We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 13, 2018 at 6:02pm

The Boy Scouts Filing Bankruptcy After a String of “Woke” Decisions Caused It to Go Broke!

 According to the Daily Caller, the Boy Scouts changed its name to Scouts BSA and began to allow girls into their ranks.

 Before that, the Boy Scouts ruled that openly gay scouts and scout leaders could also join the program. This lead to a serious decline in membership and now the organization is filing Chapter 11:

 The Wednesday report comes in the wake of sinking membership and multiple controversies surrounding the 108-year-old organization, including sex abuse allegationsand its controversial decision to change its program name from Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA and allow girls into that program.

 Chicago law firm Sidley Austin has reportedly been hired to assist in what would be a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing.

 As the organization has made decisions deemed to be more inclusive, such as allowing openly gay scouts in 2013 and scoutmasters in 2015 as well as the 2018 decision to allow girls, membership has continued to decline sharply, from over 4 million members at its peakto a claimed 2.3 million members at present.

 It’s only going to get worse as well. The mormon Church has announced that it’s discontinuing its partnership with the Boy Scouts and will be starting up its own boy’s program in 2020, according to the Daily Caller. When that happens, the Scouts will lose a third of its membership.

 Combined with the fact that it kept sexual abuse allegations secret for decades, the Scouts seems to have rotted from the inside.

 Whether the Scouts would have survived in this modern age without any of these events happening is still up for debate, but it definitely didn’t help it. Boys clubs are becoming few and far between with each of them coming under attack for not being inclusive to girls or members of the LGBT community.

 Boys are increasingly encouraged to be more accepting of things that run against their nature. This is more dangerous than our society as a whole can realize yet, as boys need to be able to be boys!

 However, in this day and age, the very nature of boys is often the subject of ridicule and even labeled as a societal evil.

It’s my honest hope that the Scouts survive, but I can only see it doing so by making itself return to its original principles. The chances of that happening, however, are slim to none.

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 13, 2018 at 5:52pm

BREAKING: French Authorities Have Killed Christmas Market Shooter.

 12/13/18 by Cortney O'Brien 

BREAKING: French Authorities Have Killed Christmas Market Shooter

French authorities have reportedly "neutralized" the gunman who opened fire at a Christmas market in Strasbourg earlier this week. The suspect, Cherif Chekatt, was found hiding in a warehouse and has been shot dead by police, according to France Info.
 Chekatt killed three people and injured several others Tuesday night. He was believed to be radicalized and shouted, "Allahu Akbar" before the attack.
  He already had 27 criminal convictions to his name and "was already known to the security services as a possible Islamist terrorist threat."
Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 13, 2018 at 5:04pm

Trump urges Democrats to fund border wall after mass shooting in France.

"Chuck and Nancy must give us the votes to get additional Border Security!" Trump tweeted.
  12/12/18 By Allan Smith

President Donald Trump on Wednesday referred to the latest mass shooting in France, which French officials have labeled a terror attack, in urging Democrats to give him the funding he wants for his wall on the U.S. southern border.

"Another very bad terror attack in France. We are going to strengthen our borders even more," the president said in a tweet, before appealing to House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. "Chuck and Nancy must give us the votes to get additional Border Security!"

French officials said Wednesday that they were hunting a suspect on a terrorist watch list after a gunman opened fire on a Christmas market in Strasbourg, killing two people, leaving one brain-dead, and injuring at least a dozen others.

The tweet comes one day after Trump's explosive Oval Office meeting with Schumer and Pelosi, in which the press was invited to witness a testy exchange over money for the president's long-promised border wall ahead of a government funding deadline.


Shooting at Christmas market in Strasbourg, France, leaves at least...

During this negotiation, which featured contentious exchanges between the three while Vice President Mike Pence watched silently, Trump said he would be "proud" to shut down the government in the name of border security.

On the campaign trail, Trump promised that his wall would be paid for by Mexico.



Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 13, 2018 at 4:55pm

Suspected Terrorist Leading Migrant Group "Demanding Entry" Into US.

