We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 11:19pm

PG 2

11. Calvin Coolidge (No. 30) - IQ 141.6
Calvin Coolidge (No. 30) - IQ 141.6
Besides having the coolest name of any president, Calvin Coolidge wasn’t actually one of the smartest — he had an IQ of 141.6. He’s still below average. It fits his reputation; widely known as “Silent Cal,” he had a reputation for being mostly quiet and unremarkable.
12. Harry S. Truman (No. 33) - IQ 139.8
Harry S. Truman (No. 33) - IQ 139.8
Harry S. Truman, president for both the end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War, was known for his aggressive personality, perhaps because he couldn’t really be known for his outstanding intelligence — he had an IQ of 139.8, falling in the lower 25 percent of presidents.
13. Lyndon B. Johnson (No. 36) - IQ 140.6
Lyndon B. Johnson (No. 36) - IQ 140.6
Lyndon B. Johnson became famous for taking over after John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in 1963. He then ramped up the U.S. presence in Vietnam, which is probably second only to the Invasion of Iraq as far as bungled foreign policy moves go. Perhaps a smarter president would have made a better decision; the country has certainly done better than his IQ of 140.6.
14. Herbert Hoover (No. 31) - IQ 141.6
Herbert Hoover (No. 31) - IQ 141.6
What are two things you didn’t realize about Herbert Hoover? Well, he has nothing to do with vacuums in any way, shape, or form; and he was wildly unpopular with the country by the end of his Great Depression-era presidency. With an estimated IQ of 141.6, he’s just average as far as presidential intelligence goes.
15. Ronald Reagan (No. 40) - IQ 141.9
Ronald Reagan (No. 40) - IQ 141.9
Current opinions on Ronald Reagan seem to run very hot and cold — people either love him or hate him. His intelligence, however, was not on any extreme end of things. With an IQ of 141.9, he falls somewhere between the bottom quarter and bottom half when compared with his fellow commanders in chief.
16. George H.W. Bush (No. 41) - IQ 143
George H.W. Bush (No. 41) - IQ 143
George H.W. Bush has an IQ of 143, putting him pretty high up on the list of smart presidents. He’s another guy who people tended to think wasn’t that bright while he was in office. He was a controversial figure, but he wasn’t dumb — he was certainly much closer to average than his son, anyway.
17. William McKinley (No. 25) - IQ 143.4
William McKinley (No. 25) - IQ 143.4
McKinley was another average guy — or average president, at least. He ranks in the company of George H.W. Bush at 143.4. He’s known for keeping the country on the gold standard at a time when many wished to switch to silver. A fun bit of trivia: Some theorize that the famous Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz was meant to represent McKinley.
18. James K. Polk (No. 11) - IQ 143.4
James K. Polk (No. 11) - IQ 143.4
James K. Polk’s IQ was 143.4, too, but that didn’t stop him from being known as one of the most effective presidents of the pre-Civil War period. He accomplished most of the items on his original presidential agenda, kept the country out of war with the United Kingdom, and won the Mexican-American War, gaining substantial land for the country in the process. Perhaps IQ isn’t everything!
19. Grover Cleveland (No. 22) - IQ 144
Grover Cleveland (No. 22) - IQ 144
Grover Cleveland’s IQ was 144; he’s so close to cracking the top 50 percent, but he’s just not quite there. This corresponds to Cleveland’s reputation, which overall seems to be that while he was nothing amazing, he certainly wasn't a bad president. Still, he was elected twice, serving as both the 22nd and 24th president of the United States.
20. Richard Nixon (No. 37) - IQ 142.9
Richard Nixon (No. 37) - IQ 142.9
Richard Nixon (Tricky Dicky)is easily one of the most controversial figures to ever hold public office, but he certainly isn’t one of the dumbest. He reportedly had an IQ of 142.9, which actually makes him the 16th-dumbest president, technically. It just goes to show that intelligence can’t be everything, since a lot of people with lower IQs did a lot better in office.
21. Dwight Eisenhower (No. 34) - IQ 145.1
Dwight Eisenhower (No. 34) - IQ 145.1
Dwight Eisenhower is the man we have to thank for interstate highways. Without him, getting around the country would be a lot harder today! He’s another president tied for the median of things in terms of presidential IQs. With a score estimated at 145.1, he ranks squarely in the middle with Jackson and one other.
22. Benjamin Harrison (No. 23) - IQ 145.4
Benjamin Harrison (No. 23) - IQ 145.4
Benjamin Harrison is the other former president who ties with Jackson and Eisenhower at 145.4 — just barely cracking the top 50 percent. He also was the guy who took office between Grover Cleveland’s two terms, and it’s worth noting that he is technically smarter than Cleveland by one IQ point.
23. George Washington (No. 1) - IQ 140
George Washington (No. 1) - IQ 140

As one of our Founding Fathers and a complete beast in his own right, you might think that George Washington was some kind of genius. To a certain extent, you’d be right: With an IQ of 140, he’s way smarter than the average person now, so in 1776 he probably didn’t even compare. Still, he’s technically on the lower end of presidential IQs — he’s in the bottom 10!

