We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 6:27pm

**** Ah, yesterday when we were young! ****


 Our Lives are LIVING PROOF !!!  

 To Those of Us Born  1925 - 1955:      

At the end of this email is a quote of the month by Jay Leno.

 TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE  1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s !!  

  First, we survived being born to mothers who may have smoked and/or drank  While they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.  Then, after that trauma, we were  put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs painted with bright colored Lead-based paints.  We didn't have childproof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets.

  And, when we rode our bikes,  We wore baseball caps,  Not helmets.

As infants and children, we would ride in cars without car seats, booster seats, seat belts, or air bags  and bald tires and sometimes no brakes..   
 Riding in the bed of a pick- up truck on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from this.  We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter, and bacon. We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar. And we weren't overweight. WHY?     Because we were always outside playing...that's why!   

 We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.  No one was able to reach us all day ..  And, we were OKAY.   

 We would spend hours building  "go-carts" out of  scraps and then ride them down the hill, without  

brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we got scrapes, bruises and cuts. No problem. Our

moms put monkey blood or kerosene on us and sent us back outside!

 We didn't Have Play Stations, Nintendo  and X-boxes, video games, 150 channels on cable, video movies DVDs, No surround-sound , CDs,  cell phones, personal computers, or Internet with chat rooms.  How did we survive that?

  WE HAD FRIENDS!  And we went Outside and found them!  We fell out of trees, got cut, Broken bones and Teeth,   And there were No lawsuits   From those accidents.    

 We would get Spankings with wooden spoons, switches, ping-pong paddles, dad's old belt or just a bare hand, And no one would call child services to report abuse.    

  We ate worms, And mud pies.  And guess what--- The worms did Not live in us forever.      

We were given a pocket knife on our 6th birthday, a BB gun for our 10th, a 22 rifle for our 12th, rode horses, made up games with sticks and old spark plugs and    -although we were Told it would happen- we did not put out very many eyes. And, our eyes never got stuck when we  crossed them.   

 We rode bikes Or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell. We never just Walked in! And absolutely never ever opened their icebox. We were taught manners at an early age.

 Little League had tryouts  And not everyone Made the team.  Those who didn't Had to learn To deal with Disappointment. Imagine that!!

 The idea of a parent Bailing us out If we broke the law  was unheard of ...  They actually sided with lawenforcement! 

Those  generations have Produced some of the best risk-takers,   Problem solvers, and Inventors ever.      The past 60 to 85 years Have seen an explosion of innovation and new ideas. 

 We had freedom, Failure, success and responsibility, and we learned How to deal with it all.       

If YOU are One of those born   Between 1925-1955, CONGRATULATIONS! 

 You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids before the lawyers and the government regulated so much of our lives for our own good.

  While you are at it, forward it to your kids, so they will know how brave and lucky their parents were.     Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it ?   

  The quote of the month by  Jay Leno: 

  "With hurricanes, tornadoes, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist  attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?" 

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 6:05pm

Fence within stone wall, ‘moat’ surround Pelosi vineyard estate.

1/7/19  By Kyle Olson

“It’s surrounded by a massive stone wall,” the camerman notes.

“As you can see, it’s bounded by the … Napa River,” he says, “so the river forms a boundary, so she has a moat, as well.”

 Approaching the gate, the man says, “As you can see here, she’s got a fence inside the stone wall. Two layers of fences, a big metal stone gate, and a river that acts as a moat,” he summarizes.

 In a second video, the same man attempts to call Pelosi on the call box accompanying the gate.

Offered two call options — the residence and the “cottage” — the man attempts to call both, but they go unanswered.

As the federal government remains partially shut down, Pelosi has frequently invoked morality in the debate. 

 A fence within a wall and a “moat” protect nancy pukelosi from the unwashed masses who would like a taste of her vineyard life.

 Twitter user @KernUnited recently visited the new House Speaker’s property, and despite calling a wall along the southern border “immoral,” pukelosi has no problem keeping one around her estate.

 The property on Zinfandel Lane north of Napa, Mexifornia features a stone wall across the front of the property, and a large iron gate across the driveway

 It’s surrounded by a massive stone wall,” the camerman notes.

“As you can see, it’s bounded by the … Napa River,” he says, “so the river forms a boundary, so she has a moat, as well.”

