We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 5:13am
Here's One Unverified File the Feds Won't Leak: About loretta lynch.
7/26/18 By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
The FBI had little problem leaking “unverified" dirt from Russian sources on Donald Trump and his campaign aides – and even basing FISA wiretaps on it. But according to the Justice Department’s inspector general, the bureau is refusing to allow even members of Congress with top security clearance to see intercepted material alleging political interference by resident obuma’s attorney general, Loretta Lying lynch.
That material – which has been outlined in press reports – consists of unverified accounts intercepted from putative Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee allegedly implicates the killary clinton campaign and lynch in a secret deal to fix the clinton email investigation!
“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the obuma Justice Department,” said Tom Fitton, president of Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch, which is suing for the material.
lynch and clinton officials as well as the DNC chairman at the time, debbie wasserman schultz, have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.
True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director james b. comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust lynch.
In his recent book, comey said he took the reins in the clinton email probe, announcing clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.
If the material documents an authentic exchange between lynch and a clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the obuma administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law.
If the material is a fabrication, it may constitute the most fruitful effort by the Russians to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
For if comey had not gone around lynch and given his July 2016 press conference clearing clinton, he almost certainly would not have publicly announced the reopening for the case just prior to the election – an event clinton and her allies blame for her surprising loss to Trump.
*The information remains so secret* that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of clinton, and even withhold it from Congress!
The contents of the secret intelligence document — which purport to show that lynch informed the clinton campaign she’d make sure the FBI didn't push too hard — were included in the inspector general’s original draft.
But in the official IG report issued June 14, the information was tucked into a classified appendix to the report and entirely blanked out.
“The information was classified at such a high level by the intelligence community that it limited even the members of Congress who can see it, as well as the staffs,” Horowitz explained last week to annoyed Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has oversight authority over Justice and the FBI.
He said he has asked Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray to work with the CIA and Office of the Director of National Intelligence to determine if the material can be rewritten to allow congressional oversight.
Once the material is appropriately redacted, including protecting alleged “sources and methods,” Horowitz said, he hopes members can then go to the “tank,” or secure reading room in the basement of the Capitol Building, and read it.
“We very much want the committee to see this information,” Horowitz said.
Congressional sources told RealClearInvestigations the material is classified "TS/SCI," which stands for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information.
Such security precautions were not taken with the Steele dossier, which alleges corruption within the Trump campaign. Although the FBI and CIA used it as both an investigative and intelligence resource, its contents were readily shared with Congress and widely leaked to the media.
The dossier formed the basis for warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and is being used by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a roadmap in his continuing investigation into possible Trump ties to Russia.
In contrast, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times have accepted the denials from lynch and the clinton campaign, dismissing the compromising information as unreliable and possibly fake.
In his report, Horowitz quotes non-FBI “witnesses" describing the secret information as “objectively false.” Those witnesses included lynch.
The DOJ and FBI have not publicly commented on the authenticity of the material. No one has explained why comey believed it to be serious enough to cut lynch out of the decision loop.
What is known, based on press leaks and a letter Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley sent lynch, is that in March 2016, the FBI received a batch of hacked documents from U.S. intelligence agencies that had access to stolen emails stored on Russian networks.
One of the intercepted documents revealed an alleged email from then-DNC Chairwoman wasserman schultz to an operative working for billionaire Democratic fundraiser george soros.
It claimed lynch had assured the clinton campaign that investigators and prosecutors would go easy on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee regarding her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state. lynch allegedly made the promise directly to clinton political director Amanda Renteria.
The FBI apparently took the document seriously but never interviewed anyone named in it until clinton’s case was closed by comey in July 2016.
The next month, the FBI quizzed lynch informally about the allegations. comey reportedly also confronted the attorney general with the sensitive document and 'was told to leave her office after getting a frosty reception.'
No other parties mentioned in the document have been interviewed by the FBI.
In his new memoir, “A Higher Loyalty,” comey, clearly referring to the document given the timing and circumstances, said he relied on it in part to make his unilateral and controversial decision to publicly announce the results of the clinton investigation without lynch. He said he worried the attorney general might be viewed as “politically compromised” if the secret information leaked, thereby undermining the “integrity" of the FBI’s investigation.
comey said he had doubts about lynch’s independence as early as September 2015 when she called him into her office and asked him to minimize the probe by calling it “a matter” instead of an “investigation,” which aligned with clinton campaign talking points. Then, just days before FBI agents interviewed clinton in July 2016, lynch privately met with former resident bill clinton on her government plane while it was parked on an airport tarmac in Phoenix.
*In a text message that has since been brought to light, the lead investigators on the case, peter strzok and lisa page, made clear at the time their understanding that lynch knew that “no charges will be brought” against clinton!*
Renteria, the clinton campaign official, who ran for governor of Mexifornia but failed to secure a top-two spot in the primary, insists the intelligence citing her was disinformation created by Russian officials to dupe Americans and create discord and turmoil during the election.
“It was simply made up by the Russians,” she asserted in a recent tweet, ironically echoing complaints by Trump defenders about the Steele dossier.
Rep. wasserman schultz, who is up for re-election in the House, also denied the charges, though she acknowledged prior contacts with both lynch and Renteria.
lynch, for her part, has never been asked directly and under oath by Congress about the allegation in the document.
But in a July 2016 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, she swore, “I have not spoken to anyone on either the clinton campaign or transition or any staff members affiliated with them.”
On Thursday, Grassley announced he wants to subpoena lynch to testify before his committee about her role in the clinton email probe. But he said he has to first convince the top Democrat on the panel, dianne frankistein, who seems disinclined to support issuing a subpoena. “The ranking member refused to agree to compel” lynch to testify, Grassley said in a statement earlier in the week.
Under Judiciary Committee rules, the chairman and the ranking member must both agree on the use of subpoenas.
Hill sources say frankistein’s reluctance may owe to her close relationship with one of lynch’s top aides at the Justice Department. During the 2016 campaign, Paige Herwig served as counselor to the attorney general, and after lynch left the department in January 2017, Herwig became frankistein’s deputy general counsel.
Herwig is now working with clinton’s former press secretary on a campaign to oppose President Trump’s judicial nominees.
