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Peaceful Million Armed Man and Woman March on DC

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Fearless Freep
Peaceful Million Armed Man and Woman March on DC

* Posted by Fearless Freep on January 9, 2009 at 4:39pm
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Two month ago I proposed in my blog (http://patriotslineinthesand.blogspot.com/) that one million armed men and women peacefully march on Washington and put them on notice. If one million Farrakhan (300,000 maybe) supporters can, why can't an honest 1,000,000 NRA and FOAC members and all the patriotic rednecks like myself and many of my friends take to the streets and put the capital on notice we are watching

How can we as a nation look our young adults in the eye and ask them to defend this nation if we ourselves are too fat and settled in to stand up for the Constitution and cover their backs. Screw that. Fearless Freep will take the point. The socialists have no fear of the people anymore and have taken the reins of power by playing the stupid card and dumbed down the youth now for over 40 years. We need to shoulder our 30-06's, shotguns, SKS's and .45 Springfields and march in the streets. With 1million I don't think we need worry about the DC police as long as we are peaceful. The armed forces will stand with us, which is why Obama and the Left hate them.

Conditions now are paralleling Germany in the early 30's more than is comfortable. Obama has taken a page out of Mein Kampf and wants a corps of spies to monitor the population like the Brown Shirts. Had rational Germans banded together and stopped the evil, how many millions would have been spared? Another dangerous parallel is the current economic crisis which has been exaggerated in order to usher in the Fourth Reich. It worked to create the Third Reich. Sadly our president has fallen for another Socialist trap. The next one waltzes in with the end of America as his agenda and the entire Administration is on board. With RINO's in the Senate willing to sell out our rights and the pit viper known as Nancy Pelosi in the House, we are in desperate straits.

These are the most dangerous years ahead for America and more than half the population has absolutely no idea. Aside from stockpiling supplies and the ability to protect what you have, can we sit this out and hope for the best or be pro-active?

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