was a trial against Obama that is being hushed and he was guilty on 17counts I believe.. In May it was held. Obama said he went to Columbia University
and they found that he lied and another person is also guilty.

heres the vids if you haven't seen them.
Guilty Verdict Press Conference|ATLAH Media Network

Due to the enormous number of
requests for interviews regarding the CIA Columbia Obama Trial, I am
scheduling a Press Conference for Friday, 21 May at 4 p.m. at ATLAH
World Missionary Church, located at 38 West 123rd Street, New York, New
York 10027.

This is after the trial Manning telling congress to do their job!
Congress: Arrest Mr. Obama|ATLAH Media Network

Why did the Media quit talking about the Secrets behind Obama? got me?????

Well we already tore the constitution up.. giving Obama control. So I think anyone should be eligible now even the A Muslim terrorist ....huh OBAMA? which are you? did I hear both? DOH!!

Obama "berry" is not eligible to be President Under Article II in the Constitution!
It states both parents must be "US citizens and the baby must be born on US
Soil or territory (Military Base) etc..
We know his father was not a citizen so null and void..we have a unconstitutional president! He will
not reveal his secrets but if you want to go in as "a civil servant"
your family gets back ground checks and your friends are questioned about
your personality etc...

OBAMA on the other hand got a FREE PASS!! IT WAS A
PLAN! NO one in the media that usually gripes about every thing had his
back!! and defended him like he can do no wrong and he was KING! Never
even questioned it!
Only the moderates and right even mentioned it and took it to trial and the courts over turned the cases... Courts are a

Everyone in the courts and politicians have been bought and are all apart of this "crap left progressive movement"
that was happening while we were in lala land thinking we were safe and free..
only to be found we have domestic enemy's on our own soil like our
founding fathers warned us about! example...... Obama is siding with all
of our enemy's!
and Hurting our friends!

It [education] is favorable to liberty. Freedom can exist only in the society of
knowledge. Without learning, men are incapable of knowing their rights,
and where learning is confined to a few people, liberty can be neither
equal nor universal.
—Dr. Benjamin Rush

"I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe. . . Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter.
From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their
government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that
I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a
confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize
their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing
men, and become the designing men, and become the instruments of their
own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give
them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy."
— Daniel Webster

"When it comes to confronting uncivil and unjust government (as when government steps outside the boundaries drawn around
its power by the written constitutions), education of citizens, by
citizens, will often be for naught
unless that education is coupled with demands on the government by a
critical mass of concerned citizens. As Frederick Douglas said in 1849,
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never
will. Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found
out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon
them; and these will continue until they have resisted with either
words, or blows, or by both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the
endurance of those whom they suppress."




we need him out of office ASAP and we should have enough TV corruption of live footage with OBAMAs
mouth wide open to see if we had a real
supreme court not bent and corrupted he would be tried for perjury and
treason and dealt with like a traitor should! NO one should escape
this mess! every one is accountable for their actions!! ALL 600+ OF

PS: OBAMA you've acted STUPIDLY and I will not apologize LOL!

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