Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.
“We are not going to let this country be invaded!
We will not be stampeded!
We will not capitulate to lawlessness!
This is NOT business as usual.
This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.
Texas Governor Urges Lawmakers to Act on Immigration Reform: ‘This is Your Moment’!
6/21/18 11:30 AM Amy Furr
In a letter written Tuesday to all members of the Texas delegation, Texas governor Greg Abbott pushed leaders to end the separation of families at the border and begin reforming the broken immigration system that continues to pose problems.
“Texans, and Americans, need our delegation, both Republicans and Democrats, to lead Congress in ending the rhetoric and ensuring results,” he wrote.
“Time spent talking to microphones is time lost talking to members about solutions. You sought your office to do big things. This is your moment. Seize it.”
Former Dallas County mexicano sheriff Lupe Valdez who is Abbott’s Democratic opponent, criticized the governor in a statement, which said Abbott has “silently condoned this inhumanity,” and claimed he was refusing to act.
On Tuesday, Republican state lawmaker Jason Villalba accused Abbott of being “controlled by his fealty to the president’s myopic vision of America,” adding “he is frightened like a feeble squirrel from taking action. It is time to act. NOW. Governor Abbott. Can you hear me?”
The letter written by Abbott stated that the last resort to “patch up our flawed immigration laws” is “the one provided by the Constitution: the legislative path.”
However, President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that he says will preserve family units.
“It’s about keeping families together while ensuring we have a powerful, very strong border!, I think the word ‘compassion’ comes into it. My wife feels strongly about it. I feel strongly about it. Anybody with a heart would feel this way.” the president told reporters.
On Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) proposed a bill titled "The Protect Kids and Parents Act" that mandates immigrant families be kept together in order to protect children against abuse and trafficking.
“The Protect Kids and Parents Act focuses on solving the current problem: it stops family separation, except in situations where it is necessary to protect the health and well-being of the child, and doubles the number of immigration judges and expedites the process by which we handle asylum claims by families who enter our country,” Cruz stated.
“I hope that my Democratic colleagues will join with us to stop the crisis that is occurring at the border!”
Former Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection officials Nate Bruggeman and Ben Rohrbaugh wrote Wednesday that the “current proposals — whether banning family separations or expediting the legal processing of apprehended migrants — fail to address the source of the crisis.”
“The debate over how to respond has been dominated by the extremes. At one extreme are those who want migrants to be punished, ignore our obligations to asylum seekers, and see the migrants as a threat.
At the other extreme are many liberals, "who want anyone who arrives at the southwest border to be able to enter the United States and stay", unless they subsequently commit a crime.”
According to Bruggeman and Rohrbaugh, neither of these approaches will work because they are inconsistent with the legal and humanitarian obligations of the United States.
“We should face reality: A large number of Central Americans have legitimate asylum claims and will continue to come to the United States.
The U.S. government needs to allow them to do so safely and lawfully, and in a way that does not profoundly disrupt border management and security operations.
Specifically, 'instead of waiting for refugees to show up at the border',
the United States should process asylum claims in Central America and then bring people with valid claims directly to the United States.”
Florida: America’s Jihad Playground!
6/16/ 2016 Michelle Malkin
The home of the “Happiest Place on Earth” has been breeding killer jihadists and Muslim zealots for years.
Omar Mateen, the cold-blooded mass murderer who gunned down 49 people at an Orlando gay nightclub and wounded 53 more before police took him out late Sunday, may have worked alone. But he operated in the larger context of a teeming, terror-coddling paradise.-- Florida.
While tourists from around the world soak up sunshine and dreams at Disney World, islamic extremism festers around them!
The muslim Students Association, founded by the radical Egyptian muslim Brotherhood whose stated purpose is to wage “grand jihad” on America, is active at the "publicly funded" University of Central Florida in Orlando.
The group defiantly brought un-indicted terror co-conspirator Siraj Wahhaj to campus. He’s the black muslim convert and inflammatory imam tied by federal prosecutors to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and New York City landmarks bombing plots.
Wahhaj served as a character witness for convicted terror mastermind Omar Abdel Rahman (the Blind Sheik), called for replacement of America’s
“constitutional government with a caliphate” and roots for our nation to “crumble” so muslims can take over! UCF funded a muslims “da’wa” (conversion) seminar and with an endowment by the Saudi-supported International Institute of Islamic Thought sought to create an Islamic Studies chair to “help the Ummah regain its intellectual and cultural identity and re-affirm its presence as a dynamic civilization.”