 Approaching the gate, the man says, “As you can see here, she’s got a fence inside the stone wall. Two layers of fences, a big metal stone gate, and a river that acts as a moat,” he summarizes.

 In a second video, the same man attempts to call pukelosi on the call box accompanying the gate.

Offered two call options — the residence and the “cottage” — the man attempts to call both, but they go unanswered.

 As the federal government remains partially shut down, pukelosi has frequently invoked morality in the debate.

nancy pukelosi likes walls. For her family, not yours.

“The fact is, a wall is an immorality,” she said shortly after being named Speaker. “It’s not who we are as a nation.”

Nancy Pelosi's estate at 11 Zinfadel Lane in the Napa Valley has a big wall.

She owns trophy properties from coast to coast. They all have walls.

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California Rising @KernUnited

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 4:22pm

3/1/19  Mike Pence’s Promise to Conservatives:

 A call to all lovers of freedom.

Mike Pence took the stage at CPAC on Friday, promising conservatives that socialism will never take root in America. PJ Media reports:

 OXON HILL, Md. — On Friday, Vice President Mike Pence addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) with a powerful denunciation of socialism, repeating President Donald Trump’s declaration that America “will never be a socialist country.”

 “Today Democrats openly advocate an economic system that has impoverished millions of people across the world. Under the guise of Medicare-for-all and a Green New Deal, Democrats are embracing the same tired economic theories that have impoverished nations and stifled the liberties of millions,” Pence declared.

 Pence would get rid of Social Security, Medicare, Minimum wage, EPA, etc and let the big corporations and robber barons impoverish America. 1% of the richest American oligarchs already own 40% of America;

  Trump and Pence want it to be 100%. America is much more capitalistic than it was 30 years ago; look at the inequality statistics. Big business, NOT big government, controls every aspect of our lives today, and it it is getting worse. drug prices? hospital care prices? corporate pollution? union busting? off-shore production? food poising and additives? The middle class is disappearing, and it is not “big government ” that is causing it, Federal and state laws and regulations are the only protection middle America has against the new robber barons.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 4:14pm
Mike Pence’s Promise to Conservatives
A call to all lovers of freedom
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 3:46pm

Trump Confirms He Can Use "National Emergency" To Build Wall After Key Democrat's Admission.

 Mon, 1/7/19 by Tyler Durden

 On SundayABC's "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos asked Adam Smith "Does President Trump have the ability, have the authority to declare a national emergency and have the military build his wall?" 

"Well, unfortunately, the short answer is yes," replied Smith. "There is a provision in the law that says the president can declare an emergency. It’s been done a number of times, but primarily it’s been done to build facilities in Afghanistan and Iraq. In this case, I think the president would be wide open to a court challenge saying, where is the emergency? You have to establish that in order to do this. Beyond that, this would be a terrible use of Department of Defense dollars."

 "The president spends most of his time talking about how we’re not spending enough on national security, now he wants to take $20 billion out of defense budget to build a wall. Which by the way, is not going to improve our border security. The president seems unaware of this, but we have actually already built a wall across much of the border, and all border security experts that I talk to say, where a wall makes sense, it’s already been built. We should have a conversation about border security, but first, we should we open the government and pay our border patrol agents and the federal agents that are furloughed," Smith added. 



Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 3:25pm

Change.Org Petition To Impeach Rashida Tlaib Is Gaining Momentum.


 Tlaib, a Muslim Palestinian-American, stands accused of anti-Semitism and falsifying her residency, according to a new Change.org petition, “IMPEACH RASHIDA TLAIB.” 

 More than 80,000 people have signed the petition as of press time.

Laura Loomer reported for Big League Politics:

Trending: MSM Profile of Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar Shows She Hated America Since Her Arrival

 Freshman U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the first Muslim woman elected to Congress, is already embroiled in controversy within her first day of being sworn into the 116th US Congress.

 “I’m now going to be a member of Congress, Inshallah,” Tlaib said at the event. “Inshallah” means “God willing” in Arabic.

 Choosing to take her oath on a Quran, Tlaib was sworn in while wearing traditional Palestinian attire with a group of some of the most notorious Jew haters by her side. Along with members of her Palestinian family, Tlaib invited rabid jew haters Linda Sarsour and Rasha Mubarak as her guests.

