We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 4:20pm

Ocasio-Cortez Hit With Campaign Fraud Lawsuit.

 Will she get away with it? --**** OF COURSE! ****


 A GOP group, the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, has sued Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for allegedly funneling campaign money to her boyfriend. Fox News reports:

A Republican group filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday alleging that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign may have illegally funneled thousands of dollars through an allied PAC to boyfriend Riley Roberts.

 Members of the Washington, D.C.-based Coolidge Reagan Foundation allege in their complaint that when the Brand New Congress PAC (BNC) — a political arm of Brand New Congress LLC, a company that was hired by Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to run and support her campaign — paid Roberts for marketing services, it potentially ran afoul of campaign finance law.

 “It’s not illegal for Ocasio-Cortez to pay her boyfriend, but it appears they created a scheme to avoid claiming the money as a campaign expense,” Dan Backer, a D.C.-based attorney who filed the complaint on behalf of the foundation, told Fox News. “What exactly did he do for that money?”

 It was first reported last week that the Brand New Congress PAC paid Roberts during the early days of the Ocasio-Cortez campaign. According to FEC records, the PAC made two payments to Roberts – one in August 2017 and one in September 2017 – both for $3,000.

This is not the first time that leftist politicians have been sued for the very campaign finance laws that they want to make more strict. Will the FEC do anything about it? Will she get away with it? --**** OF COURSE! ****

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 2:24pm

Creep Show: Ted Cruz Called The Democratic Response To Trump's Border Address.

 'One Of The Most Frightening Things I've Seen'!


  As the government shutdown drags on, Sen. chuck schumer (D-NY) said enough with the memes, but he gave the Internet endless fodder with his and nancy pukelosi’s response to President Trump’s border address.
 There is a crisis at the border, The Washington Post and The New York Times reported on it.
Yet, CNN and other trash liberal outlets say otherwise because;
a) they hate Trump; and b) it would give legitimacy to the president border agenda.
 The Democrats wanted to respond to the president’s address. And boy, was it something otherworldly. It was immediately mocked on social media and wasn’t persuasive in the slightest. Alas, the two sides of this shutdown debate, and they’re not budging.
  Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) aptly noted that this response was a creep show. It was “one of the most frightening things" he had ever seen. The Texas Republican equated it to a hostage video in a segment with The Daily Caller (via The Hill):
 I gotta say, watching the schumer-pukelosi response was one of the most frightening things I've seen," Cruz says. "You want to talk about a visual? I am pretty convinced that was an actual hostage video." 
 "Go back and look at it again," he adds. "I am virtually certain that nancy is blinking S.O.S. as chuck schumer is talking. They're hostage to the extreme, the radicals, to the crazies in their party and they're not listening to the American people."      
  pukelosi and schumer requested and were granted airtime on all the major broadcast and cable news networks to provide their response to the president's address after Trump received the same courtesy.
 Well, part of that is certainly true. The progressive Left is slowly taking over, partially because the Democratic power bastions are more urban and coastal. At the same time, that’s exactly where Schumer and Pelosi hail from; Schumer is New York and Pelosi is California—two of the biggest left-wing cesspools in the country. I don’t think she was blinking S.O.S., senator. She’s just nuts, and Schumer is as liberal as any person on the Hill. They want this shutdown to score points. This is politics, and both sides haven’t blinked yet. But I do agree that their response was downright creepy!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 2:05pm

Gross: Ana Navarro Sighs, Files Her Nails During Discussion of Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants.

 1/11/19 10:25 AM Guy Benson

Gross: Ana Navarro Sighs, Files Her Nails During Discussion of Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants

 On Chris Cuomo's CNN program this week, professional Trump shade-thrower Ana Navarro got into a heated debate with Trump supporter Steve Cortes over immigration.  Much of the discussion was a shouty mess, and the seriousness of the exchange was made clear early on when Navarro pulled out her nail file to help illustrate her antipathy toward a weak point made by Donald Trump, Jr. about the efficacy of walls.  "Nice prop," Cuomo remarked.  

 As the discussion progressed, the topic shifted to crime rates among immigrants.  Cortes dubiously claimed there is "conflicting" data on whether immigrants (as an aside, I detest the conflation of legal and illegal immigrants) commit more per capita crimes than native born Americans (the consensus I've seen is that this pro-immigrant statistic is accurate), but went on to correctly say that any crime committed by someone who entered the United States illegally is a problem.  "The illegal crime rate should be zero," he said, just as Navarro sighed heavily and filed her nails on camera.  Skip ahead to the 8:45 mark and let it roll:


"She's doing her nails again," Cuomo noted, setting Cortes off: "You can do your nails," he fumed.  "You know who can't do their nails?  People who have been killed, Ana, by dangerous, known illegal aliens who've been allowed to stay in this country because of the leftist policies that people like you promote in so-called sanctuary cities."  Navarro dismissively waved her hand at the camera, telling Cortes that she's "tired" of his "ad hominem" attacks, after which the two combatants talked over each other unintelligibly.

 Cuomo finally ended the segment by telling Cortes that the shutdown is "on your head, my brother." 

