We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 10:33pm

~~~~~ Talk about a bad week!! ~~~~~
Air Force Base That Lost Grenades Also Lost Machine Gun!
5/21/18 by Tom Knighton
Frankly, I’m really glad I’m not an airman stationed at Minot Air Force Base right about now.
You see, last week, we reported about the base losing a case of grenades for the Mark 19 grenade launcher. This, of course, is a “bad thing.”
But the problems at Minot go a bit worse!
In addition to the ammo can full of grenades, they also lost a machine gun!
The same Air Force unit that lost grenades is now missing a machine gun.
An M240 machine gun was discovered missing on May 16 during a standard weapons inventory at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, said Lt. Col. Jamie Humphries, a spokesman for the 5th Bomb Wing.
The machine gun belonged to the 91st Missile Wing security forces.
“The 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Missile Wing immediately began a search of their weapons inventories and opened an investigation with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations,” Humphries told Task & Purpose in an email.
“This investigation is ongoing and more information will be provided as it becomes available.”
This happened about two weeks after the grenades were lost, which is not making the Air Force look good at all.
Air Force Global Strike Command has ordered airmen to do a complete and total weapon inventory, which at this point may find out that the entire base is missing or something.
Not much would surprise me.
The 91st Missile Wing security forces are tasked with protecting at least part of our nuclear arsenal, though right now I think someone with the wing will be doing well to simply protect their posterior.
Unfortunately, problems like this tend to be symptoms of something deeper. Something isn’t right at Minot, and the Air Force needs to check it out.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Gen. David L. Goldfein, the Air Force Chief of Staff, is already working on that.
Someone is getting relieved with cause. Their career is over, and they’ll be very fortunate if that’s the worst that happens.
A case of explosives and a fully automatic weapon are missing. These are among the most tightly controlled items in the United States military’s inventory for a reason.
If someone is lucky, they’re just misplaced somewhere in a warehouse, but I somehow doubt anyone is that lucky.
Instead, I suspect that charges will be coming against someone. Military careers are about to be over, and someone will be spending some quality time in a very small room decorated with bars thinking about their life choices.
That’s just a hunch, of course, but a somewhat educated one.
Regardless, let’s just hope these weapons are recoverable and not in the hands of someone who will use them for horrible purposes.
The Mark 19 ammo might only work in a Mark 19, the M240 uses 7.62.
That’s pretty easy to get your hands on, and no one wants to see a weapon like that in the wrong hands.
Here’s hoping!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 10:12pm

USA Today Celebrates Santa Fe High School Killer’s Guns As ‘Less Lethal.’
5/21/18 by Tom Knighton
What happened Friday at Santa Fe High School is horrible. With 10 people dead and another 10 wounded, it’s an absolute tragedy.
Without school resource officers acting as they did, with one of them among the wounded, it could have been much worse, possibly worse than Parkland.
However, another tragedy reared up in the aftermath. -- That tragedy was USA Today‘s take over the fact that the killer didn’t use an AR-15.
Two details set the Santa Fe shooting apart from other recent deadly attacks: explosives and the use of less-lethal weapons. https://t.co/F0rJZQydMa
USA TODAY 3/18/18
The opening of this…article:
"The attack at a Texas high school Friday echoed the all-too-familiar horrors Americans are accustomed to seeing on the news. But two details set it apart from the list of other recent deadly attacks: explosives and the less-lethal weapons used."
Now, keep in mind that the term “less-lethal weapons” actually has a definition. They include things like pepper spray, tasers, and beanbag shotgun rounds.
None of those were used by the killer in Santa Fe. No, he used a shotgun and a .38 revolver. Those are very lethal weapons. Shotguns and .38 revolvers have accounted for quite a few people being very dead through the years. The Remington 870 is an extremely common shotgun and is used by numerous law enforcement agencies and the United States Armed Forces. It’s also used by numerous other militaries throughout the world.
If it wasn’t lethal, I doubt these folks would be using it. In fact, the use by so many militaries could easily make this one a “weapon of war.” In fact, the term is more applicable for the Remington 870 because it’s virtually identical in functionality to those sold to the military. It’s more applicable to the 870 than it is the AR-15, truth be told.
But because it wasn’t an AR-15, it’s somehow better.???
