We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Landel Cathcart on November 15, 2018 at 3:28pm

My first thought is, has the President been made aware of this info?


Comment by M on November 15, 2018 at 5:38am

Considering what I saw on the San Diego videos of the border wall there from yesterday, that was a hollow statement. "Refugees" were scaling the wall with impunity and there were no border guards or military there to even watch them let alone stem the flow. We have already been invaded thanks to the Corrupt Democrats whose only consideration is the potential for more votes. 

I am including a post sent to me by Oren Long;

On Thursday, November 15, 2018, 4:45:04 AM EST, Oren Long <o.jchris@yahoo.com> wrote:
I have heard a very interesting theory posited (by more than one) regarding why the Dems are so openly cheating in so many races, and I give it a lot of credence.   
The theory is that the Dems are running a test (dress rehearsal) for 2020.   They want to test the President's and GOP's resolve (willingness to fight) when confronted with open cheating at the polls.   They think that if they are not stopped and held to account now, they will not be challenged in 2020 when they do the same thing.   And, make no mistake, they WILL do it again, and again, and AGAIN until they are stopped.    
Scott and DeSantis are fighting like tigers and may well prevail in the end.   Brenda Snipes and her cohorts in Palm Beach County, Georgia, Arizona, and elsewhere may well find themselves in jail, but the Dems are willing to pay that price to find out the extent of our resolve.   Democrats are perfectly willing to absorb casualties in their war against America and the Constitution.   Republicans, not so much.   Democrats KNOW they are at war.   Republicans, not so much.   The Left is playing for keeps.   Republicans assume it is a phase that the Left will grow out of.   Only a handful of Republicans see the danger and those few are admonished for "crying wolf" when there actually IS a wolf.   
McSally in Arizona was a fool to concede.   I hope GOP Leadership is trying to get her to rescind her concession.   Probably not, but . . .
This begs the question of how we can fix this mess in Florida and in other races where Democrat cheating is patently obvious.   The problem in Florida apparently lies exclusively in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, but not in the other 65 counties.   To my mind, the vote in those two counties has been so corrupted and skewed that it can never be accurately straightened out and public confidence restored.   Therefore, I think the only solution is for a Federal Court to order new elections in Broward and Palm Beach Counties with total Federal oversight at every stage of said elections.   Unless and until that happens, we will never know the true will of those voters.
As I have previously stated, I think the GOP must file a massive Civil Suit against the Democrat Party, both in Florida and nationally.   A Civil Suit only requires 51% of the evidence to succeed while a criminal case requires "proof beyond a reasonable doubt".   A successful Civil Suit, with massive monetary damages, could bankrupt the Democrat Party, its leadership, and its minions.   Then and only then will they rethink their strategy.   
Further, if those openly corrupt Democrat elections officials in Florida and elsewhere can be found guilty of tampering with the vote, that would make a Civil Suit a slam dunk.   Their criminal guilt would be Prima Fascia evidence of wrongdoing in a Civil Suit.   There would be no escape for the Democrat Party and the only question would be how many billions or hundreds of billions of dollars were awarded by a jury.   If the corruption was legally found to go deep enough, the Democrat Party could even be enjoined from overseeing elections in the future and relegated to observer status.   
Your thoughts,
Comment by Landel Cathcart on November 14, 2018 at 9:35pm

Study Indicates CA’s Universal Background Check Is A Failure!

Universal background checks are one of the current goals for gun control activists throughout the nation. It’s one of the laws we expect to see in the next two years from the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. We’re told that this will do wonders to stop crime and mass shootings, despite zero evidence supporting that assertion.

What we do have, however, is evidence that the law is easily ignored.

California has had universal background checks since the 1990s, but a recent study calls the effectiveness of that law into question.

Early results from the 2018 Mecifornia Safety and Wellbeing Survey shows 10 percent of gun owners in the state own about half of all firearms. The majority of gun owners, about 54 percent, have one or two firearms, according to the survey.

What’s more, the survey found that a quarter of respondents said they did not get a background check when they bought a gun, said Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, a researcher who led the study.

