We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

"Arbeit macht frei" is a German phrase meaning "work brings freedom" or "work shall set you free/will free you"


This is up for a vote on Tuesday.

When "volunteerism" becomes required, then it is no longer volunteerism. It becomes slavery! Here is the link to the bill:
H.R. 1388:

This is the equivalent of brown shirts and the "Arbeit macht frei" It has provisions for youth as well as seniors and everybody in between. This bastard (Hussein) has got to be stopped! It's all in the Saul Alinsky book too.

Obama Requires YOU to SERVE, H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to reform the National Service HR 1388, will hit the House floor on Tuesday. It is called the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (The Give Act.) The House is scheduled to Rule this week. Sponsored by Democrat Representative Carolyn McCarthy (NY), Education and Labor Committee. The objective is to reauthorize and reform the national service laws.

Democrat Rep. McCarthy is sponsoring the bill with 25 co-sponsors, ALL Democrats, including Charlie Rangel. Need I say more. Latest Major Action: 3/11/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 34 - 3.

The Government has the right to require individuals to give 3 years service under the guise of “volunteer” service. It talks about uniforms and “camps.” They revise the word “camps” and call it “campus.” There is language about Seniors and Community organizations.

Above the gates as you enter, it says: Arbeit Macht Frei, work will you free. Man is capable of such wrong doing in the name of a cause, again and again through out history a charismatic man promises eutopia at the cost of abhorrent acts as a means to it.

Some language in the Bill is particularly disturbing like:

“leverage Federal investments to increase State, local, business, and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges;

encourage national service efforts to address pressing national challenges, such as improving education for low-income students, increasing energy conservation, and improving the health, well-being, and economic opportunities of the neediest individuals in the Nation;

expand and strengthen service-learning programs through year-round opportunities, including during the summer months, to improve the education of children and youth and to maximize the benefits of national and community service, in order to renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit of community to children and youth throughout the United States;

increase service opportunities for our Nation's retiring professionals

encourage members of the Baby Boom generation to partake in service opportunities

Civilian Community Corps shall be called the "National Civilian Community Corps"

the Director determines appropriate "Uniforms"

Take note of the Miscellaneous Section (Title VI) of the Bill. Very Strange!!!

Sec. 601. Amtrak waste disposal. -Sec. 602. Exchange program with countries in transition from totalitarianism to Democracy.

Here is the Obama spin on it: http://edlabor.house.gov/blog/2009/03/the-generations-invigorating-... This is an article from the Department of Education and Labor.

I am concerned about “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This Bill doesn’t sound like FREEDOM to me no matter how you dress it up.


(a) In General- To the extent consistent with the number of students in the State, territory, or Indian tribe or in the school district of the local educational agency involved who are enrolled in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools, such State, Territory, Indian tribe, or agency shall (after consultation with appropriate private school representatives) make provision--

(1) for the inclusion of services and arrangements for the benefit of such students so as to allow for the equitable participation of such students in the programs implemented to carry out the objectives and provide the benefits described in this part; and

(2) for the training of the teachers of such students so as to allow for the equitable participation of such teachers in the programs implemented to carry out the objectives and provide the benefits described in this part.

(b) Waiver- If a State, Territory, Indian tribe, or local educational agency is prohibited by law from providing for the participation of students or teachers from private nonprofit schools as required by subsection

(a), or if the Corporation determines that a State, Territory, Indian tribe, or local educational agency substantially fails or is unwilling to provide for such participation on an equitable basis, the Chief Executive Officer shall waive such requirements and shall arrange for the provision of services to such students and teachers. Such waivers shall be subject to the requirements of sections 9503 and 9504 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7883 and 7884).

Please contact your Elected Officials and demand that they oppose HR 1388.

Senate http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

House http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW_by_State.shtml

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