24. Martin Van Buren (No. 8) - IQ 146
Martin Van Buren (No. 8) - IQ 146
Martin Van Buren’s IQ was 146, making him a pretty average guy in terms of presidential IQs. He’s typically ranked as below-average by political historians, though, and earned the nickname “Martin Van Ruin,” while in office. Poor guy, maybe he should have used his intelligence to do something else.
25. Rutherford B. Hayes (No. 19) - IQ 146.3
Rutherford B. Hayes (No. 19) - IQ 146.3
With an IQ of 146.3, Rutherford B. Hayes was another average guy — but not back in the day! He was so smart that based on the population of the time, there would have only been an estimated 2,500 or so people who were smarter than he was. (We wonder what those other 2,500 people were doing!)
26. William Henry Harrison (No. 9) - IQ 146.3
William Henry Harrison (No. 9) - IQ 146.3
William Henry Harrison was another average president with his IQ of 146.3, but we never really got to see him in action — he died of pneumonia just 31 days into his term, making him the shortest-serving president in the history of the United States. He was a smart guy, but not smart enough to stay in out of the rain during his inaugural address!
27. Franklin Pierce (No. 14) - IQ 147.4
Franklin Pierce (No. 14) - IQ 147.4
Franklin Pierce’s IQ of 147.4 lets him rise above the average president — if only by one point. He didn’t rise above average in any other respects, though: Political historians often rank him among the least memorable — or even worst — presidents of the United States.
28. James A. Garfield (No. 20) - IQ 152.3
James A. Garfield (No. 20) - IQ 152.3
James A. Garfield’s IQ of 152.3 means he’s one of the smartest presidents on the list, tied exactly for 10th-smartest, in fact! (His replacement is the man he tied with; can you remember who that is?) Unfortunately, that kind of intelligence can anger some people, which became clear when Garfield was assassinated the same year he was elected.
29. John Tyler (No. 10) - IQ 148
John Tyler (No. 10) - IQ 148
With an IQ of 148, John Tyler was definitely up there in terms of intelligence. That score is even more impressive when you consider how early a president he was — No. 10! He was the vice president under William Henry Harrison, meaning he was the man who had to take up the mantle when the ninth president died a month into his term.
30. John Adams (No. 2) - IQ 155
John Adams (No. 2) - IQ 155
The second president of the United States had an IQ of 150, which is massive by today’s standards. He’s in the top 25 percent in terms of presidential intelligence. He was a Founding Father who helped draft the Constitution and broker the peace treaty with England that eventually ended the Revolutionary War. Historians typically remember him very favorably.
31. Millard Fillmore (No. 13) - IQ 149
Millard Fillmore (No. 13) - IQ 149
Millard Fillmore’s IQ of 149 may not crack the top 25 percent, but it’s certainly nothing to sneeze at. He was elected vice president, but was called into action as president after President Zachary Taylor’s sudden death. Unfortunately, he may not have been the president the nation needed: He was widely unpopular and consistently is ranked as one of the nation’s worst presidents.
Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 11:16pm
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt (No. 32) - IQ 150.5
Franklin D. Roosevelt (No. 32) - IQ 150.5
Franklin D. Roosevelt is one of the most celebrated former presidents, bringing an end to the Great Depression with his New Deal policies. His high intelligence probably had something to do with his success. With an IQ of 150.5, he ranks in the top quarter of U.S. presidents in terms of intelligence.
33. Abraham Lincoln (No. 16) - IQ 150
Abraham Lincoln (No. 16) - IQ 150
Abraham Lincoln had an IQ of 150, meaning that he wasn’t just one of the smartest presidents — he was one of the smartest people, period, of his day. Lincoln lived in a time during which a formal education didn’t come easy. Plus, he came from very humble beginnings. So, the fact that he was able to hone his mental ability to such a staggering degree is really impressive in its own right.
34. Chester Arthur (No. 21) - IQ 152.3
Chester Arthur (No. 21) - IQ 152.3
If the only reason you know Chester A. Arthur was the 21st president is because he’s name-checked in Die Hard With a Vengeance, you’re not alone. However, this isn’t the most notable thing to ever happen to him. He also had an IQ of 152.3!(Did you get it right? He was the president who had the exact same score as James Garfield.)
35. Theodore Roosevelt (No. 26) - IQ 153
Theodore Roosevelt (No. 26) - IQ 153
Teddy Roosevelt may only be the second-most popular Roosevelt president, but he wasn’t the second smartest. With an estimated IQ of 153, it’s no wonder he seems to be remembered for so many of his wise quotes — his brain must have been full of them!
36. Woodrow Wilson (No. 28) - IQ 155.2
Woodrow Wilson (No. 28) - IQ 155.2
Woodrow Wilson had an IQ of 155.2, which no doubt aided him in seeing the country through the first World War. He is generally regarded as one of the best presidents in history, so it comes as no surprise that he was actually a genius.
37. Jimmy Carter Jr. (No. 39) - IQ 156.8
Jimmy Carter Jr. (No. 39) - IQ 156.8
Jimmy Mr.Peanut Carter is another president who people tend to underestimate because of his actions in office, but in reality the man has a staggering IQ of 156.8. He’s still living, and is still putting his extreme intelligence to good use; he is involved in a number of charitable and humanitarian projects worldwide.
38. James Madison (No. 4) - IQ 160
James Madison (No. 4) - IQ 160
James Madison’s IQ of 160 makes him tied for the title of second-smartest president of the United states, and that’s no surprise. This Founding Father is credited as the father of the Constitution, was a close advisor to President Washington, and served as secretary of state under Thomas Jefferson. That’s quite a resume!
39. Bill Clinton (No. 42) - IQ 159
Bill Clinton (No. 42) - IQ 159
Slick Willy bill clinton reveled in his image as a “good ol’ boy,” but we all found out later that, under the hood, he is really anything but. He is incredibly intelligent, though. His IQ of 159 makes him the fifth-smartest president of the United States. If only he had been smart enough not to commit perjury (among other things).
40. John F. Kennedy (No. 35) - IQ 159.8
John F. Kennedy (No. 35) - IQ 159.8
John F. Kennedy was many things — including one of the smartest presidents to ever hold the office. His IQ of 159.8 is something that even his biggest detractors have to be impressed by; it’s no wonder he was the youngest elected president ever in office! It is a true shame that we never got to see all of the things his brilliant mind was capable of.
41. Thomas Jefferson (No. 3) - IQ 160
Thomas Jefferson (No. 3) - IQ 160
Tying with his close confidant and friend James Madison for second place, Thomas Jefferson also had an IQ of 160. As the Founding Father who penned the famous Declaration of Independence, and one of the highest-ranked presidents in U.S. history, his impressive intelligence quotient is unsurprising.
42. John Quincy Adams (No. 6) - IQ 175
John Quincy Adams (No. 6) - IQ 175
What did it mean to have an IQ of 175 in the early 19th century? It meant that you were smarter than 99.999943 percent of all people who were alive at the same time that you were, which is impressive in and of itself, even when you take the fact that you’re also the smartest president in U.S. history out of the equation.
43. barry the muslim obuma (No. 44) - IQ ???
Barack Obama (No. 44) - IQ ???
barry the muslim, obuma supposedly was a Constitutional scholar and author of two best-selling books before he ever ran for president, so he’s a smart guy. Exactly what his IQ is remains to be discovered. No credible source lists his estimated number, but it’s hard to score a baboon's cousin.
44. President Donald Trump (No. 45) - ???
Donald Trump (No. 45) - ???