 12/12/18  Peter Hasson

A suspect in a 1987 bombing that wounded six American soldiers in Honduras is leading a group of migrants demanding entry into the United States.

 Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa organized a march of approximately 100 migrants to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, on Tuesday, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. Ulloa delivered a letter to the consulate on behalf of the migrants, asking for either entry into the U.S. or a payment of $50,000 per person.

 “It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the Union-Tribune. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

 Ulloa has lived in Mexico since 1987 after fleeing Honduras in the wake of a bombing that wounded six soldiers. Ulloa was suspected of planting a bomb in a Chinese restaurant, but received asylum from Mexico, whose government described the suspected terrorist as a “freedom fighter.” 

 An appropriations bill passed by Congress in December 1987 included Congress’s findings that “the bomb was directed at American soldiers and did in fact wound American soldiers and an American contractor.” The report noted that Ulloa was a suspect in the bombing. Ulloa has posted on Facebook about his role in organizing the migrants in Mexico, which he is open about, and the accusations against him from 1987, which he denies.

He also posted a video on Tuesday of the migrants marching to the consulate. He described the group as a “caravan” of Honduran migrants.

Ulloa posted a lengthy diatribe about the 1987 bombing to Facebook in June 2017.

In the post, Ulloa again denied any role in the bombing, though he admitted to being a member of Popular Revolutionary Forces-Lorenzo Zelaya — a now-defunct left-wing group whose members claimed responsibility in 1982 for hijacking a plane and taking hostages, including eight Americans.

A report published by the U.S. government in April 1990 described the group as one of several “leftist guerrilla groups [in Honduras] that have resorted to terrorist tactics in the past.”


Mi nombre es Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa soy de La Libertad, Comayagua, Honduras, exiliado politico desde hace 30 años, acusado falsamente de terrorismo por el gobierno de mi pais y por el gobierno de USA.
Hasta hoy ninguno de los dos gobiernos ha dicho disculpe usted aun cuando Jorge Arturo Reina Idiaquez acusado de autor intelectual del bombazo en el China Palace donde resultaron con el trasero sollamado 6 marines norteamericanos Reina ha sido parte del gobierno.

 Ulloa also railed against the presence of American military members in Honduras and called on “gringo trash” to leave the country.

(RELATED: mexicano Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Carava...


Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 12, 2018 at 4:02pm

Despite Strict Gun Laws, Mexifornia Homicide Rate Up 18%!

We’re constantly told that gun control laws work, that they somehow prevent bad people from doing bad things. At least with guns, if the anti-gunner is trying to be semi-honest.

 However, the anti-gunner you encounter on a daily basis does believe this. These folks think gun control works, probably powered by pixie dust or something.

 Of course, watch the meltdown when you point out that the state with the most strict gun control had it’s already high homicide rate jump up nearly 18% from 2014 to 2016.

 Mexifornia, a state with every gun control imaginable, witnessed an 18 percent rise in firearm homicides from 2014 to 2016.

 This rise in firearm homicides comes despite the fact that Democrats, gun control groups, and the establishment media constantly claim that states with the strictest gun controls see lower rates of violence and death.

 Despite all the stringent gun controls a bill filed by Assemblyman Marc Levine (CA-D-10) admits Mexifornia firearm homicides were up between from 2014 to 2016.

 The bill says, “Although Mexifornia has the toughest gun laws in the nation, more effort is necessary to curtail gun violence. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation found that from 2014 to 2016 gun homicides increased 18 percent.” In light of this gun control failure the language of the bill goes on to suggest more gun control.

This despite all the gun laws the state has?

Look, at some point, you have to acknowledge the popular definition of insanity, that it’s the act of doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Gun control meets that definition every single time. They keep waiting for it to work, but it never does.

The few wins gun control activists claim to exist aren’t the wins they like to think they are when you delve just a bit deeper.

In Mexifornia, they continue to disarm people hoping to buck the trend, but their efforts won’t change anything. It’s a simple fact that gun control laws do not deter criminals, but they do impact the law-abiding citizen who wasn’t going to commit a crime in the first place.