The IIIT, also a muslim Brotherhood affiliate, donated at least $50,000 to a “think tank” run by Sami al-Arian that served as a front group for the Palestinian islamic Jihad. While al-Arian, a Muslim Brotherhood member dating back to the 1980s, served as a computer science professor at Tampa’s University of South Florida, he toured the country raising money for terrorism overseas.
Investigative reporters and the feds caught al-Arian on tape inciting his attendees against, America, Israel “and their allies until death.”
The left-wing academic pleaded guilty to a terror-fundraising conspiracy charge in 2006.
Al-Arian brought Palestinian-born Ramadan Shalah to teach at USF and head his “think tank” for a spell. Shalah left the school in 1995 and resurfaced as head of Syria’s islamic Jihad. "He remains one of the FBI’s most wanted indicted terrorist fugitives!"
Apologist officials at USF, first exposed by counter-jihad researcher Steve Emerson as America’s “Jihad U,” turned a blind eye to the terror helpers among them.
Mateen’s homicidal hatred for gays didn’t exist in a vacuum. Mateen’s neighborhood mosque in nearby Fort Pierce, Florida, was also the house of worship of Moner Abu-Salha, an American jihad recruiter and suicide bomber who blew himself up in Syria last year. The Palm Beach Post reported this week that Abu-Salha had posted videos of an imam’s death-to-gays rant on Facebook.
Marcus Dwayne Robertson (a.k.a. Abu Taubah), a former U.S. Marine turned career criminal and bodyguard to the Blind Sheik, headed another mosque, Masjid Al-Ihsaam, in Orlando. He also founded the Orlando-based Fundamental islamic Knowledge Seminary in 2008 and railed against gays and non-Muslims. Mateen was enrolled in Taubah’s course.
Just weeks before the Pulse nightclub massacre, another Orlando mosque, the Husseini islamic Center, hosted a guest imam who had preached that “gays must die” and that muslims should not “be embarrassed about this … let’s get rid of them now!” *** NOT A TOTALLY BAD IDEA! LOL ***
Also in Orlando, the al-Rahman mosque led by Imam Muhammad Musri made headlines in 2010 after holding a fundraiser for the terrorist group Hamas.
In Tampa, Sami al-Arian founded the al-Qassam mosque named after an infamous Syrian terrorist. Last fall, the mosque — owned by the North American islamic Trust, an un-indicted terror co-conspiracy organization — invited an exiled muslim Brotherhood instigator and Hamas cheerleader to speak.
In South Florida, the Darul Uloom Institute mosque in Pembroke Pines counted al-Qaida jihad pilot Adnan el-Shukrijumah (allegedly killed in a raid in Waziristan by the Pakistan military in 2014) and convicted jihadist Imran Mandhai — who plotted with fellow mosque attendees Hakki Aksoy and Shueyb Jokhan to blow up power stations, synagogues and a National Guard armory — among its worshipers.
Shukrijumah’s brother still lives in Broward County near the Darul Uloom mosque and has posted social media videos condemning “moderate” muslims, blaming 9/11 on Jews and promoting the caliphate. Darul Uloom’s imam is a queer-bashing, Christian-bashing, Jew-bashing bigot who has publicly stated that at least one of the 9/11 hijackers prayed at his mosque.
Florida’s prisons and penitentiaries are unfettered cesspools for jihad radicalization and recruitment.
Convicted al-Qaida dirty bomb plotter Jose Padilla (a.k.a. Abdullah al Mujahir) was introduced to islam while serving time for an armed road rage incident in Sunrise, Florida. The above-named Abu Taubah radicalized nearly 40 fellow inmates while behind bars on a weapons conviction. He was freed last summer by U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell after time served. "despite prosecutors’ pleas to add 10 years to his sentence based on enhanced terror charges".
Gun-grabbers and bleeding hearts, wake up and stop playing Mickey Mouse politics!
The problem isn’t weapons. It’s the weaponized muslim hate-mongers and jihad enablers operating openly in our midst.
Mexico’s Immigration Law: Let’s Try It Here at Home
5/8/2006 12:00 AM J Waller
Mexico has a radical idea for a rational immigration policy that we Americans would love.
Mexican officials haven’t been sharing that idea with us as they press for our Congress to adopt the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform bill.
That’s too bad, because Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue.
Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.
At a time when the Supreme Court and many politicians seek to bring American law in line with foreign legal norms, it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the U.S. look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve our illegal immigration problem.
Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:
1. in the country legally;
2. have the means to sustain themselves economically;
3.not destined to be burdens on society;
4.of economic and social benefit to society;
5.of good character and have no criminal records; and
6.contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
The law also ensures that:
A. immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
B. foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
C.foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
D foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
E.foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
G.those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
Who could disagree with such a law? It makes perfect sense.
The Mexican constitution strictly defines the rights of citizens — and the denial of many fundamental rights to non-citizens, illegal and illegal.
Under the constitution, the Ley General de Población, or General Law on Population, spells out specifically the country’s immigration policy.
It's a reasonable law!, and one that should cause us all to ask, Why is our great southern neighbor pushing us to water down our own immigration laws and policies, when its own immigration restrictions are the toughest on the continent? If a felony is a crime punishable by more than one year in prison, then Mexican law makes it a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.
If the United States adopted such statutes, Mexico no doubt would denounce it as a manifestation of American racism and bigotry.
Now let’s look at Mexico’s main immigration law.
Mexico welcomes ONLY foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society!
1.Foreigners are admitted into Mexico “according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress.” (Article 32)
2.Immigration officials must “ensure” that “immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents. (Article 34)
3.Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets “the equilibrium of the national demographics,” when foreigners are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when “they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy.” (Article 37)
The Secretary of Governance may “suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest.” (Article 38)
Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:
Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request, i.e., to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Article 73)
A National Population Registry keeps track of “every single individual who comprises the population of the country,” and verifies each individual’s identity. (Articles 85 and 86)
A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants (Article 87), and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number (Article 91).
Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned:
1. Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned. (Article 116)
2. Foreigners who sign government documents “with a signature that is false or different from that which he normally uses” are subject to fine and imprisonment. (Article 116)
3. Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:
4. Foreigners who fail to obey a deportation order are to be punished. (Article 117)
5. Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. (Article 118)
6. Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison (Articles 119, 120 and 121).
7. Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico — such as working with out a permit — can also be imprisoned.
Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony.
The General Law on Population says,
1.“A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally.” (Article 123)
2. Foreigners with legal immigration problems may be deported from Mexico instead of being imprisoned. (Article 125)
3. Foreigners who “attempt against national sovereignty or security” will be deported. (Article 126)
4. Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under the law:
5. A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison. (Article 127)
6. Shipping and airline companies that bring undocumented foreigners into Mexico will be fined. (Article 132)
All of the above runs contrary to what Mexican leaders are demanding of the United States. The stark contrast between Mexico’s immigration practices versus its American immigration preaching is telling. It gives a clear picture of the Mexican government’s agenda: to have a ONE-WAY immigration relationship with the United States.
Let’s call Mexico’s bluff on its unwarranted interference in U.S. immigration policy. Let’s propose, that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) member nations standardize their immigration laws by using Mexico’s own law as a model.
Mother Whose Son Was Tortured to Death by an Illegal Alien: Our Family is Permanently Separated!
6/22/18 Katie Pavlich
President Trump held an event at the White House Friday afternoon honoring American families who are the victims of illegal alien crime.
"These are the American citizens PERMANENTLY separated from their loved ones. The word you have to think about is 'permanently,'" Trump said with parents holding photos in memory of their children behind him.
"The news media has CONVIENTLY overlooked their stories."
"For years their pain was met with silence, their plight with indifference, but no more!" The White House
A number of family members spoke and told devastating stories about their loss.
Ray Tranchant tells POTUS and VP of losing his 16-year-old daughter Tessa in 2007 to an illegal alien drunk driver.
As POTUS listens, Juan Pina tells of losing his 14-year-old daughter Christy Sue Pina in 1990. Says her alleged killer finally extradited last month from Mexico.
Angel mom at POTUS event: "I didn't drag him over borders, through deserts, I didn't place him in harm's way. I protected my child from harm, but I couldn't do that on 7/12/12." Angel Father speaking at POTUS event talking about his son's death: "This is permanent separation! For his birthday, I go to his grave. We set up a Christmas tree on Grant's grave....I wish some of our media had the same integrity as our president, our vice president."
At White House, mother whose son Josh was tortured and killed by illegal immigrants tells potus: "We weren’t lucky enough to be separated for five or ten days. We’re separated permanently. Any time we want to visit our son, we go to visit our cemetery." Gabby Morrongiello 6/22/18 1:50 PM
You can watch the entire remarks in their entirety below. --->
A Deeply Moving Story About Charles Krauthammer.
