Senator or Representative ( Your Representatives Name Here),
Since you are a Senator/Representative from ( Your States Name Here), and the energy crisis is severely hurting your Constituents, I would think you would be up in arms over the gouging the Oil speculators and Concurrent Idiotic Energy Policies are subjecting us to. It makes no sense that prices should rise like they do, especially since Saudi Arabia has increased production to compensate for Libya. It also makes no Logical Sense that we are paying over $( Current Price Here) a barrel for our oil, when the price would fall to around $40.00 a barrel if we resumed total production here in the USA. It would have the added benefit of starving the Islamic Jihad of funds. Ever since the Carter Administration, when Congress closed our most productive oil wells, efficient refineries, and included our Natural Gas Reserves, we have had a running Energy Crisis that is nothing less than Politically Contrived. In fact the steady decline in ( Your State's Name Here), and the rest of the Nation's Economy, can be traced back to that ill conceived idea. We have more Oil Reserves in the Bakken and Anwar areas, than all of the Mid-East combined. That is according to the USGS ( United States Geological Survey) reports. Add to that the known fields in the Gulf of Mexico, the Arctic, and off both Coasts we have enough oil to fuel us at two to three times the current usage rate for an estimated 100 years. So, why won't Congress stand up for America and demand that we utilize our resources, and concurrently develop useful alternate technologies. We need to get busy and build the Nuclear Reactors we need for future electricity demands. The modern Reactors are 10 times safer than the old style breeder reactors were, and the yellow cake rods can be recycled many times with their toxicity reduced every time they are recycled. The Yucca Flats storage area has been certified safe for their disposal with no chance of anyone being able to remove the deactivated rods from the site or for any radioactive material being able to be released into the Eco-System. So my question is; Why is Congress balking at doing what is right for the American Public and Economy and by not taking those actions, Driving the Nation into deeper Debt? Remember, the Country is moving fast towards Conservative Ideals. I want to know what you intend to do 'Specifically', to alleviate the destructive conditions plaguing ( Your States Name Here) and the Nation's Economy because of Ill Conceived, and downright destructive Congressional and Administration Energy Policies?
( Your Name and Title Here).
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