We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 10, 2018 at 9:48pm

Lee County, VA School Board Approves Armed Teachers.

While a few states have changed some laws, mostly about ages of people who can buy rifles, they haven’t gotten nearly as much traction as they thought they would.

Meanwhile, schools are arming teachers–a pro-gun proposal that was widely mocked by anti-gun zealots–and a healthy rate.

The latest to do so is Lee County, VA.

A small school district in far southwestern Virginia is set to become the first in the commonwealth to arm teachers in classrooms — a decision that is prompting criticism from the state’s top law enforcement official.

The five-member Lee County School Board voted unanimously last week to approve a plan that will select an undisclosed number of teachers and staff members to carry concealed weapons or store them in safes on school property.

Applicants will undergo background screenings and psychological evaluations, and those who are selected will receive training this summer, school officials said. They said they expect the plan to be implemented by September for the 11 schools in the 3,200-student district.

“People more or less want something done, and this was the best we could do at this time,” said Michael Kidwell, chairman of the Lee County School Board. “This is better than doing nothing.”

Just four of the district’s schools have school security officers, also known as school resource officers. The school system cannot afford to hire more officers for the remaining schools, so arming teachers and other school employees was the “next best thing we could do,” Kidwell said.

To be clear, I don’t actually approve of putting teachers through additional screenings. A Virginia carry permit should be more than enough to warrant a teacher carrying on campus.

That said, armed teachers will provide a significant deterrence effect. While school resource officers are great, they’re necessarily limited. There’s only one or two per school generally. That means they can only be in so many places at once and may actually become targets of a determined attacker.

But teachers? That’s something else.

By not knowing who is carrying, no individual teachers become targets simply because they’re carrying. No one would know, which means a rampage might begin and end so quickly that no one gets hurt. Yes, that includes the shooter, though to be frank, I’m not worried about them.

No one thinks that teachers should become security ninjas who train for combat on a regular basis as part of their everyday jobs. We simply think teachers, as free citizens, should have the right to defend themselves. In the process, they’ll defend numerous students.

This isn’t rocket science, but I have little doubt that despite more and more districts arming teachers, we’ll see more and more backlash from anti-gun jihadis who continue to labor under the delusion that “Gun Free Zone” signs are magic talismans that ward off guns despite ample evidence to the contrary.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 10, 2018 at 9:45pm

Texas Man Confesses To Stealing 650 Gun From UPS.


If there’s one thing about guns that the right and left can agree on, it should be that anyone who steals guns deserves a harsh punishment. People who steal guns rarely want them just for shooting, after all. The average collector or gun nut  will buy guns for days, but stealing one just isn’t in their nature. You know, the whole “law-abiding” thing in the phrase “law-abiding gun owner” and whatnot.

But some people do steal guns, and sometimes they steal a whole lot of them.

Quinton Haywood, 27, faces 20 years in prison without parole after pleading guilty Tuesday in federal court to taking a shipment of Beretta firearms — including 600 .380-caliber handguns and 54 12-gauge shotguns — bound for a Bass Pro Shop back in October 2017.

Haywood’s co-defendants — Frank McChriston, 33; Keith Lowe, 28; Eric White, 26; and Derrick White, 32 — have not yet entered any pleas, according to court filings.

Federal investigators allege Haywood and the four other men broke into the UPS facility in Springfield, hot-wired two truck-tractors and used the vehicles to move trailers around the lot, thwarting security measures taken by staff. The men then gained access to two trailers containing the guns, a pallet of Justin Brand boots, a dozen cases of soda and “numerous power tools.”

The day after the heist, the men stole a moving truck from Best Way Moving & Storage. The truck was found a week later more than 430 miles away in Seagoville, Texas.

Investigators used cell phone tower records to crack the case.

Now, part of me wants to make a crack about the .380s not being real guns–I admit, I’m not a fan of the round in general–but I’m not. While I may feel it’s too small to trust my life to, I’m not about to argue that it can’t kill someone or be used for all kinds of other crimes, and what else do you do with 650 firearms? You’re not generally selling them to law-abiding gun owners, now are you?

No, you’re selling to criminals. You’re arming the dregs of society, the people who are going to use these guns to rob, rape, and steal from average men and women just trying to live their lives.

