We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 3:00pm
Handgun Ban?! Never Give Them Any Ground!

What happened in Toronto was a tragedy. While the loss of life wasn’t as high as many recent American mass shootings, the loss of two lives is always tragic. Many others were injured during the rampage, their lives impacted by a maniac with a gun.

 However, Canada already has many of the gun control measures proposed after Parkland. As we can see, it didn’t stop the rampage. But undeterred anti-gunners in Canada won’t stop just because of a pesky thing like reality. They want to now push for a total handgun ban.

 Canadian gun control advocates’ goal of civilian disarmament came further into focus this week following a tragic shooting Sunday in Toronto that killed two people and wounded 13.

 As law enforcement officials were still working to determine where attacker Faisal Hussain had obtained the pistol used in the shooting, various Toronto politicians called for a total ban on the sale or possession of handguns in Canada’s most populous city and for federal legislation that would ban the sale and possession of all handguns and semiautomatic firearms nationwide. Canada’s Liberal-led federal government has expressed its support for further gun control, and is reported to be contemplating a total handgun ban.

 Access to handguns is already heavily restricted in Canada. In order to possess any firearm, an individual must obtain a Possession and Acquisition Licence, or PAL. License applicants are required to provide the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with a host of personal information, and are asked intrusive questions about their mental health history and even their current and former “conjugal partners.” The applicant must also provide references and show proof that they have completed the Canadian Firearms Safety Course.

 Access to handguns is already heavily restricted in Canada. In order to possess any firearm, an individual must obtain a Possession and Acquisition Licence, or PAL. License applicants are required to provide the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with a host of personal information, and are asked intrusive questions about their mental health history and even their current and former “conjugal partners.” The applicant must also provide references and show proof that they have completed the Canadian Firearms Safety Course.

 Further, Canadian law classifies all handguns and certain semiautomatic long guns as “restricted.” In order to possess these firearms, a PAL applicant must also show proof that they have completed the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course. All restricted firearms must be registered with the federal government.

 On Tuesday, the Toronto City Council passed a series of extreme gun control resolutions. A motion offered by Councillor Joe Cressy urged the Canadian Federal Government to “to ban the sale of handguns in the City of Toronto,” and prompted the Ontario Provincial Government “to ban the sale of handgun ammunition” in the city. 

 Cressy’s motion also directed the city manager to explore ways in which the city itself could act to hamper handgun sales.

 The council passed a gun ban measure offered by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam that urged the federal government to “strengthen its proposed gun control legislation in Bill C-71” by imposing increased recordkeeping requirements on firearms dealers and prohibiting the availability, sale, possession and use of handguns, assault rifles and semi-automatic firearms in Canada, with the exception of the Canadian Armed Forces, police services or other entity that is authorized to possess firearms with legal obligations imposed by the municipal, provincial and federal governments.

 In other words, gun control is already in place in Canada, and it did nothing, so they want to do even more of the same.

 I’ve said before that this is proof that American gun grabbers will never stop with anything short of a total gun ban, and I stand by that. Everything that the American anti-gunners say that they want is already in place in Canada, and it did nothing, so now they want to take it even further. Compromising with anti-gunners in Canada hasn’t worked out well for them up there. Why would it be any different here?

 The truth is, while a handful of people may favor only a few restrictions and that’s it, those who believe the Second Amendment is negotiable to a small degree can, in time, will be convinced that other restrictions would be helpful.

 Then there are those who are bellyaching for “reasonable restrictions” now who know that what they want is a total gun ban.

 Some want to make gun owners out like we’re wearing tinfoil hats, but where are our “reasonable gun control” proponents in saying that this Canadian proposal goes too far? Where are they?

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 2:39pm

ICE Accuses Leading Dem of Fomenting Hate Against Agency.

