Posted by greg on January 20 2009
Not satisfied with the current mechanisms of control already in place, a new piece of legislation has been proposed that will further impose more unconstitutional regulations on people who only wish to defend their life, liberty and property by owning a firearm. Extended News The terrorists in the federal government are continuing to destroy any freedom and liberty that might be left in this country. Now that the Democrat faction of the one party system has a majority in both houses of Congress and will shortly be in control of the executive branch, we can expect a different agenda of enslavement and dehumanization to be implemented. One of these agendas will be the continued destruction of the Second Amendment. Not satisfied with the current mechanisms of control already in place, a new piece of legislation has been proposed that will further impose more unconstitutional regulations on people who only wish to defend their life, liberty and property by owning a firearm.
House Resolution 45 or the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 introduced by Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL) is essentially a national firearm licensing program that will place all sorts of unconstitutional requirements on people attempting to obtain a firearm. The rationale behind this bill is that they believe it will reduce gun violence in the United States. This is of course ridiculous because criminals will never go through any licensing process in order to obtain a firearm. It will do nothing to protect people and in fact it will cause gun violence to go up because people will have a more difficult time obtaining a weapon for self defense. The bill is named after Blair Holt a high school student who was killed by gun fire on a bus. Maybe if somebody on the bus had a weapon to defend themselves from the lunatic who boarded the bus shooting people, Blair Holt would still be alive today. Instead, this idiot Representative from Illinois believes that by making it more difficult to obtain firearms, violence will go down and that we will save children. The very opposite is true, which makes Representative Rush an ignorant fool. This bill will make people like Blair Holt less safe.
Let’s look at some of the major sections of this bill.
Section 101 outlines licensing requirements. The licensing requirements mandate that it will be unlawful for anyone to possess a firearm unless they have a license certified under the legislation. Unless you are a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer or licensed collector you will not be able to own a firearm. State firearm licensing and record of sale systems must be certified under section 602 of the bill.
Section 102 of the bill outlines the application process of which an individual needs to go through in order to obtain a firearm. These are just some of the things an applicant will be required to submit to the Attorney General’s office in order to obtain a license.
- Current passport-sized photograph.
- Name, address, and date and place of birth of the applicant.
- Thumb print.
- Certification attesting to the completion at the time of application of a written firearms examination which shall test the knowledge and ability of the applicant on the safe storage of firearms, the legal responsibilities of firearms owners and any other subjects the Attorney General determines to be appropriate.
Section 103 of the bill describes the issuance of the firearm license which will be in the form of a tamper-resistant card that contains the information of the licensed individual. Each license will be good for 5-years.
Section 104 of the bill describes the renewal process which requires the licensed individual to submit an application not later than 30 days before the expiration of the license.
Section 105 of the bill gives the Attorney General the authority to revoke a license from an individual if they are no longer qualified to possess a firearm.
Section 201 of the bill states that it is unlawful for any person to sell, deliver, or transfer a firearm to any person who is not also licensed under the requirements in the legislation.
Section 202 of the bill requires that firearms dealers submit sale or transfer reports that include information such as the manufacturer of the firearm, model name of the firearm, serial number of the firearm, the name/address of the individual who transferred the firearm to the transferee and other assorted information. It also mandates that 9 months after this bill is signed into law that the Attorney General establishes and maintains this record of sale system.
Section 301 of the bill amends U.S. Code so that all individuals who seek a firearm license are subject to a universal background check requirement.
Section 302, 303, 304, 305 of the bill makes it illegal to, fail or maintain inspection of records for licensed manufacturers or licensed dealers in accordance with section 202, to fail to report a loss or theft of a firearm, to fail to provide a notice of change of address if you have a firearm license and places additional restrictions on anyone under the age of 18 coming in contact with a firearm.
Section 401 provides penalties including jail time for failing to comply with their ridiculous licensing procedures, background checks and child access prevention regulations.
Section 402 mandates that the Attorney General issue regulations governing the licensing and recorded sale of firearms.
Section 403 gives the Attorney General the power to conduct inspections during regular business hours at any place where firearm products are manufactured, stored or held for distribution in commerce.
Section 404 allows the Attorney General to prohibit the sale or transfer of any firearm that they find to be in violation of the Act itself.
Section 405 allows the Attorney General to bring an action to restrain any violation of the Act in the district court of the United States for any district that the violation has occurred.
Section 501 mandates that the Attorney General establish and maintain a firearm injury information clearinghouse to collect, analyze and disseminate information relating to the causes and prevention of death and injury associated with firearms.
Section 601 ensures that the federal law overrides state laws on firearms that might be weaker than what is contained in the bill itself. If a state has regulations or prohibitions in greater scope of the bill, than that is OK.
Section 602 allows the Attorney General to certify any firearm licensing system established by states.
There are other sections, but that covers the major portions. This bill is entirely unconstitutional because it places unreasonable restrictions on law abiding citizens who wish to own a firearm to protect their life, liberty and property. Let’s take a look at the text of the Second Amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment states that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This legislation like other gun control laws infringes upon the people obtaining firearms for self defense purposes. The bill also gives a ridiculous amount of power to the Attorney General to setup a national firearm licensing program. The Attorney General will have the final say on if somebody gets a license to own a firearm or not. It gives the states no latitude unless they wish to impose greater penalties and wider encompassing rules and regulations than this bill requires.
Unfortunately, since the Democrats will have control over the entire legislative branch and executive branch, this gun control agenda is something they will surely try to ram through in short order. Not that there isn’t any difference between the Republicans and Democrats as it is really just a one party system, but this is one agenda that we can expect to see pushed through as this is one part of the enslavement agenda that Democrats typically have tried to push in the past.
The bottom line is that any sort of licensing program for things like driving, owning firearms and what not is against the principles of freedom and liberty. Honestly though, one has to consider what they will propose next. Are these clowns in Washington DC going to start proposing licensing programs for baseball bats, knives and power tools to keep us safe?
It is the right of a law abiding citizen to drive, own a firearm and participate in other activities that do not infringe upon someone else’s liberty without obtaining a license from a government that is run by a bunch of terrorist scumbags. The government goes around looting taxpayer money and sending the military to the other side of the world to kill brown people for the sake of empire and domination. With that said, why would anyone in their right mind believe that this law is to keep us safe? The people who run the U.S. government hate us and that is why they are trying to take firearms out of the hands of the average person. Representative Bobby Rush is a fool and his legislation is entirely unconstitutional. If this bill is signed into law Rush will be responsible for the deaths of more children because he will have made it more difficult for people to defend themselves. Bobby Rush is an anti-American piece of trash. He should be removed from office and tarred and feathered publically.
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