Thankfully, this bunch was caught, and they’re looking at a good, long time in prison for their troubles. The fact that Haywood has confessed probably means he won’t serve as long as the others, but only if he testifies against the other three, which is fine with me. As long as they’re locked up for a while, that’s a good start.

Ideally, people who do this wouldn’t see free daylight for decades. After all, if the punishment isn’t harsh enough, there’s no deterrent to trying stuff like this. Even if they didn’t know guns were in the truck, it doesn’t matter in my mind.

Still, at least these guys were caught. It’s too bad they didn’t recover more of the firearms. It’s doubtful they’ll all be recovered at this point, but at least the people who (allegedly) put them on the streets aren’t going to be doing it again for a while.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 10, 2018 at 9:40pm
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on November 10, 2018 at 9:38pm

November 9, 2018

President Trump Closes Immigration Loophole.

  President Trump is rolling out a new policy intended on curbing illegal immigration and fake asylum claims. R President Trump’s statement here: Illegal aliens will no longer get a free pass into our country by lodging meritless claims in seeking asylum.

Instead, migrants seeking asylum will have to present themselves lawfully at a port of entry.

President Donald J. Trump

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 19, 2018 at 3:30pm


Do you like winning?

 We've passed massive tax cuts. We've confirmed record numbers of judges and TWO Supreme Court Justices.

 We've repealed the obumacare individual mandate.

We've moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. We've enacted major regulatory reforms that have saved job creators billions of dollars and allowed us to reach record low unemployment and record high GDP growth.

And all along the way, Ted Cruz was helping to lead the fight in the Senate. To keep on winning, I need Ted to get reelected.

Democrats are pouring TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS into Texas to try to replace Ted with Chuck Schumer's handpicked puppet. beto o'rourke is running a campaign in Texas in support of open borders, socialized government-run health care for all, and raising your taxes. Texas deserves better than that as its U.S. Senator.

 Right now we have a very slim majority in the Senate. I NEED Ted Cruz to be reelected to protect that majority so that together, we can keep winning for YOU. 

 The Hollywood liberals and left-wing activists are flooding Texas with TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Their money is having an effect. Recent polling shows the race in Texas in single digits.

Landel, will you keep supporting Ted Cruz to make sure he wins on Election Day? 

To keep winning for you, we need to win BIG in Texas on November 6th. We cannot lose Texas to the Democrats. They will stop our momentum and BLOCK and REVERSE our agenda.

The economy is BOOMING. We must do EVERYTHING in our power to defend our success. Losing Ted Cruz would be a MAJOR defeat! We cannot allow it to happen. 

Lets win BIG on Election Day
Let's continue to Make America Great Again!

President Trump

Donald J. Trump

P.S. I am hoping you'll continue supporting Ted Cruz's campaign.

We CANNOT lose the Republican Senate majority and we CANNOT lose Ted.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 19, 2018 at 12:23pm

O’Rourke: You bet I’d vote to impeach Trump …for something … if I have to answer the question.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 19, 2018 at 12:17pm

ICYMI: Gov. Moonbeam Signs ANOTHER Ridiculous Law That Will Punish Businesses!

 ICYMI: = In Case You Missed It.

10/16/18  Beth Baumann

ICYMI: Gov. Moonbeam Signs ANOTHER Ridiculous Law That Will Punish Businesses

Mexifornia is home to raging progressives and some really dumb laws. And it's hard for me to admit that I was born and raised in the liberal hell hole *cough* I mean, paradise. 
 Dumb assed Gov. jerry brown keeps adding to Mexifornia's stupidity! This time it's with S.B. 1192, which prohibits restaurants and fast food joints from listing anything other than plain ol' milk and water on menus! The real kicker though: people can still order soda and juices. They just have to ask for it.

 According to the Foundation for Economic Education, here's what happens if they are found in violation:

1st violation shall result in a notice of violation.

2nd violation within a five-year period from the notice of violation shall be punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250).

3rd or subsequent violation within a five-year period, the fine shall be not more than $500.00

 According to state lawmakers, the reason for the bill is to help curb the obesity epidemic in the Golden State and help parents make healthy decisions for their kids: mexicans aren't really all that smart, you know and don't take   adequate time to obtain and prepare healthy food, making dining out an appealing option.