Nothing good comes of these laws. England banned guns, and its knife crime rate skyrocketed. It got so bad that London enacted a knife ban. Not that it’s done any better, mind you, but there you go.

Weapons are nothing but tools, and we’re a tool-using species. However, even if you can somehow deny the bad people their preferred tool, England has shown us that they’ll pick another one. Meanwhile, the innocent, law-abiding guy or gal on the streets is now left defenseless because they lack the means to respond to a violent attack.

Anti-gunners are the ones throwing around the term “common sense” like they understand what it means.

Let me make it clear: gun control doesn’t work. The data from Mexifornia proves it. You cannot force people to be good by taking guns away from the people who follow the blasted laws in the first place.

You can give a decent, good-natured man a rocket launcher and he’ll not hurt a soul with it.

 A violent felon, on the other hand, will murder with a rock or even his bare hands.

**** Consider the FIRST recorded Murder. ****

That’s just a fact of life, and Mexifornia would do well to learn it.

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 12, 2018 at 3:56pm

With A Mountain Of Evidence From clinton Foundation Whistleblowers, Just Remember That A Former CIA Officer Claimed killary Was "Involved In Biggest Treason In History"

It's reported that more clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of the corruption.  Perhaps, it's time to recall the words of former Central Intelligence Agency agent Kevin Shipp when he said that killary is "involved in the biggest treason in history."

  by Tim Brown

It's reported that more clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of the corruption.  Perhaps, it's time to recall the words of former Central Intelligence Agency agent Kevin Shipp when he said that killary is "involved in the biggest treason in history."

 In just the past week, there have been a lot of developments regarding the corruption of the clinton Foundation.  Now, it's reported that more clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of the corruption.  Perhaps, it's time to recall the words of former Central Intelligence Agency agent Kevin Shipp when he said that Hillary is "involved in the biggest treason in history."

First, a brief recap.

I reported over the weekend about clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kes....  He was referencing the corruption, deception and possibly criminal and treasonous dealings of clinton while she was Secretary of State and Slick Willy's private use of clinton Foundation funds.

 Second, the Justice Department was sued over obuma DOJ’s efforts to shut down t...

Just prior to that, a clinton Foundation / Uranium One whistleblower's home was raided by ...

Then, there's the possible extradition of Huawei's CFO to the US for prosecution.  Hu...

 We had a ruling in favor of Judicial Watch to conduct a careful discovery in...

 All of this has occurred within the past two weeks.

A report last week from Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) claims new clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence.  That story comes from Catherine Herridge and Samuel Chamberlain at Fox News.

 Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during killary clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told Fox News on Thursday.

 Meadows, the leader of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, is also the chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations. The panel is set to hold an investigative hearing next week on the status of the Foundation case.

 Last week, Fox News reported that newly filed tax documents showed donations to the clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of killary clinton’s loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The filings showed that the foundation took in $26.6 million in 2017, a 58% drop from the $62.9 million it received the previous year.

A spokesman for the foundation told The New York Post the drop was “largely attributable to the absence of sponsorship and membership contributions for [the clinton Global Initiative]”, which wrapped up in 2016.  However, Meadows said that the donation drop “raises grave concerns their operations were not above board as the American people have been led to believe.

“Whenever we look at the possibility of ‘pay to play’ by government officials, current or former, it demands answers,” Meadows added, “and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable.”

 This, along with numerous other scandals that occurred while clinton was Secretary of State, including the blatantly lying to the American people about Benghazi and leaving American men to die at the hands of Islamic jihadis that she was in bed with lead to the conclusion that she was engaged in treason for her own benefit.

 This leads me to remind us that former CIA agent Kevin Shipp pointed this out earlier this year by explaining what killary clinton did with her charity and Uranium One while she was Secretary of State was a crime for the history books.  Shipp claims that "killary clinton was and is running a global financial criminal syndicate."

 Shipp explains, “killary clinton used this to launder money in foreign banks so it wasn’t subject to U.S. laws, congressional subpoenas or FOIA demands for the evidence. This was done to launder this money globally into the clinton Foundation so the U.S. government could not examine it at all.”

