We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 11:20pm
Fox News Hires First Female CEO!
5/17/18 Cortney O'Brien
Suzanne Scott has just been named chief executive officer of Fox News and Fox Business Network, making her the first female to take the role. Bret Baier covered the announcement on his program Thursday night.
She is the first official CEO of Fox since Roger Ailes's departure in 2016.
With that, Scott is also the only female CEO currently running any major TV news organization.
Lachlan Murdoch, co-chairman of 21st Century Fox who is expected to be chief executive and chairman of the new company set to form after selling some holdings to Disney, announced Scott's promotion Thursday.
“Suzanne has been instrumental in the success of FOX News and she has now made history as its first female CEO," Murdoch said. "Her vision and innovation have helped create some of the most popular and lucrative primetime programs on cable and as we embark on the era of the proposed New Fox, I am confident that Suzanne’s leadership will ensure the dominance of both FOX News & FBN for years to come.”
Scott is a 20-year veteran of the company. Before her promotion, she had been overseeing Fox's opinion programming.
When Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly left the network, Scott filled the 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. gaps with Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham - decisions which have so far proved to be successful.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 11:02pm

Trump's Rejection of Iran Deal Puts America First.
5/17/18 Armstrong Williams
May 8, 2018, is not just the date when President Donald J. Trump pulled out of the Iran deal. It will ultimately go down in history as a day that the United States made the entire world safer. Though not everyone is on board yet, one day soon the world will be thanking us.
President Trump deserves credit for having the moral courage to speak the truth and act accordingly!
This was a badly negotiated deal that put the world in mortal peril.
During his presidential campaign, Trump promised to withdraw from the agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
And this week he did the right thing by fulfilling that pledge!
President Trump's actions demonstrate that his words were not empty campaign rhetoric. Elected on the promise of putting America first, Trump has shown time and time again that he means what he says!
He proves this once more at the unveiling of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem, the historic homeland of the Jewish people and the united capital of the State of Israel.
Unlike so many other politicians, President Trump actually follows through. He is making big and bold decisions that advance the national security interests of the United States.
By withdrawing from the rotten JCPOA, Trump is showing the nations of the world that America is strong and won't be taken advantage of in one-sided deals that subjugate our own interests.
No longer will the United States of America kowtow to the ploys of rogue regimes or rush headlong into spineless decisions that endanger America and our allies.
Rushing to sign a bum deal with Iran was an awful mistake. It the negotiations with Tehran had produced no deal, then that would have been much better than a bad deal.
Instead, our European allies fell into line alongside the obuma administration, running straight into the outstretched arms of Iran. They may not see the error of their ways yet. But at the same time, Iran's neighbors, who are most threatened by Iran's violent and hegemonic pursuits, are thanking President Trump for his decision!
In a series of tweets, Saudi Arabia's Khalid bin Salman affirmed his support for Trump's move.
"Since deal was inked, instead of behaving like a responsible member of the int'l community, the regime doubled down on its support for terror, providing dangerous weapons, such as ballistic missiles to terrorist proxies including the Houthis In Yemen to target civilians in KSA," one tweet read.
Let's not forget that the JCPOA handed over to Iran around $100 billion in sanctions relief in return for a pledge to merely postpone the resumption of their nuclear arms program.
That might have made us safer for a handful of years, but the sunset clause ensured that the key concern was sticking around.
When candidate Trump said the JCPOA was rotten, the majority of the American people were already in agreement with him!
The Iran deal was sold to the American people under false pretenses by the sorry obuma Administration and especially Secretary of State john kerry.
The Republican caucus in Congress was united in opposition to this terrible pact with the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, which so clearly undercut American security interests.
But despite polling repeatedly showing a major lack of public support, obuma leaned heavily on Congressional Democrats, warning them not to oppose the will of the White House. Ultimately, obuma and his allies used legislative maneuvers to rush the deal through and effectively undercut the will of the people!
Some Democrats were brave enough to stand up and vote their consciences, prioritizing the security of America over partisan politics, and for that, they deserve praise.
Thankfully, America's priorities are back where they belong, and rational foreign policy decisions are coming back into vogue.
We are once again actively taking economic steps against a regime which has affirmed its desire to destroy us and our allies.