 One has to wonder why the media has continued to build a heroic profile of Tlaib, “the first Muslim woman elected to Congress,” when she is openly prancing around with Jew haters and jihadists who are currently at the center of the Women’s March controversy. Not only has the media praised Tlaib, but they have refused to hold her accountable for her associations with Sarsour and Mubarak.

Let’s take a look at who these two Palestinian women truly are.

 Linda Sarsour is a radical left wing Muslim Brotherhood activist. On July 1, 2017, Linda Sarsour gave a speech at the 54th Annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Convention in Chicago. During that speech, Sarsour not only infamously called for Muslims to carry out Jihad against President Trump, but she also used her speech as an opportunity to praise Imam Siraj Wahhaj.

 Siraj was not only named in court documents as an alleged “co-conspirator” in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, but he often calls for the killing of innocents in the name of Islam. Siraj once said,

"If Allah says 100 strikes, 100 strikes it is. If Allah says cut off their hand, you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death, through the Prophet Muhammad, then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger—nothing personal.

“Nothing personal.” That is what Siraj, Sarsour’s “mentor” and “favorite person” had to say about Islamic terrorism. According to Siraj, it’s ok to stone people to death and chop people’s hands off, if Allah commands it.

 Even more concerning, Siraj is also known for saying, “It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran.”

 Wahhaj is also the father of one of two men who authorities arrested on August 8 in New Mexico and described as armed “extremist Muslims” after it was discovered that they had kidnapped 11 children who they were training to become “school shooters”.

 While fully aware that Siraj is a terrorist co-conspirator, a proponent of Islamic terror, and a supporter of destroying and replacing the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law, Sarsour still proclaimed Siraj as her mentor.

Tlaib is aware of all of this, yet she still chose to not only invite Sarsour as her guest to the Congressional swearing in ceremony, but she also posed for pictures with Sarsour in the halls of Congress.

What does Tlaib have to say about this? Well, the new Congresswoman has decided to respond to all criticisms with the hashtag #UnappologeticallyMe  

"I will always speak truth to power." #unapologeticallyMe— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) January 4, 2019

 Sarsour, who has a lengthy resume of Jew hatred, is also an ally of CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, which has been found to have direct ties to HAMAS.

 Hamas has also been classified as a designated terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department and is listed as a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation HAMAS terror funding trial in 2008, which is the largest terrorism financing case in U.S. history. In the Covenant of Hamas, which outlines the goals and motive of Hamas and its members, it states that one of its main goals in the destruction of Israel.

 “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

Despite the fact that CAIR has been linked to terror financing and is recognized as a terrorist organization in the majority Muslim United Arab Emirates, Talib did not hold back on inviting guests with close ties to CAIR, and she herself has not denounced CAIR. Instead, Tlaib  has chosen to work alongside the organization to push for more Islamic influence in American politics.

 Rasha Mubarak, similar to Sarsour, is a Palestinian activist with close associations with CAIR. Currently, Mubarak serves as the President of the Young Democrats of Orange County in Orlando, FL, as well as an organizer for CAIR Orlando.

How did Mubarak begin working for CAIR? Well, on May 20, 2015, Ahmad Abrar Saleem, who served as Orlando Regional Coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),  was arrested in Clermont, Florida. Police say Saleem was intending to meet up with and have sex with a twelve-year-old girl he was chatting with online. However, Sheriff’s deputies busted Saleem in a child sex sting operation and he was charged with “use of computer to seduce/solicit/entice a child to commit sex act” and “travel to seduce, solicit, lure a child to commit sex act.” Instead of condemning his behavior and pedophilia, CAIR rushed to cover up the story, and appointed Mubarak his replacement.

 When Mubarak assumed her new role, she never once released a statement condemning the actions of her predecessor. But, then again, why would Mubarak or Talib condemn pedophilia? After all these are two “proud Muslim” women who worship the Prophet Mohammed who is said to have married and raped Aisha when she was six years old.