Shipp also blasted Robert Mueller who was head of the FBI at the time and was involved in the Uranium One coverup.

“Mueller is either a complete moron, which he is not, or he overlooked the biggest counterterrorism cases in U.S. history," Shipp said.  "It involved killary clinton, the clinton Foundation, Uranium One and, of course, the destruction of all the emails and evidence and her secret server, and on and on and on it goes, and he (Mueller) ignored it all.”

Ship adds that clinton has seemingly gotten away with her crimes.

“The most bizarre thing is the people who protected her from clear felonious activity and violations of the Espionage Act," Shipp said.  "James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, was protecting her and leaking things to the media and lying. You had John Brennan, Director of the CIA, protecting her by starting a false investigation (on Trump) and stirring things up with this (false/unverified) dossier. You had James Comey, Director of the FBI, protecting her... Then, you’ve got Peter Strzok protecting her, and now it appears the United Kingdom GCHQ was using NSA information to target Donald Trump and protect killary clinton. You have to ask yourself what kind of power or connections does this woman have to get all of these members of the Deep State, Shadow Government to risk their own criminal penalties to protect her and try to get her elected? That is the Shadow Government. That is the Deep State. That is what is so chilling about this whole thing...This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.”

 Shipp also points out that, this time, it will not be business as usual for the “Deep State and Shadow Government.” They are going to be brought to justice because Shipp says, “indictments are coming because of Donald Trump coming into the White House from the outside. Trump cannot be bribed!

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 12, 2018 at 3:34pm

Media Buries Key Facts to Conceal Migrant Health Threat—TB, Hepatitis, HIV

Here’s a great example of the mainstream media distorting information to promote a liberal agenda, an act that is especially pervasive when it comes to immigration coverage. A story published by NBC news, and reiterated by various other outlets, claims illegal immigrants don’t bring disease into the United States.
The headline reads: “Migrants don’t bring disease. In fact, they help fight it, report says.” The article focuses on a study commissioned by a medical journal called the Lancet and University College London. The finished product is titled “Global patterns of mortality in international migrants: a systemati...” and one of the researchers, Dr. Paul Spiegel, proclaims that migrants spreading disease is a “false argument” used to keep them out. The editor of the Lancet said; “In too many countries, the issue of migration is used to divide societies and advance a populist agenda.”
Nevertheless, buried deep in the news article the reporter offers this important nugget from the study, only after writing that migrants are less likely than people in their host countries to die of heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and other ills: “The exceptions are hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV.”
Last we checked those are deadly diseases and Judicial Watch has interviewed medical experts that confirm illegal immigrants do indeed pose a serious public health threat to the U.S. by bringing dangerous diseases into the country. This includes tuberculosis, dengue and Chikungunya. Just last month a prominent physician in a key border state warned that the caravan streaming north from Honduras will undoubtedly bring infectious diseases into the U.S. Among them are extremely drug resistant strands of tuberculosis and mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and chikungunya that are widespread in the region.
The same week Judicial Watch published the story about the caravan health threat a major newspaper reported on the health crisis created by the influx of Venezuelans fleeing to neighboring countries. The migrants are spreading malaria, yellow fever, diphtheria, dengue, tuberculosis and AIDS throughout South America. Many of the diseases had been considered eradicated in the neighboring Latin American countries, according to government officials cited in the article, which states that “contagion from Venezuela’s economic meltdown is starting to spread to neighboring countries—not financially, but literally, in the form of potentially deadly diseases carried among millions of refugees.”
As an example, the story reveals that “measles reappeared with a vengeance” in a Brazilian city near the Venezuelan border that had declared the highly contagious airborne disease “vanquished” nearly two decades ago. “Measles is already spreading beyond the Brazilian Amazon to other Brazilian states, as well as Colombia, Peru and as far south as Argentina, according to recent Pan American Health Organization reports,” the article states. “Other diseases racing through communities in Venezuela are now crossing borders and raising concerns among health authorities as far away as the U.S.”
Years ago, when Barack Obama let tens of thousands of illegal immigrant minors into the country, health experts warned about the serious hazards to the American public. Most of the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) came from Central America, like the current caravan, and they crossed into the U.S. through Mexico, in the same way that the caravan expects to. 
Swine flu, dengue fever and Ebola were among the diseases that the hordes of UACs brought with them, according to lawmakers and medical experts interviewed by Judicial Watch during the influx. At the time, a U.S. Congressman, who is also a medical doctor, told Judicial Watch about the danger to the American public as well as the Border Patrol agents forced to care for the UACs. The former lawmaker, Phil Gingrey, referred to it as a “severe and dangerous” crisis because the Central American youths were importing infectious diseases considered to be largely eradicated in this country.
Many migrants lack basic vaccinations such as those to prevent chicken pox or measles, leaving America’s young children and the elderly particularly susceptible, Gingrey pointed out then. To handle the escalating health crisis the CDC activated an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that largely operated in secrecy.
Even the recent study twisted by the mainstream media acknowledges that illegal immigrants are likely to carry hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV. Selectively burying the information doesn’t change the severity of the matter. Though not a mainstream media outlet, a popular leftist news and opinion site went so far as to label those who claim migrants pose a threat to public health racist.
Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 12, 2018 at 2:38pm

