We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 26, 2018 at 8:16am
Dress It Up However You Want, A Mandatory Buyback Is Confiscation.
5/25/18 by Tom Knighton
When a gun grabber starts talking about bans, most know they need to be careful. You can pass something like the Assault Weapon Ban of 1994 and be OK, but you don’t want to go much further. You definitely don’t want to tell Americans they can’t have guns they already purchased, that they have to turn them in. That’s a gun confiscation, and that’s never a good idea!
But they all don’t. Take anti-gun zealot Rep. Eric Swalwell.
You see, Swalwell is trying to use a bit of rhetorical slight-of-hand to hide his confiscation desires. This was on display when Tucker Carlson took him to town recently.
Townhall‘s Beth Baumann transcribed the takedown, and it pointed out just how disingenuous Swalwell is being.
Tucker quoted that part of Swalwell’s OpEd and asked him, point blank, if he was calling for gun confiscation. In typical liberal fashion, Swalwell said it wasn’t gun confiscation.
Carlson: So you’ve talked about Russia but you’ve also become known for your position on guns and you’re one of the very few Democrats I think who’s been honest about that. You say that the U.S. government ought to ban a certain type of rifles. You wrote a piece about this. It’s not a secret view you have. You wrote it in USA Today. And you say this: ‘…we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons. We should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.’ So we should confiscate this entire class of firearms? What do you think would happen if the federal government tried to do that?
Swalwell: Well, Tucker, did you read the OpEd?
Carlson: I did. I just quoted from it extensively.
Swalwell: I’m not calling for a confiscation. What I’m saying is we should invest in buyback, that we should restrict any weapons that aren’t bought back to gun clubs, hunting clubs, shooting ranges. Keep them there, where it’s safe. Not on our streets. And if you were caught, just like you were caught, you know, with drugs, or anything else, or they have probable cause to go in your home and you have one of these weapons, yeah. You’d be prosecuted. I’ve never suggested sending troops out and collecting and confiscating–
Carlson: Okay, I’m going to quote an old friend of mine called Eric Swalwell. He’s a Congressman from Mexifornia, on the intel committee—
Swalwell: Yeah, he’s a good guy.
Carlson: Put it back on the screen for me. I’m just going to quote once again. ‘And we should buy back those weapons.’ And I’m quoting, ‘we should criminally prosecute all — criminally prosecute any who refuse — choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.’
So, you’re going to prosecute people who don’t give up their weapons. That’s gun confiscation!
Swalwell: If they’re caught with them, yeah.
Sounds like gun confiscation to me.
But Swalwell does understand that he can’t use that phrase. That particular term is loaded all to hell and back in this country. It’s something many people have vowed to go to war over, after all.
So he tried to pretend that it’s not gun confiscation. He uses phrases like “buy back” to mask the reality that it’s a case of either give up the guns or become a felon.
What he’s doing is hiding behind what he thinks of as a nuance. He’s not actually calling for troops to go door to door and search of people’s guns, so he feels like he’s not actually talking about confiscation. Maybe he knows what he’s saying and is hoping the American people are too stupid to understand it. He’s a politician. It could go either way.
But his rhetorical attempts at trickery don’t change the reality. “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in” is only better than jackboots knocking on your door at three in the morning, demanding entry so they can take away all your firearms when it comes to convenience. It’s still an abridgment of our liberties.
Swalwell can pretend he’s not talking about confiscation all he wants, but he’s either a liar or an idiot, or both and we can all see it.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 26, 2018 at 1:03am

NOTE: 2014
Mexican Military Helicopter Flies Into U.S., Shoots at Border Patrol Agents, Flies Back.
Jun 27, 2014 Katie Pavlich
According to a local news report from KVOA News 4 out of Tucson, Arizona, at least one Mexican military helicopter crossed into the United States early Thursday morning, shot at Border Patrol agents using lethal force and then flew back to Mexico. Once the helicopter was back on the ground in Mexico, an apology was issued.
"The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents. The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation," Border Patrol Tucson Sector Union President Art del Cueto told KVOA News 4 in a statement. "The agents were unharmed.
The helicopter went back into Mexico. Mexico then contacted U.S. authorities and apologized for the incident."
