We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 3:31am

Mexican Authorities Find 5 Murder Victims near Mexifornia Border.

 8/10/18 by: Robert Arce

Mexican border city cops in Tecate discovered five murder victims in advanced stages of decomposition with a threatening narco-banner.

 The grisly discovery was made at 7 pm on August 5 when police received an anonymous tip about several bodies dumped near colonia Nido de Las Águilas in the municipality of Tecate, according to local reports.

 The area sits on the border with Mexifornia, approximately 22 miles west of Tijuana. Municipal and investigative police located the bodies and handled the remote crime scene. The causes of death could not be conclusively determined, but it is believed they were shot at the scene due to the presence of various shell casings near the bodies.

 Investigators reported the discovery of a narco-banner left nearby. The message was addressed to “Ponchi” and threatened, “Keep sending your people and we will leave them here–los Aquiles do not want you here.”
 Narco-banners are commonly used by cartels to send threats to rivals, police, politicians, and journalists.

  Breitbart Texas previously reported on a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel known as “Los Aquiles” or “Cártel La Rana,” which is led by René Arzate García. He is currently wanted by the FBI for conspiracy to import marijuana.

 Much of the violence in the region is attributed to a turf battle between remnants of the Cártel Arellano Félix–aligned with Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG)–against warring factions of the Sinaloa Cartel’s Los Aquiles and “Los Uriarte.” Much of the bloodshed and cartel activity is centered in or near the popular beach resort community of Ensenada.

 Secretary for Public Security for the municipality of Tecate, Francisco Castro Trenti, blamed the recent violence on the presence of criminal elements from outside the area. He told reporters the criminal gangs in Tecate are not locals and are driven by the violence in Tijuana.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 3:15am

muslum linda sarsour Linked to Father of New Mexico Jihadi Who Trained Kids to Shoot Up Schools.


Immigration activist Linda Sarsour and Imam Siraj Wahhaj
Left-wing islamic activist linda sarsour reportedly has ties to the father of the man arrested for training children to carry out school shootings on a New Mexico compound.
 Police arrested Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, last week for holding a series of weapons training sessions on a Taos, New Mexico, compound where authorities say they found 11 children living in squalor. 

 Investigators say the decomposed remains of a boy had also been found on the compound. Wahhaj’s father, Imam Siraj Wahhajannounced Thursday that the decomposed remains of the child found at the compound were of his three-year-old grandson, Abdul-ghani Wahhaj, who went missing in Jonesboro, Georgia, in December.

  Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who presides over a Brooklyn, New York, mosque, is said to be an “unindicted co-conspirator” of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and a prominent leader of the muslim Alliance in North America. Authorities believed he was connected to the bombings, but prosecutors never filed charges against him.

But the younger Wahhaj is not the only person who had ties to Imam Wahhaj.

linda sarsour, a prominent Democratic activist who helped organize the Women’s March on Washington, called Imam Wahhaj a “mentor” at an islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference in 2017:

 "My favorite person in this room, that’s mutual, is imam Siraj Wahhaj, who has been a mentor, and motivator and encourager of mine, someone who has taught me to speak truth to power and not worry about the consequences, someone who has taught me we are on this earth to please Allah, and only Allah, that we are not here to please any man or women on this Earth, so I’m grateful to you, Imam Siraj … I’m grateful to you Imam Siraj, God bless you and protect you for a long time because we need you now more than ever."

sarsour has also showered praise upon Imam Wahhaj in a series of tweets:

sarsour has not only praised Imam Wahhaj for helping shape her views about Islam, but she has also shared a stage with him at several conferences held by ISNA and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — both organizations with ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood.

But as investigators continue to uncover more information about the training compound, a spokesperson for Imam Wahhaj’s Brooklyn mosque, Masjid at Taqwa, dismissed the authorities’ claims as nothing but fake news.

 A spokesperson for Imam Wahhaj’s Brooklyn mosque claimed in a Facebook video Thursday that the media and authorities are promoting “false narratives” by trying to link international terrorism allegations to what he calls a domestic event.

“They’re not bringing up accurate events — they’re bringing up false narratives,” spokesman Ali Abdul-Karim Judan said. “Look how this case has turned from a domestic situation, and now they’re trying to create an atmosphere where his son is involved with an extremist radical group.”