“GOOGLE IS EVIL”: Alex Jones Storms Capitol Building, Confronts Google CEO.

Talk radio legend, and host of Infowars, Alex Jones confronted Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday.

Pichai was heading into the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about the company’s handling of private data, as well as about censorship of conservative viewpoints when the confrontation occurred.


Jones has been silenced by every major tech platform in recent months, including YouTube, which is owned by Google.

His show is one of the most well-known alternative media outlets in the world, and has even hosted an interview with then-candidate Donald Trump.

Jones was in attendance with long-time Trump confidant Roger Stone, who has also faced censorship from big tech, losing his massively-followed Twitter account during the 2016 election.

Google has been facing immense backlash for their censorship of conservatives.

That backlash came to a fever pitch in September when Breitbart News released a leaked video showing Google employees panicking in the wake of the election of President Trump, and talking about how they can thwart Trump, and other sprouting populist movements worldwide

 Google is also accused of manipulating search results to favor left-wing viewpoints, as pointed out by Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale.

 Bypass Tech Censorship;


Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 12, 2018 at 2:24pm

Trump Vows to Build Wall Without Congress!

 12/   By Peter D'Abrosca

 “People do not yet realize how much of the Wall,
  • 0sharesresident Donald J. Trump vowed Tuesday morning to build his promised Southern border wall even if Congress will not vote to fund it!!
 including really effective renovation, has already been built. If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!” he said on Twitter.…."People do not yet realize how much of the Wall, including really effective renovation, has already been built.

 If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!" — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 12/11/18

 The first part of the Tweet is a clear exaggeration. Some parts of an existing border fence have been reinforced situationally, like when members of the migrant caravan from South America stormed the border near the San Ysidro Port of Entry over the past two weeks. By and large, though, and much to the chagrin of Trump supporters, there is no wall, as promised.

 But Trump appeared steadfast in delivering on his promise Tuesday.

In fact, the wall would be the perfect job for The United States Army Corps of Engineers. Made up of 37,000 civilian and military personnel, the organization is a division of the Department of Defense (DOD). Since the DOD is a federal agency in the executive branch, the Army Corps of Engineers falls directly under the purview of  Trump. “Infrastructure Support” is one of the primary activities undertaken by the organization, which is one of the largest public engineering and construction firms in the world.

 Trump knows that he will need to deliver on his promise of a wall if he wants to maintain support and momentum going into the 2020 election cycle. If Tuesday’s Tweet is to be believed, Americans could see if he has what it takes to defy Congress and get the job done.

 But Trump appeared steadfast in delivering on his promise Tuesday.

In fact, the wall would be the perfect job for The United States Army Corps of Engineers. Made up of 37,000 civilian and military personnel, the organization is a division of the Department of Defense (DOD). Since the DOD is a federal agency in the executive branch, the Army Corps of Engineers falls directly under the purview of  Trump. “Infrastructure Support” is one of the primary activities undertaken by the organization, which is one of the largest public engineering and construction firms in the world.