The fact is, in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, the shotgun is a very versatile and deadly weapon, especially within the confines of a building like a school. It could be argued that it’s even more deadly in such circumstances than an AR-15.
As for the .38, the only real downside to a revolver is round capacity. There’s absolutely no argument to be made about revolvers being less powerful, less deadly, than a semi-automatic pistol. The .38 round is in roughly the same ballpark power-wise with the 9mm round. Only a complete fool (or USA Today reporter, but I repeat myself) would consider it somehow less lethal.
While folks like me regularly recommend against revolvers, it’s not because of the round. It’s the capacity. After six shots, you have to reload. That’s it.
What this really boils down to is that these weapons, especially used in such a deadly attack, don’t conform to the narrative. They shatter it. They prove that literally every anti-gun measure being pushed post-Parkland would do nothing to actually stop these attacks. This also shows that would do little to nothing to even minimize the casualties.
The one thing that did minimize casualties was school resource officers who engaged the shooter, injured him, and convinced him to surrender before there was further bloodshed.
In other words, it was a good man with a gun.
And their guns were just as lethal.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 10:00pm

Jeff Sessions: Trump promised to end 'American carnage.' Promise delivered.
Jan. 23, 2018 Jeff Sessions
"For the first time in a long time, Americans can have hope for a safer future, with a slower murder rate and decreasing violent crime.
When President Trump was inaugurated, he made the American people a promise: “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.”
It is a promise that he has kept.
In the fight against crime, there is a lot at stake. There is even more at stake for communities that are already struggling. In high-crime areas, businesses and jobs leave, property values plummet, and kids have a harder time in school. These sad consequences only lead to a vicious cycle of crime, poverty and more crime.
When crime goes up, the consequences can be dire. From 1961 to 1985, violent crime rates in America more than tripled. It was a tough time for communities across America, especially in our cities. Minority communities were disproportionately impacted.
DACA doesn't solve anything, especially for the GOP. Build the wall first.
While Trump's critics keep talking, our president is fulfilling his promises
I was a federal prosecutor at the time, starting as an assistant U.S. attorney in 1975 and then as a U.S. attorney from 1981 to 1993. Working closely with our law enforcement partners, we learned together what worked and what didn’t, and departments developed innovative new policing and other strategies. Meanwhile, Congress enacted important bipartisan legal reforms that gave prosecutors and law enforcement new tools to take criminals, gangs, guns and deadly drugs off of our streets.
We went to work, and the results were transformational. Crime in America began to decline. From its peak in 1991, the violent rate was cut in half by 2014 — saving thousands upon thousands of American lives. The murder rate also fell by half.
In some of our big cities, we achieved even bigger declines. Research has shown that this historic reduction in the crime rate improved upward mobility, test scores and even life expectancy.
But then, in 2015 and 2016, our country experienced the largest increases in violent crime we had seen in a quarter-century.
Over those two years, the violent crime rate went up by nearly 7%. The robbery rate went up. The assault rate went up nearly 10%. The rate of rape went up 11%. And the murder rate went up by a shocking 20%.
Trump ran for office on a message of law and order, and he won!
When he took office, he ordered the Department of Justice to stop and reverse these trends — and that is what we have been doing every day for the past year.
We have placed trust in our prosecutors again, and we’re restoring respect for law enforcement. We have invested in new resources and put in place smarter policies based on sound research.
Ensuring every neighborhood in America is safe again will take time, but we are already starting to see results.
In 2017, we brought cases against more violent criminals than in any year in decades. We charged the most federal firearm prosecutions in a decade. We convicted nearly 500 human traffickers and 1,200 gang members, and helped our international allies arrest about 4,000 MS-13 members. We also arrested and charged hundreds of people suspected with contributing to the ongoing opioid crisis.
Morale is up among our law enforcement community. Any loss of life is one too many, but it is encouraging that the number of officers killed in the line of duty declined for the first time since 2013, reaching its second lowest level in more than half a century. And we are empowering and supporting our critically important state, local and tribal law enforcement partners as we work together to protect communities from crime.
In the first six months of last year, the increase in the murder rate slowed and violent crime actually went down. Publicly available data for the rest of the year suggest further progress. For the first time in the past few years, the American people can have hope for a safer future.