"Had a dream last night that I was chillin on my Brooklyn stoops with Imam Siraj, and It was awesome. Imam Siraj Wahhaj is Black American and most loved religious leader amongst diverse groups of muslims. Imam Siraj is an amazing man. I have prayed at Masjid Taqwa a few times but it's far from where I live." 

sarsour has not only praised Imam Wahhaj for helping shape her views about islam, but she has also shared a stage with him at several conferences held by ISNA and the Council on American islamic Relations (CAIR) — both organizations with ties to the global muslim Brotherhood.

But as investigators continue to uncover more information about the training compound, a spokesperson for Imam Wahhaj’s Brooklyn mosque, Masjid at Taqwa, dismissed the authorities’ claims as nothing but fake news.

A spokesperson for Imam Wahhaj’s Brooklyn mosque claimed in a Facebook video Thursday that the media and authorities are promoting “false narratives” by trying to link international terrorism allegations to what he calls a domestic event.

“They’re not bringing up accurate events — they’re bringing up false narratives,” spokesman Ali Abdul-Karim Judan said. “Look how this case has turned from a domestic situation, and now they’re trying to create an atmosphere where his son is involved with an extremist radical group.”


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 2:42am

NFL Preseason is Off and Running and Players Are Already Kneeling… President Trump Responds.

 8/9/18 11:56 PM  by Anna Giaritelli

Robert Quinn FistMiami Dolphins defensive end robert quinn (94) raises his right fist during the singing of the National Anthem. Two Miami Dolphins players knelt during the playing of the national anthem during a preseason game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Thursday night after the team failed to create a policy for how players should handle the situation.

[More: Trump slams NFL kneelers, wants them to 'be suspended without pay']

 Receivers kenny stills and albert wilson both sat on the bench while other players stood for the National Anthem. 

 In May, all NFL teams were allowed to create individual guidelines for what they will require of players following two seasons of controversy over some players protesting racial injustices during the national anthem.

 Instead, players were allowed to remain in the locker room during pre-game festivities.

Last month, Trump reiterated his concern over players who knelt or were absent during the anthem.        He called on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to punish players with suspension if they do not stand.

Two Miami Dolphins players knelt during the national anthem during a preseason game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Thursday.

 President Trump responded to the disrespectful act on Friday morning.

"The NFL players are at it againtaking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their “outrage” at something that most of them are unable to define. They make a fortune doing what they love. Be happy, be Patriotic! A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!"  Donald J. Trump 8/10/18

 *** I think that the NFL players are actively trying to destroy their own sport.

And thank you, President Trump, for putting these ungrateful twerps in their place! Trump! MAGA!

The NFL is done. I'll never watch another game. Not only are the players too ignorant to realize they are disparaging their fans but the owners are equally ignorant. Let them fail as a sport. I don't need them and neither do you. The patriotic ball players should ban together. There's more of them probably than the  kneeling idiots. I predict NFL will lose 20 to 30% more viewers this season. ****


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 2:02am

 Virginia Governor Declares State Of Emergency Before Charlottesville Anniversary. 

 8/8/18  by:  Henry Rodgers | Political Reporter

Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency Wednesday prior to the one-year anniversary of the violent “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville.

 The announcement comes as another “Unite the Right” rally is planned for Sunday in Washington, D.C. However, there are also events planned in Charlottesville, where the deadly protest occurred in August 2017. Northam believes declaring a state of emergency before the anniversary will keep people safe and prevent violence.

  “I am urging Virginians to make alternative plans to engaging with planned demonstrations of hate, should those arise,” Northam said in a statement. “Declaring this state of emergency in advance of the anniversary and the related planned events will help us ensure that the state and the city have all available resources to support emergency responders in case they are needed.”

 (RELATED: Brutal Examples Of Violence That Occurred By Both Sides I...

The state of emergency announcement means $2 million will be allocated to a variety of state agencies for help as well as assistance from the Virginia National Guard.

 Thousands are expected at Sunday’s rally in Washington, D.C.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 1:39am

Washington Post Conducts Massive Fact Check On ocasio-cortez.