 As a result, more than one-half of food expenditures in the United States are spent outside the home. Nationwide, American children eat 25% of their calories at fast food and other restaurants.

 Children consume almost twice as many calories when they eat a meal at a restaurant as they do when they eat at home.

 By enacting this act, it is the intent of the Legislature to support parents’ efforts to feed their children nutritiously by ensuring healthy beverages are the "default options" in children’s meals in restaurants.

So let's see how moonbeam's brainfart works out?

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 19, 2018 at 11:59am

President Trump Just Moved His Rally in Texas...to a Bigger Venue.

 10/18/18  Katie Pavlich

President Trump is headed to Texas on Monday to campaign for Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who is up for re-election against far-left Democrat beto o'rouke. 

 But according to Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Pascale, the scheduled rally is being moved.to a bigger venue.

 Response for tickets to MAGA rally Houston Mon 10/22 has been HUGE and unprecedented! This will be an epic rally, so we’re moving to the Toyota Center. Want to make sure everyone coming knows the venue changed!

 Earlier this week, President Trump expressed his support for Cruz on Twitter and berated his opponent.

"Ted Cruz has done so much for Texas, including massive cuts in taxes and regulations - which has brought Texas to the best jobs numbers in the history of the state. He watches carefully over your 2nd Amendment. o’rourke would blow it all! Ted has long had my Strong Endorsement! Watched the debate last night & beto o’rourke, who wants higher taxes and far more regulations, is not in the same league with Ted Cruz & what the great people of Texas stand for & want. Ted is strong on Crime, Border & 2nd A, loves our Military, Vets, Low Taxes. beto is a Flake!"

 Tonight, President Trump is headed to Montana to campaign against Democrat Senator John Tester.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 19, 2018 at 11:44am

Police Release Bodycam Footage of Deadly Officer-Involved Shooting Where Suspect Pulled a Gun From a Bush.

10/17/18  Beth Baumann
 The Las Vegas Metro Police Department released bodycam footage of an officer-involved shooting that took place last week. 

 Officers Kenneth Pilette and Chad Betts pulled over a man they suspected of driving under the influence. When Office Betts asked the man to submit to a field sobriety test he refused. Betts attempted to apprehend the individual, at which time he ran towards a bush and pulled out a gun.

 Betts saw the firearm and ran behind the suspect's vehicle to take cover. He instructed the suspect to drop the firearm. Instead, he fired several rounds at Betts, Las Vegas Now reported. 

 Officer Pilette saw the altercation taking place and shot four rounds at the suspect. The suspect then turned to shoot at Pilette, at which time Betts fired two rounds at the suspect. Betts hit the suspect and he fell to the ground.

 The officers called for an ambulance but once EMS arrived on scene the suspect was pronounced dead. The suspect was later identified by the Clark County Coroner as Kenneth Ryan Busse Jr.

 According to Las Vegas Metro Police, Busse wanted to "commit suicide by cop." They came to that determination because he made suicidal comments in the past and on the day of the shooting.

 It is part of Metro Police protocol to release bodycam footage within 72 hours of a shooting.

Both officers have been placed on paid leave pending an investigation into the use of deadly force, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported. 

 Both officers are longtime veterans of the police force. Pilette has been with department since July 1998 and Betts since October 1999.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 19, 2018 at 11:31am

Nikki Haley Takes a Swipe at elizabeth warren for Being a Fake Indian!

Nikki Haley Takes a Swipe at Elizabeth Warren for Being a Fake Indian
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, whose parents immigrated to the United States from India, took a swipe at Massachusetts Senator elizabeth warren during a speech Thursday night. 

 "I get it. You wanted to be an Indian woman, but elizabeth warren failed her DNA test," Haley said in jest at the annual Al Smith Dinner, where speakers are known for roasts.

"Actually, when the President found out that I was Indian-American, he asked if I was from the same tribe as elizabeth warren."

 Haley also poked fun at herself, took on convicted felon Paul Manafort and lamented being a conservative in New York City. 

"With all of our differences, there is still one thing that unites all 193 countries. At one point, every single one of them was paying Paul Manafort," she joked. "People always wonder if I felt different or isolated as an Indian-American growing up in rural South Carolina. Actually, there was a benefit. It totally prepared me for being a Republican in New York."



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