U.S. Border Patrol Spokesperson Andy Adame issued a similar statement and said the incident is under investigation.
According to a recent story in the Washington Times, armed Mexican soldiers regularly cross over into the United States, which prompt stand offs and altercations with U.S. Border Patrol agents!
According to Homeland Security numbers, there have been 300 incursions by Mexican police or troops since Jan. 1, 2004.
The Mexicans were armed in slightly more than half of those incidents, totaling 525 people.
There was a verbal or physical altercation between U.S. authorities and the Mexicans in 81 instances — totaling 320 Mexican police or troops.
Despite those regular occurrences, the use of force in this case against U.S. Border Patrol agents is highly concerning.
An immediate explanation is in order from the Mexican government.
Meanwhile, Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is still rotting in a Mexican jail.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 26, 2018 at 12:55am

Navy Grads: You Are Now Part of the Mightiest Fighting Force in the World!
5/25/18 Katie Pavlich
President Trump traveled from the White House to Annapolis, Maryland Friday morning to give the commenement address for the 2018 U.S. Naval Academy graduating class.
"You are now leaders in the most powerful and righteous force on the face of the planet: the United States military," President Trump said to a stadium filled with 30,000 people. "Each of you will make your own mark on the Navy, the Marine Corps, the military, and the history of our great nation...There is no hill our Marines can’t take and there is no stronghold the SEALS can’t breach.
There is no sea the Navy can’t brave."
"Together you are the tip of the spear, the edge of the blade and the front of the shield defending and protecting our great country!," he continued. "America is the greatest fighting force for peace, justice, and freedom in the history of the world."
The president joked about the football rivalry between Navy and Army, then proceeded to ask if they were "sick of winning yet."
He also informed the cadets that hundreds of new ships are on their way and said the days of depleted military funding are over.
"No money for the military? Those days are over!," he said. “We know that the best way to prevent war is to be fully prepared for war.”
Near the end of his remarks, the president said he was told he would stay and shake hands with the top 100 graduates. The number was limited for the sake of time. He turned to the crowd and asked if he should stay to shake hands with all of the cadets, which totaled more than 1000.
"What should I do?!" he asked.
After chants of "Stay! Stay! Stay!" he made the decision to stay and greet every cadet receiving a diploma.
"Together there is nothing America can't do. Absolutely nothing!," Trump said. "We are all in for America like never before. We are all in for our great country!"
“Strive for excellence, live for adventure, think big, dream bigger, push further, sail faster, fly higher, and never, ever stop reaching for greatness,” he concluded. “As long as we are united with the same mission, the same purpose, the same patriotic heart, we will win because we are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God.”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 26, 2018 at 12:47am

Is This the Worst Judge in America?
5/26/18 Timothy Meads
John Adams must be rolling over in his grave. The great founding father from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts once said, “We are a government of laws, not of men.” Today, it seems that some of his Bay State successors have all but
forgotten Adams’ words.
Perhaps most neglectful of the rule of law is Superior Court Judge Timothy Feeley. His latest legal rulings have been so egregious that Massachusetts state legislators and hundreds of concerned citizens are calling for his impeachment.
The Commonwealth’s Gov. Charlie Baker even weighed in on the subject. Judge Feeley’s wisdom, or lack thereof, in recent months has let a officer killer, a heroin kingpin, and a sexual predator roam the streets after proving to be public threats! Why did Judge Feeley let these men go? In short, because he felt like it.
Yesterday, 200 people rallied outside the Ruane Judicial Center in Salem, MA to protest Feeley’s decision regarding convicted drug dealer Manuel Soto-Vittini.
The rally, organized by local radio talk show host Jeff Kuhner, came a week after Massachusetts representative Jim Lyons filed a resolution to impeach Judge Feeley. For Rep. Lyons, Judge Feeley's ruling on Soto-Vittini was the last straw.
Manuel Soto-Vittini was arrested in June 2015 after police found 40 bags of heroin hidden in various departments in his car. According to Salem Police, Soto-Vittini was not a small time crook! He was a central figure in the Salem drug trade! This drug trade led to 21 deaths in Salem directly from opioids like heroin in 2017. That number pales in comparison to the 2,016 who died from opioid overdoses bought by addicts purchased from criminals such as Soto-Vittini through out last year.