Don't just take my word for it;
Observe the state-organized marches at which chants of "Death to America" ring out.
Within hours of the president's historic announcement, the State Department announced that we would be reinstating economic sanctions against Iran. This is an essential move, as it deprives the islamic Republic of the funds it needs to continue in its nefarious and destructive activities.
Iran is an evil nation, bent on opposing the United States and attacking us and our friends through its proxies.
By dismantling the JCPOA and reinstating sanctions, the president is standing up for America!
With clear eyes, we can now move forward down a more reasonable path and one that the American people are behind, enhancing safety not just for our nation, but also the world.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 10:30pm
The Irish Aren't Red-Headed Mexicans!
5/16/18 Ann Coulter
In an interview with NPR last Friday, Trump's chief of staff John Kelly described the illegal aliens pouring across our border in the most gentle manner imaginable.
He said that illegal aliens aren't "bad people," but also "not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our modern society." They are, he continued, mostly rural, poor, unskilled and illiterate. "They don't speak English," Kelly said. "Obviously, that's a big thing."
Kelly violated the civic religion of treating every non-American as better than an American! -- a potential valedictorian, Medal of Honor winner and Nobel Prize recipient. Naturally, he was called a "racist."
So what was the point? You're going to be called a "racist" no matter what you say, so why not be honest: Illegals are self-entitled law-breakers and thieves, stealing jobs and government benefits meant for our own people.
Our cliche-driven media huffed and puffed about Kelly's presumed descent from aliens.
CNN's Don Lemon said, "But like most Americans, Kelly comes from a family of immigrants, doesn't he?"
If you'd read "Adios, America!" Don, you'd know this is PC nonsense. As late as 1990 -- a quarter-century into teddy kennedy's plan to remake our nation into a Third World hellhole -- half of the population traced its roots to the Americans of 1790.
We're a real country, made up of the people who created it, much like other countries.
There were Irish here at the time of our founding who fought in the Revolutionary War. I'm related to one.
CNN's John Berman said: "I remember my high school American history, America in the midst of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century was built on immigrants.”
It's as if nothing happened in America until 1850 -- no Jamestown, no Declaration of Independence, no Constitution, no creation of a brand-new civilization out of mud.
Long before America experienced its first immigrant wave in the 19th century, this was already a wildly successful country -- rich, literate and free.
We'd won a war with Great Britain, conquered the West, and invented electricity, refrigeration, suspension bridges and a democratic republic.
Twitter lit up in response to Kelly's inoffensive remarks, with idiots pointing out that THE SAME THING WAS ONCE SAID ABOUT THE IRISH!
Yes, and the people who said it were right. Let's not sugarcoat what wonderful immigrants the Irish were!
All immigrants have been a problem in their own way.
Italian immigrants brought us organized crime, something America had never experienced before.
Jewish immigrants brought us radicals, communists and anarchists, setting off bombs all over the place.
Irish immigrants brought poverty and shocking levels of crime -- also William Brennan and teddy kennedy, the two men who did more than any others to wreck our country!
In the draft riots of 1863, New York City's Irish exploded in feral violence over the Emancipation Proclamation, fearful that they would soon have to compete with freed blacks for jobs.
The Irish ran wild, lynching blacks and burning black establishments to the ground.
As described in Leslie M. Harris' book "In the Shadow of Slavery: blacks in New York City, 1626–1863," the Irish rioters "made a sport of mutilating the black men's bodies, sometimes sexually.
A group of white men and boys mortally attacked black sailor William Williams -- jumping on his chest, plunging a knife into him, smashing his body with stones -- while a crowd of men, women and children watched."
Luckily for the Irish, there were no ethnic activist groups leaping in to excuse their bad behavior.
President Lincoln sent in federal troops to crush the savage uprising.
Lincoln was a very popular president!
And these were European immigrants, most of whom spoke English, contrary to the claptrap you've heard in reaction to Kelly's remark this past week.
Today we're getting peasants, mexicans, who do not speak English, they don't even speak Spanish and are also illiterate in their own dialects!
The Irish were driven out of their country by a one-time calamity -- the potato famine. This wasn't how they always lived. Starving poverty wasn't their culture.