frankistein is also close to Renteria, who worked as her staffer last decade.
frankistein argued that lynch "would only be able to speak to the clinton email investigation, which has been investigated ad nauseam, including a 500-plus-page inspector general report that we had a hearing on, so she wouldn’t have anything to add to the committee’s current inquiries."
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 4:41am
Rowdy Gowdy Drops Truth Bomb On Strzok!
8/14/18 by: TTN Staff
Representative Trey Gowdy threw water on disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok's contention that his firing from the FBI was purely political.
According to Town Hall:
In the aftermath of his firing, FBI agent Peter Strzok is claiming his forced departure from the agency is purely political and his lawyer argues the termination came as a surprise.
"We had an agreement with the FBI's Office for Professional Responsibility, which is the main caretaker for internal discipline, that he would get a 60-day suspension and a demotion. At the last minute, that was countermanded by (FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich) and he was fired! So yeah, we were surprised," Strzok's attorney told CNN.
"We think that they had the power, but not the right to do it," he continued. "In this case, it is hard to reach any conclusion other than that the decision to reverse the OPR's decision was motivated at least largely by politics."
Rowdy Gowdy responded on Fox News:
"Peter Strzok didn't need any help at all demonizing himself. He had that full covered. This is exactly what they said about Andy McCabe,"
Rep. Gowdy said. "Of course his lawyer said it was a railroad job because the only other option is to say, 'You know what, my client prejudged two major investigations. 'He made up his mind that killary clinton was innocent before he even interviewed her'. He made up his mind that Donald Trump should be impeached before he bothered to interview him and by the way, he did a lot of this on a government phone and he violated FBI policy!"
Rowdy Gowdy stated the facts, Mr. Strzok's bias and professional conduct are what got him fired, not his political beliefs.
Anyone that doesn't believe obuma knows everything about the fake Russian dossier is just plain dumb! obuma was the puppet master, and loretta Lying lynch and james comey and everyone below them were his puppets. One text message between, peter strzok and lisa page even stated that the resident obuma wants to know everything we are doing. This was nothing short of election rigging by peter strzok and lisa page, loretta Lying lynch, james comey, killary clinton and others, these people need to be arrested and prosecuted:
Current FBI director Christopher Wray, killary clinton, bill clinton, huma abedin, debbie wasserman schultz, susan rice, james comey, peter strozk, lisa page, andrew mc'cabe, rod rosenstein robert mueller (Uranium one) eric holder (Fast and Furious) and barry obuma and many more belong in prison!
Every one of them needs to be arrested and prosecuted for treason against the American people and the United States of America!
Because john kerry (a civilian) is trying to usurp the power of the president he gets added as well as john brennan and james clapper!
Firing or allowing these criminals to step down and collect pensions paid for by the American people must stop and it must stop now!
No one is above the law!
It is time to shut down the mueller witch hunt!
It has been well over a year and I keep hearing some idiots in congress say let him do his job! How long is that going to take??!
One more year, two years, five years, 10 years and what is the cost going to be? One million, two million, 5 million, 10 million?
mueller doesn't even know what his job is!!!!! This investigation was started on hearsay and a lie and not only should it be shut down immediately it should never have been started!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 4:22am
Report: FBI Refusing to Give Congress Material That Alleges Loretta lynch Interfered in clinton Investigation!
8/29/18, by BREITBART NEWS
Paul Sperry reports at RealClearInvestigations — the investigative reporting affiliate of trusted polling aggregator RealClearPolitics — that the FBI is refusing to allow members of Congress to review intelligence that alleges obuma Attorney General loretta Lying lynch interfered in the killary clinton email investigation.
The FBI had little problem leaking “unverified” dirt from Russian sources on Donald Trump and his campaign aides – and even basing FISA wiretaps on it.
According to the Justice Department’s inspector general, the bureau is refusing to allow even members of Congress with top security clearance to see intercepted material alleging political interference by resident obuma’s attorney general, loretta Lying lynch.
That material – which has been outlined in press reports – consists of unverified accounts intercepted from putative Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee allegedly implicates the killary clinton campaign and Lying lynch in a secret deal to fix the clinton email investigation.
“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the obuma Justice Department,” said Tom Fitton, president of Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch, which is suing for the material.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 4:13am
**** YE-HAA! IT'S ABOUT TIME! ****
President Trump BLASTS Deep State Swamp Creatures!
1/3/18 BY: Deep State, News/ True Daily Staff
President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute killary clinton, huma abedin, and james comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data.
The president reacted to the news that abedin had emailed State Department passwords to a private Yahoo account.
“Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,” President Trump wrote on Twitter. “She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents!”
According to the report, abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails and passwords to government systems to her private Yahoo email account.
Billions of Yahoo accounts were later hacked repeatedly, putting the information at risk! It is not certain that abedin’s private email account was actually hacked.
"Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents!
Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on comey & others."- Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols."
President Trump recalled the story of Kristian Saucie, a former Navy sailor who was imprisoned for taking pictures of a nuclear power system when on a submarine, suggesting that clinton and abedin should suffer the same fate.
“Remember sailors pictures on submarine?” he asked. “Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on comey & others.”
President Trump started raising questions about the “deep state” in the Justice Department in November 28/17.
"Charles McCullough, the respected fmr Intel Comm Inspector General, said public was misled on Crooked killary Emails. “Emails endangered National Security!” Why aren’t our deep State authorities looking at this? Rigged & corrupt?" - President Trump
In another comment, President Trump questioned the FBI for withholding documents about surveilling him and his associates during the campaign. “Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW!” he wrote.
The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the Justice Department and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump.
President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute killary clinton, huma abedin, and james comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 4:02am
**** YE-HAA! IT'S ABOUT TIME! ****
President Trump BLASTS Deep State Swamp Creatures
1/3/18 BY: Deep State, News/ True Daily Staff
President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute killary clinton, huma abedin, and james comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data.
The president reacted to the news that abedin had emailed State Department passwords to a private Yahoo account.
“Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents.”
According to the report, abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails and passwords to government systems to her private Yahoo email account.
Billions of Yahoo accounts were later hacked repeatedly, putting the information at risk. It is not certain that abedin’s private email account was actually hacked.
"Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on comey & others."- {Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on comey & others." Trump recalled the story of Kristian Saucie, a former Navy sailor who was imprisoned for taking pictures of a nuclear power system when on a submarine, suggesting that Clinton and Abedin should suffer the same fate.