‘We have only about 75 percent of our respondents reporting that they had a background check done when they bought their most recent firearm in Mexifornia, so that means anywhere from one in four and one in five people not having a background check,’ Kravitz-Wirtz said.

‘(This) does not bode well for the implementation and the enforcement of Mexifornia’s comprehensive background check law which has been in place since the 1990s.’

And this isn’t just some nebulous “problem,” either. We even have Hollywood celebrities admitting publicly that they broke this particular law while simultaneously calling for increased gun control.

I’ve argued for some time that these “comprehensive background check laws” are unenforceable without a registration scheme to know who has what and when they got it. Otherwise, it’s impossible to look at someone’s collection and know if they’ve skirted the law. As there isn’t a registration scheme–and even then, it would only work if people complied with that law–the background check requirement is essentially pointless.

Moreover, these aren’t criminals buying these guns. They’re people who probably don’t realize that California even has such a law. Ashton Kutcher didn’t realize he was admitting to a crime when he talked about receiving a firearm from a friend in the parking lot of the Borderline Bar & Grill. How many others bought guns not realizing that their state already had such a law despite the media rhetoric about the lack of background checks on guns?

I’m willing to bet that a lot of them did.

Still, others didn’t give a damn. They were selling their property, and they didn’t need to get the state’s permission to do so, and the buyer didn’t need the state’s permission to buy said property. I can’t say that I blame them.

Either way, the big takeaway is that the gun control mecca of Mexifornia can’t seem to make its own universal background check system stick. How in the world are the gun grabbers going to make it work elsewhere?

Comment by Landel Cathcart on November 14, 2018 at 9:30pm

Carry Permits Jump Over 1400%.

 The District of Columbia may be the hub for the government, but it’s also a city with a whole lot of people living there. Sure, the biggest industry in town is the government, but it’s still a major city.

 Like any other major city, crime is a continuing problem.

To combat that, D.C. enacted some of the most draconian gun laws in the nation, including the laws overturned in the Heller decision.

Not all that long ago, the city found itself in court again, this time over its concealed carry requirements. It opted not to take the case to the Supreme Court, though, because it didn’t want to lose again and completely revamp concealed carry in this country.

Now, the one-time restrictive city is now a shall-issue jurisdiction, and people are taking advantage of it.

 The number of Washington D.C. concealed carry permit holders skyrocketed a little over 1440 percent since the District lost a key legal battle related to its previous restrictive gun permitting process at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia last year.

The Metropolitan Police Department confirmed to The Daily Caller Tuesday that 1,896 concealed carry permits were issued by MPD for the calendar year to date 2018.

MPD noted that several hundred approvals came from applications submitted in late 2017. These were included in the current 2018 approval number, which is why the total number of 2018 applications for DC concealed carry permits to date is 1508 — a number lower than the 2018 approval number.

 Prior the court ruling, according to The Washington Post, only 123 people had active D.C. concealed carry permits and MPD previously denied 77% of applicants for not providing the once-mandated “good reason” to carry.

The new numbers of people wanting D.C. carry permits continue to rise as House Democrats announced last week their caucus will aggressively push for more gun control measures in the new Congress, where they will have a majority.

Once known for its decades-long handgun ban, D.C. went from being “may issue” to “shall issue” when it came to issuing its concealed carry permits, so attaining the permit through the District’s mandate of in-class hours and on range requirements along with MPD’s extensive criminal background check became more of a reality for private citizens across the country.

I’m honestly not surprised D.C. saw that big of a jump.

My time in D.C. has been centered around the more touristy places such as the Mall area. I’ve seen the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Smithsonian, all that jazz. That’s all most people see.

But like any other city, there’s a lot of ugliness at work too. There’s a shady underbelly to any city, and D.C. is no exception. That underbelly often rears its head and strikes out at decent men and women who just want to go about their lives in peace. Up until the court decision, though, these men and women had no means to protect themselves from such instances.

Now, they do, so is it any surprise that so many of them are getting their permits? Not a bit.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 13, 2018 at 2:04am

 Trump Devastates obumacare!