6/22/18 Guy Benson
Like many conservatives, I'm bereft at the loss of Charles Krauthammer, an irreplaceable giant of political commentary! His audience has been well aware of his prodigious intellect and mastery of words for many years.
As tributes began to pour in following Krauthammer's recent announcement about his terrible prognosis, many Americans have gleaned new insight into the other element of the man that made him truly extraordinary:
His uncommon kindness. One illustration of his character stopped me in my tracks and moved me to tears yesterday, shortly after news of the Pulitzer Prize winner's death was publicly reported.
It was relayed by a journalist at Time magazine:
In October 2016, my dad met Krauthammer and Robert Reich at a thing in Washington. I'm not sure exactly what the thing was, but they chatted for awhile after. My dad got a photo.-- Nash Jenkins
Until I saw that photo, I'd had no idea that Krauthammer was in a wheelchair. I just knew him as the pundit that conservatives of an older generation, like my dad, revered. Nash Jenkins
Jenkins goes on to write that he investigated why Krauthammer was confined to a wheelchair, discovering the account of how the then-medical student was paralyzed in a diving accident as a young man.
"How sad," Jenkins recalls thinking at the time. A few years after that photo was taken, Jenkins' father suffered a devastating injury while surfing. Dad was and remains paralyzed from the chest down. Doctors told him very candidly that he'd never walk again.
For my sisters and me, those first two weeks remain foggy, those memories are shrouded in a patina of grief, confusion, fear, and, in my case, jetlag as I'd flown back from Hong Kong once we realized the severity of the injury.
"But what I do remember is the email Charles Krauthammer sent my dad,"
he writes, reproducing that email in full:
Dear Mr. Jenkins,
I heard about your accident. I'm so sorry. I enjoyed meeting you last year and am deeply sympathetic to your new and most harrowing situation. As you know, I've been there. I know full well how difficult things are at the beginning and often how hopeless they seem. I also do know what's possible. And it turns out to be quite a lot.
I don't pretend it's everything. But a good and productive and deeply enjoyable life is possible.
What it required in my case, was the simple determination to keep going in the direction I was headed. I found that I could do psychiatry and then a journalism career at a totally even par with my colleagues.
Your accident is occurring much later in life than mine. I was 22. Which presents its own challenges.
On the other hand, you have so many years of experience and much respect and admiration from friends, colleagues and family accumulated over a lifetime. They will serve you well and help you through what will, at first, be significant challenges.
I write you because I know the challenges firsthand. I know how discouraging they can be initially. But I also know, with absolute certainty, that they can be accommodated and even overcome and that a good life is possible.
I'm fully aware of how terribly discouraging it is to have to put in twice the effort for gains that seem so meager at the beginning. But I can assure you that it can be done. And then it is rewarded.
I don't mean to sugarcoat things. Life is more difficult with a spinal cord injury. But the obstacles are not insurmountable.
I know this is all scant consolation, and it is not really meant as that. It is simply meant to give you a different perspective on your future.
Mine is from the rearview mirror. I know what actually can be. I also know that, for me, so soon after your accident, it is prospective -- you are looking into a future that is necessarily unclear to you. I wish only to assure you from my own experience of 45 years post-accident that it can be a very good life indeed!
I hope this is helpful. I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Charles Krauthammer
~~Jenkins' moving conclusion:
"There is no playbook for coping with spinal cord injuries. They're statistically rare. Support networks are limited at best. But in a year that has been defined by uncertainty and emotional exhaustion, that letter has meant the world to my dad and to us! I always wanted to thank Mr. Krauthammer for that, and am ashamed that I never did. It was a voice of lucid hope at a time when my family needed it more than anything! I will always be so grateful for it.
Anyway, I'm a wreck now, as I've been for much of the last twelve months but who's counting? lol
Monday marks a year since my dad's injury and I love him so much. I guess I don't really care about his politics right now — there will be others to eulogize and critique. I'm writing this because Charles Krauthammer knew what to say at a time when virtually no one did, and he took the time to say it, and it meant so so much!"
Charles' runaway bestselling book was called, "Things That Matter".
Well, this mattered. He mattered! Rest in peace, Dr. Krauthammer.
I'll leave you with an homage that the great thinker would likely have treasured most: He really loved the game and going to that ballpark!
Moment of silence for krauthammer at nationals Park tonight.- 6/21 /18
I admired him. Who didn't? He overcame such adversity and was an inspiration. He was measured and fair!