But Judge Feeley did not view Soto-Vittini as a criminal. In fact, the judge saw Soto-Vittini as a family man who was trying to provide for his family by making money.
As noted by Julia Maganis of Salem News, according to Feeley, Soto-Vittini posed no threat because he was not an addict himself.
"This was basically a money crime," Judge Timothy Feeley concluded, rejecting a prosecutor's request for one to three years in state prison. "This was not a drug addict who was dealing to fund his own addiction," Feeley said, "but rather, a person who made some terrible judgments and decisions, but made them for what he thought was in the best interest of his family."
Furthermore, Soto-Vittini is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic. Had he been convicted, Soto-Vittini could have been deported. But, in Judge Feeley’s eyes, this would have been disastrous for his family.
So, instead of giving Soto-Vittini jailtime, the judge gave him two years worth of probation. Thus, he could avoid deportation.
Prosecutor Kristin Buxton harangued the judge for his jurisprudential malfeasance.
"Now the court exercises its discretion to help him avoid deportation," said Buxton, who also told the judge she "could not disagree more" with the judge's rationale.
"This was not a one-time incident," said Buxton, noting police reports that stated Soto-Vittini was making near-daily drug deals. "It's clear ... he was in the ongoing business of dealing heroin," the prosecutor said.
The prosecutor continued, saying that a person's immigration status should not be a considering factor in a case such as this.
“I think it’s a dangerous view to take,” Buxton added, “that being someone who is not a U.S. citizen is somehow mitigating when you’re talking about dealing a very dangerous substance!, He was in the ongoing business of dealing heroin.”
As if letting a known drug dealer walk the streets in the midst of opioid epidemic was not bad enough, Feeley has also made other terrible decisions that have endangered innocent citizens.
In 2016, a sexual predator named Daniel Beauvais was arrested for abusing a girl when she was between the ages of 10 and 12. He originally was held without bail and was described as a "serial sexual abuser." For some reason, Judge Feeley "decided to release Beauvais on a GPS bracelet and $100 bail, over the objection of prosecutors."
While the pervert was out of jail, he racked up three counts of witness intimidation. It was only then that Judge Feeley revoked Beauvais' bail and brought him back into custody.
Then, just last month, Judge Feeley reduced the bail of John Williams from $10,000 to $5,000. Williams had been arrested on gun charges.
Williams while out on bail, traveled up to Maine where he subsequently killed a police officer.
He led a manhunt throughout New England before being captured.
Again, Feeley went against the recommendation of prosecutors.
His decision resulted in tragedy that could have been avoided.
Judges often give bail on different terms than the recommended amount. Sometimes it is more, sometimes it is less.
But it is rare that a judge constantly makes such a bad decisions!
Judge Feeley was nominated in 2008 at age 58 by Gov. Deval Patrick. Under Massachusetts law, Superior Court justices can hold the position until they are 70 years old.
Or they can be removed through impeachment if they are proven to be incompetent. *** WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT? ****
Now thanks to the aforementioned Kuhner and Rep. Lyons, people are taking a stand against his terrible decision making that seems to be devoid of any legal reasoning other than his mood of the day.
Rep. Lyons started a petition on change.org calling for the impeachment of Judge Feeley that has amassed more than 7,000 signatures.
At the rally against Feeley in Salem, folks like Chris Carpenter who have lost loved ones to drug over doses spoke out against the judge. “To just put someone back on the street like that, it’s just a total injustice and we’re never going to stop this epidemic if we don’t do something about it,” said Carpenter.
Gov. Baker said that Feeley's decisions were “ridiculous and an outrage,” but stayed away from saying whether or not Feeley should be impeached.
New England radio icon Howie Carr is not very hopeful that Judge Feeley will be impeached. Carr recently wrote, "So now a handful of Republican state reps introduce a resolution to impeach Feeley and remove him from the bench.
As of Friday night, they had rounded up exactly one Democrat co-sponsor — Colleen Garry of Dracut. "One"! Out of more than 120 Democrats in the House."