President Trump has announced changes in how obumacare will be enforced. Fox News reports:

  In a post-midterms one-two punch to obumaCare, the Trump administration on Wednesday finalized major rule changes aimed at rolling back the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage mandate and tightening restrictions to ensure that taxpayer subsidies aren’t used to fund abortions.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the changes would allow some employers with religious or moral objections to opt out of providing no-cost birth control for female workers.

  Last year, the White House vowed to provide “full protection” to a wide range of companies and organizations that claim a “religious or moral objection” to providing the coverage.

  Under former resident barack obuma’s health care law, most employers must cover birth control at no charge as a preventive service for women.

  Accommodating religious objections has been a sticking point with conservatives for years, and was the subject of legal challenges. This is welcome relief for religious organizations, who will no longer be persecuted by the government for simply exercising their religious freedom.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 13, 2018 at 1:13am

Why Trump is talking nonstop about the migrant caravan!


Honduran migrants

The caravan working toward the U.S. border from Central America allows the president to argue that his opponents have failed to tackle illegal immigration, and presents an opportunity to rev up his base.

 Republicans saw immigration as a winning midterm rallying cry, and the Central American caravan hitting cable TV created an opening for the president.


Earlier this month, President Donald Trump’s political team reviewed polling from congressional districts that were competitive in the 2016 election. They showed that border protection, safeguarding immigration officers and standing up to illegal immigration resonated with voters there, according to a person with knowledge of the president’s strategy.

The president seized on the issues as winners for Republicans attempting to preserve their congressional majority.

Story Continued Below

Trump has since found the perfect opening with a migrant caravan snaking up through Central America toward the U.S. border — and hitting his favorite cable news TV shows. And now the president is talking and tweeting nonstop about the caravan, hoping his strategy will pay off in the final two weeks before Election Day.

"The Democrats don't care what their extremist immigration agenda will do to your neighborhoods or your hospitals or your schools," Trump said at a rally Monday night in Houston. "They don't care that the mass illegal immigration will totally bankrupt our country."

“Every time you see a Caravan,” he tweeted earlier Monday, “or people illegally coming, or attempting to come, into our Country illegally, think of and blame the Democrats for not giving us the votes to change our pathetic Immigration Laws! Remember the Midterms!”

Donald Trump

In pressing the issue, Trump sees a twofold advantage. It’s a way to argue that his opponents have “turned a blind eye to the problem,” as one Republican working on the strategy put it, and also an opportunity to rev up his base.

Although Democrats remain strongly favored to win back the House, overhead TV pictures of thousands marching north have them spooked. Asked if the timing worried him, a national Democratic strategist said, “in the Senate, yes.”

Even before the caravan, most congressional Democrats saw immigration as a loser for them. “It is very difficult to win on immigration with vulnerable voters in the states Trump carried in 2016,” advised a memo circulated among Democratic congressional offices in recent weeks and prepared by the centrist Third Way and liberal Center for American Progress. “Even the most draconian of Republican policies, like family separation and deporting Dreamers” persuaded relatively few of those polled to vote Democratic, said the memo, which was first reported in The New York Times.

“Democrats should spend as little time as possible engaging in a conversation about the merits of sanctuary cities,” the memo advised, “and instead pivot to other issues like taxes and health care, where Democrats have significant advantages.”

An October poll by the Pew Research Center found 75%t of Republican voters considered illegal immigration a “very big” problem. By comparison, only 19% of Democrats felt the same way. The overall percentage of voters who labeled immigration a major issue tracked closely with the level in the weeks before the 2016 presidential election, according to Pew data.

 On Monday, Trump unleashed an explosion of immigration-focused statements, warning on Twitter that he may deploy the military to the border and threatening to cut off aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Honduran migrants aboard a truck

Honduran migrants aboard a truck take part in a caravan heading to the U.S., in the outskirts of Tapachula, on their way to Huixtla, Chiapas state, Mexico, on Monday.

 After a boost during the obuma administration, U.S. foreign aid to these three countries has steadily declined in recent years, from $700 million in fiscal year 2017 to $615 million in fiscal 2018. The Senate and House have proposed $515 million and $595 million respectively for the coming fiscal year. The White House requested just $435 million.