 7/31/18  by: AAN Staff

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents excoriated Portland, Oregon Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) of violating the Constitution by actively enabling "Abolish ICE" protests in the nation's 26th largest city. (Fox News)
 The accusations were outlined in a cease-and-desist letter sent to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, saying he actively encouraged the protesters and their cause, while making sure Portland’s police wouldn’t crack down on them, thus creating “a zone of terror and lawlessness,” the Washington Times reported.
  “When the mayor gave the order that police would not support ICE employees trapped in the facility, he turned the lives of our employees over to an angry mob,” Chris Crane, president of the National ICE Council, the organization that sent the cease-and-desist letter, told the newspaper.
 The letter demands Wheeler to make an apology and ensure the city’s police will protect all citizens in need, including those working for a federal agency. A letter advises that the city could be sued if the mayor’s response isn’t adequate.
 “The mayor stated publicly that he supported the protests, which were supposed to be about protecting alien families. But what about the moms and dads that we had working in that building? What about their kids?” Crane continued. “These are questions that we’ll be expecting the mayor and city of Portland to be answering in the days to come.”
 Portland lies at the epicenter of the nationwide movement to eradicate the federal immigration authority, a once radical idea that has gained steam in the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Senators kirsten gillibrand (D-NY) and elizabeth warren (D-Mass.) are two prominent proponents.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 2:31pm

15 Illegal AIien Stories the Left Doesn't Want You to See !

 7/30/18  by: AAN Staff

The media and the left hide all the information they can because to be a leftist is to embrace the axiom that 

"ignorance is bliss." This only gets worse when the subject of immigration comes up. Liberal ideologues don’t want you to know the things you're about to see because they need the votes to win national elections and implement their uncompromising agenda. 

 Check out these 15 stories that leftists desperately want to hide!

15. Left For Dead;

Many foreigners crossing the border Illegally typically employ the services of a coyote, a border crossing guide usually financed by the cartels. Women are often subject to rape and sexual abuse by their ruthless escorts and if you can’t cough up the exorbitant fees, they will leave you to fend for yourself, an almost certain death sentence in the inhospitable southwest.  In the past two days alone, seven illegal aliens were saved from dehydration by Border Patrol agents in South Texas. Tragically, one  later died in the hospital.

 Needless to say, it's dangerous attempting to cross the border! 

A border wall would deter most would-be crossers from risking their lives!

14. Another obuma Fail;

The Washington Times reported in 2017, the obuma administration turned a blind eye to the arrival of at least 16 admitted, dangerous MS-13 gang members who arrived in the United States as teenagers.
Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, cited internal documents that showed the 'violent teens' were shipped to unsuspecting juvenile homes across the United States.
 We have a growing problem with MS-13 and adding to their ranks with reckless policies will only make things worse. 

13. Your 'Undocumented' Lyft Driver'

Ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft are a great way of getting around bustling metropolitan areas and usually extremely convenient for passengers. Unfortunately, riders – and women in particular – shouldn't let their guard down. Here's why: authorities recently charged former Lyft driver and illegal alien Orlando Vilchez Lazo with serial rape. Our longtime porous Southern border and unwillingness in liberal enclaves to enforce the rule of law meant young women, in this instance, had to pay a terrible price. For us, the Democrats silence on this travesty speaks volumes.

12. 11 Time Deportee Gets a Chainsaw;

The sanctuary state of Mexifornia is a progressive paradise, at least on paper. It is home to the formerly "clean” streets of picturesque San Francisco, the tolerant liberals at UC Berkley, UCLA, and a host of other outrageously priced institutions for higher learning, and illegal aliens with violent criminal records who are treated with less disdain than conservative Republicans. Take Alejandro Alvarez-Villegas – a man deported 11 times – who viciously attacked his wife with a chainsaw in front of their children. Hey Mexifornia, maybe it's time you follow the rule of law and adopt harsher punishments for repeat offenders and their enablers.