"That’s how serious the State House is about doing something to stop this plague," he added.
If there is anybody still reading and not understanding why Feeley should be removed, perhaps the host of the talk radio show the Kuhner Report on WRKO can explain it best in a recent article he authored.
"The evidence is overwhelming: Feeley has no right to be sitting on a court bench!," Kuhner said. "He is not just soft on crime. He poses a serious, mortal threat to the safety of every law-abiding citizen in Massachusetts. He is actively aiding and abetting the worst criminals in our society—drug traffickers, police killers and child molesters. He needs to be held accountable and removed from office!"

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 26, 2018 at 12:27am

Armed Bystanders Stop Shooter in Oklahoma.
5/25/18 Cortney O'Brien
When one man walked into an Oklahoma City restaurant and started shooting Thursday night, two armed bystanders were ready and waiting to stop him.
The gunman, Alexander Tilghman, shot two people inside Louie's On The Lake, a restaurant located on Lake Hefner.
The two victims, a woman and a female juvenile, underwent surgery but are going to survive. Another person was injured trying to escape.
When the gunman walked back out into the parking lot, two armed people, Juan Carlos Nazario, 35, and Bryan Wittle, 39, shot him dead!
Lake Hefner shooting update: A man walked into the Louie’s restaurant and opened fire with a gun. Two people were shot. One person has been taken to a hospital with serious injuries. A bystander with a pistol confronted the shooter outside the restaurant and fatally shot him.- Oklahoma City Police
Social media users were shocked to find that media were running the story sans editorialized headlines.
At this point, a motive is still unknown. In a new message Friday morning, the Oklahoma City Police Department announced that the three individuals who were injured in the restaurant are "in good condition."
The police are investigating the incident. They "have no reason to believe this is a terrorist type of incident,” according to police spokesman Capt. Bo Matthews.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 26, 2018 at 12:04am
~~~~The New Job Crooked Killary Wants. ~~~~
05/25/2018 by: TTN Staff
killary clinton was recently asked a question about which company she would like to run. Hilariously she stated it would be Facebook.
Yes, that Facebook, because of the news platform behemoth that it is.
According to NTK Network.
Failed presidential candidate killary clinton told Attorney General Maura Healey (D-MA) that she would like to be CEO of Facebook, while receiving the Radcliffe Award at Harvard on Friday.
“If you could be a CEO of any company right now, what would you choose?” Healey asked.
“Facebook,” clinton quickly answered.
“Most people in our country get their news, true or not, from Facebook,” she said.[ “It really is critical to our democracy that people get accurate information on which to make decisions.”]
killary thinks she is the person for the job that would keep fake news out of the hands of the American public!? **** WHAT A HYPOCRITE!! ****
Don't worry, we are laughing too!

image: https://structurecms-staging-psyclone.netdna-ssl.com/client_assets/...
The New Job Crooked Hillary Wants
By Government of Thailand (Hillary Clinton เข้าพบนายกรัฐมนตรี) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

POLL: Did The Obama White House Purposely Spy On Trump?

Hillary Clinton was recently asked a question about which company she would like to run. Hilariously she stated it would be Facebook. Yes, that Facebook, because of the news platform behemoth that it is.

According to NTK Network.

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told Attorney General Maura Healey (D-MA) that she would like to be CEO of Facebook, while receiving the Radcliffe Award at Harvard on Friday.

“If you could be a CEO of any company right now, what would you choose?” Healey asked.

“Facebook,” Clinton quickly answered.


“Most people in our country get their news, true or not, from Facebook,” she said. “It really is critical to our democracy that people get accurate information on which to make decisions.”
Apparently, Hillary thinks she is the person for the job that would keep fake news out of the hands of the American public. Don't worry, we are laughing too.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 25, 2018 at 11:35pm
Trump Insider EXPOSES NeverTrump Inside The Government.
05/23/18 Source: TTN by: Donny Bomenabori
Robert Wasinger, a Trump insider, and veteran of politics recently came out hard, exposing all of the people in high-level government positions looking to take down Trump from the inside.