 On Monday in Houston, Trump suggested — without evidence — that Democrats had something to do with the migrant caravan. “And now they're saying, ‘I think we made a big mistake,” the president said of Democrats. He accused “bad people” of starting the caravan and “very bad people” of being part of it.

“This is something that’s definitely going to benefit Republicans running in tight districts,” said GOP strategist Shermichael Singleton. The law-and-order message has “an intrinsic value to Republican voters,” he said, and could resonate with independent men. “You look at those folks in the middle to make the difference,” he said.

 Senate races in Texas, Arizona and Nevada have all seen immigration emerge as a major theme among Republicans. Trump was in Houston Monday night to campaign for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in his reelection campaign against Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas).

 Trump himself believes the caravan images are so politically potent for Republicans and so damaging for Democrats, people who have spoken with him about the approach said that he’s vowed to bring up the caravan wherever and whenever he can, even when he isn’t being prompted by others. “There is now video on TV screens that matches the feeling on the ground that the president has felt for the past three years,” said a person familiar with the polling reviewed by Trump's team.


Republicans have come to believe that any time the immigration issue becomes about the border and border security — rather than immigrant "Dreamers" or a mix of more complex related topics — it’s a victory for them. “The vast majority of Americans worry that our border isn’t secure, and that criminals, gangs and drugs are coming into the country across the border — and the images of this mass of people basically tearing down fences to enter Mexico only reinforce those concerns,” said GOP pollster Chris Wilson.

Immigration advocates argue that Trump and Republicans aim to “divide and distract” the electorate by focusing on contentious immigration issues.

Navin Nayak, executive director of the liberal Center for American Progress Action Fund, said his group long anticipated Republicans would turn to immigration before the midterms, “knowing that they have nothing else to run on.”

“Republicans have failed on this issue,” Nayak said. “They’ve had complete control and done nothing to address a broken immigration system.”

Whether any real crisis exists at the border remains a matter of considerable debate. Although the caravan is larger than the one that caught Trump's attention last spring — by some reports it’s swollen to 7,000 people — overall arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border remain well below their level in recent years.

In fiscal year 2018, Border Patrol arrested approximately 397,000 people at the southwest border, according to data obtained by POLITICO. From fiscal 2009 to 2016 — the bulk of the obuma presidency — the agency arrested a yearly average of roughly 413,000 people. From the 1980s through the early 2000s, the annual tally of arrests routinely eclipsed 1 million!

 The number of arrests fell to roughly 304,000 during Trump’s first year in office, when illegal crossings appeared to dry up amid uncertainty about the new administration. But that was more aberration than the norm.

 The flow of migrants has shifted over time away from Mexico and toward families and children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Border Patrol arrested roughly 16,500 family members in September — the highest monthly total on record.

There’s little evidence that U.S. policy has had much effect on immigration flows over the years. Eric Olson, deputy director of the Wilson Center’s Latin American Program, said he doubted that more enforcement measures — including Trump’s threat to send the military to the border — will make much of a difference.

“Everything that’s been tried, all the tough talk, all the tough policies … it seems to have very limited impact,” he said.

“People are moving because conditions are miserable in Honduras and other parts of the Northern Triangle,” explained Duncan Wood, director of the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute.

Theresa Cardinal Brown, director of immigration policy for the Bipartisan Policy Center, said poverty and violence, combined with the publicity from the last caravan in April, appears to have driven up the number of migrants trekking to the U.S. in this group.

  But we all know that  “It’s an invasion!”  “They’re coming to bankrupt us!”  


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 13, 2018 at 12:56am

Exclusively from Judicial Watch.
The Most Revealing Video Ever from the Illegal Alien Invasion of America!