11. The Murder of Kate Steinle;

The murder of Kate Steinle became the center of an extensive debate around immigration law, and more specifically the unintended consequences of sanctuary cities. Kate's life tragically ended when an illegal alien fired a pistol at a pier in San Francisco. The bullet struck her in the back, and despite her youth and good health, she eventually succumbed to those injuries in the hospital. Once again, this didn’t have to happen – if Mexifornia enforced the laws on the books, Kate would almost certainly still be alive today.

10. Smirking Officer Killer;

Illegal mexicano alien Luis Enrique Monroy Bracamontes' utter lack of remorse while on trial for the murder of two police officers was on display for the world to see. At one point, Monroy Bracamontes smirked at the judge and cavalierly said: "I wish I had killed more of the motherfuckers."

9. NFL Star Slaughtered;

Indianapolis Colts linebacker, Edwin Jackson, perished in a ghastly collision when an intoxicated illegal immigrant ran his car into a vehicle driven by the NFL player. The illegal alien at fault wasn't seriously hurt.

8. Previously Deported Illegal AIien Threatens Whole Bus;

This incident is a testament to the shortcomings of our current border enforcement strategy. An already deported illegal alien hijacked a Greyhound bus and threatening to kill everyone onboard. This lead to a police chase that endangered numerous onlookers, many properties, and the police themselves. Thankful no one died – this time. 

7. A Life Destroyed;

The life of a young 14-year-old girl was forever changed after two boys from her high school, one of whom was an illegal alien, raped her. The Maryland schoolgirl claimed that the pair of predators asked her to participate in a sex act and that when she refused, they dragged her into the boy’s bathroom and raped her incessantly.

6. Through the Floor Boards;

Illegal aliens recklessly discharged a rifle in their apartment. The round went through the floor and hit an innocent woman in the apartment below. The woman, Mirta Rivera, died from her wounds. It is sad to realize that this loving grandmother would not get to see her grandchildren anymore because of irresponsible thuhs who didn't have a right to be here. Thankfully, these illegal aliens were brought into custody and busted for possession of Heroin, Cocaine as well as the death of Mirta Rivera.

5. A Gang Problem;

We're all aware of the prolific and gratuitous violence perpetrated by El-Salvadorian gang MS-13. Arguably, their largest recruiting pool comes from illegal aliens. Recently, two young teens in New York were slaughtered by the gang, leaving their surviving family members with inconsolable grief. Best friends Nisa Mickens, 15, and Kayla Cuevas, 16, were beaten with baseball bats and hacked with a machete during an attack that began when gang members spotted them walking together in Brentwood.
4. All For a Pack of Cigarettes;
Grant Ronnebeck was a 21-year-old clerk at a convenience store who unfortunately happened to be working when an illegal immigrant came in and asked for some cigarettes. After a few mix-ups over which pack of cigarettes the man wanted Grant eventually grabbed the right package and asked him for the money. This Illegal immigrant quickly became hostile after he dumped a pile of coins on the counter. He then incredulous remarked, “You're not going to give me my cigarettes” after an unsuspecting Grant told him he needed to pay first. By that point, the illegal alien decided he had enough, pulling out a firearm and killing Grant at point blank range.
3. Border Patrol Kristopher William Eggle;
Kristopher and several members of the Border Patrol were pursuing two illegal immigrants in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, located in Arizona. One suspected surrendered, while the other continued to flee. Finally confronted and desperate, he unloaded his AK-47 at law enforcement personnel. Ranger Eggle was hit and later died from his wounds. The suspect would continue fleeing until he got to the Mexican Border where Mexican authorities gunned him down.
2. Remorseless Manslaughter;

An illegal alien ran a stop light and then T-boned Richard Grossi, killing him. She went to trial where she showed no remorse according to Grossi’s sister who witnessed the infuriating trial and subsequent miscarriage of justiceMaria Leite, the illegal alien responsible for Richards death, consistently showed up late for court and was allowed to stay in the country until her child graduated from school. The only immediate punishment she received was house arrest, but even under house arrest, concerned citizens spotted Leite out in public multiple times. The worst part about this avoidable tragedy is that it is not all that uncommon in sanctuary jurisdictions.