The current U.S. president has boasted of an impressive IQ but has never revealed a number. In late 2016, a viral meme made the claim that Trump had an IQ of 156, but those findings have been debunked.

Simonton, the same researcher responsible for IQ findings on all the other presidents, states that it’s unlikely that his IQ is very high, and challenges him to produce the results of an IQ test.

Perhaps one day Trump will put forth the evidence to back up his claims.




Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 8:50pm

Judge orders more fact-finding in clinton email case.

 12/06/18  By JOSH GERSTEIN

The email controversy that dogged killary clinton through much of the 2016 presidential race could well be kicking around through the 2020 contest after a federal judge ordered additional fact-finding into whether clinton’s use of the private email system was a deliberate effort to thwart the Freedom of Information Act.

In a scathing opinion issued Thursday, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth said that despite FBI, inspector general and congressional investigations into clinton’s use of a private account for all her email traffic during her four years as secretary of state, the conservative group Judicial Watch should be permitted to demand documents and additional testimony about the practice.

 Lamberth, who has clashed with clinton and her aides in cases dating back to her husband’s administration, was unsparing in his assessment of the former secretary’s actions. He blasted clinton’s email practices as “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”

Lamberth also again expressed concerns that lawyers at the Justice Department and the State Department misled the court when they tried at the end of 2014 to wrap up Judicial Watch’s FOIA suit about Benghazi talking points even though some officials were aware months earlier that clinton had tens of thousands of emails on a private system and had agreed to turn many of them over to State at its request.

“State played this card close to its chest,” the judge complained. “At best, State’s attempts to pass-off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence. At worst, career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of clinton, skirt FOIA and hoodwink this court.”

