We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 7:09pm

If Mexico fails to stop the caravan should President Trump close our southern border?


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 7:03pm

Our President and Classy First Lady Trump

T-19 Days; We have 19 days to prevent the worst-case scenario from happening – a total Democratic takeover of Congress.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 6:26pm

Trump Cracks down On 4,000 Illegals Marching Toward U.S. 

October 18, 2018  By Tim Nerozzi

 Trump to Twitter to address the current caravan of over 4,000 migrants who are making their way through Central America towards the United States’ southern border with Mexico.

 Trump launched an early morning tweetstorm in response to the current caravan of over 4,000 migrants who are making their way through Central America towards the United States’ southern border with Mexico.

The Tweets:

“I am watching the Democrat Party led (because they want Open Borders and existing weak laws) assault on our country by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, whose leaders are doing little to stop this large flow of people, INCLUDING MANY CRIMINALS, from entering Mexico to U.S…..”

“….In addition to stopping all payments to these countries, which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught – and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!..”

“….The assault on our country at our Southern Border, including the Criminal elements and DRUGS pouring in, is far more important to me, as President, than Trade or the USMCA. Hopefully Mexico will stop this onslaught at their Northern Border. All Democrats fault for weak laws!”

What They Mean:

The caravan, currently making its way through Honduras, is seeking to gain refugee status or illegally immigrate into Mexico or the US.

Trump is now threatening major financial ramifications for countries that do not disperse or detain the thousands of migrants.

In 2017, the US provided financial aid to several Central American states in order to help stem the flow of migrants. This included the payment of $248 million to Guatemala which received the lion’s share of the payments. Elsewhere Honduras received $175 million, and El Salvador received $115 million. All of these countries risk losing this support if Trump makes good on his promise.

The leader of the caravan and a former legislator in Honduras, Bartolo Fuentes, was already detained in Guatemala on the grounds of improper immigration into the country.

 Why They Matter:

These tweets explicitly threaten military action in an effort to escape the violence and destitute living conditions of their home nations.

The unregulated movement of the caravan presents major security concerns for the US. Mass illegal immigration provides an opportunity for individuals involved in terrorism or organized crime a low-profile entrance into the country.

Of particular concern is MS-13, a violent organized criminal organization, based in Central America with adherents in the United States. Trump has previously condemned the criminal group referring to its members as “animals,” calling their attacks “heinous.”

What People Are Saying:

In a report from Reuters, Honduran authorities asked that “the Hondurans taking part in this irregular mobilization not to be used by a movement that is clearly political.”

At the Trump administration’s urging Mexico has deployed an additional 500 law enforcement officers along its southern border.

A recent poll from the Pew Research group found that 75% of likely Republican voters in the upcoming mid-term elections cited illegal immigration as a “very big” problem. However, only 19% of Democrat supporters described illegal immigration in this manner.





Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 1:01pm

I've Got Ted's Back; Show Him You Have His Back Too! 


When it comes to defending liberty and standing up against the D.C. swamp, we have no bolder advocate in the United States Senate than Ted Cruz.

That's why the liberals and radical-left are targeting Texas with all they've got... and that's why I went down to the Lone Star State to campaign with Ted recently!

And I have to tell you, the excitement on the ground is electric.

Cruz and DTJ

My father and the Vice President support Ted Cruz in this race 110%, because he is the relentless conservative warrior they need working by their side in the U.S. Senate.

I've got Ted's back because I KNOW what he's made of and what he's accomplished for Texas and the nation! I'm proud to call him a friend.

If you have Ted's back too, please support himt to help Ted DEFEAT liberal "poster boy" Beto O'Rourke!

Landel, think for just a moment about all that my father and Ted have accomplished in recent years with Republican majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives. 

It is remarkable - and voters aren't going to hear about it in the FAKE NEWS liberal media!

  • 4 million jobs created & 49-year LOW unemployment;
  • A historic package of tax cuts - one of the largest in American history;
  • Elimination of a record number of job-killing regulations and the Obamacare individual mandate;
  • $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic;
  • The END of the horrible Obama Iran Deal;
  • The WALL under construction; while the Democrats want to OPEN the borders and ABOLISH ICE;
  • More circuit court judges confirmed than any other new administration;
  • Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch AND Brett Kavanaugh CONFIRMED!