Still, the Irish were -- at one time -- among the poorest immigrants we ever got and the slowest to assimilate. It took 120 years, by political analyst Michael Barone's estimate. Imagine a time when our worst immigrants were the Irish!
And they might still be a problem if The New York Times had demanded special rights for them, the ACLU had brought lawsuits on their behalf and the Southern Poverty Law Center had screamed "racism" whenever anyone noticed their bad behavior.
Instead, no-nonsense Irish priests knocked them upside the head and told them to sober up and go home to their wives. Back then, the Catholic Church was not about "immigrant rights"; it was about cleaning up their own bums.
By the 1950s, the Irish were out earning other Americans. Many reformed so well that they became Republicans.
That was then, this is now!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 9:04pm
BOMBSHELL Trump Will Not Be Indicted!
5/17/18 by: TTN Staff
According to a report Wednesday, President Trump's legal team has been assured that he will not be indicted. Other than a report and a recommendation to the house, the Mueller probe apparently has its hands tied.
According to The Hill:
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team told President Trump’s legal team that they can’t indict a sitting president, CNN reported Wednesday.
Rudy Giuliani, who is leading Trump’s legal team in the Russia probe, told the network that when it comes to the president, Mueller’s team can only write a report at the conclusion of its investigation. Such a report could outline wrongdoing or include recommendations for the House.
“They can’t indict. At least they acknowledged that to us after some battling, they acknowledged that to us,” Giuliani told CNN.
The decision not to indict a sitting president would align with Justice Department guidelines dating back to the Nixon administration that say a sitting president can’t be indicted.
This information comes as Thursday marks the one year anniversary of the Mueller investigation. The pressure is mounting for it to come to an end soon.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 8:34pm
Jeff Sessions Quietly Ends MAJOR Obama Transgender Rule!
Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ deputies are ending resident barry obuma’s last-minute decision to impose the transgender ideology in federal prisons which allowed men who identify as “female” to then enter a woman’s prison, reports Breitbart News.
Sessions’ revised policy says officials “will use biological sex as the initial determination” when assigning people to either male or female prisons, according to the policy document published May 11 by Buzzfeed.
Critics said obuma’s transgender policy would have created huge risks of rape because few people who say they are transgender have undergone genital cosmetic surgery, and few can pass as members of the opposite sex.
For example, obuma’s policy would allow male criminals into women’s prisons and pressure women-who-say-they-are-men to live in men’s prisons.
Sessions’ new policy marks another step in reasserting the normal biology-based legal distinctions between female and male. Those distinctions were being scrubbed from the law by obuma’s pro-transgender policies.
Trump has already begun reversing obuma’s pro-transgender policies in K-12 schools, in health care, and the military which now says it classifies soldiers’ sex by using the “bright line based on biological sex.”
obuma’s policies allowed people to change their legal sex by declaring they have the “gender identity” of an opposite-sex person, regardless of appearance, biology, or public opinion.
In practice, this transgender ideology puts a legal gag on teenage girls who do not want to share their bathrooms with boys-who-say-they-feel-like-girls, it silences women who want to object when biologically intact men walk into their showers, and it stigmatizes people who try to preserve sexual privacy and sexual distinctions in a two-sex society of equal, different, and complementary men and women, girls and boys.
Trump’s support for a two-sex, male-and-female society is very popular.
The Sessions policy gives prison officials the flexibility they need to deal with people who have tried to live as members of the other sex. It says:
“The designation to a facility of the inmate’s identified gender would be appropriate only in rare cases after consideration of all factors and where there has been significant progress towards transition as demonstrated by medical and mental health history.”
Sessions’ policy change came after several women prisoners in Texas sought to exclude men who say they are women from their jail and began negotiating a legal settlement with Trump’s appointees.
Their chances were boosted when Trump discarded the pro-transgender policies pushed by obuma.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 8:23pm
While Almost No One Noticed, Republicans Passed A Law That Quietly Made obumadon'tcare Unconstitutional.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was passed in December 2017 may soon be responsible for taking down the Affordable Care Act provision that demands every individual to buy qualifying health insurance or else pay a fine, reports Town Hall.