Our strategy at this department of concentrating on the most violent criminals, taking down violent gang networks, prioritizing gun prosecutions, and supporting our state, local and tribal law enforcement partners has proven to work.
Of course, our work is not done. Crime is still far too high — especially in the most vulnerable neighborhoods.
This first year of the Trump era shows once again that the difficult work we do alongside our state, local and tribal law enforcement partners makes a difference.
Crime rates are not like the tides — we can help change them.
And under Trump’s strong leadership, we will."
Jeff Sessions is the attorney general of the United States.

For the first time in a long time, Americans can have hope for a safer future, with a slower murder rate and decreasing violent crime.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 9:48pm

President Trump Orders Investigation Into Campaign Spying.
5/21/18 By 1600 Staff
President Trump has directed the Department of Justice to investigate the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign.
This comes as the New York Times revealed last week that the same team that promptly exonerated killary clinton and her team of wrongdoing were incorporated into a operation, code named “Crossfire Hurricane” into the Trump campaign.
I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the obuma Administration! Donald J. Trump 5/20/18
Reports have recently come to light that the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the obuma administration had informants inside the 2016 campaign. The Department of Justice, which also oversees Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, will conduct the investigation into the matter. “Crossfire Hurricane”, the FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, was highly irregular; the investigation will be conducted by an Inspector General to determine if there were political impropriety or motivation behind “Crossfire Hurricane”.
Wow, word seems to be coming out that the obuma FBI “SPIED ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN WITH AN EMBEDDED INFORMANT.” Andrew McCarthy says, “There’s probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign.” If so, this is bigger than Watergate! Donald J. Trump 5/17/18
The president also referenced an op-ed in Wall Street Journal that questioned Barack Obama’s role in the conspiracy, as the former president would have surely been aware of such a consequential investigation.
In any event, obuma would owe the public an explanation of what he knew, or whether he knew it, during the investigation that involved the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
President Trump likely has access to at least some of the information that such an investigation recovered, and seems to be hinting at a brewing scandal, as he says the FBI’s investigation is “bigger than Watergate”.

The Texas lawsuit will begin with the same judge who ruled against the legality of a different immigration program established by executive action.
The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky joins us to discuss why a new lawsuit, spearheaded by Texas and including six other states, could succeed. Plus: The Boy Scouts are dropping the “boy” part of their name.

The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >>

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 9:07pm

Trump's Massive SMACKDOWN Against ISIS.
5/21/18 by: TTN Staff
President Trump has authorized a massive series of strikes against the Islamic State. The president has loosened the rules of engagement since he entered office in 2017 and stepped up operations against ISIS, which has been hit hard since Trump was elected. The firestorm so big last week that the media ignored it.
"The Department of Defense announced on Friday that a U.S.-led coalition completed 66 strikes against the Islamic State between May 11-17. Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners stuck ISIS caves, campsites, training camps, bomb factories, and other targets in Iraq during five of the past seven days. No strikes were carried out in Iraq on Sunday or Thursday.
In Syria – where despite the coalition's progress, ISIS has been able to gain a foothold in parts of the country – strikes occurred every day of the week. Forces targeted and destroyed an ISIS command-and-control center, several vehicles, weapons storage facilities, supply routes, bomb factories, communications buildings, and several fighting positions. The destruction of ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct external operations throughout the region and the rest of the world, task force officials noted.
U.S. aircraft worked with the air assets of several other countries in the joint effort to "destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria." The strikes may also have been carried out by rocket-propelled artillery or ground-based tactical artillery. The coalition defines a strike as "one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single or cumulative effect."
barry obuma famously said the United States would "degrade and destroy" ISIS. On his watch, the islamic State terrorized a territory the size of Great Britain. After taking criticism for his promise to "bomb the hell" out of ISIS, President Trump has unleashed the power of the United States military on the terrorist regime, bringing closer and closer to defeat, as it controls roughly 4% of its former territory or 1,900 square miles.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 8:24pm

****Going down that slippery slope into anarchy, we now have Executive Branch overreach countered by Judicial Branch overreach, all being countered by an Executive Branch correction plus States Rights intervention.
Does anyone else feel the whole process of governing being ripped to shreds?