 In November 2012, Mubarak, tweeted, “#LiesImTiredOfHearing Israel has the right to defend herself.” In July 2014, she co-sponsored a pro-Hamas rally with CAIR outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Miami, where rally goers repeatedly shouted, “We are Hamas” and “Let’s go Hamas.” In August 2014, CAIR-Florida Executive Director Hassan Shibly (her boss) tweeted, “Israel & it’s supporters are enemies of God and humanity!”

 Like Tlaib, Mubarak has organized several pro-Palestine marches in Orlando where attendees have been seen wav...Mubarak’s Israel bashing gatherings often feature a man by the name of Said Lufti who was caught on camera by The United West verbally abusing a Jewish bystander, screaming things like “piece of crap Jews with the blood of Jesus on their hands.” Although Mubarak was in arms length of Lufti when he was chanting anti-Jewish slurs, she did nothing to stop him or condemn his behavior. Instead, she enabled it.

Not only is Mubarak friends with Sarsour and Tlaib, but she is also close with Omar, and is reportedly set to be a speaker at the Orlando Women’s March rally on January 19, 2018.


In summary, Tlaib’s guests were two Palestinian women who openly spew Jew hatred and are completely unapologetic about their friendships and ties to pedophiles and terrorists.

But wait, there’s more.

 While Tlaib may be a new member of Congress, she is also no stranger to political controversy. During a joint campaign event with Ilhan Omar in Minnesota in August, Tlaib forcefully grabbed me and stole my phone when I approached her to ask questions about her anti-Jewish and anti-Israel statements, as well as her refusal to condemn HAMAS.

 Tlaib refused to answer my question when asked whether she was would admit that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

 During the assault, Tlaib was pulled away from me by Omar, whom I have also confronted and investigated  for violations of Minnesota House ethics rules and evidence that strongly suggests she married her brother for fraudulent immigration purposes.

When I confronted these women, I asked them how they they will serve their Jewish constituents if their loyalties lie with Allah, yet neither Omar or Tlaib had an answer for me. However, within the first few hours of being sworn into Congress, Tlaib removed Israel from a map in her new office and replaced it with a sticky note that says “Palestine”.

 Clearly Tlaib has zero intentions of serving her Jewish constituents, because through her actions, she is openly stating she doesn’t believe Jewish people have a right to exist.

 When I confronted her five months ago, Tlaib accused me of “stalking.” Fast forward five months and Tlaib is still running away from journalists who ask her questions about her unethical behavior and jew hatred. Directly after being sworn into Congress on Thursday, Tlaib spoke to a group of her supporters and said, “we’re going to impeach the motherfucker”.

 Profanity, pedophilia, terrorism, jew hatred. I guess those are now things the media and House Democrats would love for us to  “accept”, given that they continue to give Tlaib, Omar, Sarsour, Mubarak, and many other hateful individuals a pass for their inexcusable behavior and associations.

 Good luck with your “diversity” America. You’re going to need it!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 2:56pm

How Is Melania Doing In Her Roll As First Lady? Let The Left Know What You Think By Voting NOW.

Greetings Fellow Patriot,

 The President of the United States never has it easy...

However, the derision and hate that Donald Trump has received from the left and the liberal-controlled mainstream media has been nothing short of mind-boggling.

 That being said, while it’s understandable for Trump to take flack for his hardline views...

It doesn't seem fair that First Lady Melania has to endure that same hate as well.

The question we have is - why?

 It seems that Melania is doing a great job as First Lady, however, she gets scrutinized for every decision she makes.

But what do you think? Is Melania doing a good job?

Or is she under-performing in her role as First Lady...

 Let us know what you think in this urgent national poll and maybe we’ll get a better consensus on Melania’s performance in the White House.

Vote Now!


Mark Beckton

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 2:52pm

A Look at the Army's 'Guardian Angels' .
Just another way they serve...



WWII Vet Just Turned 100. Watch His Story.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 3:38am

IT BEGINS: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib Become First Dems to Sign Trump Impeachment Pledge.

  2/26/19 Hannity Staff

 Recently sworn-in Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib became the first Democrats to officially sign a pledge to impeach President Trump Tuesday; endorsing a renewed push by far-left group ‘By the People.’

 Rep. Rashida and Ilhan Omar MN are first members of Congress to sign on to by_the_ppl pledge to impeach President Trump: https://www.bytheppl.us,” reports ABC News Producer Ben Siegel.