Whether I always agreed with him or not, he fascinated me by both his intellect and his dry wit. RIP
New Poll: Guess Who the Majority of Voters Blame for Family Separation at the Border?
6/22/18 Katie Pavlich
Despite President Trump signing an executive order allowing adults to be detained with children after crossing into the United States illegally, the outrage over his administration simply enforcing the law continues.
According to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports, the majority of voters are holding illegal aliens accountable for the current separation crisis, not Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement or President Trump.
Most voters blame the parents of the separated children at the border for the latest illegal alien crisis, not the federal government.
When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54% of Likely U.S. Voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 35% believe the federal government.
To help understand the current political debate over the children issue, a closer look shows that 82% of Republicans and 56% of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law!
60% of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law.
While the President's executive order allows children to be detained with adults,
'zero' tolerance prosecution for entering the country illegally continues.
In the meantime, Congress is working on a number of immigration bills in an attempt to fix the problem. The House is expected to take a vote Thursday, with moderate and conservative Republicans split on a number of illegal alien issues.
WATCH: clinton and obuma Said It Couldn’t Be Done.
The White House released a video showcasing the miraculous economic growth that Democrats like killary clinton and barry obuma never thought was possible.
The results are stunning, and thankfully, they were wrong!
comey Under Investigation.
6/18/2018 Source: TTN
In a bombshell reveal on Monday the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, confirmed that he IS, in fact, investigating james comey.
The IG is looking into how he handled classified memos relating to his interactions with President Trump.
According to The Daily Caller:
Former FBI director james comey is under investigation for mishandling classified information, DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz revealed Monday.
He is specifically under investigation for his handling of memos he wrote about interactions with President Trump while FBI director.
Grassley: "Is the IG investigating comey's handling of his memos about Trump?"
Horowitz: "Yes, we're investigating it and will produce a report on it."
— Sean Davis 6/18/18
“Question number one, Mr. Horowitz, are you investigating the handling of his memo and does that include the classification issues, and should comey expect a report when it’s complete?” Grassley asked.
“We received a referral on that from the FBI. We are handling that referral and we will issue a report when the matter is complete, consistent with the law and rules that are–a report that’s consistent and takes those into account,” Horowitz responded.
It is alleged that comey used a private server for classified info. Similar to the crimes he was investigating killary clinton for.
Judge refuses to dismiss mom’s lawsuit against public school for children’s lessons proselytizing for Islam, promoting conversion to islam.
6/22/18 By Pamela Geller
Good news. There should be no proselytizing for any religion in public schools, let alone one that calls for our destruction. These pubic school courses teaching the shahada, the five pillars of Islam and other promotions of Islam (dawah) are a violation of the establishment clause. They are not teaching similar religious instruction for Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Bahai, Zoroastrian, Buddhism et al. It’s a society sickness — this prostrating before Islam.
Chatham schools in New Jersey are doing just that — proselytizing for islam and using materials that “call to the children” to convert.
There is no study of islamic history and its 1,400 years of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements.
New Jersey mom Libby Hilsenrath is suing the Chatham School District and Board of Education because her son was required to accept lessons and homework assignments in his seventh-grade World Cultures and Geography class that contained “religious teachings of islam presented, not as beliefs, but as facts.”
Hilsenrath particularly objected to an assignment to view what she described as a “conversion video” posted on YouTube that she claims is “an explicit and direct call to the children for conversion to the religion of islam.”
“This conversion video, replete with biased, chastising statements encouraging the students at Chatham Middle School, including (her son), to follow the quran and become muslim, concluded with a direct and explicit call for the children to convert to islam,” she alleges in thecomplaint. The video, the complaint reads, ended with: ‘May God help us all find the true faith, islam. Ameen.”
“This ruling comes as no surprise, said Kate Oliveri, an attorney for the Thomas More Law Center who is handling the case. “The motion to dismiss was a further attempt by the school district to bully and silence Mrs. Hilsenrath.
The school district ignored the legal standard and ignored the facts, attempting instead to fool the judge with a poor attempt at sophistry.”
This disgusting headline by is indicative of what we are up against by leftist authoritarians.
"Mom says, N.J. school tried to make my kid muslim. Judge says, Go to court."
By Allison Pries, NJ Advance Media for, June 21, 2018:
A federal judge on Wednesday refused to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a Chatham mother who says the school district forced her son to watch Islamic conversion videos and ignored the study of Christianity and Judaism.