 Lamberth, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, also faulted the Trump administration for failing to clear up the mess and instead pressing on with a nothing-to-see-here approach.

“The current Justice Department made things worse,” the judge said, referring to an October hearing in which he initially flatly accused Justice lawyers of lying, then retreated a bit.

In the 11-page order issued on Thursday, Lamberth stopped short of alleging outright dishonesty, but he came close.

“Counsel’s responses strain credulity,” he wrote. “To preserve the Department’s integrity, and to reassure the American people their government remains committed to transparency and the rule of law, this suspicion cannot be allowed to fester.”

The judge suggested that some State Department and Justice Department employees friendly to clinton might have been trying to keep the emails from the public. He noted that messages eventually released by the State Department showed clinton telling her daughter, chelsea, that the assault in Benghazi, Libya, was a terrorist attack, even though the obuma administration long maintained that it was not.

Justice Department lawyers have argued that they had no legal duty to search records not in the State Department’s possession at the time a FOIA request was made, and that lawyers actually working on the suit before Lamberth didn’t have as much information about what clinton turned over as did more senior officials.

However, Lamberth disputed State’s narrow view of its legal duties.

“Legally, it is wrong,” he wrote, noting precedents (one of them his own) saying that records wrongfully removed from an agency may have to be searched wherever they are.

 Justice Department attorneys argued that further discovery into the clinton private server would be pointless in light of the extensive FBI investigation and information that Judicial Watch gathered in court-ordered discovery in another suit before another judge. That resulted in written questions being submitted to clinton and in some of her top aides being forced to sit for depositions in another Judicial Watch suit before the 2016 election.

But Lamberth disagreed. He said there was still little clarity about private email accounts used by several of clinton’s senior aides. He also said the public record is bare about why State tried to settle the talking-points FOIA case in late 2014 and early 2015 despite the fact that at least some officials knew that a huge trove of clinton’s emails had not been searched.

The judge did not authorize any specific depositions or subpoenas on Thursday. Instead, he ordered both sides to confer on a discovery plan and report back to him within 10 days.

A Justice Department spokeswoman declined immediate comment on the ruling. An attorney for clinton did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, said he hoped that Lamberth’s ruling would make President Donald Trump’s appointees at the Justice Department change course in the litigation and take a more cooperative approach.

“The historic court ruling raises concerns about the killary clinton email scandal and government corruption that millions of Americans share,” Fitton said in a statement. “Judicial Watch looks forward to conducting careful discovery into the clinton email issue and we hope the Justice Department and State Department recognize Judge Lamberth’s criticism and help, rather than obstruct, this court-ordered discovery.”


Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 8:39pm

Weekly Update: Big Court Victory on clinton Emails.

 12/07/18   ****D-DAY ****

 Judicial Watch Victory: Court Orders Discovery into Clinton Email Scandal

I have said all along that, in their delaying, blocking, and obfuscating our attempts to get to the truth about killary clinton’s email, the Justice and State Departments have been acting in bad faith by defending the evasion of the Freedom of Information Act and other email misconduct by kllary clinton.

Now, a federal judge is questioning their motives, as well, and ordering them to join us in rectifying this miscarriage of justice.

In a ruling excoriating both the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth has ordered both agencies to join us in submitting a proposed schedule for discovery into whether killary clinton sought to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a private email system and whether the State Department acted in “bad faith” by failing to disclose knowledge of the email system.

The decision comes in our FOIA lawsuit related to the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Specially, Judge Lamberth ruled:

The Court ORDERS the parties to meet and confer to plan discovery into (a) whether killary clinton’s use of a private email while Secretary of State was an intentional attempt to evade FOIA; (b) whether the State Department’s attempts to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and (c) whether State has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s requests.

 Terming clinton’s use of her private email system, “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Judge Lamberth wrote in his MEMORANDUM OPINION:

His [President barry obuma’s State and Justice Departments fell far short. So far short that the court questions, even now, whether they are acting in good faith. Did killary clinton use her private email as Secretary of State to thwart this lofty goal [obuma announced standard for transparency]? Was the State Department’s attempt to settle this FOIA case in 2014 an effort to avoid searching – and disclosing the existence of – clinton’s missing emails? And has State ever adequately searched for records in this case?

 At best, State’s attempt to pass-off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence. At worst, career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this Court.

Turning his attention to the Department of Justice, the Court wrote: 

 The current Justice Department made things worse. When the government last appeared before the Court, counsel claimed, ‘it is not true to say we misled either Judicial Watch or the Court.’ When accused of ‘doublespeak,’ counsel denied vehemently, feigned offense, and averred complete candor. When asked why State masked the inadequacy of its initial search, counsel claimed that the officials who initially responded to Judicial Watch’s request didn’t realize clinton’s emails were missing, and that it took them two months to ‘figure [] out what was going on’… Counsel’s responses strain credulity. [citations omitted] 

 The Court granted discovery because the government’s response to the Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA request for clinton emails “smacks of outrageous conduct.”