 8/10/18 by:  Amber Athey

Democratic congressional candidate alexandria ocasio-cortez was the victim of a particularly tough fact check by the Washington Post on Friday.

 The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler reviewed various dubious claims made by ocasio-cortez over the past several weeks and found all of them to be false.

 (RELATED: alexandria ocasio-cortez Wiggles Out Of Question About Potentially Backing pukelosi For Speaker)

 The following ocasio-cortez claims were checked by WaPo:

1. “Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.” — July interview on PBS’ “Firing Line.”

3. “They [national Democrats] were campaigning most when we had more of an American middle class. This upper-middle class is probably more moderate but that upper-middle-class does not exist anymore in America.” — August interview on “Pod Save America”

4. “In a Koch brothers-funded study — if any study’s going to try to be a little bit slanted, it would be one funded by the Koch brothers — it shows that Medicare for all is actually much more, is actually much cheaper than the current system that we pay right now.” — August interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo

5. “The reason that the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act is because they ruled that each of these monthly payments that everyday American make is a tax. And so, while it may not seem like we pay that tax on April 15th, we pay it every single month or we do pay at tax season if we don’t buy, you know, these plans off of the exchange.” — August interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo.

 Kessler rated all of these “false” and called ocasio-cortez’s claims “eyebrow-raising stupid!”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 1:28am

Football Great Jim Brown Will ‘Never Kneel’ During Anthem!


Football great Jim Brown says he will “never kneel” while the national anthem is being played — and he hopes current players follow his lead.

 As Fox News reports, Brown was speaking before the HBO release of “Hard Knocks” Tuesday when he commented on the ongoing NFL player protest of refusing to stand for the anthem and “taking a knee” instead.

 “I’ll never kneel and I will always respect the flag,” the Football Hall Of Fame member insisted.

“I am not going to denigrate my flag and I AM going to stand for the national anthem,” he said in the interview. “I’m fighting with all of my strength to make it a better country, but I don’t think that’s the issue. Because what is the top side? Are you not going to stand up? This is our country, man.”

 But though he disagrees with this form of protest, Brown says that doesn’t mean he can dictate how the players decide to demonstrate their grievances — even if that means not standing for the anthem.

 “Well, if you take the bottom line, what are we talking about? We’re talking about freedom to express one’s self, and if you don’t break any rules then you have that particular right,” he said.

 Brown, now 82, was a civil rights leader in the sports world long before it became popular to be so and he has continued to speak out on the issues. When San Francisco player colin kaepernick first started to kneel in pre-game protests, Brown was quick to vocalize his disagreement.

 “I’m going to give you the real deal: I’m an American,” Brown told ThePostGame. “I don’t desecrate my flag and my national anthem. I’m not gonna do anything against the flag and national anthem.”

colin has to make up his mind whether he’s truly an activist or he’s a football player,”
Brown said. “Football is commercial. You have owners. You have fans. And you want to
honor that if you’re making that kind of money!….”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 1:07am

                                       **** DRAINING THE SWAMP! ****

Hundreds Of Federal Employees Will Be Moved Out Of DC.

  8/10/18 By: Tim Pearce | Energy Reporter
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is moving two agencies and roughly 700 federal employees out of Washington, D.C., to save money and improve the department’s service to taxpayers.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced Thursday that the Economic Research Service (ERS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will be fully moved out of the nation’s capital by 2020, according to the USDA. A location hasn’t been picked yet.

 “It’s been our goal to make USDA the most effective, efficient, and customer-focused department in the entire federal government,” Perdue said in a statement. “In our Administration, we have looked critically at the way we do business, with the ultimate goal of ensuring the best service possible for our customers, and for the taxpayers of the United States.”

 “In some cases, this has meant realigning some of our offices and functions, or even relocating them, in order to make more logical sense or provide more streamlined and efficient services,” Perdue said.

 As part of the reorganization, Perdue is also moving the Economic Research Service (ERS) out from under the USDA’s Research, Education, and Economics branch. The ERS will be placed back in the Office of the Chief Economist under the authority of the Office of the Secretary.

 Roughly 700 USDA employees could be moved, E&E News reports.

Keeping steady workers at the ERS and NIFA has been difficult for the department, and officials are hoping that moving the agencies out of D.C. to more rural and lower-cost areas will entice employees to stay longer and serve rural Americans better.

