We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

  What Honor and Integrity does the current crop of liars and destroyers in the Obama Administration lay claim to? Are they honoring their sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitution and the United States of America?   
                                                                        I SAY THEY ARE NOT!!!
 What can true Americans do to rectify that situation? I'm open to suggestion short of Armed Rebellion. If the Cass Sunsteins and the Bill Ayers and the Francis Pivens Nefarious Agendas are not stopped up short soon, Free America will be a footnote in the History books. All of the past Patriots who fought and died for the American Dream will have been betrayed by the current crop of 'citizens' who think only of themselves. There is a difference between a 'citizen' and a real Patriot. The 'citizen' reaps all the benefits that their forebears have won by their blood and the sweat of their brows, without the 'citizens' earning them. The Patriot still risks life and limb to make the Republic a workable instrument for all, moving forward into the future and will die for it, if that becomes necessary to preserve it. Americans did not spring from the effete snobs of Europe who used the slave class for their every whim. Americans moved here forsaking Family and country to have the blessings of Liberty and Free Enterprise bestowed on them through their own work.
  Somewhere along the line the Fabian Socialist movement was founded. I for one believe it was created by the 'Royalists' of Europe to regain their lost rank and privilege over the people who they abused for centuries. I also believe that where ever you see an Communist or Socialist form of government you will eventually find the Corrupt Diseased hand of the Fabian Socialists at their inception. We have seen throughout History the failures of that system of abuse of the common man. We have also seen how eventually the common man rises up and tries to exterminate the ones who have so savagely repressed them. Our Forefathers knew the evils of the "Divine Rights of Kings" and waged a successful war against their tyranny.
 We are now in a subtle conflict for the same goals. We are being lied to, and moved backwards against our Freedom and the Principles we were founded on. We must wake up and once again defeat the forces that would again enslave us for their sole benefit. The forces that will  pretend to be our saviors, are more like the minions of Satan, set to wreck a terrible fate on us. They pretend to be the ones who will uplift all of mankind to a level undreamed of by the common man. They lie. They want another slave class established world wide to cater to their every whim, or be executed for not preforming their 'natural duties' to their betters.
  Unfortunately they have enslaved the hearts and minds of our children with their lies and false promises. We few, the last defenders of Liberty and Freedom, must fight until our last breath to defeat the forces of the Evil Elites, who would do anything just to get their way. In plain fact, they care about nothing but themselves, and catering to their pet personal perversions. They would see the world destroyed if they felt they were being thwarted in their desires, and the rest of us would be free from them..

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Comment by M on April 16, 2011 at 11:00am
Catherine, here is a link to what will become an important site very soon.  Check the Records and Ratings of Congress at: ( http://www.conservative.org/congress-ratings/ ) It only lists the 2010 records released in 2011 but will give insight on Republican Rinos & Dems. remaining in the 112th Congress.
Comment by Catherine Linton on April 16, 2011 at 10:28am
Thank you for this information...all the information.  Thank you for your time.  Thank you for your bravery and your relentless American Spirit.



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