We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 4:11pm

DNC Fundraising Disaster Continues.

 5/2/18 "Posts by GOP Presidential Staff"

ProPublica reports the Republican National Committee (RNC) has set yet another fundraising record, while the Democratic National Committee (DNC) registered its lowest figure in April during a midterm election cycle since 2006.

 In the same month, the report reveals the DNC had expenditures totaling $8.3 million and finished up with $8.7 million in cash. The party currently owes $5.3 million.

 DNC reports raising $7.8 million in April, lowest midterm figure for that month since 2006. Spent $8.3 million and ended month with $8.7 million in cash. Has $5.3 million in debts:

 One million dollars was wired from the party’s “building account,” to the “main federal account,” Derek Willis of ProPublica points out. The DNC paid RWT Production, LLC, a Virginia-based “direct mail production management company,” $304,541.77.

 Under the leadership of chairman Tom Perez, the party has struggled in comparison to the Republican National Committee, which has seen fundraising soar since President Donald Trump entered the White House in January 2017. 

 According to filings, the RNC took in $13 million in April — a fundraising record during a midterm election year — and spent $12.1 million. The Party finished the month with a whopping $43.8 million in its coffers.

 According to filings, the RNC took in $13 million in April — a fundraising record during a midterm election year — and spent $12.1 million. The Party finished the month with a whopping $43.8 million in its coffers.

  RNC Chairwomen Ronna Romney McDaniel says the Party raised a record-setting $171.6 million during the 2017-2018 cycle.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 3:55pm

Conservative Rep Drops the Hammer on Sanctuary Officials.

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King introduced a bill that would imprison government officials who warn about impending Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids.

 The bill, H.R. 5884, otherwise known as the “Mayor Libby Schaaf Act of 2018,” is in reference to the Democratic mayor of Oakland, Calif., who sent out a message in February saying she had heard from multiple sources of a possible crackdown on illegal aliens in the area, one day before a massive sweep by ICE.

 The bill, which was officially introduced Friday, would imprison sanctuary city officials for up to five years for obstructing ICE in their “efforts to enforce immigration laws.”

 “Sanctuary politicians are placing the lives of citizens and law enforcement officers in jeopardy by giving illegal aliens warnings about impending ICE actions in local jurisdictions,” King said in a statement Monday. “This is obstruction of justice, and Americans do not have to put up with it. Under my bill, government officials who tip off illegal aliens about imminent federal immigration enforcement efforts could face up to five years in prison.”

**** YE-HAA! ***Bull

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 3:44pm

BREAKING NFL Releases Kneeling Rules For National Anthem.

 5/23/18 Source: The Wrap

The National Football League will no longer allow players to kneel on the field during the national anthem, according to a series of updated guidelines released by the league on Wednesday.
 “All team and league personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and Anthem,” reads the first bullet point.

 “A club will be fined by the league if its personnel are on the field and do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem!”

 Here is the NFL’s new national anthem policy: pic.twitter.com/ybjKoO6E3s

— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) May 23, 2018

 The new guidelines will also no longer require that players appear on the field during the performance of the anthem, and will allow anyone wishing to protest to remain in the locker room.
 “We believe today’s decision will keep our focus on the game and the extraordinary athletes who play it — and on our fans who enjoy it,” the league’s statement read. 

Source: The Wrap

  **** TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE! **** Bull


The National Football League will no longer allow players to kneel on the field during the national anthem, according to a series of updated guidelines released by the league on Wednesday.

“All team and league personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and Anthem,” reads the first bullet point. “A club will be fined by the league if its personnel are on the field and so not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem.” The new guidelines will also no longer require that players appear on the field during the performance of the anthem, and will allow anyone wishing to protest to remain in the locker room.
 “We believe today’s decision will keep our focus on the game and the extraordinary athletes who play it — and on our fans who enjoy it,” the league’s statement read.
 Source: The Wrap
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 3:31pm

WATCH: President Trump’s Promise to Stand for Life.


President Trump Is Making America’s Values Great Again.


President Donald J. Trump’s policies are ending taxpayer support of the abortion industry.

*The Trump Administration protected taxpayers by disentangling the Title X family planning program from programs that perform, support, or refer patients for abortions.  Regulations proposed this week from the Department of Health and Human Services would:

*Require clear physical and financial divisions between programs that receive Title X funding and programs that perform or support abortion as family planning.

*Contain neither the Reagan-era abortion counseling prohibition (a so-called “gag rule”), nor the Clinton-era abortion counseling mandate.

*Reflect popular consensus: six in ten Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortions.

*President Trump overturned an obama-era ban on States defunding abortion providers and issued guidance to ensure that taxpayer dollars do not subsidize abortion coverage in Obamacare exchange plans.