Robert Wasinger:
In an interview with Breitbart, Wasinger gave America an inside look who's working within to impede the Trump Presidency:
Wasinger first cites Brian Hook, a supporter of obuma's Iran Nuclear Deal who organized NeverTrump efforts in 2016. "Before he came to the administration, he founded the John Hay Initiative, which instituted a NeverTrump letter that went out that was signed by a lot of people,” Wasinger noted. “He didn’t sign it, but he’s there pushing these agenda items that are completely at odds with what the president campaigned on and what the president wants to do.”
Not sure if I should congratulate Mike Pompeo on being sworn in as our next secretary of state or corrupt Carrie Cabelka on turning another year older. Time to dump the never trumpers at state.
He also cites Carrie Cabelka, who according to Wasinger, "She reduced virtually all of incoming Trump appointees salaries while giving herself a huge campaign bump.” Wasinger suggests that these people are being given more power behind the scenes to keep Trump supporters from powerful positions. "Carrie Cabelka’s the tip of the spear in keeping out our people and getting in establishment career types. You know, quite frankly, we campaigned against them.
I think the president should set up a basic test.
I think people that work for him should have at least voted for him.
I just can’t imagine what that these people did. These people are disloyal, they’re working against him on a daily basis!"
Lots of cleaning up state department but fellow kansan Mike Pompeo is up to the job. Good place to start is firing corrupt hack Carrie Cabelka in White House Liaison office!
She gave herself a fat 40k raise and worked to cut everyone else's salary while impeding POTUS's agnda.
Wasinger also named Susan Thornton, a career State Department official hired by Calbelka, does not support the president's approach on North Korea, and is trying to project a different message. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) spoke out against her effort to let North Korea keep part of their nuclear capability.
This is why I will do all I can to prevent Susan Thornton from ever being confirmed as Asst. Secre­tary of State for E. Asian & Pa­cific Af­fairs. She is in Tokyo undermining @POTUS by advocating for partial surrender of nukes by North Korea as acceptable! Marco Rubio
Finally, Wasinger shed light on the sudden departure of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who not only opposed President Trump's approach on North Korea, he used his position at the State Department to contradict the president publicly. Wasinger has also cited instances of leaks designed to force Trump appointees to withdraw.
His point is that Trump allies should be in charge inside of the Trump administration, not people who are standing in the way of Trump policies.
Not sure if I should congratulate Mike Pompeo on being sworn in as our next secretary of state or corrupt Carrie Cabelka on turning another year older.
Time to dump the never trumpers at state AND Fire carrie cabelka! Rob Wasinger 4/30/18
He also cites Carrie Cabelka, who according to Wasinger, "She reduced virtually all of [incoming Trump appointees] salaries while giving herself a huge campaign bump.” Wasinger suggests that these people are being given more power behind the scenes to keep Trump supporters from powerful positions. "Carrie Cabelka’s the tip of the spear in keeping out our people and getting in establishment career types. You know, quite frankly, we campaigned against them. I think the president should set up a basic test … I think people that work for him should have at least voted for him. … I just can’t imagine that these people did. These people are not only … not loyal, they’re working against him on a daily basis."

Lots of cleaning up @statedepartment but fellow kansan @mikepompeo is up to the job. Good place to start is firing corrupt hack #CarrieCabelka in WhiteHouseLiaison office. she gave herself a fat 40k raise and worked to cut everyone else's salary while impeding @POTUS's agnda
— Rob Wasinger (@RobertWasinger) April 4, 2018

Wasinger also named Susan Thornton, a career State Department official hired by Calbelka, does not support the president's approach on North Korea, and is trying to project a different message. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) spoke out against her effort to let North Korea keep part of their nuclear capability.

This is why I will do all I can to prevent Susan Thornton from ever being confirmed as Asst Secre¬tary of State for E. Asian & Pa¬cific Af¬fairs. She is in Tokyo undermining @POTUS by advocating for partial surrender of nukes by #NorthKorea as acceptable https://t.co/42uyhx5tVx
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) May 17, 2018


Finally, Wasinger shed light on the sudden departure of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who not only opposed President Trump's approach on North Korea, he used his position at the State Department to contradict the president publicly. Wasinger has also cited instances of leaks designed to force Trump appointees to withdraw. His point is that Trump allies should be in charge inside of the Trump administration, not people who are standing in the way of Trump policies.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 25, 2018 at 10:33pm
Here is a sliver of good news in our efforts to find out the truth about the extent of corruption infecting the senior ranks of the FBI, specifically in our lawsuit to get documents about “anti-Trump” senior FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.
