Friday, 16 January 2009 22:23 Mark Lerner of stoprealidcoalition.com
Wait to answer until you have finished this article.
We have been busy continuing to go state to state to ensure our legislation opposing the Real ID Act 2005 is filed and introduced in as many states as possible. We have also included Representative Charles Key's, State of Oklahoma, Tenth Amendment legislation that stands up for states' rights.
In some states we have gone much further. We have proposed legislation that would forbid the collection of biometric samples, biometric data and social security numbers. The only exception to the collection of social security numbers is when the social security number is needed for income or wage reporting purposes. The legislation applies equally to state agencies/departments and to groups/organizations. Further, legislation opposing the use of RFID technology in identification documents and participation in AAMVA's (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators) DLA (Driver's License Agreement) which would create a single jurisdiction of the United States, Canada and Mexico for the sharing of citizens information contained in motor vehicle databases has been filed.
Oklahoma is where we have devoted the most amount of time. In Oklahoma many groups including but not limited to OK-SAFE, OCPAC, Ron Paul supporters, FreedomWorks, ministries and others have joined together to support our full package of proposed legislation. Republicans, Democrats and Independents have come together to support the lawmakers in the Oklahoma House and Senate that have filed proposed legislation. Oklahoma is setting the standard for the rest of the states.
We have some incredible opportunities that require minimum funding, We have a meeting arranged in principle with people on the "Hill" in Washington D.C.. The ONLY reason this meeting has not been finalized is we are working on raising the funding for the trip. We also have the opportunity to meet with the leader of one of the largest and best well known ministries in our country. Again funding is the issue.
Now is not the time to let up. We do not ask for the credit for Real ID being delayed until the end of 2009. Many groups are working with us in our efforts including the ACLU and the ACLJ. We are not interested in glory or recognition. We do believe it is factual to say our efforts have resulted in states opposing Real ID. We also believe no other group has raised the issue of all Americans being enrolled into a global biometric identification system more than we have. Many state lawmakers and others were not aware of AAMVA's DLA until we brought it to their attention. No other group or organization provided the evidence of the federal government using taxpayer money to encourage states to participate in AAMVA's DLA. Our motive is to insure Real ID is never implemented and neither is similar legislation.
We are excited about an opportunity we were able to take advantage of. We are expecting national coverage as a result of a nine hour interview we did with an investigative journalist. This journalist's articles are published in many if not most of the major newspapers in our country. We are looking forward to those article to begin distribution in February.
We want to insure that all people who have followed our work and/or supported our efforts are aware of a new piece of legislation that has been filed in the U.S. House of Representatives. H.R.140 would impose a fine upon a state equal to 2% of specific national highway funding for not complying with the Real ID Act 2005. For each consecutive year such a state would be fined an additional 2%, thus the second year would cost a state 4% and the third year 6% and so on.
We have maintained the DHS and other supporters of Real ID were using coercion to get states to comply with Real ID. The Secretary of DHS is provided the unfettered discretion to add to the restrictions of those who do not have a Real ID compliant driver's license.
Currently, once Real ID is implemented:
a citizen would not be able to fly commercially,
enter a federal building,
or a nuclear facility.
DHS does allow that "alternative" documents can be used, but those alternative documents would also enroll citizens into a single global biometric system. This, for example, is the case with a Real ID compliant driver's license.
H.R. 140 changes the tactics used by Real ID proponents from COERCION to EXTORTION. One must ask, What happened to DHS's position that compliance with the Real ID Act 2005 is voluntary?
Real ID and the proposed legislation to repeal Real ID, S.B. 717 (fox dressed in sheep's clothing) destroy the First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments.
We ask that each citizen understand what the strategy of our government is using to combat not just terrorism but crime in general including illegal immigration.
Our government believes it should have the ability to:
collect all citizen's personal and sensitive information,
maintain all citizen's personal and sensitive information, and
share all citizen's personal and sensitive information globally.
(including biometric samples and biometric data)
Be clear,
we support the brave men and women in law enforcement,
our military, and
intelligence community.
