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preparing for the 2009-10 Flu Season blog i found good info


Preparing for the 2009-10 Flu Season

You will begin to hear the newscasts warn us all of the approaching renamed "Swine Flu" into the H1N1 Flu. This is a more convenient name for this flu because the Swine Flu has not occurred in any swine. It is also timely because the government can play with the numbers as H1N1 is more readily reported than Swine Flu. It may also be there is no funding to prepare the vast numbers of flu shots our government wants to pump into us. Many people who have come over to the Natural Medicine side of care do so because in some large way allopathic medicine (or AMA medicine) had failed them. After all AMA medicine is largely guesswork, especially in the area of communicable diseases. I belong to a daily watch group called PROMED. I get nightly reports on all infectious diseases occurring in the world that day. PROMED's numbers aren't nearly as bad as the AMA is making it, or the television news is leading you to believe. Our TV stations are doing Americans a terrible injustice to scare them into taking an untried; newly mixed vaccine. In order for a vaccine to be truly viable it has to contain a percentage mix of the last 2 or 3 flu seasons. There is no way to make an updated flu vaccine before the current season, because you need that current flu strain. Beware our government's flu vaccine. It isn't the truth.

Recent news reports as of this morning (7/23/09) that the government is looking for 1,000 volunteers to try a new vaccine. This has no relevance for the H1N1 flu of 2009-10 for the reasons I stated above. It will have nothing in it that can fight the newer current strains. This is very wrong!

Communicable diseases began to be named so along with plagues. Each year we hear from worried young parents asking about the current vaccines. As the federal government and the medical establishment drum into their heads the necessity of mass vaccinations parents are having second thoughts. As more and more cases of autism, mental illness, and other early childhood traumas are documented almost all can be traced back to improperly made and researched vaccinations. As more and more deaths occur we ask ourselves why? The answer. The drug companies. They want money and vaccines are a quick way to get it. Mark up one vaccine by 10,000% and feed it to kids in America, Europe, England and Australia. You're in business for the next few years.

Let's look at vaccines. When an infant is born he/she is protected against the threat of viral or bacterial infections by inherited supplies of antibodies and also by immunological factors (colostrum) they continue to receive in mother's milk. If they were not nursed they can gain that antibody as a treatment from a naturopath. As the child is subjected to various toxins and viral/bacterial insults in it's new environment, food, water, air it's little body will begin building up it's own defensive system, and developing it's own immunological mechanisms. So, natural immunization results when the body is challenged directly by the health-threatening factor(s). If the child's general health is excellent and his natural resistance is high, it will be able to resist the common infectious diseases of childhood. But, if the viral and bacterial insult is stronger than the defensive mechanism, infection will occur--again, the severity depending on the level of the general health and resistance of the child. When an infection occurs the body's natural response is to quickly manufacture antibodies that attack the invading intruder. When the battle is over, and the invader is defeated, the antibodies remain in the system ready to attack and defeat the same virus or bacterium if it challenges the body again--years or decades later. This is called natural immunization. Children also develop this when they play in groups and are subjected to other's colds and winter flus.

Artificial immunization, as advocated and practiced by medical orthodoxy today is based on the premise that the body's immune system can be stimulated to produce active antibodies by injecting them into it weakened live or dead viruses of disease-causing bacteria. The AMA claims this is as effective as natural immunization (which they DO recognize). Artificial immunization is based on the Pasteurian germ philosophy of disease. Pasteur postulated that disease is caused by tiny germs or bacteria. In order to effect a cure one has to find, identify, and eliminate these germs. At the time Pasteur wrote this it was only a hypothesis. However it fit the needs of the medical establishment of the time and especially the newly forming drug companies.

This grossly oversimplified theory has come under question time and again. In fact a contemporary of Pasteru, Prof. A. Bechamp showed the basic element of all organic matter was microzyma. Through an enzymatic evolutionary process of fermentation the microzyma is the precursor of all RNA/DNA as well as viruses and bacteria. Bechamp said that it is the nutritional composition of each cell that either invitesw disease or repells it. It was not popular with the drug companies, but Pasteur plagarized some of this work. He would not recant that, however, until on his deathbed. By then the vaccination revolution had begun, perhaps never to be stopped.

So what should we do? Starting in Aug-Sept. I begin a system of boosting my clients' immunity. We use an immune enhancing tea; extra vitamin C (which causes the body to make it's own immune enhancement); and we take immune herbal tinctures. They are made differently for each person based on their particular condition. I do this by sending out hair samples for chemical constituents. The results come back and the remedies and protocol is made. I am not alone in this. Almost every naturopath does this; so do homeopaths. Legally if you do receive an AMA -sponsored vaccination now, you are supposed to be given a caution sheet that says if you have or have had any neurological problems you are not to take these vaccines; or if you are allergic to dairy products, especially eggs. You are to sign it. Ask for a copy because if you or your child has a reaction you can sue for damages. They do not routinely make a copy for you. If you get this in a pharmacy demand they make a copy for you. Your doctors office should also. Demand it. It's your right! Unfortunately there is also a question of what else this tainted government will mix in with your vaccine. Unless you can get a full syringe and have it assayed we won't ever know the truth. The health-care plan, the rushed timing is very suspect. Somebody needs to see how much our government stands to make on the health of our children.

To find a naturopath in your state you can go to:


To find a homeopath in your state you can go to the North American Society of Homeopaths:


It is so much safer to place your child in the hands of people who have no big drug interests or who wish not to profit on your child's health. Our government right now (Summer of 2009) is no longer able nor can be trusted with our children. Current practices to "rush through" an incomplete vaccine, whose origins are questionable, and that is missing a vital part of the vaccine (the current virus) is unconscionable by a government who should not be in the health-care business.

Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, N.D.

American Naturopathic Medical Association
The Catholic Medical Association
American Herbalist Guild
National Center for Homeopathy
The Flower Essence Society (California)
Worldwide Essence Society



Paavo Airola. Every Woman's Book. Health Plus Publ., Phoenix, Az.

Alain Horvilleur, M.D. The Family Guide to Homeopathy. Health and Homeopathy Publishing, Virginia, USA.

Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas and Rain Forest Remedies. Herbal Research Publications, Mass. USA.

Donald Lepore, N.D. The Ultimate Healing System. Woodland Publishing, Inc. by author.

Elsie Krug and Hugh McGuigan. An Introduction to Materia Medica and Pharmacology. 6th Ed. (1936-51). C.V.
Mosby Company, St. Louis, Mo.

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