We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 4:13am

Why Building a Border Wall Is a Morally Good Action.
7/02/18 by: Wayne Grudem
Is building a wall on our border a morally good action? As a professor who has taught biblical ethics for 41 years, I think it is – in fact, the Bible itself repeatedly views protective walls with favor.
Walls gave peace and security. In the world of the Old Testament, people built walls around cities to protect themselves from thieves, murderers, and other criminals, and from foreign invaders who would seek to destroy the city. People could still enter the city, but they had to do so by the gate, so that city officials would have some control over who was coming in and going out.
Today’s debate is about a larger area – a national border, not a city – but the principles are the same.
A strong wall gave peace and security to the city, and one prayer of blessing for a city was, “Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” (Psalm 122:7). There was also a spiritual component, for the Lord himself strengthened the gates in the walls so they would protect the children and the peace and prosperity of a city:
Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For he strengthens the bars of your gates; he blesses your children within you. He makes peace in your borders; he fills you with the finest of the wheat (Psalm 147:12-14).
After King David established his capital in Jerusalem, he prayed, “Do good to Zion in your good pleasure; build up the walls of Jerusalem” (Psalm 51:18) – God’s blessing would include strong walls!
After David came King Solomon, who finished and strengthened the wall around Jerusalem (1 Kings 3:1).
But the people of Israel strayed from God, and he brought judgment in the form of Babylonian invaders who broke down and destroyed the city wall:
“And they burned the house of God and broke down the wall of Jerusalem and burned all its palaces with fire and destroyed all its precious vessels”
(2 Chronicles 36:19; cf. Jeremiah 52:14). God’s judgment removed the walls!
As long as the wall around Jerusalem was broken down, it was a mark of shame and derision:
“The remnant . . . who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire" (Nehemiah 1:3).
The pathetic shame of a city without walls is also evident in this proverb: “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” (Proverbs 25:28). The implication is that such a man and such a city are both headed for destruction.
After 70 years of exile in Babylon, the Jewish people were able to return and to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. Nehemiah asked the Persian king Artaxerxes to give him the timber needed to build the wall and its gates: “And the king granted me what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me” (Nehemiah 2:8).
In this case, God’s blessing was evident when the leader of the government authorized the allocation of materials to build the wall.
Then Nehemiah needed laborers for the massive task of rebuilding the wall. He challenged the people, “Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision” (Nehemiah 2:17).
Fortunately, “the people had a mind to work” (Nehemiah 4:6), and an entire chapter of Nehemiah is devoted to recording the names of people who rebuilt the wall, specifying the section that each person repaired (Nehemiah 3).
Such a record – having their names forever in the pages of the Hebrew Bible – was a significant honor for those who repaired the wall. It was a morally commendable act.
There was a great celebration when the wall was completed: “And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites . . . to celebrate the dedication with gladness, with thanksgivings and was singing, with cymbals, harps, and lyres . Then I appointed two great choirs that gave thanks” (Nehemiah 12:27, 31).
There is another wall in the Bible – at the very end of the New Testament.
The apostle John has a vision of the New Jerusalem, a great city that comes down from heaven, and it includes a wall: “It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels” (Revelation 21:12).
Whether this is literal or simply part of a symbolic prophetic vision (I don’t know), it is clear that the wall protects the peace and security of those who are within.
My conclusion from this overview is that the Bible views border walls as a morally good thing, something for which to thank God.
Walls on a border are a major deterrent to evil and they provide clear visible evidence that a city or nation has control over who enters it, something absolutely essential if a government is going to prevent a nation from devolving into more and more anarchy!
“We should be a nation that welcomes immigrants.” I agree wholeheartedly – if they come legally.
But it is no kindness to them if the lack of a wall tempts them to risk death by walking across miles of parched desert, at the mercy of violent gangs, and then come into the US without legal documentation, only to live here as a permanent illegal underclass alien, easily exploited, living in constant fear of discovery.
In addition, it diminishes respect for the law and destabilizes the nation when millions of people exist in the shadows, living outside the legal recordkeeping functions of the nation.
And there has to be some limit on the number we admit each year.
A complete “open borders” policy would overwhelm the country!
The US population today is 328 million. The population of the world is 7.6 billion, or 23 times the US population.
If we allowed in everyone who wanted to enter, as many as half the world’s population might want to come – giving us over 10 times our current population. Even if only 10% of the world (a very low estimate) came in through open borders, the US would suddenly confront the impossible task of trying to assimilate 760 million new immigrants into a nation of 328 million.