*The President reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy and cut the U.S. contribution to the U.N. Population Fund, ensuring our foreign aid will not fund the global abortion industry

*President Trump is supporting the House-passed Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would stop late-term abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.


 President Trump is defending and promoting Americans’ constitutional rights to religious freedom.

*The President issued conscience regulations protecting healthcare providers such as the Little Sisters of the Poor from having to violate their religious or moral beliefs or shut their doors.

*The President reversed an Obama administration policy to ensure that houses of worship receive the disaster aid to which they are legally entitled.

*The Trump Administration is defending religious liberty in the courts, supporting multiple religious objectors in their efforts to freely exercise their beliefs.

*The President is bringing religious groups back into the fold by ensuring religious groups and their partners are critical participants in the policy making process.


 By appointing rule-of-law judges and enforcing immigration laws, President Trump has reshaped the judiciary and is restoring rule of law.

*President Trump has appointed a record number of Federal judges, who are standing up for our constitutional rights—including appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

*President Trump is combatting the scourge of illegal immigration, securing initial funding for a wall on the Southern border, working with immigration officials to target violent illegal aliens already in the country, and combatting “sanctuary cities” nationwide.


 President Trump’s policies have reduced the size of government, and promoted individual liberty, creating space for the economy to grow.

*President Trump has reduced the size of government by working with Congress to pass the largest tax cuts in history; he has also implemented unprecedented regulatory reform.

*The President has ended burdensome obuma-era programs, providing regulatory relief from obumacare, rescinding obuma’s Clean Power Plan, and leaving the Paris Climate Accords.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 3:11pm

Americans are Growing Tired of Constant “Trump-Bashing”.


The election of President Donald Trump brought on an outcry from the left-wing media unlike any other in history.

 News networks dedicated 24/7 coverage to criticizing every minute action that the President made, comedy shows churned out one poorly-written joke about the President after another, each harsher and more unprofessional than the last, and leftist bloggers wrote about Trump’s election with all the doom and gloom as if it were the end of days.

 After a barrage of this Trump-bashing from most every media outlet in existence carrying on for over two years now if you count Trump’s time as a candidate (which really was when the bashing all began), the American people are finally growing weary of it all.

 A new survey shows that 43% of likely voters feel that there is too much Trump-bashing in popular culture. The jokes aren’t drawing any more laughs, the non-stop negative coverage is no longer taken nearly as seriously as it once was, and leftist, Trump-bashing bloggers are left screaming into the void.

 When you combine the timeless fact that everything grows old after a while with Trump’s continuous line of successes both on the economic and foreign policy fronts, it comes as little surprise that Americans have grown tired of hearing the media bash President Trump nonstop for increasingly trivial reasons.

 To hear Michael Loftus’s reaction to the survey showing that the constant Trump-bashing in the media and in pop culture is finally getting old, be sure to check out the video below.

~ Liberty Video News


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 3:04pm

Actors Get Awake on Gun Control. 


We love movies. The art of recording, cutting, and arranging film to tell a compelling story is a beautiful, creative medium with so many applications. The craft of the actor is a time-honored discipline that is deserving of praise and attention. But sometimes, those who work in the art of rendering fiction into an audio/visual medium are not as informed about real world events as they imagine they are.

 Actors have a problem. For one thing, they are so revered that they tend to believe they are special in some way. They tend to believe their craft gives them more insight into history and the human condition than they have. 

 These weaknesses make actors easy tools for propagandists to use to create messages that influence the population. The mentality of the actor also has a strong tendency to orient them toward a liberal bias.

 Now, there’s nothing wrong with true liberalism. Classical liberalism is the foundation of English Common Law- which is based on Christian values and composes the founding principles of western thought. The main pillar of true liberalism is the notion that each human is sovereign.

 But of course, the uninformed liberal in the west tends to become a radical leftist, and this is the position most actors find themselves in.

 However, when exposed to the truthhonest liberals will quickly change their minds

 That is exactly what happened to these actors after being exposed to real facts about gun control.

Warning: what you’re about to see may make you jump out of your chair and dance.

~ Liberty Video News


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 12:16pm

Candace Owens On the Power of the “Black Card”.


In the imperfect society that we’ve been dealt, there are still both privileges and disadvantages assigned to every race. While these privileges and disadvantages may not exist at the institutional level like most on the left will proclaim without offering any evidence, they are still woven into the ever-changing fabric of our culture.

 There’s no denying that black individuals in America must still contend with racism at times. While this racism may take place at the personal level and not the institutional level, it is deplorable nonetheless. However, there is also a privilege to being black in America that few are brave enough to discuss.

 Candace Owens, however, is plenty brave enough to discuss it, and she calls it the “black card.”

In an effort to right the wrongs of their ancestors, a growing number of white people across America are quick to shudder and cower at any insinuation of racism.