 Dear Judicial Watch Supporter,
Because of your continued support for Judicial Watch…
You now have an exclusive – up close and in person – view of the Illegal Alien Invasion of America!
  No other news organization in America is presenting such riveting videos…
 And the video below – sent overnight from Judicial Watch “reporter” Chris Farrell, JW’s intrepid Director of Investigations – is the most revealing video yet!
   Please share it with your friends, neighbors, and family members.
   As Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton has said – and this stunning video makes clear – “It is time for President Trump to deploy US military to the southern border.”
 Carter L. Clews
Director of Communications
 PS: Here is a picture of Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell and Judicial Watch reporter Sara Carter meeting with Guatemala's President Jimmy Morales. 

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 13, 2018 at 12:52am

Miles Of Razor Wire, 5,200 Soldiers Deployed To Southwest Border!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 13, 2018 at 12:48am

WASHINGTON TIMES: Mexican news says caravans grow to 14,000 people
 The caravan is growing, and it's headed straight for our southern border. Its already broken through the Guatemala-Mexico border and recent reports indicate their numbers are growing by the thousands!
 This is a blatant attack on our borders, and it's Democrats fault.

Landel, The only way we're going to stop these caravans is by defeating the... 
  For years, Democrats have openly obstructed any effort to reform our immigration system because they refuse to compromise on their open borders, blanket amnesty platform.
  What's worse, the biased media is covering for the caravan, embedding reporters to spin the truth into sympathetic, pro-amnesty fake news.
 The truth is, these caravans include dangerous people who bring drugs, violence, and criminals into our country!

President Trump has been fighting to secure our borders since Day 1, but Democrats and Establishment Republicans continue to undermine our security as they refuse to fund The Wall.
This is our chance to do something about it, but we've got to act now. 
Great America PAC
Ed Rollins
Chairman, Great America PAC

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 13, 2018 at 12:42am

Video: ‘Rocky Fire’ Erupts Near Southern Mexifornia’s 118 Freeway.

11/12-18 Joshua Caplan

Firefighters work to contain fires at Rocky Peak Mtwy, on state Freeway 118, Monday, Oct. 27, 2003, in Simi Valley, Calif. The 80,000-acre blaze in suburban Simi Valley, 35 miles northwest of Los Angeles, jumped the highway and came within yards of several homes before firefighters began to get the …

A brand new fire erupted along a Southern California highway near the Los Angeles and Ventura county line on Monday.

The blaze, dubbed the “Rocky Fire” by state authorities, started in Santa Susana Pass, near Rocky Peak and the 118 freeway.

Officials have ordered an immediate evacuation of the Box Canyon and Lake Manor areas, according to Fox 10. Ventura County Sheriff’s Department told reporters the freeway has been closed between Topanga Canyon and Yosemite while firefighters move quickly to extinguish the fire. The cause of the fire is currently unknown.

The latest blaze comes after some of the thousands of people who fled Southern California’s huge wildfire were being allowed to return home, and traffic was flowing Monday on the major highway through the area after a closure of several days.

Repopulation of some neighborhoods and the reopening of U.S. 101 west of Los Angeles began late Sunday, marking positive developments even though forecasts called for continuing critical fire weather conditions.

Mandatory evacuations remained in effect in many other areas. however, including the entire cities of Malibu and Calabasas.

The Woolsey fire grew to more than 143 square miles with 20 percent containment as of Monday morning.

The estimate of destroyed structures was raised to 370, with only 15 percent of damage assessments completed.

The death toll stood at two.

Spot fires continued to occur late Sunday afternoon near the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University, where 3,500 students were sheltering in place. The university said it was closing the Malibu campus and its Calabasas campus to the north until Nov. 26, but classes would be remotely administered online and through email.

At least 31 people were confirmed dead in the wildfire that turned the Northern California town of Paradise and outlying areas into hell on earth, equaling the deadliest blaze in state history, and the search for bodies continued Monday.

Nearly 230 people were unaccounted for by the sheriff’s reckoning, four days after the fire swept over the town of 27,000 and practically wiped it off the map with flames so fierce that they melted metal off cars. The dead were so badly burned that authorities brought in a mobile DNA lab and consulted forensic anthropologists for help in identifying them.

Increasingly exhausted and dispirited, friends and relatives of the missing checked hospitals, police, shelters, and the coroner’s office in hopes of learning what became of their loved ones.



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