Trump knows that he will need to deliver on his promise of a wall if he wants to maintain support and momentum going into the 2020 election cycle. If Tuesday’s Tweet is to be believed, Americans could see if he has what it takes to defy Congress and get the job done.

 Trending Bullshit: Google Approves App For Muslims To Report People Who Commit Blasphemy.

Google Approves App For Muslims To Report People Who Commit Blasphemy.

A new Android app has launched with the focus of allowing Muslims to report individuals who commit blasphemy, or insult Islam.

 No, this is not a joke. The app, “Smart Pakem”, which launched in Indonesia last month at the request of the Indonesian government, will allow users and government officials to uphold Sharia law and target and report people who hold “misguided” beliefs in violation of Islamic law, which forbids insults of Islam, insults against the Prophet Mohammed, or the recognition of any other religion besides Islam.


Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, with an estimated Muslim population of 207 million.

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Indonesia’s criminal code prohibits blasphemy, which is defined as “the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things”.

The Code’s Article 156(a) targets those who deliberately, in public, “express feelings of hostility, hatred, or contempt against religion”. The penalty for violating Article 156(a) of Indonesia’s criminal code is a maximum of five years imprisonment.

Rajan Anandan, who serves as the VP of Google in south-east Asia, has not shown any resistance to the app, which is available in the Google app store.

The National Secular Society (NSS) has since written to Anadan requesting the Google not stock the app in the app store, arguing that the app will have negative consequences for religious minorities and will further minimize freedom of expression.

According to Human Rights Watch, 125 people were convicted of blasphemy in Indonesia between 2004 and 2014. 23 additional people have been convicted since 2014.

Stephen Evans, who serves as the chief executive of NSS said said Google’s decision to stock the Sharia app was “incongruous with Google’s mission statement” and “runs directly contrary to the democratic ideals which Google says it stands for”. Evans also said the app will “normalize restrictions on freedom of expression in Indonesia and elsewhere”.

NSS, which works to repeal blasphemy laws around the world, strongly condemned Indonesia’s blasphemy law.

“Indonesia’s blasphemy law is a morally unjustifiable tool of repression which should be repealed as soon as possible. While this law exists anyone who believes in free expression should make it as difficult as possible for the Indonesian government to enforce the law. Google has greatly benefited from the freedom to share information globally. We ask it and other multinational companies to consider whether they can in good conscience profit from the repression caused by governments’ crackdowns on free speech.”

Since the app’s launch in the Google app store, it has been flooded with one star reviews and criticisms by anti-Sharia and human rights advocates.

 On November 29, 2018, investigative journalist Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to Twitter HQ in NYC after she was banned from Twitter for criticizing Sharia law. While handcuffed, Loomer argued “Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Google, Instagram, they are essentially upholding Sharia. Silicon Valley is essentially upholding Sharia when they decide to ban me for posting facts about Islam, when they decide to ban me for posting facts about Sharia law and criticizing an anti-Jewish Muslim Congresswoman.”  

Read More about Silicon Valley Sharia here.

WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJSYVPfGVkQ&t=7s

 Laura Loomer is a conservative investigative journalist and activist. Originally from Arizona, Laura began her career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 2015-2017. She covers politics, anti-Semitism, immigration, terrorism, the Islamification of the West, and voter fraud. Loomer’s investigations have been broadcasted on every major national mainstream media outlet in the United States, as well as many international publications.

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 11:23pm

Which Presidents Have the Highest IQs?

 1/21/16  By Jason Owen

Regardless of what you think of their politics, their policies, or their personalities, one thing is certain: You don’t get to become the President of the United States if you’re a total dummy. Sure, some of them may show questionable judgment or do things that make you wonder (the sheer number of presidents who have fallen down the stairs at some point during their run is staggering), but generally speaking, you need to be pretty smart in most respects if you’re going to ascend to the position of being the most powerful person in the free world.