It's PAST time to get back to our founding document, our Constitution, and set our governing bodies back to where they should be! ****

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 7:41pm

The Left’s War Against Prosperity in Seattle.
5/17/18 Jarrett Stepman
The left is sleepless in Seattle, working overtime to squander years of economic success.
Seattle is, by many measures, one of the fastest-growing cities in America, if not the fast-growing city.
A few big tech companies, including Amazon and Microsoft, plus other large, successful businesses such as Boeing and Starbucks, have fueled this explosive rise.
But prosperity hasn’t necessarily bred contentment, as the traditionally left-wing city turned on the elements that made it rich.
In the latest move to soak the productive part of the city’s economy, the Seattle City Council voted 9-0 to approve a new “head tax” imposing a $275-per-worker charge on companies making over $20 million a year.
According to The Seattle Times, advocates of the tax said it “will have a meaningful impact on addressing our homelessness crisis by building housing and providing health services.”
Companies such as Amazon and Starbucks, which generally have had no problem kowtowing to the demands of social justice warriors, lashed out when their bottom line was threatened.
Amazon announced that it would continue to build in the city despite a previous halt in construction.
Amazon said in a statement: “While we have resumed construction … we remain very apprehensive about the future created by the council’s hostile approach and rhetoric toward larger businesses, which forces us to question our growth here.”
This may seem like a reasonable measure by a company that expects a financial shakedown, but {activist groups weren’t about to let these corporate cash cows 'take their business elsewhere'.}
{The labor group Working Washington called for criminal prosecution of businesses that threaten to leave the city}. They argued that this constituted an illegal threat against public officials, a felony.
As libertarian law professor Eugene Volokh noted, such an expansive view of the law would also criminalize activities such as union strikes and boycotts.
This method of intimidating businesses into accepting predatory government action may not have been well considered, but it does reveal the impulses of the hard left.
If you aren’t willing to accept the left’s measures willingly, you will be forced to accept them through punitive government action. There will be no escape.
This is hardly the first Seattle policy to take aim at businesses.
In 2015, Seattle increased its minimum wage to $15 an hour, which, according to one study, decreased employment and hurt low-income workers.
Seattle Hiked Its Minimum Wage. Here’s How It’s Impacting Low-Income Workers.
In 2017, the City Council voted unanimously to stop using Wells Fargo & Co. bank due to its investments in the Dakota Access Pipeline and a fraud scandal.
“Take our government back from the billionaires, back from President Donald Trump and from the oil companies,” Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who is openly socialist, said at the time of the vote, according to The Seattle Times.
Sawant, also a strong backer of the head tax, hasn’t just received opposition from “billionaires.”
At a recent press conference she hosted in Seattle, a group of construction workers showed up and began chanting, “No head tax! No head tax!”
Ditching Wells Fargo likely would have cost the taxpayers a significant amount of money, but they were saved by the fact that no other bank would take the city’s business.
Hilariously, Seattle had to go crawling back to Wells Fargo.
It apparently was a surprise to Seattle’s government officials that companies don’t like to be shaken down.
Instead of finding ways to drive down the cost of living, cities such as Seattle and San Francisco have embraced policies that continue to drive up costs!
Their solution is what The Seattle Times called an “eat the rich” strategy.
That is, simply tax the productive businesses and citizens as much as possible and use this to subsidize the poor.
Despite the fact that Seattle’s tax revenues have shot up dramatically in this boom, it isn’t enough to pay for the ever-expanding list of demands from the city’s ascendant hard-left activists.
There will never be enough to satisfy those who believe they can remake the world as a perfectly equal and fair place through the levers of government.
It’s hard to believe that a tax on jobs is going to solve Seattle’s homelessness problem, which has actually skyrocketed in the past 10 years despite higher levels of revenue and spending by the city.
This has occurred while homelessness around the state of Washington generally has gone down.
The reasons for the surge in Seattle homelessness are many. Some argue that the presence of the rich simply increased the ranks of the poor as everything naturally becomes more expensive.
The fact that government policies, such as extremely restrictive building codes and low-growth housing plans, have forced prices upward.
According to a Heritage Foundation study on poverty:
Policies that drive up housing prices—and there are many—have a disproportionate impact on low-income households. Based on 2015 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the lowest-income households spent 58.2 percent of their income on housing, compared to 25.8 percent for the highest-income households.