We believe the issue of driver's license integrity is an important issue.
We believe it is the strategy that our government is using to respond to the problem(s) that is flawed.
Consider that the FBI wants to create the world's largest biometric database.
Real ID and similar legislation would allow the FBI to be able to create such a database. DHS is working on a program to be used in real time that would analyze citizen's behavioral characteristics. When you see the words "real time" please appreciate we are speaking about the use of CCTV (surveillance) cameras. In one four year period alone DHS released $230 million dollars for CCTV. States are deploying such cameras at unprecedented levels. In the United Kingdom there is 1 camera for every 12 people. We are following right in the U.K.'s footsteps. Experts have called for a world biometric agency.
We take issue with those that call Real ID a national ID. It is true that Real ID creates a national ID but Real ID goes much further. Real ID standards were adopted from AAMVA, an international organization. The standard for the digital facial image (photo) required by Real ID is the identical standard for photos adopted by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), an agency of the United Nations. The standard for the photo insures all photos on state driver's licenses are facial recognition compatible.
Look we now know many Americans believe if they are doing nothing wrong they have nothing to fear from all the programs/laws/initiatives the federal government is implementing. The fact is biometric technology does not work nearly as well as Americans believe. The largest biometric provider in the U.S. L-1 Identity Solutions and the companies that were brought together to form L-1 have been the subject of lawsuits alleging improper selling of stock by insiders (suit settled), making false claims of success of numerous occasions, an SEC investigation that lasted nearly two years (results not made public or brought to the attention of Congress) and providing their facial recognition technology to the Chinese government through an intermediary knowing the technology potentially was wanting to be used by Chinese authorities to identify dissidents. We are asking Congress to order L-1 to stop the transfer of the facial recognition technology to governments such as China. We also believe there is good reason for Congress to investigate some of the contracts Viisage Technology, L-1's predecessor was awarded by the federal government. Viisage Technology also had a contract award overturned for using deceptive practices. This is a company, L-1, that we are all being told to trust.
Do Americans, do you, want to live in a surveillance society?
How many Americans are familiar with fusion centers?
Fusion centers were created in order that local, state and federal authorities had a "tool" to use to investigate terrorist activity. These fusion centers are now in most states. They are comprised of local, state and federal authorities. It should not surprise anyone that fusion centers have gone far beyond what Congress intended. Records are being kept on non-terrorist activity including everyday misdemeanors. Data is being collected and shared that has nothing to do with terrorist activity.
Consider that in one three year period alone the FBI issued 143,000 NSL's (National Security Letters). Many were later determined to be illegal by the IG (Inspector General). The IG went on to say he believed the FBI has issued many more than he, the IG was informed of. When the IG informed the FBI that information gathered from illegal NSL's should be wiped clean from databases the FBI refused to comply.
The NSA's (National Security Agency) illegal acts have been widely documented. Many are aware of the illegal wiretapping. Most Americans are not aware that just over a period of one weekend the NSA collected the credit card information of nearly 250,000 Americans.
It is not our intention to lay the blame on specific people and/or agencies.
We believe the majority of people tasked with protecting us are good, hardworking and dedicated people.
We believe it is the culture that has become corrupted.
What we present is fact. We do not say or state anything that we cannot substantiate. We present this factual material widely from Senators and Representatives to committees and groups. If you believe our government (federal, state and/or local) have not used CCTV surveillance cameras, facial recognition technology, database mining, and other tools simultaneously you would be wrong. We document multiple incidents of these behaviors over a prolonged period of time.
We are aware that many Americans now realize that international organizations and multi-national corporations have more influence on our lawmakers than citizens or states do. Do you really want your every move to be watched by authorities? It won't matter whether you are in your hometown or in Paris, France. Your facial image will be able to be captured with the use of CCTV and facial recognition. A person or persons behind computer monitors will be able to access multiple databases and then make subjective determinations as to whether or not your are more or less likely to present a threat. The presumption of innocence is gone. Regardless of what your religious convictions are, Do those convictions call for you to be enrolled into a global system of identification where your ability to buy and sell is controlled by those that demand you enroll into such a global biometric identification system?
