We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 25, 2018 at 2:15am

Mexican president-elect vows improvements to deter illegal migration.
7/22/18 By AMY GUTHRIE
MEXICO CITY (AP) — President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday released a seven-page letter he sent to U.S. President Donald Trump detailing how he plans to improve Mexico’s economy and security when he takes office in December so that Mexicans do not feel the need to migrate.
“There will be many changes,” he promised in the letter. “And in this new atmosphere of progress with well-being, I’m sure we can reach agreements to confront together the migration problem as well as border insecurity.”
Lopez Obrador also suggested the two countries draft a development plan backed by public funds and invite Central American countries to join, with the aim of making it “economically unnecessary” for Central Americans to migrate.
The incoming Mexican president plans to cut government salaries, perks and jobs. Savings from those cuts, he says, will be directed toward social programs and infrastructure. He also plans to reduce taxes for the private sector in the hopes of spurring investment and job creation.
Lopez Obrador said Sunday that some of his future collaborators in government posts have offered to work for free during his six-year term. Several of his proposed Cabinet members are independently wealthy.
“It’s an enormous privilege to participate in a process of transformation. There’s no price on this," He said he will publish salaries of government employees, from high-ranking ministers to police officers.
He also said his political party, Morena, will turn down the extra public financing it is supposed to receive next year because it won additional seats in Congress.
Lopez Obrador said Morena could collect up to 1.4 billion pesos ($73.5 million) and more than double what it was allocated for 2018.
Mexican electoral authorities assigned the party 650 million pesos for this year.
“That’s too much in an atmosphere of austerity,” Lopez Obrador said.
He said he doesn’t want Morena to turn into an economic power with career politicians who forget that their mission is to serve the people.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 25, 2018 at 2:09am

Mexican President Delivers Surprising Letter to President Trump.
7/24/18 by: AAN Staff
Progressives remain furious with President Donald Trump's unwavering stance on illegal immigration. However, they now have another, surprising, country's leader to despise. (Associated Press)
President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday released a seven-page letter he sent to U.S. President Donald Trump detailing how he plans to improve Mexico’s economy and security when he takes office in December so that Mexicans do not feel the need to migrate.
“There will be many changes,” he promised in the letter. “And in this new atmosphere of progress with well-being, I’m sure we can reach agreements to confront together the migration phenomenon as well as the problem of border insecurity.”
Lopez Obrador also suggested the two countries draft a development plan backed by public funds and invite Central American countries to join, with the aim of making it “economically unnecessary” for Central Americans to migrate.
Marcelo Ebrard, who is slated to become Mexico’s foreign minister, read the letter aloud to reporters gathered at Lopez Obrador’s political party headquarters. Ebrard said President Trump had received the letter.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he and Mexico’s president elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador discussed how the two countries could advance common goals on economy, trade as well as resolve border issues.
Mexico's president-elect expressed optimism about working with President Trump, writing, "I am encouraged by the fact that we both know how to do what we say, and we have both faced adversity with success. We manage to put our voters and citizens at the center and displace the establishment."
Last week, President Trump confirmed that he had productive conversations with Lopez Obrador.

Mexican President Delivers Surprising Letter to Trump

Progressives remain furious with President Donald Trump's unwavering stance on illegal immigration. However, they now have another, surprising, country's leader to despise. (Associated Press)

President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday released a seven-page letter he sent to U.S. President Donald Trump detailing how he plans to improve Mexico’s economy and security when he takes office in December so that Mexicans do not feel the need to migrate.

“There will be many changes,” he promised in the letter. “And in this new atmosphere of progress with well-being, I’m sure we can reach agreements to confront together the migration phenomenon as well as the problem of border insecurity.”

Lopez Obrador also suggested the two countries draft a development plan backed by public funds and invite Central American countries to join, with the aim of making it “economically unnecessary” for Central Americans to migrate.

Marcelo Ebrard, who is slated to become Mexico’s foreign minister, read the letter aloud to reporters gathered at Lopez Obrador’s political party headquarters. Ebrard said Trump had received the letter.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he and Mexico’s president elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador discussed how the two countries could advance common goals on economy, trade as well as resolve border issues pic.twitter.com/rWu9TNh3vi
— TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) July 13, 2018
Mexico's president-elect expressed optimism about working with President Trump, writing, "I am encouraged by the fact that we both know how to do what we say, and we have both faced adversity with success. We manage to put our voters and citizens at the center and displace the establishment."
Last week, Trump confirmed that he had productive conversations with Lopez Obrador.