“Remember sailors pictures on submarine?” he asked. “Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.”
Trump recalled the story of Kristian Saucie, a former Navy sailor who was imprisoned for taking pictures of a nuclear power system when on a submarine, suggesting that Clinton and Abedin should suffer the same fate.

“Remember sailors pictures on submarine?” he asked. “Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.” -- President Trump
President Trump started raising questions about the “deep state” in the Justice Department in November 28/17.
"Charles McCullough, the respected fmr Intel Comm Inspector General, said public was misled on Crooked killary Emails. “Emails endangered National Security!” Why aren’t our deep State authorities looking at this? Rigged & corrupt?" - President Trump
In another comment, President Trump questioned the FBI for withholding documents about surveilling him and his associates during the campaign. “Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW!” he wrote. The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and James Comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 4:02am
**** YE-HAA! IT'S ABOUT TIME! ****
President Trump BLASTS Deep State Swamp Creatures
1/3/18 BY: Deep State, News/ True Daily Staff
President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute killary clinton, huma abedin, and james comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data.
The president reacted to the news that abedin had emailed State Department passwords to a private Yahoo account.
“Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents.”
According to the report, abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails and passwords to government systems to her private Yahoo email account.
Billions of Yahoo accounts were later hacked repeatedly, putting the information at risk. It is not certain that abedin’s private email account was actually hacked.
"Crooked killary clinton’s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on comey & others."- {Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on comey & others." Trump recalled the story of Kristian Saucie, a former Navy sailor who was imprisoned for taking pictures of a nuclear power system when on a submarine, suggesting that Clinton and Abedin should suffer the same fate.

