The Ultra Left inspired concept of Political Correctness is just Fascism disguised as Politeness and Manners. The difference is; True politeness and manners do not have a Diabolical Political Agenda behind them. The actual basis and purpose behind the Politically Correct Movement, is to Propagandize the Ideology of the Fabian Socialists and slowly incorporate it into the subconscious of the public as the only correct and honorable way to interact with Society.
It accomplishes it's hidden goal by brainwashing everyone into the mindset of not objecting to anything it promotes or considers as the only "Truth". So, people would first fear; Ostracizing and Embarrassment, and Second; Legal Action if they don't comply. Look at all the "Hate Crimes", they were crimes before the extra Legislation made them into double jeopardy double punishment crimes and bypassed the Constitutional Protections against Double Jeopardy and Cruel and unusual punishment on a Technicality. Crimes like Murder, Rape, Aggravated Assault Arson etc. were perfectly capable of being prosecuted for what they were.
Why did the Government add extra charges and punishments to them? Was it for the specific reason of making the Main Stream Americans afraid to speak out against them for fear of being publicly called a Racist or Bigot? Ask yourself this; How much of our Vocabulary, and of our Traditions like Nativity Scenes, or any public displays of any Religions except Islam which seems to be immune from this sort of thing, did we lose already? Why is Political Correctness basically aimed at Western Religion and Value Systems? Why isn't it directed against everyone Equally? Why can't everyone see the 'Built in Bias' it contains? In hindsight it becomes perfectly clear that our Nanny Government (think Fabian Socialist Controlled under the Disciple George Soros and Administration crew) did that as a handy way to control the public and block any and all dissent from Americans who still Believe In, and Honor, the Freedoms granted by God, that are Codified in our Constitution. With those little legal issues out of the way or ignored for the 'greater good', it became easy to start to Fundamentally Change everything into an Elitist Controlled Statist System, like the current Administration appears to be doing.
All Freedom and Liberty loving Americans must put aside our differences and unite against the Socialist onslaught by the forces aligned against us. We are being used as pawns in Soros' game to collapse our Nation and remake it in the form of a Fourth Reich, just like the Fabian Socialists want to remake the entire world into. We have run out of time and excuses for not taking back control while we still can. We have to change our tactics from Reactive to Pro-Active with this new Congress starting from day one on the Fifth of January. A solid and Logical Plan of action has to be worked out and agreed on by all the various Activist Organizations who want to Restore the Republic and Return our Government to a Constitutionally Limited Government. Lets get to it!
One of the First things we need to discredit is the Stealth Socialist movement that is labeling itself as "No Labels" and purporting itself to be The Centrist Movement that can bring both Parties together. The Fact is, Conservatives are the true Centrist group in America. That scares the hell out of the Left, because they just lost the Independants who they thought they would always be able to move any way they wanted to move them. The Inaugural meeting reportedly only had Far Left Democratic Socialists and one Republican RINO in attendance but I could not verify that information. The No Labels, are probably the new shock troops for Soros now that most of his existing groups and people have been exposed to the public for what they are
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