1. Decapitated 13-Year-Old, No Media Coverage;

The mainstream media buries everything you should know, and this case is no different. Two members of a Mexican drug cartel were in Huntsville, Alabama to retrieve a shipment of meth with a woman. However, the two gangsters thought the woman had contacted the police, so they lured her the next day to a nearby cemetery – along with her teenage granddaughter. They killed the old woman first before dragging the 13-year-old into the woods a few yards where they would behead her. The two members of the cartel were also illegal aliens deeply involved in the highly profitable, yet morally bankrupt drug trade.

This massacre of a young girl is a nightmare of its own, but the media blackout? Unforgivable.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 1:15pm

San Diego blacklisting companies that work on the wall.

  7/31/18 by: Jazz Shaw

One major part of the President’s recent shutdown showdown announcement was a dispute over funding to continue construction of the border wall. And the word “continue” is important here because portions of the project are already underway, in addition to the previous submissions of wall design samples.

 Much of that work took place in Southern Mexifornia and now the city of San Diego has a message for all of the construction contractors who have taken part in the effort. Don’t bother applying for any more city contracts because you’re going to be on our blacklist. (Free Beacon)

 As President Donald Trump renews his battle with Congress to fund his multi-billion-dollar border wall with Mexico, Democratic lawmakers and liberal groups in Mexifornia have stepped up their campaigns to blacklist businesses involved in building the border wall.

 San Diego is the latest city poised to join the list of Mexifornia municipalities demonstrating their opposition to

President Trump’s promised border wall by punishing businesses involved in working or even bidding on the wall prototypes or other border-wall projects.

 The majority Democratic San Diego City Council, in a 3 to 1 vote last week, directed city officials to draft an ordinance requiring contractors competing for city projects to disclose any past and present work, as well as planned bids, on parts of Trump’s planned border wall.

 If you spend all of your time traveling in political circles this might make perfect sense.

These are liberal, Democrat-controlled municipalities and they hate the President.

  Thus they hate the wall. Thus they hate anyone who assists in constructing the aforementioned wall. And since they are the government they respond by using the power of the government over the citizens to punish them.

 But stepping outside of the bubble, this move is beyond insanity. It’s actually evil. Government entities which award contracts are supposed to allow qualified companies to bid on jobs on an equal footing. Of course, they make exceptions regularly, offering a built-in advantage to certain companies based on minority or female ownership. They also restrict access to businesses that fail to meet certain safety or equality conditions.

 In this case, they’re going to restrict access to government contracts based on having previously worked on a government contract?

 Surely there’s room for a lawsuit from the affected contractors, either individually or as a class action. People sue the government all the time if they don’t win this sort of work, sometimes based on nothing more than a “sense of unfairness.” Assuming the contracts these companies would be bidding for involve construction (which only makes sense), they would be rejecting bids based on the companies already having demonstrated the ability to complete the same type of work.

 It smells of discrimination based on political affiliation, plain and simple. But in this case, it’s not even political affiliation. Most of these companies don’t give a fig about red vs blue. The color they care about is green. They take jobs from Republican and Democratic administrations with equal zeal.

 Perhaps the #RESIST leaders on the San Diego City Council think they are sending a message or somehow punishing the President. They’re wrong. The only people they are punishing are the job creators and their employees who vie for work on approved government projects at all levels.

 In a more sane world, residents of the area who care about job creation would vote these clowns out of office at the first opportunity, but we’re talking about Mexifornia here.

 They will once again cut off their own nose to spite their face!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 12:51pm

Jordanian Man Arrested for Smuggling Illegal Aliens From Yemen Across the U.S.-Mexico Border.