  

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 25, 2018 at 12:56am

Mexico's Surprising Plan for Illegal Alien Immigration.
7/10/18 by: AAN Staff
Mexico's President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced plans to establish a border police force to curb illegal immigration and drug trafficking from "Central America". (TheBlaze)
The announcement comes at a time when President Donald Trump is facing intense criticism for his policies addressing illegal immigration.
For years, Mexico has been plagued with high levels of illegal immigration on its southern border. Migrants traveling north from war-torn Central America have overwhelmed Mexican authorities!
And while most of the migrants use the border as a gateway toward a better life, others use it to smuggle drugs and weapons, which amounts to a major problem for 'cartel-controlled' Mexico.
But that’s all allegedly going to change with the upcoming administration.
The president-elect's incoming chief of public security revealed in an interview that the border police force is only one component of a larger effort to combat cartel violence, crippling poverty, and rampant government corruption.
Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/mexico-s-surprising-plan-for...

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 25, 2018 at 12:50am

ICE Removes Brazilian Man Wanted For Murder.
7/24/18m Source: American Action News (AAN) by: LA
The media clogged the airways with negative stories about U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as liberal politicians continue their crusade to abolish the organization.
Over the course of their political grandstanding they *forgot* to report on a big development. ---
According to a release from ICE, the organization deported a man who illegally entered our country and is wanted for murder in his home country of Brazil.
A Brazilian national wanted for murder in Brazil was returned to his home country 7/10/18 by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) deportation officers with the assistance of the Oak Bluffs Police Department on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Dorviro Rocha-Ribeiro, 47, a citizen and national of Brazil who was the subject of an "Interpol Red Notice for murder", was removed from the United States by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) to Brazil via Boston Logan International Airport and Miami International Airport on July 10.
He was immediately transferred to the custody of Brazilian law enforcement officers upon his arrival in his home country to face the pending murder charges.
Rocha-Ribeiro had earlier illegally "re-entered" the U.S. after ICE initially removed him in 2003.
After being notified in May of this year by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations, (ERO), Miami that Rocha-Ribeiro was the subject of an active warrant in Brazil for murder, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), Boston officers arrested him on May 9 at his place of employment in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts, a township on the coastal island of Martha’s Vineyard in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
To date, according to agency's statistics, ICE removed ​226,119 people in the US illegally in 2017.
1. Why are Liberal Democrats so blinded. ICE has got to get tough with all the liberal protestors who attack and throw stones and bottles. ICE get tough! You are an Agency of the Federal Government. These protestors are not children. Do your job and arrest them! ICE you are doing a great job under tough conditions. Keep up the good work.
2. And what did they do to the ass who hired him? -NOTHING!
3. The Democrats are angry because ICE is removing their voter base. The Democrats want the illegals here, because if the aren't here to vote, then the poor Democrats don't WIN.
4. They should be deporting 1,000 per day they are all illegal invaders, not just the ones who committed other crimes. Fools fail to realize that America is being raped daily by these slime balls. Identity theft, welfare fraud, income tax evasion, healthcare fraud are crimes that the OVERWHELMING majority are guilty of everyday!
5. Who paid for this removal, the US? They should have taken him to the Brazilian Embassy in DC and dropped him there and made sure the only way he was to leave the premises was on a one-way ticket back to Brazil. In fact, I have espoused that all of the illegal aliens should be delivered to their country's Embassy or Consulates, dump them there, and don't let them leave unless they are heading to the airport to be deported to their country! And, they pay for it. Let the Embassy and Consulates worry about feeding them, bathing them, putting mattresses on the floor so they can sleep, etc. They are not our problem anymore, once they are delivered to their Embassy or Consulates!
6. I have had enough of this liberal crap living in Massachusetts, we need to get rid of maury healy, elizabeth warren, nancy pukelosi, chuck schumer, and mad maxine waters, not to mention many more. Again Massachusetts should NOT be a sanctuary state in any form whatsoever! Because most or I should say a large majority feel the conservatives are right and don't want immigrants in this state!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 25, 2018 at 12:24am