 “Each day that Trump remains in office is a threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The future of our country depends on whether we are willing to impeach and remove him,” writes the organization’s website.

 Tlaib and Omar found themselves at the center of multiple national controversies just weeks ago; with Tlaib calling the President a “motherf***er” and Omar posting a series of anti-Semitic tweets on social media.

NEW DEMOCRATS: Cortez, Tlaib, Omar DEMAND Congress Defund Trump’s ‘...

 It would be good if these two Muslim women had some respect for the law and history of this country. Their going after the President of the country in their first month in office–how would that be received if United States citizens went to their countries of origins and criticized the system. Unbelievable. What were the voters in Minnesota and Michigan thinking when they elected these anti-America loud mouths??? They were NOT thinking!


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on March 2, 2019 at 3:12am

Border Patrol Chief Warns of 'Dangerous New Trend' in Illegal Immigration.

 3 days ago  Breck Dumas

Huge spike in large groups crossing the U.S.-Mexico border

 The United States Border Patrol issued a warning from its chief on Tuesday, alerting the public of a “dangerous new trend” employed by illegal immigrants crossing into America from Mexico.

What are the details?

 USBP tweeted a message from Chief Carla Provost, saying, “We are seeing a dangerous new trendfamilies and unaccompanied children are crossing in large groups ranging from 100 to nearly 350 people — 68 groups so far this year, compared to only 13 in all of last year, and two the year before.”

 In the past, individuals apprehended were typically men from Mexico, but Reuters reported that groups comprised of Central American families and kids on their own now make up roughly 60% of the people caught crossing.

 U.S. Border Patrol Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Roy Villareal told Fox News, “The situation at the border is unprecedented. We are being overwhelmed with migrants, principally family units and children, and then people that are from countries other than Mexico.” Villareal added that for the first time in the Border Patrol’s history, the majority of the agency’s arrests were “other-than-Mexican nationals.”

 According to human rights advocates, America’s increased border security efforts and clamp-down on asylum requests have in part led groups to avoid ports of entry and attempt illegal crossings in more remote areas. Some have argued that traveling in large numbers is a safety measure, while others say the tactic is simply for “strength in numbers,” putting border agents at greater risk.

Anything else?

 Human smugglers are also profiting from the groups of asylum-seekers attempting to circumvent legal points of entry. Traffickers charge thousands per person to direct migrants to more porous areas of the border.

 The Border Patrol’s Yuma Sector spokesman Jose Garibay told USA Today, “They can just theoretically point at a section of wall, or…give them a ladder or a system over the border wall. They don’t have to cross with them, they can just stay in Mexico where they know we can’t go.”

 Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Kate Waldman addressed the issue, too, saying, “The bottom line is that we have a deeply flawed immigration system, smugglers and traffickers know the flaws well, and they seek to exploit these vulnerabilities in the law, as well as physical vulnerabilities to enter and remain in the country illegally.”


 Moments Before Caravan Rushes Border – Texas Assembles New “Trump Wall”

The caravan thought they could 'mess' with Texas – but Donald was ready for them.

Donald Trump means business, folks. And so does Texas.

 The President did not back away from his commitment to a wall and complete border security during his State of the Union. He tweeted that the new military troops were being ordered to form a human wall if that’s what it takes until he gets the wall he promised.

 Now thousands in a caravan are headed to the Texas border where no wall exists, thinking they can just waltz into our country.


But Texas had other plans. Note: Don’t Mess With Texas.

From Breitbart:

Police are lining up their vehicles near Eagle Pass, Texas, to help Border Patrol agents stop the illegal crossing of caravan migrants who arrived in the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras last week.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott deployed an additional Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers to the region to assist in securing the border section that has no physical barriers to prevent illegal crossings.

Is that an awesome display of force or what? If I was looking to cross the border and break the law, that would make me turn right around.

 Some stupid People think Trump is just using the wall for politics. But they don’t understand what’s going on at the border, and they didn’t listen to Trump’s phenomenal speech.

 Trump wants the human and drug trafficking to stop completely. He wants the laws of our nation followed. He wants women and children protected.

 The people who fight against the wall are fighting for the cartels, the dealers, and the coyotes.

Only a show of force will overcome this clear invasion.

 President Trump and the Texas police are holding the line against the caravan!





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