  Playing the “black card”, according to Candance Owens, is when a person with black skin uses this deep, powerful fear of being seen as racist as leverage to get what they want

 Protestors are able to burn down cities without being prosecuted or even criticized, “civil rights leaders” are able to shake down corporations for supposed injustices, and – at the more common, local level – individuals are sometimes able to receive promotions and awards they did not fully earn by merely hinting that it would be racist not to give it to them.

 In the end, the “black card” is a terrible injustice to both black and non-black people alike, and another instance of our timeless inability to judge a person by their character rather than the color of their skin.

 To hear Candace Owens discuss the “black card” and it’s power in today’s society, be sure to check out the video below.

~ Liberty Video News


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 11:58am
Rowdy Gowdy Getting Involved In Trump's New Investigation?
05/23/18 TTN by: Donny Bomenabori
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has taken a special interest in the FBI's handling of the Russia investigation.
On Thursday, Gowdy will meet with Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) FBI Director Christopher Wray, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and Ed O'Callaghan of the Justice Department.
Both congressmen, of the Oversight Committee and the Intelligence Committees respectively, met with the Justice Department earlier this month to go over their role in FISA abuse of the surveillance court.
This is a big deal. as there is apparently a confidential source involved that has Senate Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia wary of the meeting. "Chairman Burr and I have been pretty clear that we don't think that information should even be shared with us," Warner said Tuesday. "We've turned down the opportunity to have that kind of briefing, because, because of the threat of leaking. Because there are other bodies on the Hill that get information, and very quickly afterward that information appears in the press. We wanted to make sure that weren't going to be subject to any, even those kind of allegations."
Senate Minority Leader chuck schumer (D-N.Y.) attacked the fact that no Democrats are invited to the meeting, even though Warner, ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, declined to attend.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fired back, saying that no Democrats asked to attend. schumer's preemptive attack indicates that something is brewing with the story.
The meeting was brokered by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, meaning that President Trump is apprised of the meeting, as it stems from the FBI's role in the 2016 campaign. With the president talking recently about the FBI Spying scandal as being "bigger than Watergate", Gowdy's involvement indicates that the president's claims are being reviewed by the House Oversight committee, which is more than just an early morning tweet. !!!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 12:55am

image: https://structurecms-staging-psyclone.netdna-ssl.com/client_assets/...

Trump's Massive SMACKDOWN Against ISIS
(U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Delano Scott)

President Trump has authorized a massive series of strikes against the Islamic State. The president has loosened the rules of engagement since he entered office in 2017 and stepped up operations against ISIS, which has been hit hard since Trump was elected. The firestorm so big last week that the media ignored it. 

Save for the Washington Free Beacon:

"The Department of Defense announced on Friday that a U.S.-led coalition completed 66 strikes against the Islamic State between May 11-17. Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners stuck ISIS caves, campsites, training camps, bomb factories, and other targets in Iraq during five of the past seven days. No strikes were carried out in Iraq on Sunday or Thursday.

In Syria – where despite the coalition's progress, ISIS has been able to gain a foothold in parts of the country – strikes occurred every day of the week. Forces targeted and destroyed an ISIS command-and-control center, several vehicles, weapons storage facilities, supply routes, bomb factories, communications buildings, and several fighting positions. The destruction of ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct external operations throughout the region and the rest of the world, task force officials noted.

U.S. aircraft worked with the air assets of several other countries in the joint effort to "destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria." The strikes may also have been carried out by rocket-propelled artillery or ground-based tactical artillery. The coalition defines a strike as "one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single or cumulative effect."

Barack Obama famously said the United States would "degrade and destroy" ISIS. On his watch, the Islamic State terrorized a territory the size of Great Britain. After taking criticism for his promise to "bomb the hell" out of ISIS, President Trump has unleashed the power of the United States military on the terrorist regime, bringing closer and closer to defeat, as it controls roughly 4 percent of its former territory or 1,900 square miles. 

Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/trump-s-massive-smackdown-agains...
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 22, 2018 at 10:19pm

STUNNING Revelation Puts Pressure on Top Dem to Resign.

 5/22/18  Fox News  by: Terace Garnier

COLUMBIA, S.C. –  Democrats’ chances of flipping a Republican seat in South Carolina’s historically red 5th District took a major hit after court documents emerged Monday saying candidate Archie Parnell abused his ex-wife in the 1970's. 
 The revelation has swiftly led to calls from his own party for the Democratic congressional candidate to withdraw from the race. 
 This is truly a sad situation," DNC Associate Chairman Jaime Harrison said on Twitter, urging Parnell to withdraw. “The publicity today must be devastating for his former wife & his current family.” 
 "his is truly a sad situation. Nonetheless, I’ve been asked my thoughts by several folks. I agree with Chairman Trav obertson & believe that Archie should withdraw from the race."
 The court documents detailing the abuse pertain to divorce records and were first obtained by The Post and Courier.



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