“Remember sailors pictures on submarine?” he asked. “Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.”
Trump recalled the story of Kristian Saucie, a former Navy sailor who was imprisoned for taking pictures of a nuclear power system when on a submarine, suggesting that Clinton and Abedin should suffer the same fate.

“Remember sailors pictures on submarine?” he asked. “Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.” -- President Trump
President Trump started raising questions about the “deep state” in the Justice Department in November 28/17.
"Charles McCullough, the respected fmr Intel Comm Inspector General, said public was misled on Crooked killary Emails. “Emails endangered National Security!” Why aren’t our deep State authorities looking at this? Rigged & corrupt?" - President Trump
In another comment, President Trump questioned the FBI for withholding documents about surveilling him and his associates during the campaign. “Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW!” he wrote. The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and James Comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 15, 2018 at 3:40am
Huge Pedophile Ring Discovered.
8/14/18 by: True Daily Staff
A huge ring of child molesting priests have been exposed in Pennsylvania. The Daily Caller reports:
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court released the long-awaited grand jury report on child sexual abuse Tuesday, identifying over 300 accused “predator priests” across six dioceses.
State Attorney General Josh Shapiro told reporters that the report, which took a grand jury two years to compile, identified over 1,000 child victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic clergy in the six dioceses covered.
The report covers 70 years of sexual misconduct and obstruction of justice on the part of Catholic officials in Pennsylvania.
Shapiro said that authorities believe there are more victims who have yet to be identified.
“We, the members of this grand jury, need you to hear this. We know some of you have heard some of it before. There have been other reports about child sex abuse within the Catholic Church. But never on this scale! For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away,” the report reads.
“Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.”
This is a disgrace, and whether full charges are brought remains to be seen.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 14, 2018 at 6:30am

The Truth Behind Chicago's Violence.


The bloodletting in Chicago last weekend, with 74 people shot, 12 fatally, was enough to horrify even locals, who are relatively inured to chronic slaughter at the hands of gun-wielding felons. "Unbelievable," said state Rep. La Shawn Ford, a black Chicago Democrat who went so far as to call on President Donald Trump for help.

 The shock was also evident beyond Chicago. Rudy Giuliani blamed Democrats in general and Mayor Rahm Emanuel in particular. The mayor's legacy, he tweeted, is "more murders in his city than ever before!"

 Everywhere, there was agreement that the city's mayhem is out of control and in urgent need of measures to contain it.

 But don't believe the hype. There are not, in fact, more murders in Chicago than ever before.

 The number of homicides peaked at 920 in 1991. The death toll last year was 674—and that was down 15% from 2016. This year, even with the latest frenzy of shootings, the number of homicides is 25% lower than it was at this point in 2017.