Trump's Deportation Squad Uses New Technique to Drive Protestors Away.
7/17/18 by: AAN Staff
The Left reflexively opposes everything that comes out of President Donald Trump's mouth, no matter what. Their visceral hatred is especially pronounced in regard to their response to his administration's attempt to secure the border.
Once considered a fringe movement, the campaign to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has gained support from mainstream Democrats. (Conservative Tribune)
Leftist activists calling themselves “Occupy ICE” have put that call into action on the streets of Portland, Oregon, with an ongoing effort to besiege and block off the ICE facility in that city, an effort that has been sustained for several weeks now as the protesters have made camp outside the building.
Federal agents have tangled with the protesters on a few occasions, usually to break up formed lines intended to prevent agents and vehicles from coming and going, which has resulted in arrests and injuries.
But now it ICE has adopted a different tactic to annoy and potentially even disperse the camped protesters — blasting them with tortuous music for hours on end, in a bid to drive them away.
ICE has been playing children’s music for 5 hours now.
OccupyIcePDX pic.twitter.com/OPxZVEF3jK 7/15/18
Local alternative media outlet Willamette Week noted that ICE seemingly borrowed a page from the incredibly popular zombie apocalypse TV series “The Walking Dead” and adopted a tactic that had been used by a thuggy character named Negan, head of a group named the “Saviors” that was in conflict with the central group of survivors the series is focused on.
Though the tactic seems novel, security experts consider the continuous blasting of music an effective, non-invasive form of enhanced interrogation that consistently broke the will of many fanatical islamic terrorists captured after 9/11.
1. I'm so tired of this "Trump Deportation Squad" BS. Trump does NOT have a deportation squad, the United States has ICE to handle illegal aliens. The president has directed ICE to obey the laws passed by previous congress' and signed into law by previous presidents'. Aside from that fact, Trump has NOTHING to do with it, so if you hold Trump responsible for not looking the other way like former presidents have done, then you are condemning him for upholding his vow to uphold the constitution, while giving those previous to him a pass for breaking that same vow.
2. How great is that!!! Play the same silly song over and over. Just wait. They will find a way to protest the offices' "song playing". It'll be some off the wall dumb made up crap delivered to the media by a slimy, smug, Lefty lawyer trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. And all the little "loons" will jump up and down clapping their hands because the, "we gottem' NOW" mentality is never far from the surface.
3. What I would like to know is why can't they drive up in paddy wagons and load the POS obstructionist lemmings up and throw them in jail to await processing and charges? Last I heard this obstruction of police was 'unlawful'. Who cares if they are unhappy?
4. Complete the damn Border Wall, NOW! 100% vet all illegals. BP/ICE are just doing their duty under the LAW.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 24, 2018 at 10:32pm
Mexican President Delivers Surprising Letter to Trump.
7/24/18 by: AAN Staff
Progressives remain furious with President Donald Trump's unwavering stance on illegal immigration. However, they now have another, surprising, country's leader to despise. (Associated Press)
President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday released a seven-page letter he sent to U.S. President Donald Trump detailing how he plans to improve Mexico’s economy and security when he takes office in December so that Mexicans do not feel the need to migrate.
“There will be many changes,” he promised in the letter. “And in this new atmosphere of progress with well-being, I’m sure we can reach agreements to confront together the migration phenomenon as well as the problem of border insecurity.”
Lopez Obrador also suggested the two countries draft a development plan backed by public funds and invite Central American countries to join, with the aim of making it “economically unnecessary” for Central Americans to migrate.
Marcelo Ebrard, who is slated to become Mexico’s foreign minister, read the letter aloud to reporters gathered at Lopez Obrador’s political party headquarters. Ebrard said Trump had received the letter.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he and Mexico’s president elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador discussed how the two countries could advance common goals on economy, trade as well as resolve border issues pic.twitter.com/rWu9TNh3vi TRT World Now 7/13/18
Mexico's president-elect expressed optimism about working with President Trump, writing, "I am encouraged by the fact that we both know how to do what we say, and we have both faced adversity with success. We manage to put our voters and citizens at the center and displace the establishment."
Last week, Trump confirmed that he had productive conversations with Lopez Obrador.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 24, 2018 at 10:24pm
President Trump's Touching Response to WWII Veteran's Poignant Request.
7/24/18 by: AAN Staff
When President Trump invited a 94-year-old World War II veteran on stage during his address at the VFW National Convention, Sergeant Alan Jones made the commander-in-chief an offer he couldn't refuse.
The Daily Caller explains:
After praising Trump for his support for veterans, he turned and asked the president if he would oblige him in fulfilling a life-long goal of his.
“Mr. President, I want to ask you something,” Jones said.
“I have been told that I could never enter the Oval Office in Washington, D.C. I am going to be 95 years of age April 11 of next year. Hopefully, you will allow me to bring my family into the Oval Office to meet you.”
Without missing a beat, Trump leaned in and emphatically said, “Yes. Any time you want!”
The crowd responded with thunderous applause!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 24, 2018 at 4:59am
Sheriff Joe's Unusual Idea to End Border Crisis.
7/17/18 by: AAN Staff
With narcotics, gangs, and illegal aliens continuing to infiltrate our southern border, former Sheriff and current Senate candidate Joe Arpaio floated an out of the box idea to further alleviate the crisis.
WorldNetDaily reports:
Arpaio, who is now seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Jeff Flake, broadcast the plan on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”
“My idea, which is maybe out of the box: Since we have agents that are government employees working with foreigners, why don’t we use another government agency that happens to be the U.S. Army and send them across the border to work with the foreign authorities, the Federales and the Mexican army? Not to invade Mexico,” Arpaio explained.
“We have been doing it anyway with other types of government employees so who is going to argue with this? Because something has to be done before the drugs come over the border. Stop it before it gets to the border. That is how you solve the problem.”
Arpaio noted the Mexican government would need to greenlight the proposal before the U.S. Army could get involved, and said President Trump could use pressure tactics such as withholding foreign aid.
The longtime Maricopa County Sheriff also revealed should he win that he would open a Senate office at the U.S.-Mexico border.
1. Have lived in Arizona for the past 40 years and we really love it. We also love Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He did a great job as sheriff and the liberals hated him because he actually ENFORCED the law. For years the liberals attacked Sheriff Joe relentlessly. They are idiots that listen to the propaganda spewed by the liberal left lunatics. The people on the left are brainwashed by the democrat politicians and they are slowly but surely destroying the American culture. The liberals are too stupid to realize that the democrat politicians only want the illegals here in Arizona so they will vote for them. They don't care about the Arizona citizen's safety or the damage being caused by the drugs that are flowing across the border and destroying lives. Sheriff Joe did everything he could to put the criminals away but the bleeding heart liberals fought him every step of the way. These liberal maggots need to move to Mexifornia with the rest of their ilk. Most of them are from Mexifornia to begin with.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 24, 2018 at 4:44am
Earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) pardoned seven illegal aliens facing deportation. 2020 Contender Pardons Criminal Illegal Aliens.
7/23/18 by: AAN Staff
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo pardons seven people under threat of deportation.
"While President Trump engages in policies...to advance his political agenda of hate and division, we will protect our immigrant communities," the governor says
“At a time when President Trump and the federal government are waging a war on our immigrant communities, New York stands firm in our belief that our diversity is our greatest strength. While President Trump engages in politics that rip children out of the arms of their mothers and tries to ramp up the deportation of New Yorkers to advance his political agenda of hate and division, we will protect our immigrant communities,” Cuomo said, according to ABC News.
Said ex-criminals have allegedly led crime-free lives over the last seven years, at minimum, which was the base requirement of Cuomo’s decision to pardon these seven individuals and excuse their old crimes.
Five of the seven recipients were arrested for either possession of or intent to sell a controlled substance, one of whom was convicted for possession and charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. The other two faced petty larceny charges.
Today's incident marks the third time Cuomo has pardoned multiple criminals that were likely to be deported.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 10:46pm