Our legal team was just informed by the Justice Department that, “the FBI plans to send letters to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page asking them to preserve agency records on their personal accounts and personal devices and requesting confirmation that they are doing so.”
We made the preservation request to the FBI as part of our Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit for records of the two current and former FBI officials. (Page recently retired, but Mr. Strzok is still at the FBI.)
We’re glad the FBI reversed course. On May 2, the FBI wrote a letter to Senator Grassley saying it had not requested information from the personal email accounts of Strzok and Page:
The FBI has not requested from Ms. Page or Mr. Strzok any information from their personal email accounts, nor has the FBI conducted searches of non-FBI-issued communications devices or non-FBI e ii accounts associated with Mr. Strzok or Ms. Page.
The status report also details the FBI’s promise to try to preserve the Strzok-Page records from their personal devices.
I’m glad we successfully pushed back on this issue!
What about the documents the FBI does have? A few days ago (May 21), U.S. District Court Judge Reggie B. Walton ordered the FBI to begin processing 13,000 pages of previously undisclosed emails exchanged exclusively between FBI officials Strzok and Page between February 1, 2015, and December 2017.
The first 500 pages of records are to be processed by June 29, 2018. The court order requires that:
(1) the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall process the 500 pages of potentially responsive records and produce any responsive, non-exempt records to the plaintiff on or before June 29, 2018;
(2) after June 29, 2018, the FBI, on a monthly basis, shall process 500 pages of potentially responsive records and produce any responsive, non-exempt records to the plaintiff; and
(3) on Sept.1, 2018, and thereafter on a quarterly basis (once every three months), on the first day of the month (or, if the first falls on a weekend or holiday, the next business day), the parties shall file a joint status report advising the Court of the FBI’s progress in processing the request.
Just prior to the judge’s order we filed a joint status report in federal court regarding the production of Strzok-Page documents. The report discloses how, between April 5 and May 4, 2018, the FBI processed only 35 pages of potentially responsive records identified as travel requests, authorizations, vouchers and expense reports for Strzok and Page, and less than half that material (16 pages) was released to JW.
The developments came in response to our January 2018 FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)) after it failed to respond to our December 4, 2017, FOIA request seeking:
•All records of communications, including but not limited to, emails, text messages and instant chats, between FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page;
•All travel requests, travel authorizations, travel vouchers and expense reports of Peter Strzok;
•All travel requests, travel authorizations, travel vouchers and expense reports of Lisa Page.
Strzok and Page were deeply involved in the Clinton email scandal and served on the Mueller investigation team. Strzok was reportedly removed from Mueller’s team in August and reassigned to a human resources position after it was discovered that he and FBI lawyer Page, who worked for FBI Deputy Director andrew mcCabe, and with whom Strzok was carrying on an extramarital affair, exchanged stridently pro-clinton and anti-Trump text messages.
Strzok also reportedly oversaw the FBI’s interviews of former National Security Adviser, General michael flynn. He changed former FBI Director james comey’s language about killary clinton’s actions regarding her illicit email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” and played a lead role in the FBI’s interview of clinton.
Strzok is suspected of being responsible for using the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in order to spy on President Trump’s campaign.
The FBI has been slippery when it comes to records about the clinton and Russia scandal fiascos, so we’re pleased the Bureau is taking steps to make sure government records don’t go missing.
On the other hand, the FBI’s purposeful slow-walking of the Strzok-Page materials shows contempt for both transparency law and the public’s interest in figuring out how and why the FBI was politicized to target President Trump while protecting Hillary Clinton. Director Wray and Attorney General Sessions should step up and speed up the release of these documents.
Federal Agency Known for Fraud, Waste Finances Own Attacks
When barry obuma promised to “fundamentally transform” the United States, he wasn’t kidding. He wanted everything, including your neighborhoods to yield to the state, and the effects of his wishes are still reverberating in communities across the country a year and a half into President Trump’s term.