Chief Justice John Roberts was the deciding vote in favor of the ACA law, but now the tax cuts bill may be making him reevaluate that decision.
In Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion, which saved the ACA from what appeared to be its certain death, he reasoned the federal government has the authority to impose an individual health care mandate because, despite language in the ACA calling the mandate a penalty, it’s effectively a tax and Congress has the constitutional authority to impose taxes.
Chief Justice John Roberts joined the Supreme Court’s more conservative justices in rejecting the primary argument made by the obuma administration and the liberal justices, who claimed the federal government has the authority to impose a mandate to purchase health insurance under the Constitution’s “commerce clause” — a provision granting to Congress the power to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.”
Chief Justice John Roberts’ claim that the individual mandate is a tax was controversial, to say the least, but it opened the door to the law’s ultimate demise in a surprising way:
If the individual mandate is only constitutional because it’s a tax, then the removal of the penalty from the law should gut the mandate of its constitutionality.---
And that’s precisely what happened in December when Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. One of the provisions included in Republicans’ tax reform bill will end the monetary penalty imposed by obumadon'tcare in January 2019 without ending the mandate to purchase health insurance — something Congress likely couldn’t have done under the budget reconciliation rules used to pass the tax bill.
By removing the obumadon'tcare fine — or, according to Chief Justice John Roberts, the “tax”, the Affordable Care Act likely became, or will become, unconstitutional under the opinion issued by Roberts and the dissent published by four other justices in the 2012 case.
The reason the entire health care law could be determined unconstitutional if the individual mandate is struck down is that the Supreme Court has determined in previous cases that when a single provision of a law is ruled unconstitutional and it’s clear Congress wouldn’t have passed the bill without that provision, the entire law must also be thrown out.
Former Justice Antonin Scalia explained this precedence in the dissent he authored in the 2012 case that upheld obumadon'tcare’s constitutionality, writing, “even if the remaining provisions can operate as Congress designed them to operate, the Court must determine if Congress would have enacted them standing alone and without the unconstitutional portion. If Congress would not, those provisions, too, must be invalidated.”
Because Congress itself declared the individual mandate was “essential” to the entire law’s operation when the Affordable Care Act was passed, a reasonable case could be made that Congress would never have passed the ACA without the individual mandate, and thus the Supreme Court should strike down the entire law if it rules the mandate unconstitutional.
This argument, which was first brought to our attention by former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who was previously one of the leaders in the legal battle against obumadon'tcare, is gaining traction and could soon result in yet another obumadon'tcare showdown in the Supreme Court.
On April 23, 20 states and several other plaintiffs filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas alleging the obumadon'tcare individual mandate is now unconstitutional and that if the mandate is determined to be unconstitutional, the entire law must also be thrown out.
If forcing Americans to buy health insurance is “essential” to the ACA, then the unconstitutionality of that “essential” mandate could very well sink the entire health care law, accomplishing in an instant what the Republican-led Congress has failed to achieve since taking power following the 2016 elections.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 7:59pm
KILLSHOT! Oakland Mayor Who Warned Illegal Aliens Of ICE Raids Gets Instant Dose Of Karma.
The Immigration Reform Law Institute will file a lawsuit on Monday seeking to force Oakland, Mexifornia to produce documents related to their mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to tip-off illegal aliens to a major ICE raid in February, reports Breitbart News.
We’re “tired of these state and local jurisdictions who are thumbing their nose at our duly enacted immigration laws!,” IRLI Executive Director Dale Wilcox told Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House.
In February, a San Francisco Bay-wide operation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) aimed at criminal illegal aliens netted 232 apprehensions, including 115 with serious criminal records.
But, according to ICE Director Thomas Homan, more than 800 others escaped after Libby Schaaf broke the secrecy of the action, explicitly in order to protect illegals from discovery.
In a Fox and Friends interview in the aftermath of the operation, an outraged Homan accused Schaaf of acting like “a gang lookout yelling ‘police.’”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was even more emphatic. “How dare you?” he asked during his announcement of his department’s lawsuits to strike down Mexifornia’s so-called “sanctuary” policies.
“How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical open borders agenda?”
Schaaf defended her actions, claiming they did not endanger law enforcement and only told “people what the law is, what their rights are, what their resources are.”
