We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

RED ALERT NATIONWIDE Global Governance is Here

Global Structure and the transformation of America


  • Department of Homeland Security - Bank Box Seizures-Are your metals safe?
  • 250 Delegates from 180 countries called to DC - never before in history - Why?
  • Govt. coming after your IRA/401(k). New legislation confiscation updates - AIG?
  • IMF calls for replacement of U.S. dollar as world's reserve currency!
  • All state pensions are collapsing. When will your state pension go broke?
  • CBO issues advisory for 150 cities to default on their municipal bonds. The great bondmarket crash of 2011
  • Raising the debt ceiling- April 2011 and how this will lead to a meltdown
  • New bill transfers liabilities from the Federal Reserve to the American taxpayer
  • Understanding the crisis in the Egypt. The coming war in the Middle East!
  • Internet "Kill Switch" in the hands of President Obama
  • Currency collapse is now imminent. Social Chaos - Martial Law. Government is preparing
  • Collapsing the system by design - The New World Order


Red Alert: Stage I

Conditions deteriorating. China & Russia renounce U.S. dollar. QE2 is unleashed. Dollar index 72.00- 82.00. Collapse is imminent.

Red Alert: Stage II:

New and significant geopolitical tensions surface, declining economic reports published, and/or new legislation has been passed. Dollar at 72.00 or below on the dollar index.

Red Alert: Stage III:

Dollar has reached 55 on the dollar index. Hyperinflation (inflation rate at 100% or more) has set in. Dollar is devaluing rapidly and is becoming worth less. Price inflation soars. Currency is officially revalued by the government. Food shortages, riots, and crime increase.

Red Alert: Stage IV:

Hyperinflation destroys purchasing power of currency. Inflation rate doubles on a daily basis. Social chaos arrives. Martial law is invoked. Currency is worthless and is no longer used. A barter system takes over while global governance issues a new currency.

1. Currency change is on the way

2. 250 delegates or ambassadors called home from all the US Embassies through out the world for conference which concluded on 2/4/11. This was done by Hillary.

3. Economic system is being collapsed by design

4. IRA and 401k (de-privatatization)--will be deposited back into the Treasury and will send you a periodic check. Upon your death ownership will revert BACK to Treasury. (Taking something that doesn't belong to them, AWAKE NOW?)

5. Government wants our IRA and 401Ks to shore up their spending and those investments are worth TRILLIONS

Kirk Elliott PHD:

Plan A was that the EURO was supposed to replace DOLLAR but EURO is collapsing so Plan B is being implemented by International Monetary Fund...as soon as they cook it up. International settlements use the Dollar. Inflation is coming rapidly...48 out of 50 states pension funds are belly-up...(go to work for the gubmint, right)

Invest in precious metals even if you have to pay minimum house payment and use the rest for metals instead of paying off existing debt.

Stewart Rhodes, Oathkeepers:

1. Need to make sure military police will honor Constitution. Martial law is unconstitutional and do not let anyone convince you of anything different.

2. No longer have militia, need to form some and that IS Constitutional.

3. Active duty FOREIGN troops are INSIDE the USA.

4. Fed govt. is preparing for economic crash. Martial law and FEMA camps will be used.

5. Ft. Stewart is the training facility for Domestic Deployment (I assume that is where the foreign troops are too, although Stewart did not say) BTW this is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL....foreign troops on our soil means WAR, this is my insertion....

6. There will be NO security at local levels - none. So need to form neighborhood watches NOW. Be prepared for 24 hour duty to take place of police we will not have and rioting and looting. People do take when they get hungry.

Dr. Richard Davis, Patriot Storm (suethefed.com):

1. Rolling black-outs in CA NOW due to shutting down of coal burning plants.

2. Economy collapsing by design and from within.

3. Federal Reserve is a government owned entity, it is private. FR is owned by foreign interests and has not been free market since 1913.

4. It is the largest criminal organization on planet.

5. ELITES are now being called "predator" class

6. 28 Trillion dollars have been stolen in last 18 months. Money given to banks, bailouts and foreigners.

7. Media is NOT reporting ANY of this...

8. Destabilization is planned.

Tim Cox from Texas (tim@goooh.com) GOOOH--Get Out of Our House : http://goooh.com/

1. This org is not a third party--it is a process.

2. website GOOOH.com

3. Need 435 new men and women in DC


Stock market is being manipulated by stimulus money, that is why right now the market is holding steady. No reason it should be steady except for this.

With Clinton, Bush and Obama we have had the same systemic problems

Martial law is Unconstitutional and is a declaration of war on We the People.

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