We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



By Coach Dave Daubenmire
August 6, 2009

I don’t know if I can get in any legal trouble for what I am about to write but I feel compelled to say what I believe.

In the spirit of full disclosure allow me to say that I do not support Barack Obama. I did not vote for him. In the 2008 election I voted for a man, Alan Keyes, who has a darker skin color than Mr. Obama. So discard the race card.

This is not about race, it is not about political parties, and it is not sour grapes. Anyone who has read my writings knows that I am a political atheist. I believe that the two-party system is a sham and that there really is a dark force at work in the realm of the American government.

That is why I fear for the man in the Whitehouse.

I have no inside information, I’m not a part of any conspiracy, and I certainly wish him and his family no harm. I pray for Obama…that he might give his heart fully unto Jesus as his Savior. I reject violence, even the dastardly war in which America’s brave soldiers are dying for the advancement of Islam.

They tell us that they are fighting for America’s freedom but the truth of the matter is that they are fighting to secure an Islamic Republic every where they are dying. Will Iraq allow Christianity if the war is “won?” Will Afghanistan suddenly become a government with “freedom of religion” once our boys have bled and died all over the Middle East? Or are they fighting and dying for the perpetuation and advancement of Islam? I think the answer is obvious as we continue to “spread democracy” in places where they won’t allow it. But that is a different commentary…

Back to Obama. I wish him no harm…but I fear for him.

The birth certificate issue is not going away. No matter how much the leftist media tries to discredit the “birthers,” no matter how little the “mainstream media” fails to cover it, and no matter how many “conservatives” say that it is a “dead issue,” the wave is gaining strength. Eventually the Whitehouse will be forced to come clean. I pray his citizenship is legit.

Sadly, I don’t think most people have really thought the consequences through. Some hate Obama so much, and love America so much, that they are working hard to see him removed from office. As I often have heard others say, you better be careful what you pray for because you might get it. I’m not sure we are ready for the upheaval that would follow an expose’ of such astronomical proportions.

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