Instead of addressing the squeezing out of the middle class and the underlying costs of life in the city, though, Seattle’s leaders focus on meliorating the circumstances of the poor and homeless.
Creating another expensive program, if that’s even what this tax is really about—City Journal’s Steven Malanga speculates that it’s actually an excuse to bail out the city’s strained public pension system—won’t solve the underlying problems.
The more the planners plan, the more the plans fail. When the newest scheme doesn’t produce the desired utopia, they will again blame the “rich” and take a little more.
The planners will turn to increasingly punitive schemes to remake the world as they see fit.
They will strangle and kill the goose that laid the golden egg and end up with nothing but misery and dysfunction.
Beautiful and desirable places such as Seattle and San Francisco can only withstand a certain amount of dysfunction before people bail on those cities.
Such cities may very soon be testing those limits, as big companies and productive citizens look to greener pastures and local governments that don’t use them as an ATM for their failed schemes.
The amount per employee the new head tax imposes has been corrected in this article.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 7:14pm
Iran Put On Notice By Secretary Of State Pompeo.
05/21/2018 by: TTN Staff
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a warning to Iran on Monday. In his first address on foreign policy since being confirmed, Pompeo warned of the sanctions that await Iran should they choose not to comply.
According to The Hill:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed Monday to levy an “unprecedented” level of sanctions on Iran after the U.S. announced it was withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear accord.
In his fist major foreign policy address since becoming chief diplomat, Pompeo laid out 12 pillars the U.S. would demand from Iran for a new deal, even as he said a new agreement is “not the objective” of the Trump administration.
“We will apply unprecedented financial pressure on the Iranian regime,” Pompeo told an audience at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “The sting of sanctions will be painful if the regime does not change course from the unacceptable and unproductive path it has chosen to one that rejoins the league of nations. These will indeed end up being the strongest sanctions in history when we are complete.”
Pompeo was speaking roughly two weeks after President Trump announced he was withdrawing the U.S. from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and reimposing sanctions that were lifted as part of the accord.
The obuma-era catastrophe is been axed and it is still too early to tell how the United States will handle this diplomatic chess game.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 7:03pm

Trump demands action at 'every level of government' after Texas school shooting.
5/18/18 by Gabby Morrongiello
President Trump on Thursday demanded action “at every level of government” to prevent school shootings from taking place, hours after a gunman killed several people at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas.
“This has been going on too long in our country! Too many decades,” the president said at a White House event shortly after authorities in Texas arrested the shooter. “My administration is determined to do everything in our power to protect our students, secure our schools, and keep weapons out of the hands of those people who pose a threat to themselves and to others.”
"Everyone must work together at every level of government to keep our children safe,” Trump said.
Law enforcement authorities in Texas reported at least eight fatalities Thursday morning, after a gunman entered the high school campus in southeastern Texas just as the school day was starting. At least two suspects were taken into custody by police.
The White House has previously proposed raising the age at which Americans can purchase firearms, regulating mechanisms like "bump stocks," and placing armed guards inside schools across the United States.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 1:49pm

Protect Our Children and DEMAND Armed, Trained School Security!
5/20/18 Marina Medvin
Our children are sitting ducks in their schools these days.
Our children are everything to us. They are our future. Our happiness. Our light.
Why is it that we do not protect our most precious humans like we protect our banks, or police stations, or courthouses? Why are Americans so lackadaisical when it comes to school security measures?
The Problem:
I attended a City Council meeting and observed PTA mothers ask City Council to NOT place any armed police officers in their kids’ school. They said they did not want anyone armed on school campus. Parents, whose children go to that school, did not want anyone at that school who would be able to stop a shooter. Their reasoning, or lack thereof, still pains me months later.
What’s the point of school security? To protect children’s lives. Why be against the protection of your child’s life? This boggles my mind.
I believe that an overwhelming majority of parents value their children’s lives above all else. That’s how humans survive - we protect our children so that they can live on and have their own children, and so on. To protect our children when we are not in school with them, we need to be able to hire armed, trained security. But to this date, very few schools in the US have hired full-time armed security guards.
We hear sound advice from security experts about instituting Israel’s school security measures. But we don’t implement them. Why?