 “None of this reflects on the jobs being done by our ERS or NIFA employees,” Perdue said. “These changes are more steps down the path to better service to our customers, and will help us fulfill our informal motto to ‘Do right and feed everyone.'”

 Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has plans to move the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the largest land-owning agency in the federal government, out West. A specific location has not yet been picked.

 (RELATED: Zinke Is Shipping The Headquarters Of The Largest Land-Ow...

 BLM’s top officials are too distant from the lands and Americans they regulate, lawmaker and Trump administration officials say. The distance has caused tensions between western land owners, managers and federal officials.  

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 12:22am

Saudi Arabia Crucifies Murderer In Rare Punishment

 8/8/18 by: Will Racke | Immigration and Foreign Policy Reporter

Saudi Arabia executed and then crucified a man in the city of Mecca on Wednesday, employing a rare form of punishment the kingdom uses for grave crimes.

 Elias Abulkalaam Jamaleddeen was accused of breaking into the home of a woman from Myanmar and stabbing her to death, Bloomberg reported, citing the Saudi Interior Ministry.

 He was further charged with attempting to rape a separate woman and kill a man whose house he also broke into.

 Saudi Arabia frequently uses the death penalty for a range of crimes including murder, adultery and apostasy, but crucifixions are much rarer. Crucifixions in the kingdom often entail hanging a body in public after the condemned has been beheaded.

 Wednesday’s crucifixion was upheld in Saudi courts and endorsed by King Salman, the Associated Press reported, citing a Saudi Press Agency announcement.

 At the direction of Salman’s heir, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia has moved to liberalize some of its famously restrictive social policies, but the kingdom still retains its medieval islamic character in matters of criminal justice.

 (RELATED: Saudi Arabia Seemingly Threatens 9/11-Style Attack On Can...

Saudi Arabia executed at least 146 people in 2017, according to Amnesty International.

 The U.S., with a population roughly 10 times larger than Saudi Arabia, executed 23 people the same year, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 11, 2018 at 12:10am

                                                           **** "Oh Woe IS ME" ****

Male Teen’s Parents Sue Over Son’s 9-HOUR THREESOME SEX TRAUMA With English Teachers.


The parents of a male teen student who endured a 9-hour threesome with a pair of high school English teachers have sued the teachers as well as the deep-pocketed local school board.

 The irate parents filed the lawsuit months ago but, for reasons that are unclear, the lawsuit became public knowledge just this week, reports The Times-Picayune, a New Orleans newspaper.

 The ménage à trois between the teachers, Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess, and the unidentified, then-16-year-old male student occurred in the fall of 2014.

 Dufresne, a married mother of three, was 32 at the time. Respess was 23.

Both teachers had been on the faculty at Destrehan High School in Destrehan, La., about 20 miles from New Orleans.

 The student — a football player, the lawsuit states — was a student in one of Dufresne’s English classes. (He was in a class taught by Respess the previous year.)

 Dufresne was the instigator of the sex, according to the lawsuit. She allegedly flirted with the student in her class constantly. She once kissed him in her classroom, the suit claims. One day when he was out sick, the suit says, the English teacher texted him. That text led to a relationship which budded into a very intense, star-crossed romance. Specifically, according to the lawsuit, Dufresne and the student engaged in an impressive torrent of sex and oral sex — over 40 instances in 36 days.

 The threesome is what made national headlines, though. And why wouldn’t it? The epic, grueling event impressively lasted from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m. the next morning, according to local police.

 St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s deputies say the threesome happened on a Friday night, after a high school football game (which Destrehan won easily, 41-7). It was a special night, too, because it was Dufresne’s birthday.

 Respess got involved, the lawsuit claims, after she learned about all the sex going on. Instead of telling school officials, the suit says, she suggested that everybody get together at her apartment after the game.

 Dufresne drove the student to Respess’s apartment, according to a local police report obtained by The Times-Picayune.

 Respess, the younger teacher, and the teen had sex. Meanwhile, Dufresne “began intimately kissing” the younger teacher “in an attempt to arouse all parties involved.” Everybody was fully naked for the romp, police dutifully noted.