 7/31/18 by: Katie Pavlich 

Jordanian Man Arrested for Smuggling Illegal Aliens From Yemen Across the U.S.-Mexico Border

 The Department of Justice announced Monday afternoon a Jordanian national has been arrested after allegedly smuggling a number of "special interest illegal aliens from Yemen" into the United States through the southern border with Mexico.
 "Special interest aliens" come from countries with ties to terrorism and pose a significant risk to the safety of Americans.
 Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, who lives in Mexico, was arrested at JFK airport in New York. Aldairi is accused of being paid in 2017 to work as a human smuggler and trafficking six illegal aliens into the U.S. through Texas. Accrording to prosecutors, Aldairi worked with others on the scheme.

 “Aldairi allegedly smuggled six Yemeni citizens across the Mexican border and into the United States,” Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski released in a statement. “Alien smuggling puts our national security at risk, and the Criminal Division is dedicated to enforcing our immigration laws and disrupting the flow of illegal aliens into the United States.”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 12:35pm

Chicago Marchers: Why In The World, Would We Want the Mayor at Our Rally?

 7/31/18 by: Cortney O'Brien

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has done little to address the violence in his city, his critics say.

 That's why the organizers of an upcoming non-violence rally want him to have nothing to do with it.

In fact, the demonstrators are planning to call for Emanuel and police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to step down.

 One of the leading organizers, Rev. Gregory Livingston, even compared Johnson to infamous figures like Gov. George Wallace, the former Alabama governor who spewed racism, promoted segregation and resisted civil rights. “The call of the people is ‘Resign Rahm,’” Livingston said. “So how, then, can you back your own regime change? How do you sanction your own termination? How dumb, naive and self-hating do you think we are?”

“The protest route has been well publicized. We have no need to talk with Superintendent Johnson,” Livingston added. “Did Dr. King talk strategy with Bull Connor? With Gov. George Wallace?” (Chicago Tribune)

 Emanuel has been condemned for his inaction as Chicago experiences more shootings and homicides. This past weekend, 42 people were shot, 5 of whom were killed. Almost 300 people have been killed in the city this year. The Chicago Tribune offered some possible causes for the bloodshed, including increased gang warfare, access to guns, police morale, and poverty. 

 On Thursday, protesters plan to walk along Lake Short Drive and end up at Wrigley Field during a Chicago Cubs game. Livingston admitted that arrests will be likely at the "non-violent" march and marchers may force their way into the baseball stadium. Another organizer, Rev. Ira Acree, concurred.

 “We have people who are committed, who are ready to get arrested,” Acree said. “And those who don’t, they’ll stay back. But certainly, people are going to get arrested.”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 12:25pm

 What A Great Time To Be An American!    

 7/31/18  by: Erich Reimer

On Friday the Department of Commerce announced that U.S. GDP had grown at an incredible 4.1% rate during the second quarter, the highest in several years and even more noteworthy given the extraordinarily “hot” state of our economy right now.

 That growth is mixed with historically low unemployment at 4%, a stock market that has seen the S&P 500 rally over 30% and the NASDAQ over 49.59% at the moment since election day, and immense consumer confidence.

 In fact, the job market is so hot right now that employers are getting rid of experience requirements, long-maligned older workers are finally finding more opportunities.

 While  there remain complex economic problems out there still like wage stagnation and skill bifurcation, it undoubtedly is a great time to be an American.


Beyond economics, we see a court system again leaning towards towards the "rule of law" and the Constitution, an end to many conflicts in the Middle East with the decimation of ISIS and other groups,

and a general attitude of pleasantry and fulfillment in our country -- at least if you don't browse the news

media, the hype-driven pages of left wing outlets or cable channels.

 While the economy and policy are extremely complex, it remains undeniable that President Trump and the Republican Congress have been immensely influential in supporting the kind of regulatory and legislative environment that allows the inherent ingenuity of the American people to thrive.

 As President Trump said on Friday in his remarks after the GDP report, America has done what many economists believed impossible and is now on the right trajectory for consistent 3% annual economic growth. 