 Contrary to popular myth, in terms of violent crime, it is less afflicted than a number of large cities, including St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans.

 Republicans blame unbroken Democratic control of Chicago for its mayhem.

It's easy to blame the mayor for the persistent bloodshed—and former police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, who is running against Emanuel in the February election, does not pass up the opportunity.

  McCarthy headed the Chicago Police Department from 2011 to 2015, and he claims credit for the improvement that occurred in that period.

 But he was also in charge of Chicago police when an officer shot and killed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald—a gross overreaction that police labored to cover up.

 The spike in murders began just after the release of dashcam video showing the victim walking away from police before being riddled with bullets. The revelation, which contradicted official accounts, sparked public outrage, particularly among African-Americans.

 One problem in Chicago is the dismally low number of homicides that police are able to solve—about 1 in 6. But the department's poor reputation among many of the people most at risk discourages the sort of cooperation from citizens that cops need to catch the killers.

 The city's record of failing to discipline officers who resort to unjustified lethal force is corrosive.

Last year, WBEZ reported that since 2007, the city's Independent Police Review Authority had "investigated police shootings that have killed at least 130 people and injured 285 others"—and "found officers at fault in just two of those cases, both off-duty" incidents.

 The Chicago Reporter provided additional evidence. "From 2012 to 2015, the city spent more than $263 million on settlements, judgments and outside legal counsel for police misconduct," it found.

 If police want more help from the communities they serve, this is not the way to get it.

Despite these failures, the decline in homicides suggests that the city and the department are doing something right. But what that might be is hard to determine with any confidence.

 The fight against crime can't be restricted to more or better policing.

Chicago's crime problem is concentrated in a small number of poor, blighted, mostly black neighborhoods.

 Those areas owe their plight largely to a sordid history of systemic, deliberate racial discrimination and violence, endemic poverty, and official neglect over decades.

 The conditions that breed rampant crime in parts of Chicago came about not by accident but by policy. The recent attention shows that people here and elsewhere care about the violence.

 But do they care about fixing the causes?

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 14, 2018 at 6:00am

White House Stands Firm Against Mexico!

Mexico is considering legalizing all drugs, but the White House is already reacting to this.
 The Washington Examiner reports:
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that the Trump administration would not support anything that allows more drugs to come into the United States in response to a question about possible drug policy changes in Mexico.

 Mexico’s incoming leftist president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, reportedly gave his interior minister-designate “carte blanche” to consider eliminating drug penalties in a counterintuitive bid to reduce drug-linked violence.

 “I don’t have a specific policy announcement on that front,” Sanders said at the daily White House press briefing. “However, I can say that we would not support the legalization of all drugs anywhere and certainly wouldn’t want to do anything that would allow more drugs to come into this country!”

 Lopez Obrador’s incoming interior minister, Olga Sanchez Cordero, said Tuesday she will have broad leeway to review Mexico’s drug policies.

Legalization would only shift mass violence from Mexico to the United States.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 14, 2018 at 5:51am

ISIS Plot Uncovered in Mexifornia.

Another ISIS plot has been discovered. Fox News reports:
 A graduate of Berkeley High School in Mexifornia, who reportedly told authorities he wanted to help ISIS kill 10,000 people in in the San Francisco Bay Area, pleaded guilty to federal charges Wednesday, while his attorney claimed he was a victim of the “system.”

 Amer Sinan Alhaggagi, 23, of Oakland, pleaded guilty to trying to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, possession of device-making equipment and identity theftsaid officials of the state’s Department of Justice.

 Authorities arrested Alhaggagi in November 2016 after he bought clothes online with a phony credit card, but he was held so federal authorities could continue to investigate him, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

 Alhaggagin, an Oakland man accused of plotting bomb attacks inspired by ISIS in San Francisco and the East Bay pleaded guilty to several felony charges despite claims by his attorneys that he has no affiliation with terrorists.

 Alhaggagi allegedly opened several Twitter and Facebook accounts in 2016 for ISIS supporters. He then allegedly told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to kill 10,000 people in the Bay Area with bombs and rat-poison-laced cocaine, the Chronicle reported, citing court documents.

 Yep, folks ISIS is still a threat.



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