Our Corruption Chronicles blog zeroes in on one festering sore.
Here’s an amusing—and unbelievable—story about the most overtly communist agency in the U.S. government financing its own attacks with taxpayer money. A nonprofit that receives millions of dollars from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is suing the agency in federal court for suspending a controversial obuma program with far-reaching racial and ethnic housing quotas. Known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), the policy aims to transform nearly all of the nation’s neighborhoods with unprecedented low-income housing quotas and preferred ethnic and racial formulas.
AFFH also requires federal and local governments to spend tens of millions of dollars annually gathering statistics on racial and ethnic concentrations in America’s neighborhoods. In January, HUD Secretary Ben Carson delayed the implementation of AFFH, which he describes as a government-engineered attempt to legislate racial equality.
This month, Carson finally suspended the contentious program altogether, revealing in a statement that the tool used to comply with AFFH is confusing, difficult to use and frequently produced unacceptable assessments.
In its 18-page Federal Register notice HUD states that it has spent over $3.5 million on technical assistance for the initial round of AFFH submissions from local governments across the nation. “HUD is withdrawing the Tool to produce a more effective and less burdensome Assessment Tool,” the notice reads. “These improvements to the Tool will make it more effective in assisting program participants with the creation of meaningful assessments with impactful fair housing goals to help them plan to fulfill their legal obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.”
A lawsuit was quickly filed against HUD and Carson by a group of leftist organizations and the lead plaintiff is the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA), a nonprofit dedicated to ending housing discrimination and fostering diverse, inclusive communities through advocacy.
Based in Washington, D.C., NFHA receives a chunk of change from HUD as well as leftwing billionaire George Soros. Records obtained by Judicial Watch show that the NFHA got more than $16 million in funding from HUD since 2009, including a $300,000 grant that was just awarded in March 2018 for fair housing enforcement. In 2016 NFHA received $475,000 from Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society specifically for “project support for AFFH work,” documents obtained by Judicial Watch show. In the HUD complaint NFHA claims that killing obuma’s program was “arbitrary and capricious” and “constitutes unlawful agency action.” It also accuses Carson of being hostile towards AFFH long before he was named HUD secretary.
“In an article published in 2015, Secretary Carson criticized the AFFH Rule at length, equating it to ‘mandatory busing’ of schoolchildren,’” the 60-page complaint states. “He condemned both the AFFH Rule and a Supreme Court decision recognizing that the Fair Housing Act bars disparate impact discrimination, stating that ‘based on the history of failed socialist experiments in this country, entrusting the government to get it right can prove downright dangerous.’ In his confirmation hearing, Secretary Carson reiterated his hostility to the AFFH Rule.” The lawsuit was filed a few weeks ago in United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
The national law firm representing the plaintiffs specializes in litigating civil rights cases in the areas of housing, lending, employment, public accommodations, education and police accountability. In a press release on its website, the firm demands “immediate reinstatement” of what it calls an “unlawful suspension” of AFFH.
Plagued by a multitude of scandals over the years, HUD was long overdue to deliver good news to American taxpayers and killing AFFH is a good start. Even after the Trump administration took over, HUD has continued funding many of Obama’s wasteful, socialist programs. Among them is a multi-million-dollar experiment that aims to transform slums into desirable middle-class neighborhoods. A few months ago the initiative, known as Choice Neighborhoods, got a $5 million infusion from the Trump administration. Before that Trump’s HUD gave dozens of leftist groups that purport to fight housing discrimination $37 million. The biggest chunk—$999,962—went to NFHA, which had just attacked the president for terminating an obuma program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—DACA) that protects hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants living in the U.S.
For eight years Washington was a playground for leftists. And they refuse to leave.