 I understand that Navarro's designated role is to be the snarky, sassy mexicano  and nominal Republican who blasts Trump all day, every day.  That's fine.  Navarro was filing her nails in the midst of an argument about crimes committed by illegal immigrants, which isn't exactly a light subject.  You might think that someone would want to make clear that regardless of his or her disdain for certain arguments, they are of course disturbed by heinous crimes like this, and have no interest in minimizing the pain of loved ones.  

 But that's not what Navarro did, instead raging about how little she cares whether or not Cortes calls her a leftist.  It wasn't a good look, but CNN seemed to think it strong content, sharing the video embedded above with the caption, "Navarro files her nails during border wall debate."  Mission accomplished, I guess.

 Speaking of CNN, I'll leave you with several people responding to White House correspondent Jim Acosta's latest vacuous, specious video about the supposed tranquility at the southern border.  Here's former CNN reporter Peter Hamby blowing up the whole stupid premise:

 I am *shocked* that a glib video, customized for re-tweets and filmed in broad daylight along one of the more secure parts of the RGV by a reporter who parachuted in for the day, did not reveal anything dramatic.-Peter Hamby

Jim Acosta  "I found some steel slats down on the border. But I don’t see anything resembling a national emergency situation.. at least not in the McAllen TX area of the border where Trump will be today."

 On substance, it's been a rough few days for Jim.  But if the goal is attention, in the mold of Navarro, he's winning. Big league.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 1:38pm

A Local News Station Just Called Out CNN On Air for Their Border False Narrative.


 1/11/19 9:40 AM   Cortney O'Brien
A Local News Station Just Called Out CNN On Air for Their Border Narrative

 KUSI News 

Local news affiliate KUSI News in San Diego shared an interesting story Thursday night about an exchange they recently had with CNN. CNN called the station this week hoping the affiliate could provide a story or two about the border wall already in place in their community. When KUSI informed them that the barrier has actually been pretty effective, CNN hung up.
 Thursday morning, @CNN called the KUSI Newsroom asking if a reporter could give them a local view of the debate surrounding the border wall and government shutdown. After we informed them about our past reports, they declined to hear from us.
 "CNN asked if KUSI would find a reporter to offer our local view of the debate," one of the anchors explained on air. "Especially if the wall works in San Diego."

 When the affiliate offered CNN their reporter Dan Plante, who has previously reported how the wall "is not an issue" and is, in fact, "effective." 

 "Knowing this, CNN declined to have us on their programs, which often present the wall as not required," the anchor continued. "They didn’t like what they heard from us.”

 In sum, the station believe that "CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work."

 KUSI didn't stop there. The network goes the extra mile to provide statistics to prove how the wall works.

CNN anchor Jim Acosta was mocked for trying to push that same "walls don't work" narrative via a short video at the border Thursday, but it too backfired. As he walked along a part of the border wall, Acosta noted how "tranquil" it was and how President Trump was exaggerating the "national emergency." As multiple social media users noted on his Twitter page, he basically just proved that walls do work.

 "The steel slats don’t run the entire length of the border in the McAllen area. We found one part where there is a chain link fence. Occasionally migrants come thru but residents say their community is quite safe".-Jim Acosta

 Acosta's oblivious video also resulted in perhaps one of the best tweets of all time.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 1:17pm

30 Foot Section of Border Wall COMPLETED.

 October 26, 2018

A section of the border wall has been completed and inaugurated by DHS Secretary Nielsen. The Washington Examiner reports:

 Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Friday unveiled the first completed border wall project that was constructed as a result of President Trump’s push to further secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

 “Walls work, it’s not my opinion,” Nielsen said at the ceremony near downtown Calexico, a rural border town of approximately 38,000 residents. “It’s not a tag line. It’s a fact.”

Construction of the 30-foot, 2.5-mile-long wall began in February and lasted eight months. Nielsen watched as welders affixed a sign to the wall to commemorate the event. It’s now the tallest barrier on the entire 2,000-mile-long southwest border.

“Looking at this, I would not attempt to climb it,” Nielsen said.

This is a strong start to better border security, and the wall project can now be expanded to the rest of the border.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 1:11pm

Border Massacre Reveals Truth About Crisis.


While some sections of the borders are highly secured, such as where Jim Acosta went over the week, others are total warzones. The Daily Wire reports:

On the same day that CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta posted his report from McAllen, Texas assuring Americans that there wasn’t “anything resembling a national emergency situation,” at least not there, very different reports were coming out of a Mexican border town just a few hours northwest: Authorities found 21 bodies, some burned, after what appears to be yet another clash between rival drug cartel gangs.

“Mexican authorities said Thursday that 21 bodies, some burned, have been found in the northern Mexico border state of Tamaulipas in what appears to have been a clash between drug gangs. The bodies were found near the remains of seven burned-out vehicles near the border town of Miguel Aleman,” CBS News reports.

The city of Miguel Aleman is located in the northwestern border state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. The city is about three hours northwest of McAllen and borders the southern edge of Texas. […]

While Acosta made sure to note that he saw no evidence of a crisis “at least in McAllen,” the reality, of course, is that multiple towns on both the north and south edge of the border are seeing not only the humanitarian crises that necessarily result from illegal immigration, but the additional, often deadly violence of the drug cartels.