IRLI requested copies of emails and other internal communications between Schaff and her top-level staff related to Schaaf’s public tip-off under the Mexifornia Public Records Act (CPRA), but according to IRLI’s complaint, the assigned deadline passed without any documents being produced.
IRLI is now suing to force Oakland to hand over the documents.
“I think the documents are going to expose Schaaf and her staff radical open-borders philosophy and how Schaaf has been scheming with the chief of police,” Wilcox told House about what IRLI hopes their lawsuit will uncover. “She has mentioned in news reports about conversations she’s had with her chief of police over tipping off illegal aliens. She’s been quite brazen. She’s actually said she’s willing to go to jail to defend criminal illegal aliens!” ***STUPID LIBERAL ****
Schaaf’s tip-off provoked a strong reaction but rocketed her into the forefront of politics in Mexifornia, where she is running for re-election.
The gambit attracted the endorsement of rising Resistance star Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), for example.
This IRLI suit against Schaaf is taking place amid a backdrop of contempt for federal immigration laws across the Golden State, most clearly exhibited by the three sanctuary state laws the Justice Department is seeking to invalidate.
Most galling of these for immigration hawks like Wilcox is AB 450, which prohibits private employers from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement. “This is the State of Mexifornia telling employers – private employers, we’re not talking about public agencies – ‘you’re not allowed to cooperate with ICE either,’” Wilcox told House.
In turn, Schaaf and Mexifornia’s resistance to federal immigration laws fits into the larger, nationwide effort by liberal jurisdictions to protect illegal aliens at the expense or in disregard of American citizens and legal residents!
Wilcox cited a recent study by IRLI’s sister group the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) that showed over half of Americans now live in some kind of sanctuary jurisdiction.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 1:05am

Trump-Backed Congressman Wins Critical Primary.
5/15/18 The Hill by: Lisa Hagen
Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) is projected to win the GOP primary in the marquee race for the Pennsylvania Senate seat now held by Sen. Bob Casey (D).
The Associated Press called the race for Barletta at 9:41 p.m. EDT.
Barletta, who was backed by President Trump and the Pennsylvania Republican Party, defeated little-known challenger state Rep. Jim Christiana Tuesday for the Republican nomination. Barletta, who has served in the House since 2011, will now face Casey in November.
An early supporter of Trump’s during the 2016 election, Barletta jumped into the Senate race with the full backing of the president. Trump touted Barletta as a “great guy” at a Pennsylvania rally earlier this year, and endorsed him in February.Days ahead of Tuesday’s primary, Trump recorded a robocall for Barletta, lauding the congressman as an immigration hardliner and his support for the GOP’s tax plan.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 12:59am

Conservative Student's Closing Salvo to Anti-Gun University Goes Viral.
5/16/18 Fox News by: Caleb Parke
A conservative woman who recently graduated from Kent State University has received threats after she took aim at her school’s anti-gun policies in a photo shoot where she carried an AR-10 and wore a cap that said, “Come and take it.”
Kaitlin Bennett, a 22-year-old Second Amendment supporter from Zanesville, Ohio and founder of 'Liberty Hangout' at Kent State, a student media outlet that promotes libertarian values, posed in front of the Kent Student Center for the tweet that has gone viral.
Now that I graduated from Kent State, I can finally arm myself on campus. I should have been able to do so as a student- especially since 4 unarmed students were shot and killed by the government on this campus, she posted on Twitter Sunday.
Bennett told Fox News she wanted to condemn the school’s “insulting” policies.

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/conservative-student-s-closi...

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 17, 2018 at 12:48am

Trump's UNCOMPROMISING Plan for Dealing With Officer Killers.
President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday a mandatory death penalty for criminals who kill police officers! **** YE-HAA! ****
05/15/18 Source: The Daily Caller by: Christian Datoc
Trump, speaking at the 37th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service, called for an immediate end to “the attacks on our police, and we must end them right now.”
“We believe criminals who kill our police should get the death penalty,” POTUS stated. “Bring it forth.”
Trump added that he has “directed the Justice Department to do anything within their power to defend the lives of American law enforcement.”



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