 With company shareholder buybacks boosting the stock market, bonuses flooding Americans’ budgets with cash, and people embracing entrepreneurial challenges and recreational pursuits, all seems well indeed.

 Those who oppose the president and his policies no matter what have found themselves at a strange crossroads of either trying to find any potential uncertainty in the reports or even denying that positive economic conditions are themselves actually good. Whether headlines like The New York Times’ “Trump's Numbers on 'Amazing' Economy Sometimes Don't Add Up” or Vox’s “Trump’s economic victory lap is full of embellishments and exaggerations,” it is clear Trump Derangement Syndrome does add up and makes the president’s opponents’ reactions all too predictable.

 CNN’s Opinion section even broke its spell and posted an article by one of its reporters lightly agreeing with the President’s assessments, titledTrump's right: The economy is doing well and he deserves some credit,” even if naturally it still had a few swipes at the GOP in it.

 The fact remains that in the end polls and studies have shown again and again that, in a fashion typical of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, voters always care most about the economy until it is so good that reasonable improvement cannot be expected, and it seems we are at that point according to the latest surveys.

 The economy ebbs and flows and undoubtedly someday in the future we will have a recession, as is the way of the economic cycle. However at the moment a large portion of economists seem to believe that a recession has little chance of appearing until at least 2020, if not later.

 We live in the most technologically advanced and prosperous times in human history, where the most average person has available to them the entertainment and recreational options beyond the imagination of kings just a century ago.

 For that we, as Americans, should be grateful to our leaders in Washington for doing it right at the moment. Furthermore, we should be grateful to one another for being the people behind the numbers, for with every dollar of activity in our trillions of dollars of GDP each year is someone going to work, creating a new invention or service, or finding innovative efficiencies that the market pays for.

 The summer is slowing coming to an end but it is clear this era of American prosperity isn’t.

With Labor Day soon approaching, it is undoubtedly a time to celebrate indeed.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 4:19am

The IRS rehired, among others, 11 employees previously disciplined for unauthorized access to taxpayer accounts and an employee who was absent without leave for 270 hours—the equivalent of 33 work days.


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 4:02am

Eat Rocks, Punk: Restaurant Employee Pulls Gun on Thug Who Punched a Woman, Ends Situation.

 7/07/18 by: Timothy Meads 

Another day another thug with a penchant for picking the wrong woman to mess with comes face-to-face with a loaded gun.

 This time it occurred in Wisconsin at a restaurant when an employee utilized her second amendment rights and deterred an attacker from continuing to hurt her co-worker.

 In a video that is circulating across Twitter, a man can be seen venturing back into the kitchen of a George Webb restaurant. The woman at the grill is clearly confused, when all of a sudden the man punches the worker in the face.

 That is when her co-worker whips out a gun and points it at the attacker. The man moves towards the armed woman, but she holds her ground. He then leaves.

 The employee has a concealed carry permit and is allowed to carry the gun at work, according to local media. 

Eat Rocks, Punk: Restaurant Employee Pulls Gun on Thug Who Punched a Woman, Ends Situation

Timothy Meads
Posted: Jul 07, 2018 5:07 PM

Eat Rocks, Punk: Restaurant Employee Pulls Gun on Thug Who Punched a Woman, Ends Situation

Another day another thug with a penchant for picking the wrong woman to mess with comes face-to-face with a loaded gun. This time it occurred in Wisconsin at a restaurant when an employee utilized her second amendment rights and deterred an attacker from continuing to hurt her co-worker.

 In a video that is circulating across Twitter, a man can be seen venturing back into the kitchen of a George Webb restaurant. The woman at the grill is clearly confused, when all of a sudden the man punches the worker in the face.  

 That is when her co-worker whips out a gun and points it at the attacker. The man moves towards the armed woman, but she holds her ground. He then leaves. The employee has a concealed carry permit and is allowed to carry the gun at work, according to local media. 