Citing an email (uncovered as a result of our lawsuit) in which killary clinton acknowledged that Benghazi was a terrorist attack immediately after it happened, Judge Lamberth asked: 

 Did State know clinton deemed the Benghazi attack terrorism hours after it happened, contradicting the obuma Administration’s subsequent claim of a protest-gone-awry? 

 Did the Department merely fear what might be found? Or was State’s bungling just the unfortunate result of bureaucratic red tape and a failure to communicate? To preserve the Department’s integrity, and to reassure the American people their government remains committed to transparency and the rule of law, this suspicion cannot be allowed to fester.

The historic court ruling raises concerns about the killary clinton email scandal and government corruption that millions of Americans share.

We look forward to conducting careful discovery into the clinton email issue, and we hope the Justice Department and State Department recognize Judge Lamberth’s criticism and help, rather than obstruct, this court-ordered discovery.

 Why Did Top FBI Lawyer Meet With clinton’s Lawyers Before the Election?

Evidence of the anti-Trump conspiracy run by clinton gang and the obuma administration is now sitting out there in the open for all to see. We’re pursuing the latest piece of this racket – the chumminess between the obuma FBI and clinton’s law firm before the election.

 We just filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice seeking records of all meetings in 2016 between former FBI General Counsel James Baker and the Perkins Coie law firm. The clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) reportedly paid Fusion GPS to create the “salacious and unverified” Clinton-DNC anti-Trump dossier.

The lawsuit cites a specific media report that FBI top lawyer Baker met with Perkins Coie lawyers to discuss allegations of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. The meeting reportedly took place weeks before the 2016 election and before the FBI secured a controversial FISA spy warrant targeting then-candidate Trump’s campaign.

We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the DOJ failed to respond to an October 9, 2018, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-02617)) seeking: 

 All records concerning any and all meetings between former FBI general counsel James Baker and one or more attorneys from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm during 2016.

On October 4, 2018, Fox News reported that Baker told congressional investigators that Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann “initiated contact with him and provided documents and computer storage devices on Russian hacking.” The contact was made in late 2016 as federal investigators prepared a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

At the time, Perkins Coie had hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS to dig into President Trump’s background. Fusion GPS paid British ex-spy Christopher Steele to compile the anti-Trump dossier, memos from which were shared with the FBI in the summer of 2016.

The DNC and Clinton campaign’s funding of the unverified dossier was revealed in a memo from House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, which was disclosed publicly on February 2, 2018.

According to an October 24, 2017, report, Perkins Coie lawyer Marc E. Elias retained Fusion GPS in April 2016 on behalf of the clinton campaign and DNC: “The clinton campaign and DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.” Fusion GPS gave Steele’s dossier and other research documents to Elias.

The real collusion scandal is the hand-in-hand effort by the clinton campaign and the obuma DOJ/FBI to spy upon and destroy Donald J. Trump. The FBI, pulled by the troika of comey/McCabe/Strzok, became an arm of the clinton campaign.

And our new lawsuit aims to get to the bottom of the massive scandal.

 Major New Judicial Watch Investigative Report on George Soros.

Left-wing billionaire George Soros has a massive foundation operation that is leveraged for outsized influence here at home and abroadincredibly, with the help of your tax dollars. Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the details.

 The U.S. government subsidizes billionaire George Soros’ radical leftist agenda dedicating hundreds of millions of dollars to his deeply politicized Open Society Foundations (OSF) worldwide, records uncovered by Judicial Watch show.

In a special investigative report, Judicial Watch documents the financial link between U.S.-funded entities and OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. The special report also illustrates the financial and staffing nexus between OSF and the U.S. government.

In 2018, OSF projected expending more than $530 million to promote Soros’ radical globalist agenda in every corner of the world under the guise of supporting democratically elected governments, strengthening the rule of law and promoting fairness in political, legal and economic systems. The reality is far different, the report shows. Soros, with the help of American taxpayer dollars, bolsters a radical leftwing agenda that in the United States has included: promoting an open border with Mexico and fighting immigration enforcement efforts; fomenting racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist racialist organizations; financing the Black Lives Matter Splatter

movement and other organizations involved in the riots in Ferguson, Missouri; weakening the integrity of our electoral systems; promoting taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand; advocating a government-run health care system; opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts; promoting dubious transnational climate change agreements that threaten American sovereignty; and working to advance gun control and erode Second Amendment protections.