This is yet another example of the border war that President Trump is trying to stop.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 12:15am

 Huge Drug Bust Shows Need For Wall.

 January 18, 2019


Border Patrol seized a huge quantity of drugs at the border where a fence was missing, showing that the Democrats’ claim that drugs only come through ports of entry is false.

The Daily Wire reports:

 Border Patrols agents seized hundreds of pounds of cocaine at an unsecured area of the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

 “Customs and Border Protection said the suspects were seen loading ‘bundles of narcotics’ into an off-road-style utility vehicle outside of Garciasville, a city in Texas up against the river,” the Washington Examiner reported.   “The suspects, aware they had been seen, were able to ‘abruptly’ drive the vehicle into the river and escape into Mexico.”

 “705 lbs. of cocaine, caltrops, evidence of sophisticated counter surveillance and a splashdown in one encounter are an obvious reminder of the need for more personnel, technology, and infrastructure in the Rio Grande Valley,” acting Chief Patrol Agent Raul Ortiz said in a statement. “Transnational Criminal Organizations continue to exploit areas along our western corridor that accounts for more than 90% of our traffic.”

 The incident comes as the Democratic Party has tried to claim in recent weeks that drugs do not come across the border, and only enter through ports of entry.

 The American people value border security, and the wall is the best way to dramatically reduce illegal contraband from entering the country.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 3, 2019 at 12:00am

Trump Asks Why ‘Wealthy Politicians’ Have Walls When America Does Not.

  1/8/19 | Politics Benny Johnson | Columnist, Viral Politics

President Donald Trump gave a national address from the Oval Office Tuesday evening making the case for a southern border wall. Trump noted the spiking of violent crime, gang activity, child smuggling, abuse and drug trafficking as a result of the open U.S.-Mexico border.

 During the speech, Trump reiterated a recent talking point about powerful and wealthy politicians building walls around their houses.

Some have suggested a barrier is immoral,” Trump said concerning recent comments from House Speaker nancy pukelosi,  “Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes?”

 Trump continued, “They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside. But because they love the people on the inside. The only thing that is immoral is the politicians to do nothing and continue to allow more innocent people to be so horribly victimized.”

 Trump concluded, “Day after day, precious lives are cut short by those who have violated our borders.”



President Trump has often criticized former resident barack obuma for having a “10-foot wall” around his house in Washington, D.C.  "Resident and mooch obuma built and has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!"
 The Daily Caller traveled to resident obuma’s house to try and find out if he indeed had a “10-foot wall” around his house.

WATCH: https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/08/trump-wealthy-politicians-have-w...

 The address came in the midst of a partial government shutdown over funding for the border wall as Democratic congressional leaders refuse to give the White House the funding they are asking for in order to secure the border.

 The speech marked his first prime-time Oval Office address since taking office.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 7:04pm

Patriot Makes Guns From Scrap Metal, Sells Them in State’s ‘Buyback’ Program, Buys Real Guns With Proceeds. Another stupid idea that doesn't work!!

  By Peter D'Abrosca

A Missouri man figured out pretty quickly how to game the states “gun buyback” program, in which it encourages people to sell their guns to the state in exchange for cash or gift cards.

 “YouTuber Royal Nonesuch made a quick $300 by taking 3 firearms that he’d built out of scrap and selling them back to the state of Missouri,” according to Law Enforcement Today. “He described two of the pipe guns as the ‘crappiest guns I’ve ever made’ but was still able to successfully sell them off to the program.”

 The goal of the whole program, implemented by anti-Second Amendment Democrats, is to take weapons off the street. Of course, as the author of the piece points out, only law abiding citizens ever turn up to sell their weapons. Even criminals aren’t dumb enough to try to sell stolen weapons back to the government.

Turns out, the YouTuber has an entrepreneurial side. They guns he built and sold were described as “by no means a practical weapon or method of defense.”

 “Nonesuch was literally able to sell pieces of scrap metal and garbage back to the ‘no questions asked’ program with an intention to purchase a rifle or pistol from a pawn shop after the sale,” the article said. “He stated to his followers that he would post again when he settled on a new gun to purchase.”

 The report said that the buyback program takes place in the parking lot – in the cars of the coordinators – because the building in which the coordinators work is a “gun-free zone.”


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 6:48pm

BEST PRESIDENT EVER: Trump’s Epic CPAC Speech Shows How He Saved The Republican Party

NATIONAL HARBOR — President Donald Trump rocked the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Saturday with an epic speech illustrating how he, Donald J. Trump, saved the Republican Party with the help of his amazing MAGA movement.

 Trump offered a unique, personalized, and friendly window into his daily life as president, with anecdotes about his trip to Iraq and an extensive chronicling of how Republicans win elections now because of him and the Trump movement. The crowd was ecstatic. President Trump showed real appreciation for the MAGA activists who have re-shaped the GOP, and he hyped his executive order protecting free speech on college campuses. Most importantly, Trump vowed to win again in 2020. The Trump movement clearly supports that deal.




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