Another major point we ask that you consider-Terrorists will not have to blow up buildings or fly airplanes into buildings. All a terrorist organization has to do is compromise any of the databases that we are creating and linking. There is no need to recount all the database compromises that have taken place over the years. Identity theft is already the fastest growing crime in the U.S.. An Air Force Colonel tasked with analyzing our cyberspace capabilities is on record as stating we have no credible deterrent to cyberspace attacks. We are setting ourselves up for economic chaos. Hundred's of thousands of cases of identity theft literally overnight. Millions of cases over a short period of time. Our economy would come to halt. The results would be catastrophic. THIS IS WHY WE BELIEVE THAT THE CURE IS WORSE THAN DISEASE.
Collecting, maintaining and sharing any and all information of Americans and allowing that information to be shared with foreign governments is a certain recipe for disaster. Do you want your information shared with foreign entities? Under AAMVA's DLA your information can be shared with all the districts of Mexico/the Mexican government. Many of these districts/states in Mexico are controlled by narco-terrorists. Mexican and other countries cartels and gangs have infiltrated their respective country's governments. Islamic extremists have infiltrated many governments and agencies of governments including our own.
We support the efforts to know as much as possible about terrorists, terrorist sympathizers and those that assist in fund raising for those that are involved in terrorists activities. We vehemently the wholesale collection of all citizens personal and sensitive information.
If we need more law enforcement and intelligence people then they should be hired. We should, instead, be focusing our attention on terrorists, not citizens of our country that have nothing to do with terrorists or terrorist organizations.
We know many of you believe current polices have been effective in stopping a terrorist attack on our soil. Please consider terrorists attacks can take years to develop. Eight years passed between the first attack of the World Trade Center in 1993 and the attack that took place on 9/11/2001.
There are those within our own intelligence community that believe terrorists organizations are putting cells in place within our country that would allow for repeated attacks over a prolonged period of time. The first thing we should have done to protect our country is protect or secure our borders. We have failed miserably at doing so. Our borders remain wide open. There is no substitute for a thorough inspection of people and goods that enter our country. Roughly only 5% of the shipping containers that enter our country are inspected. Consider it has come to the attention of law enforcement and our intelligence officials that people from the Middle East with Arabic names moved to countries such as Venezuela and Mexico then received legal name changes and authentic government documents/identification. We don't know how many people from the Middle East used this deceptive practice or for how long this practice was taking place. What we do now is some of these people who got legal name changes entered our country illegally and legally unbeknownst to our border and customs agents that the people coming into our country are of Arabic descent not Hispanic. There is no substitute for securing our borders and doing a thorough inspection of people and goods that cross our border.
The states are more than capable of insuring they issue driver's licenses with document integrity. They do not need the federal government to mandate that state driver's licenses must meet international standards. States have the capability to verify/authenticate documents produced to obtain state driver's licenses. Yes, federal funding and cooperation would be needed. That is not the same thing as saying the federal government should be involved in forcing states to meet international standards for the issuance of STATE driver's licenses,
Protect our nations sovereignty, our Constitution, states's rights and your own right to representation. We ask that you support our efforts. Do not believe if you do not someone else will. We have a viable alternative to Real ID. We have been working with vendors to create a new network, one not reliant on AAMVA. We have also been working with a security software vendor to insure the network we propose is a secure as possible and at least as secure as AAMVA's network. Knowing that no network is ever going to be totally secure we are advising lawmakers to only require limited information be maintained in databases. Real ID allows people in our country illegally to be issued driver's licenses. This practice is tantamount to the federal government sanctioning people entering our country illegally.
We need your help and your financial assistance in order that we can continue to expose Real ID for what it is. We believe we have a proven track record of success. Without you, each of you, we would not and will not be able to do what we do. Please use the Donate Now Button on our web site (top left hand side of our homepage, Donate Now button) to donate using PayPal. Otherwise, email us at stoprealid@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if you wish to donate in other ways besides PayPal. There is no time to wait-
Thank you.
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