Israeli schools, by law, must post armed guards to check anyone who enters the school. These guards engage threats, and they work at the school every day. There is only one entrance into each school, and everyone who enters the school must pass through one entrance. Israel has diminished their school shootings. It looks like this works.
So why don’t we do this on a large scale? Democrats.
Instead of enacting immediate, effective measures to stop school shootings, Democrats are encouraging “policy change” for background checks on gun purchases. Democrats are successfully convincing Americans that the longest road to the least tailored solution is the optimal response. Democrats have convinced Americans that asking the government for policy change and waiting many years for policy change to take effect, asking for a law that does not directly shield children from any immediate harm, is somehow a valuable use of their adrenaline.
But a law does not physically manifest itself and magically appear between a shooter and his victim to prevent the shooter from killing his victim. A law does not instantaneously defend; it merely creates deterrence. In this case, the law they are seeking would take many years to have any effect, and the effect would be indirect. The result would certainly not provide any assistance to the children asking their government to protect them. Why are parents not demanding immediate protection, physical protection? Why are kids not demanding armed security to defend them? Because they are publicly encouraged by liberal media and liberal educators not to think via rational self-interest, but to support this groupthink Democrat cause of “gun control.”
While encouraging this far-stretched concept of “gun control,” Democrats are simultaneously discouraging immediate response measures. This appears to be because the immediate response to bad guys with guns requires good guys with guns. That’s where the Democrats retract. They have spent so much time and effort on vilifying the inanimate object that is a firearm, that admitting it can be used for good becomes a political nightmare for them. So they don’t do it.
Democrats need to stop capitalizing on school shootings to promote the idea of policy change on gun ownership. This approach to school shootings has done NOTHING to prevent school shootings, and in fact, cannot stop them. They need to prioritize children’s lives over their political games. This call for gun control after every shooting is an unethical waste of opportunity to call for the immediate protection of life.
That City Council meeting I discussed in the beginning, it was in a city that votes over 78% Democrat. Odds are that those PTA moms were Democrats or listened to liberal news. That’s the only reason I can think of that would cause an otherwise rational parent to have asked the City to keep armed security away from their school.
The Solution:
An armed, trained security guard can stop a shooter. But one is not enough. Each school needs to be evaluated based on its size and entrance points to determine how many guards are necessary to safeguard the school. These security guards must be posted at all times school is in session. School entry points must be limited
But don’t just listen to me. I’m not an expert. Listen to security experts. America has thousands of trained security experts. So do our allies, the Israelis, who instituted the most successful school security measures in the world.
I read, listened to and spoke with some of our American experts before writing this article. They studied and implemented security, and they studied shootings from around the world, including Breslan, Russia (334 killed), Ma’alot, Israel (25 killed), and Colorado, USA (15 killed). They all have advised the same thing: schools need dedicated, trained, armed security and limited entrance points guarded by armed security.
Well, our experts have described the exact system that Israel has implemented. It looks like the solution is unanimous. But Israel has been successful at implementation because their government is on-board with immediate response to assaults on children. They listened to the experts.
When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. When charged with a crime, you go to a lawyer. When you are afraid of school shootings, you go to security experts. (When faced with any of these problems, you definitely don’t go to Congress and ask for a long, drawn-out process of policy intervention that may or may not take effect in the next decade, and which may or may not have any effect on your problem.)
Our experts go into significant detail as to how security can be improved for each school. They discuss everything from limiting entry points to forcing everyone to pass through metal detectors. Experts also recommend ALICE drills for the students. Security experts advise that security measures must be tailored to each school. They have spent the past two decades developing these ideas as our school shootings have been increasing. We need to listen to them.
Take Action:
You need to take action in your schools and communities.
Ask your child’s school about security. Demand armed, trained security permanently posted at each entrance. Attend town meetings and council meetings, and tell them that you want armed security.
One school resource officer is NOT enough. Ask for the school to hire an expert to evaluate your school’s needs to recommend a customized security plan, everything from reducing entrance points to adding metal detectors to implementing the adequate number of security guards for each entry point.
I practice what I preach. I’ve already notified our school of our security demands and our school tells me they are listening. I need to do more. I will continue to do more.
Don’t be shy and don’t worry about offending the school.
Protect your children! Protect America’s children!!



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