The Soros network is engaged in an active effort to affect politics, economics, and societies globally, including in Europe (Albania, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary) and Latin America (Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico). Judicial Watch has successfully investigated and litigated to document the paper trail left by the OSF network as it operates, at taxpayer expense, to subvert and manipulate the sovereignty of constitutional republics and allies of the United States.

Last year, Judicial Watch exposed a collaborative effort between the U.S. government and Soros to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia. Records obtained by Judicial Watch in that investigation show that the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia worked behind the scenes with OSF to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The cash—about $5 million—flowed through the State Department and USAID.

The new report identifies OSF affiliates worldwide that receive U.S. government funding as well as the alarming figures. The Soros operations are highly sophisticated and work across academia, the legal system, labor, agriculture and “social justice” organizations as well as religious and political groups. Key personnel in the multi-faceted OSF network are former American government officials known to leverage their status and access to benefit the OSF’s goals. The report identifies a number of them, including barry obuma’s Domestic Policy Council Director, Cecilia Muñoz, who currently serves on OSF’s U.S. Programs board and OSF President Patrick Gaspard, Director of Political Affairs in the obuma White House and the U.S. Ambassador to South Africa. Others include OSF Director of Global Security Denis Reynolds, a former Supervisory Special Agent with the Diplomatic Security Service at the State Department, and OSF Senior Policy Advisor Emily Renard, a former State Department Foreign Service Officer and Africa Policy Officer.

OSF-funded groups reportedly promoting, organizing and supporting the illegal immigrant caravan that started in Honduras are also identified in the report. Many of the leftist groups also get hefty sums from Uncle Sam. They include the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC), the American Constitution Society, Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (Center for Legal Action in Human Rights, CALDH) and a multitude of others, including those named in a special report published by Judicial Watch earlier this year focusing on OSF in Guatemala. The big question is, why are American taxpayers funding Soros and his highly politicized OSF. Judicial Watch will continue investigating and litigating to get answers.

 Until next week …

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 6:49pm

Military to Begin Troop Reductions at U.S.-Mexico Border.


US troops and border patrol agents rushed to a border crossing between San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico to stop hundreds of migrants trying to clamber over border fences

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. this week will begin withdrawing many of the active duty troops sent to the border with Mexico by President Donald Trump just before the midterm election in response to a caravan of Central American migrants, U.S. officials said Monday.

 About 2,200 of the active duty troops will be pulled out before the holidays, the officials said, shrinking an unusual domestic deployment that was viewed by critics as a political stunt and a waste of military resources.

 That will leave about 3,000 active duty troops in Texas, Arizona and California, mainly comprised of military police and helicopter transport crews who are assisting border patrol agents. There also will still be about 2,300 members of the National Guard who were sent to the border region as part of a separate deployment that started in April.
 amounts of razor wire and provided transportation and protection for the Border Patrol. The troops are not there to directly deal with the Central American migrants, many of whom eventually made their way to Tijuana, just south of California.

One of the officials said that some of the military police and helicopter crews will stay in the border region so they can quickly respond if they are needed by border agents. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal plans not yet made public.

 Active duty troops began arriving at the border in early November for an initial 45-day deployment, in response to the caravan, which at one point numbered about 7,000 people, including many families with children.

On Monday, Col. Rob Manning said there are currently 2,200 active duty troops in Texas; 1,350 in Arizona; and 1,650 in Mexifornia.

“Some units have completed their mission and they have already started to partially redeploy. Other units have been identified to rotate home and will be returning home over the next several weeks,” Manning said.

He declined to say how low the number of troops will go in coming weeks or provide details on any changes. He added, “the numbers of troops that we have will be commensurate with the support” that Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection request.

Headquarters forces for U.S. Army North will remain in Texas, and the troops in California and Arizona include engineers, military police, logisticians, aviation personnel and medical personnel.

The bulk of the active duty troops in California are Marines based at Camp Pendleton, near San Diego, so many can easily move back and forth from the border to their home base.

A report to Congress last month estimated the cost of the military deployment to the border at $210 million, including $72 million for the active-duty troops and $138 million so far for the National Guard forces. The Guard troops have been performing their separate border mission since April. There have been no updated estimates released.

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 6:41pm

Report: Islamic State Threatening to Stage Biological, Radioactive Attacks!


Service members from the 24th Civil Support Team and the U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Strike Team conducts a 360-degree perimeter patrol to check the radiation levels of a simulated collapsed building at the Urban Search and Rescue Yard in Baltimore, during Vigilant Guard 18 on May 9, 2018. The team, …
U.S. Army National Guard 

Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) jihadis are threatening to carry out biological and radio-active attacks against the U.S.-led coalition fighting to demolish the remnants of the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, Arutz Sheva reported on Sunday.