 The sheriff’s office was tipped off after school officials reported that the unidentified student was bragging to friends about his exploits. 

 The parents originally filed their lawsuit on Aug. 11 in Louisiana state court.

Dufresne has admitted to having sex with the student in the home she shared with her husband and her three children, according to police.

 The suit claims that Dufresne took to social media to criticize the male student who was already a victim of a two-teacher threesome. These social media comments caused the student “embarrassment and humiliation,” according to the lawsuit.

 The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation and reputational damage resulting from the multitude of sexual dalliances and the threesome, notes The New Orleans Advocate.

 School district officials have refused to comment on the lawsuit.

Dufresne faces unresolved felony criminal charges for carnal knowledge of a juvenile. Respess also faces criminal charges for failing to report of failure to report a felony.

 In separate but related criminal charges, Dufresne took a plea deal which included no jail time and no sex offender registration.

 The male teen at the center of the lawsuit — and who was also at the center of the threesome — is now 18 years old.

 Both Dufresne and Respess are alumnae of Destrehan High and both graduated from Louisiana State University.

 Dufresne’s no-longer-accessible Destrehan High webpage shows she was a 10-year veteran at the school.

 Dufresne’s father is 29th Judicial District Judge Emile St. Pierre.

Respess was an English teacher at Destrehan High for two years.

 Lawsuits brought by male students and their parents over teacher-sex escapades are not uncommon.

Earlier this year, for example, the mother of a male teenager who repeatedly had sex with his high school biology teacher sued Los Angeles school district for monetary damages. The teacher at the center of the lawsuit, Michelle Yeh, is currently in prison. The student was 15 at the time of the summer fling. Yeh took the student to Disneyland and to restaurants, the suit claims. She also showered the teen with gifts. The gifts included an Xbox 360, some video games and some athletic shoes.

The teen said the summer affair didn’t turn out to be his idea of an exciting romance.

“Eat, go somewhere, come back, have sex,” the teen told KTLA. “I didn’t feel like I was in a relationship. I felt like I was kind of obligated.”

 In 2014, a former student in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw school district sued the district because, he claimed, the sexual relationship he had with forensics teacher Rachelle Heenan inflicted such extensive emotional and physical damage that he has been forced to delay entry into the Marine Corps.

 Destrehan High School appears to be a hotbed of teacher-student sexual activity. Earlier this year, sheriff’s deputies arrested Kimberly Naquin, a 26-year-old geography teacher at the school for allegedly having a lengthy sexual affair with a female student.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on August 10, 2018 at 11:50pm

Trump Admin Is Backing Congress’s Plan To Restore The Broken US Park System.


Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is signaling support for a bipartisan bill that would begin paying down a $16 billion maintenance backlog on land and infrastructure managed by the Department of the Interior (DOI).

 The largest share of the maintenance backlog is owned by the National Park Service (NPS). Roughly $11.6 billion in deferred maintenance has led to increasingly poorer infrastructure, roads and trails in the national parks system.

 Some parts of the public parks system have been shut down and blocked off because of safety concerns. (RELATED: US Public Lands Are So Poorly Managed That Toilets Are Le...

 GOP Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah and Democrat Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona — the chairman and ranking member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, respectively — are pushing legislation that would establish a federal land management fund financed by fees from energy development.

 The National Park Service and Public Lands Restoration Fund, as the trust fund would be called, is similar to a Trump administration proposal introduced in the 2018 White House budget proposal for the DOI.

 “The secretary is very happy to see the House put forth a bipartisan bill to rebuild our national parks and other Interior Department infrastructure,” DOI spokeswoman Heather Swift told the Washington Examiner.

  “This bill very closely aligns with President Trump’s budget proposal and the secretary has been pitching this idea for more than a year now. He believes the momentum is building for a bipartisan and bicameral solution.”

 The bipartisan support for the bill is a flip for Democrats who originally opposed the Trump administration’s plan for taking fees paid by energy companies developing federal land and using them to restore public lands infrastructure.

  At the time, Grijalva claimed the energy receipts would do little to pay down the backlog.

“Gas and oil royalties pay 8, 9, 10% depending, and that is not going to be enough. There are already thousands and thousands of permits that have never been used,” Grijalva said in February.



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