And the list goes on and on with dozens of other important accomplishments that are making our nation GREAT again!

Ted Cruz has been at the forefront of the conservative movement, working with my father to drain the swamp and GET RESULTS for the American people. 

We need Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate now more than ever, and it's up to ALL of us to make sure he stays there. Ted can't do it alone, Landel!

Don't let Beto O'Rourke, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi fool voters to win on Election Day in Texas. All of our accomplishments would be at risk. 

Help the CruzCrew close strong and win!

For Texas & America,


Donald Trump Jr.

I've Got Ted's Back; Show Him You Have His Back Too! 

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 12:07pm

Australia: Violent Immigrant Gang Bashes and Robs Pensioner!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 12:02pm

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledges $38 million to pro-jihad UNRWA.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 18, 2018 at 11:57am

Republican candidate for Minnesota House seat punched in the face!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 17, 2018 at 10:28pm

President Trump Hosts NRA At White House, Reaffirms Commitment To Second Amendment.

 March 2, 2018

By 1600 Daily Staff

President Trump spoke to a gathering of activists last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he reaffirmed his commitment to the Second Amendment, and hardening schools against violent situations.

  Second Amendment advocates have watched the President closely in recent days to see what reforms would be pursued by the administration. President Trump hosted representatives at the National Rifle Association (NRA) on Thursday night, and had a positive meeting with them on the matter.

 I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. Chris Cox NRA

 Chris Cox, a top man at the NRA dined at the White House on Thursday. The tweet signals that any pending proposals satisfies the concerns the NRA has with maintaining the sanctity of the Second Amendment. The President echoed Cox’s sentiments on Twitter.= Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

 White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders expounded upon the President’s remarks, which have been subject to misinterpretation in recent days. “On universal background checks, universal means something different to a lot of people. He certainly wants to focus and improve on the background check system.”

Sanders also said Trump’s position on raising the minimum age saying “conceptually, he still supports raising the age to 21. But he also knows there’s not a lot of broad support for that. But that’s something he would support. I think he thinks it would probably have more potential in the states than it would at the federal level”. The President remains committed to protecting the Second Amendment, and passing laws that make our schools safer.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 17, 2018 at 10:19pm

Trump Administration Takes New Action to Defend Israel.

 September 20, 2018

President Trump could ban the Palestinian president from entering the United States. The Free Beacon reports:

 The Trump administration is being pressured to prevent Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas from entering the United States to participate in the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, a platform Abbas routinely uses to bash Israel and foment violence against it, according to a letter sent to the Trump administration and viewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Palestinian Media Watch, or PMW, an advocacy organization that tracks anti-Semitism and calls for terrorism in the Palestinian media, is petitioning the White House, State, and Treasury Departments to deny Abbas entry to America under new federal statutes barring international terrorist leaders from traveling to the United States.

The pressure campaign—which is being met with passivity in the State Departmentcomes on the heels of the passage of new legislation cracking down on the Palestinian government’s use of American aid dollars to pay the salaries of convicted terrorists and their families.

That law, known as the Taylor Force Act, was approved by President Trump and recently implemented. Since that time, the Trump administration has frozen millions in aid dollars to the Palestinian government, frozen its bank accounts, and booted its top officials from the United States.

This would curb the vile anti-semitism spewing from the United Nations.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on October 17, 2018 at 10:13pm

Republicans Score Huge Win In the Courts!

October 12, 2018

 Mitch McConnell pulled another major victory on the Democrats, securing the confirmation of 15 federal judges in exchange for ending the Senate session. The Daily Wire reports

 The Senate approved a package of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees Thursday, notching another 15 confirmations just days after Justice Brett Kavanaugh was installed on the U.S. Supreme Court.

 The confirmations came as half a dozen Democratic lawmakers, particularly those in red states, were pressed to return home to defend their Senate seats for the final stretch before the November midterm elections.

 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seized on the opportunity and made Democrats an offer: 

let the Senate adjourn until after the election, provided Democrats don’t force the full 30 hours of debate allowed for each nominee.

Democratic leaders were left at an impasse: They could keep their caucus in the Capitol to oppose the nominees — effectively ceding the campaign trail to Republican challengersor confirm Trump’s judges briskly and risk alienating their supporters.

This is a huge win for the rule of law, as these judges will interpret the constitution as it is written.



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