 President IQs from Washington to Bush were calculated in scientific studies done by Catherine Cox and Dean Keith Simonton in 1926 and 2006 (respectively), and some of them are shockingly high.

 Keep in mind that the average IQ for someone who is considered to be of normal intelligence (according to Verywell Mind) is between 85 and 115, meaning that there is definitely more than one person on this list who has the vast majority of us beat when it comes to cognitive ability. Surprised? They were president, after all.

1. Ulysses S. Grant (No. 18) - IQ 130
2. James Monroe (No. 5) - IQ 138.6
James Monroe (No. 5) - IQ 138.6

James Monroe was the last of the Founding Fathers to be elected to the presidency, and there may be a reason they went through all the others first; with an IQ of 138.6, Monroe ties with one other president for the second-lowest score! That being said, a score of 138.6 doesn’t make him a slouch either. It’s considered “very superior” intelligence, according to the Wechsler IQ classification.

3. Warren G. Harding (No. 29) - IQ 139.9
Warren G. Harding (No. 29) - IQ 139.9
Warren Harding’s presidency was cut short when a fatal heart attack claimed him during his third year in office. He died one of the most popular presidents in history, but several scandals (Teapot Dome) followed on the heels of his death and damaged his reputation. He’s now considered one of the worst — and least intelligent — men to have held the office. In reality, his IQ is estimated at around 139.9, which is on the lower end of presidential IQs.
4. George W. Bush (No. 43) - IQ 138.5
George W. Bush (No. 43) - IQ 138.5
George W. Bush seems to have developed a reputation over the years for being one of the dumbest presidents to ever hold office. Sure, some of that is earned; he wasn’t exactly the world’s best public speaker, and he did have a tendency to invent words and say things that were pretty meaningless when you really stopped to think about them. He is, in fact, the other president who tied for second-lowest IQ. But remember that 138.5 is still, compared with the general population, pretty high.
5. Andrew Johnson (No. 17) - IQ 138.9
Andrew Johnson (No. 17) - IQ 138.9
Andrew Johnson ascended to the presidency after Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, but was subsequently the first president of the United States to be impeached after his plans to restore the seceded states to the Union — without granting protection to former slaves — came under fire in Congress. The country certainly did move on to elect smarter men; his IQ was only 138.9.
6. Zachary Taylor (No. 12) - IQ 139.8
Zachary Taylor (No. 12) - IQ 139.8
The celebrated war hero was nicknamed “old rough and ready” for his acts during the Mexican-American War, but apparently abilities in battle don’t necessarily correlate with intelligence. Zachary Taylor’s IQ of 139.8 is on the lower end of average.
7. James Buchanan (No. 15) - IQ 139.6
James Buchanan (No. 15) - IQ 139.6

Joining the ranks of our 139-ers is James Buchanan, who was president during the lead-up to the Civil War. Perhaps if someone with a higher IQ had been in office, the country wouldn’t have reached its boiling point. Luckily, he was succeeded by a much smarter man.

8. Andrew Jackson (No. 7) - IQ 145
Andrew Jackson (No. 7) - IQ 145
Andrew Jackson had an IQ of 145, which places him directly on the median of presidential IQs, though still significantly higher than most of the population. Jackson’s philosophy was trust in the common man to arrive at the right decision, which makes sense, given that he seems to have been a pretty “common” president.
9. William Howard Taft (No. 27) - IQ 139.5
William Howard Taft (No. 27) - IQ 139.5Next
Source: Getty Images

Though William Howard Taft, with an IQ of 139.5, appears pretty low on the list, he remains the only person to have presided over both the executive and judicial branches of government. After holding the presidency from 1909-1913, Taft later became the 10th chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1921-1930).

Dude, just retire.

10. Gerald Ford (No. 38) - IQ 140.4
Gerald Ford (No. 38) - IQ 140.4

Gerald Ford is another former president who, over the years, seems to have developed a reputation for being a bit on the dull side. His IQ of 140.4 puts him on the lower end of the presidential spectrum, although it is worth noting that he does score (just barely) higher than a quarter of all the other presidents.



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