 Last month, the office of the inspector general (IG) at the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) determined ISIS has evolved into “an effective clandestine” insurgency nearly a year after the U.S.-led coalition decimated the jihadis’ territorial caliphate.

 Although the U.S.-led coalition has pushed ISIS into a small pocket of territory in Syria, the group remains a threat and has managed to maintain control over the area for more than a year.

The Islamic State group is now threatening to stage biological and radio-active attacks to finish off the anti-ISIS coalition. The organization’s Al-Taqwa Media Foundation last week started to publish new inciting material, including animation videos depicting a burning capitol building and abandoned military vehicles as well as civilian cars – as ISIS terrorists raise their black banner. The images also showed four symbols to warn against biohazards which were placed on a nearby building and three barricades near the burning target.

ISIS reportedly declared via text attached to the images, “O Crusaders, you have realized the danger of the Islamic State. But you did not know the treatment, and you will not know the treatment, because there is no treatment! By fighting it, it gets stronger, and by leaving it, it blooms and stretches more.”

In the video, the terrorist group reportedly added:

 While Trump promised defeat of the Islamic State, Obama has lied before and our Lord – the Almighty – promised victory, and here we are. This campaign is your last campaign, and it will fail by the permission of Allah. As all your campaigns have been broken before and failed, but this time we are going to invade you, and you will never invade us ever.

The pro-ISIS Al-Taqwa outlet also released a poster depicting a destroyed house with crows flying above the structure and three radio-activity warning symbols attached to a signpost.

“We will soon do this,” a text on the poster cautioned.

In June 2015, Australia’s foreign ministry, citing NATO, revealed that ISIS had gained access to radioactive material from hospital and research centers in the territory it had seized in Iraq and Syria, prompting fears that the group could develop a large “dirty” bomb.

The ministry noted that ISIS was recruiting “highly trained professionals” to develop chemical weapons.

In early 2017, the Telegraph reported that U.S.-backed Iraqi forces found “radioactive materials” in the former ISIS base at the Mosul University, which once served as the jihadist group’s headquarters, makeshift chemical weapons factory, training facility, and killing ground.

 The U.S. military and the United Nations-backed Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have found that ISIS has used chemical weapons against its enemies, including American troops.

In its former propaganda magazine Dabiq, ISIS expressed interest in building a weapon of mass destruction (WMD).

“Indian defense officials have previously warned of the possibility the militants could acquire a nuclear weapon from Pakistan,” the Independent reported in June 2015.

Last month, the Pentagon’s IG reported: “ISIS has lost all territory it held in Iraq and remained in control of only one percent of territory it once held in Syria. However, the DoD and a report produced by a United Nations Security Council monitoring committee stated that an effective clandestine ISIS organization has moved underground and is acting as an insurgency in both countries.”

On Monday, Iraq marked the anniversary of its victory over the ISIS.

“The Islamic State has been stripped of nearly all the territory it ruled in Iraq and Syria and has been pummeled by nearly 30,000 airstrikes. But the extremist group has still managed to retain a small pocket of land on the Syria-Iraq border for more than a year,” the New York Times (NYT) acknowledged the previous day.

Maxwell Markusen, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think-tank, told the Times ISIS still has “20,000 to 30,000” jihadis in Iraq and Syria.

At the end of last month, ISIS broke out of its last enclave to attack the U.S.-backed Kurdish militiamen in northern Syria, killing over 90 fighters in one of the terrorist group’s largest attacks in weeks.

“More than 500” ISIS jihadis attacked the U.S.-backed fighters, mainly using “motorcycles carrying medium and heavy machine guns, followed by armored vehicles,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which uses a network of ground sources to monitor the conflict, reported at the time.

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 6:37pm

Graham to Trump: ‘Dig In, Do Not Give In’ on Border Wall.

 12/9/18 by Pam Key

On this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) advised President Donald Trump not to give in on his demand for $5 billion in border wall funding.

 Graham said, “If I were the president, I would dig in and not give in on additional wall funding. I want the whole $5 billion because the caravan is a game-changer.”
 He continued, “After the caravan, if you don’t see the need for additional border security, you’re just not paying much attention. So Mr. President, dig in, do not give in when it comes to the wall.”
 He added, “If I were the president, I’d say, I want two years of wall funding, and I’ll give legal status to the DACA recipients. That’s a good deal for the country.”
Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 6:34pm

Graham to Trump: ‘Dig In, Do Not Give In’ on Border Wall.

 12/9/18 by Pam Key


On this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) advised President Donald Trump not to give in on his demand for $5 billion in border wall funding.

Graham said, “If I were the president, I would dig in and not give in on additional wall funding. I want the whole $5 billion because the caravan is a game-changer.”

He continued, “After the caravan, if you don’t see the need for additional border security, you’re just not paying much attention. So Mr. President, dig in, do not give in when it comes to the wall.”