Libby Hilsenrath filed the lawsuit, on behalf of her child (identified as C.H. in the suit), against the Chatham School District and Board of Education, as well as the superintendent, assistant superintendent, middle school principal, Social Studies supervisor, and two Social Studies teachers.
Judge Kevin McNulty said in the decision, on a motion filed by the school district’s attorney to dismiss the lawsuit, that the “untested” scenario merits further exploration.
“As a lawsuit, this matter may present controversial issues,” McNulty said in the 9-page opinion issued June 13. “As a motion to dismiss, it does not. There will be opportunity enough to consider the substantive issues when evidence has been developed in discovery and the facts have been developed.”
McNulty also advised the two sides to talk about reducing the number of defendants in the case.
“They may wish to focus in particular on the necessity, and the pedagogical ramifications, of retaining the two defendants who are middle school social studies teachers,” the judge wrote.
An attorney for the Chatham School District did not return a call for comment.
“This ruling comes as no surprise, said Kate Oliveri, an attorney for the Thomas More Law Center who is handling the case. “The motion to dismiss was a further attempt by the school district to bully and silence Mrs. Hilsenrath. The school district ignored the legal standard and ignored the facts, attempting instead to fool the judge with a poor attempt at sophistry.”
The Thomas More Law Center is a national, non-profit conservative Christian law firm based in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Hilsenrath filed the lawsuit in January on behalf of her then-12-year-old son who was taking a World Cultures and Geography class at Chatham Middle School during the 2016-2017 school year.
The boy was forced to watch two videos and do a worksheet that promote and advance the islamic religion under the threat of lower grades, she alleges in the suit.
An “Intro to islam Video” and “The 5 Pillars of islam” were assigned for students to watch at home, without supervision, and did not include a disclaimer that the content does not represent the views or opinions of the school district, the lawsuit says.
Students also had to do a fill-in-the-blank version of the shahada, the islamic conversion creed and prayer, which contained a link to a webpage that explains “the ease with which they could convert to become muslim,” the lawsuit says.
First, the mother is right and chose bravely not to bow to this fetid school's capitulation to Islam.
Second, the judge, finally someone in the judiciary has the chutzpah not to bow to this indoctrination program that is obviously sponsored and endorsed by the politically correct progressives in the administration and faculty of this public school.
Third, what about the other parents whose children are being proselytized? Undoubtedly, they are boneless, or pro-islam or fear being branding Islamophobic.
I hope she wins, gets a large payout for the mental anguish, and damage, caused by those school employees who mentally damaged her child. Those school employees should be fired, along with the supervisors who approved of it.
Chatham schools are some of the best in New Jersey and in the USA. Chatham is 90 % white Christian, and there are few Jews living there. These hyper liberal teachers whom endorse Islam thought they would get away with this, and this parent was able to bite them in the butt. If this is what is going on in Chatham schools, I don’t want to imagine what is being taught in lesser ranked schools, unfortunately we already know.
I also believe that there should be NO proselytizing in our schools of degenerative behaviors (sexually or otherwise), especially one-sided proselytization for the LGBT lifestyle (curricula provided exclusively by alphabet-soup groups like GLAAD, GLSEN, HRC and PFLAG, one, more or all of which are affiliated directly or indirectly with NAMBLA and are fronts for child molesters, pedophiles, pederasts, human traffickers, child pornographers and certain other classes of sexual predators) and the contribution of and to the delinquency of minors by inducing them (by threat of lower grades) to engage in sodomy with other students of same "genders" - all as a prelude to convert them to homosexuality or even transgenderism. The prostrating by school districts before LGBT extremist demands, including special accommodations for "trans" people, is just as repulsive, stomach-turning and destructive, not to mention detrimental to our individual freedoms, as the one-sided Islam proselytization. How many of those children have been molested by these so-called "teachers," anyway? Go pass by one of those free USB recharging stations when one of those "Youth Pride" ads come up to see what these sickos are doing to our children in the name of "diversity." Things like this are what set off repulsion in other parts of the world and the view that we as a nation and a society are a cesspool of decadence with no regard for the well-being and best interests of the children. Judeo-Christian values see children as a precious resource, to have their innocence preserved as much and as long as possible; Greenwich Village/San Francisco/Fire Island "values," by contrast, see children as nothing more than fresh meat to be despoiled, deflowered and taken advantage of sexually and otherwise, their moral compass shattered and their being plunged headfirst into an abyss of depravity, degeneracy, perversion and degradation - to say nothing of having them surgically and physically mutilated, disfigured and deformed to advance that sick ideology.
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