500 Days: President Trump Is Making America Safe Again!


“Together, we are building a safe, strong, and proud America.” -- President Donald J. Trump


President Donald J. Trump has worked steadfastly to secure our borders and fully enforce our Nation’s immigration laws!

 Despite insufficient resources and congressional obstruction, President Trump has stepped up to improve border security and enact immigration policies based on the rule of law.

  • President Trump released an immigration framework which would finally secure our borders and close the loopholes that undermine our immigration system.
  • President Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard to the southern border to support efforts to stop illegal immigration and cut off supplies of illegal drugs.
  • President Trump has established immigration enforcement policies based on the rule of law.
    • From the start of the administration to the end of FY 2017, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) made 42% more arrests of illegal aliens compared to the prior year.
  • President Trump’s Administration has cracked down on the violent MS-13 gang which has sought to take advantage of our porous borders and immigration loopholes.
    • ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) arrests of MS-13 members and associates increased by 83 percent from FY 2016 to FY 2017.
    • Working with partners in Central America, the Department of Justice secured criminal charges against more than 4,000 MS-13 members in 2017.


President Donald J. Trump’s Administration has fought back against the opioid crisis devastating communities.

  • President Trump launched a nationwide effort to combat the opioid crisis by reducing demand, cutting off illicit drug supplies, and expanding treatment opportunities.
  • President Trump signed an omnibus spending bill which dedicated nearly $4 billion to address the opioid epidemic.
    • The bill included critical funding for addiction prevention and treatment, law enforcement operations, research into alternative addiction treatments, and more.
  • The Trump Administration has sought to improve treatment and recovery options for Americans struggling with addiction.
    • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new Medicaid policy to increase access to treatment options.
    • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved new treatments to help those struggling with addiction.
  • President Trump’s Administration is continually working to cut off illegal drug supplies.
    • The U.S. Border Patrol continues to work to stop drug supplies before they reach our communities, seizing more pounds of fentanyl so far in FY 2018 than in all of FY 2017.
    • The Department of Justice (DOJ) launched the Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.
    • President Trump signed the INTERDICT Act into law, enhancing efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids such as fentanyl that are being illegally imported.
    • DOJ secured it’s first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.
    • A Department of Interior task force combating the opioid crisis in Tribal communities recently seized over 9,000 fentanyl pills and hundreds of pounds of other drugs.



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