He added, “If I were the president, I’d say, I want two years of wall funding, and I’ll give legal status to the DACA recipients. That’s a good deal for the country.”



Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 6:19pm

Illegal Immigration Last Month Hit Highest Level in Over a Decade!


Migrants, US Border

Illegal immigration skyrocketed to the highest level in more than a decade for the month of November, as President Trump’s border wall remains unfunded by the Republican-controlled Congress.

 Last month, illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border soared to levels that the country has not seen since Fiscal Year 2014, when more than 51,500 illegal aliens tried to cross the border in April 2015.
 In November 2018, there were close to 52,000 border crossings on the southern border, alone, marking the highest level of illegal immigration in the month of November since 2006.
 The continuing rise of illegal immigration at the southern border indicates that Fiscal Year 2019 will see the biggest boom of illegal immigration in more than a decade, according to Princeton Researcher Steven Kopits.
 In total, Kopits projects that there will be more than 600,000 border crossings next year — a level of illegal immigration that the country has not seen since Fiscal Year 2008, when total southwest border apprehensions exceeded 705,000.

This puts illegal immigration under Trump on track to double what border crossings were in Fiscal Year 2017, when about 310,000 illegal aliens attempted to cross into the U.S. from the southern border.

Spiraling illegal immigration to the country is set behind a backdrop of a White House and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, that have yet to convince House and Senate Republicans — who only have control of Congress for about a month — to fund Trump’s central campaign promise: A southern border wall.

At the same time of the rising illegal immigration totals, the U.S. is continuing to admit more than a million legal immigrants every year to take American jobs. The mass immigration scheme is a boon to real estate developers, who thrive on the booming populations in major cities, and employers who benefit from a flooded labor market with stagnant U.S. wages and displaced American workers.

The country’s mass immigration policy also has massive rewards for Democrats, who are set to import between seven to eight million new foreign-born voters solely from the process known as “chain migration,” and overall, an additional 15 million new foreign-born voters.

Comment by Landel Cathcart on December 10, 2018 at 6:13pm

105 Criminal Illegal Aliens, Including Child Sex Offenders, Arrested in Raid.  


In this March 30, 2012 photo, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents take a suspect into custody as part of a nationwide immigration sweep in Chula Vista, Calif. Federal officials say they arrested more than 3,100 immigrants convicted of serious crimes and fugitives in a six-day nationwide sweep. Officials at …About 105 illegal aliens, including convicted child sex offenders, were arrested in a widespread Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid across the state of New Jersey.
The ICE raid, conducted a couple weeks ago, resulted in the arrest of more than a 100 illegal Four of the 105 illegal aliens had Interpol warrants, meaning they were wanted in other countries for violent crimes, drug charges, and fraud. At least four of the illegal aliens arrested were either convicted child sex offenders or convicted child abusers.

A handful of the illegal aliens arrested were members of gangs such as the El Salvadorian MS-13 Gang or the 18th Street Gang.

 ICE officials provided a list of some of those arrested in the raid:
A 59-year-old Korean national, who has an Interpol warrant to serve his sentence for the crime of indecent acts by compulsion causing bodily injury.
A 44-year-old Korean national, who has an Interpol warrant to serve his sentence for the crime of distribution of psychotropic drugs.

A 34-year-old Ecuadorian national, who has an Interpol warrant for the crime of fraud.

A 54-year-old Russian national, who has an Interpol warrant for the crime of large scale fraud.

A 35-year-old Ecuadorian national, who has a conviction of forcible touching on a child.

A 35-year-old Venezuelan national, who has a conviction of distribution of narcotics.

A 52-year-old Mexican national, who has a conviction of promoting prostitution with a child.

A 34-year-old Honduran national, who has a conviction of Endangering the Welfare of a Child.

A 43-year-old Canadian national, who has a conviction of distribution of narcotics on school grounds.

A 25-year-old previously deported Guatemalan national, who was arrested for aggravated assault and possession of a weapon. An ICE detainer was lodged with Middlesex County Jail but they refused to honor the ICE detainer and released the subject.

A 28-year-old Egyptian national, who has three convictions for possession and distribution of narcotics.

A 41-year-old Taiwanese national, who has convictions for extortion and bank fraud.

A 38-year-old Cuban national, who has a conviction for aggravated criminal sexual contact.

A 48-year-old Jamaican national, who has convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery and possession of a weapon.

A 28-year-old El Salvadorian national, who is a member of MS-13.

A 19-year-old Mexican national, who is a member of the 18th street gang.

A 31-year-old Mexican national, who is a member of the Surenos-13th street gang.

 The majority of the illegal aliens arrested in the New Jersey raid are from either Mexico or Central America. This is the second major illegal immigration raid in the last couple of weeks on the East Coast.



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