 According to the victim, the man is a regular. He had been angry and hostile all night, but suddenly snapped and came behind the grill. The victim currently faces thousands of dollars in medical costs and does not have insurance. If it were not for her co-worker, things could have been much worse.

 "I thank God the other waitress had a concealed carry weapon, has a permit... I shudder to think, had she not been there and had she not had this weapon, what this thug might have done," said Adlerman Donovan. "We need to wake up this community and they need to start expecting of their public officials a better level of safety," Donovan added regarding the level of violence in Milwaukee.  

 The attack occurred last week but was released a few days ago. 


Conceal carry wins again! -- Oliver McGee PhD MBA

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 31, 2018 at 3:47am

Reports: Yes, Trump Has A Plan To Kill DACA--And If It Works, The Program Could End In Weeks.

 7/13/18  by: Matt Vespa

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program could come to an end if the Trump administration is successful in what appears to be a secondary protocol for how to deal with an executive order that is arguably unconstitutional.

 Executed under the obuma White House, DACA shields illegal aliens brought over as children who have met a certain criteria (i.e. no criminal record) from deportation. There is a separation of powers concern. It’s been on shaky legal footing for quite some time, which is why the Trump White House had a six-month enforcement delay when they announced they would be phasing out the program.

 Cue the Democratic outrage, but that six-month lull period was meant to give Congress time to get their act together and pass a DACA fix. They fumbled that.

 The Trump administration felt they couldn’t argue in defense of the law due to the constitutional issues and facing a lawsuit from various state attorneys general, they felt this was their best option—and it probably was. Yet, it’s still an issue that paralyzes the Hill.

 The Democrats shut down the government over it, a federal judge said they have to keep DACA a functioning program, and now we have two bills from the conservative and moderate wings that are set for a vote next week. Neither is expected to pass. 

 What NBC News is reporting is that Plan B of the Trump White House is to get a ruling from a federal judge in Texas to declare the program illegal, which could set in motion DACA’s death within weeks (via NBC News):

*The Trump administration is urging a federal court in Texas to declare DACA illegal, setting up a potential conflict that could allow the government to shut the program down within a matter of weeks.

*In a motion filed late Friday, Justice Department lawyers told a judge in Texas that the program violates federal immigration law. Assuming, as expected, that the judge grants the request from DACA opponents and orders the government to stop enforcing DACA, the ruling would conflict with orders from two other federal courts that require continued enforcement of the program.

 If faced with competing court orders, the Justice Department said it would then rush to the U.S. Supreme Court and tell the justices that the government would be in violation no matter what it did — keeping DACA going would violate the Texas order, while trying to shut it down would violate the other court orders.

 In that event, the government would ask the Supreme Court to put a hold on all the lower court rulings.

 And if the justices agreed, the Trump administration would be free to shut DACA down immediately, because nothing would be in effect to prevent the government from taking that action.

     **** YE-HAA, DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS! ****

The federal district judge overseeing the case, Andrew Hanen of Brownsville, Texas, will likely rule in their favor. Three years ago he blocked another obuma immigration program intended to let parents who came here illegally, remain in the U.S. if they have 'U.S.-citizen children'.

 Texas and the other states have argued that DACA is illegal for the same reasons that doomed that program, known as DAPA [Deferred Action for Parents of Americans].

 That order was rescinded last June.

I see where some in the party worry that the optics will cost us an entire voting bloc for a generation or more, but we have to enforce the law, our borders, and deport people who shouldn’t be here, namely criminal aliens and gang members like MS-13, which this administration is doing.

 This is one of the reasons why Presicent Trump was elected. There’s a new sheriff in town, but the political waters of immigration have to be navigated carefully.

 Democrats are making it a lot easier by defending 'MS-13 thugs as people who aren’t so bad', and President Trump has the ability to make them defend the indefensible.

 Let’s see how this legal challenge plays out.    




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