Honoring the Fallen on Memorial Day:
Memorial Day helps our nation focus on the ultimate sacrifice of untold numbers of fellow Americans – Americans who gave their lives in defense of our nation and its ideals. As we honor those heroes next week, I’d like to draw your attention to Veterans Day speech given in 1985 by then-President Ronald Reagan. Much of his speech applies to the Memorial Day, especially this portion, which remains timely today:
"And the living have a responsibility to remember the conditions that led to the wars in which our heroes died. Perhaps we can start by remembering this: that all of those who died for us and our country were, in one way or another, victims of a peace process that failed; victims of a decision to forget certain things; to forget, for instance, that the surest way to keep a peace going is to stay strong. Weakness, after all, is a temptation -- it tempts the pugnacious to assert themselves -- but strength is a declaration that cannot be misunderstood. Strength is a condition that declares actions have consequences. Strength is a prudent warning to the belligerent that aggression need not go unanswered.
Peace fails when we forget what we stand for. It fails when we forget that our Republic is based on firm principles, principles that have real meaning, that with them, we are the last, best hope of man on Earth; without them, we're little more than the crust of a continent. Peace also fails when we forget to bring to the bargaining table God’s first intellectual gift to man: 'common sense'.
Common sense gives us a realistic knowledge of human beings and how they think, how they live in the world, what motivates them.
Common sense tells us that man has magic in him, but also clay.
Common sense can tell the difference between right and wrong.
Common sense forgives error, but it always recognizes it to be error first.
We endanger the peace and confuse all issues when we obscure the truth; when we refuse to name an act for what it is; when we refuse to see the obvious and seek safety in Almighty. Peace is only maintained and won by those who have clear eyes and brave minds."
I’d like to think many Americans have “clear eyes and brave minds” and these patriots desire the same qualities in our political and judicial leaders. It certainly reflects Judicial Watch’s modest approach to our efforts.
Have a safe and blessed Memorial Day!
Judicial Watch President
Tom Fitton
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 25, 2018 at 9:10pm

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 25, 2018 at 9:00pm


PRESERVING SANCTITY OF LIFE: President Donald J. Trump’s policies are ending taxpayer support of the abortion industry.

  • The Trump Administration protected taxpayers by disentangling the Title X family planning program from programs that perform, support, or refer patients for abortions.  Regulations proposed this week from the Department of Health and Human Services would:
    • Require clear physical and financial divisions between programs that receive Title X funding and programs that perform or support abortion as family planning.
    • Contain neither the Reagan-era abortion counseling prohibition (a so-called “gag rule”), nor the Clinton-era abortion counseling mandate.
    • Reflect popular consensus: six in ten Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortions.
  • President Trump overturned an Obama-era ban on States defunding abortion providers and issued guidance to ensure that taxpayer dollars do not subsidize abortion coverage in Obamacare exchange plans.
  • The President reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy and cut the U.S. contribution to the U.N. Population Fund, ensuring our foreign aid will not fund the global abortion industry.
  • President Trump is supporting the House-passed Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would stop late-term abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

DEFENDING RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: President Trump is defending and promoting Americans’ constitutional rights to religious freedom.

  • The President issued conscience regulations protecting healthcare providers such as the Little Sisters of the Poor from having to violate their religious or moral beliefs or shut their doors.
  • The President reversed an Obama administration policy to ensure that houses of worship receive the disaster aid to which they are legally entitled.
  • The Trump Administration is defending religious liberty in the courts, supporting multiple religious objectors in their efforts to freely exercise their beliefs.
  • The President is bringing religious groups back into the fold by ensuring religious groups and their partners are critical participants in the policy making process.

RESTORING RULE OF LAW: By appointing rule-of-law judges and enforcing immigration laws, President Trump has reshaped the judiciary and is restoring rule of law.

  • President Trump has appointed a record number of Federal judges, who are standing up for our constitutional rights—including appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  • President Trump is combatting the scourge of illegal immigration, securing initial funding for a wall on the Southern border, working with immigration officials to target violent illegal aliens already in the country, and combatting “sanctuary cities” nationwide.

REDUCING THE BURDEN OF GOVERNMENT: President Trump’s policies have reduced the size of government, and promoted individual liberty, creating space for the economy to grow.

  • President Trump has reduced the size of government by working with Congress to pass the largest tax cuts in history; he has also implemented unprecedented regulatory reform.
  • The President has ended burdensome Obama-era programs, providing regulatory relief from Obamacare, rescinding Obama’s Clean Power Plan, and leaving the Paris Climate Accords.



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