“Open borders” is not a realistic solution or one that could ever get enough popular support to pass Congress and become law!
Building a wall with well-regulated gates declares that while we welcome immigrants, we – NOT THEM – are going to decide which ones, and how many.
My conclusion from this overview is that the Bible views border walls as a morally good thing, something for which to thank God.
Walls on a border are a major deterrent to evil and they provide clear visible evidence that a city or nation has control over who enters it, something absolutely essential if a government is going to prevent a nation from devolving into more and more anarchy.
The US currently admits over 1,000,000 immigrants per year who come legally and stay permanently – far more than any other nation. If you think that number should be even higher (as I do), then suggest a higher number to your congressman and talk to your fellow citizens. Persuade people to agree with you, and work for a change in the law. But don’t oppose a border wall, for that is just promoting more lawlessness.
“The Bible tells us to care for the sojourner.” I agree – but we still must have some means of regulating how many “sojourners” we allow into the country and who can qualify to enter – and a wall is the most effective way to do this. When the Bible says, “Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:19), Old Testament professor James Hoffmeier has demonstrated that these “sojourners” (or “resident foreigners” in one translation; the Hebrew term is ger) were people who had entered another country legally, with the permission and knowledge of the country that admitted them. (The unmodified term “foreigner” in some translations is not specific enough to translate Hebrew ger.)
A foreigner who had entered a country by stealth and did not have recognized standing as a resident alien was not considered a “sojourner” (Hebrew ger) but simply a “foreigner” (Hebrew nekar or zar).
“These are good people who are just seeking a better life.” Yes, many of them are, and we should welcome them – if they come legally.
But we can’t ignore the fact that many others will not become “good neighbors” – some are drug runners, gang members, and even terrorists.
A wall makes it possible to screen out the people who have previously been deported for felonies and others who are most likely to commit crimes or simply become a drain on the economy rather than getting a productive job.
An effective border wall would also be the best way to keep children together with their parents. Under the present system, families
(1) enter the US illegally and
(2) are caught, then
(3) they plead for asylum, and
(4) they are incarcerated until their asylum petition can be evaluated.
But if we had a completed wall, such requests for asylum would be decided at the border, before they ever entered the US.
We would never have to detain either parents or children on US soil in the first place.
“Walls don’t work.” That objection is not true! Sections of high, effective walls and fences have already transformed whole regions of San Diego and El Paso from high-crime zones into peaceful, much safer cities!
A high, double wall with modern electronic equipment to detect tunneling would stop perhaps 90-95% or even more of illegal border crossings.
Once such a wall is complete, most Americans would feel that the border is finally under control, and the remaining questions about immigration could be resolved in an atmosphere of far less tension and animosity.
Walls that already work:
In fact, we already have a highly effective system of “border walls” that nobody argues about – in our airports. Every time I return to the US from a foreign country, I have to go through customs at the airport, and so does everybody else.
The room where people wait in line to see a customs officer has walls to make sure that all arriving passengers have to go through passport control. I’ve never seen anyone protesting the existence of walls in the customs area or demanding that a section of the of the wall be removed so that people who don’t want to go through passport control can simply walk into the country whenever they want.
That would be an open invitation to terrorists and other criminals, and it would make it impossible for the US to place any limits at all on the number of people who came into the country and stayed without legal documentation.
Yet demanding “no passport controls at airports” is, it seems to me, exactly parallel to saying that we should not build a wall on our southern border.
Why should airports be any different from other border entry points?
Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, and we should eagerly welcome numerous immigrants into the US every year, but they must come in legally, through the "gates" in the wall, not illegally and dangerously across an open desert.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 3:37am

In 2011, Donald Trump Predicted He Would Tell Saudi Arabia Not to Raise Oil Prices.
7/01/18 by: Timothy Meads
President Donald J. Trump tweeted on June 30th that he asked King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia "increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels," in order to stop the rising cost of oil in the United States.
But in "2011 at a speech" in Las Vegas, Donald Trump envisioned nearly the exact same scenario, saying that no body else in Washington would be willing to look Saudi Arabia in the eye and tell them,
"You're not going to raise that f***ing price!"
President Trump claimed that the Saudi king agreed to increase oil production, saying that the two countries understand oil prices are too high!
As the Daily Caller's Michael Bastach notes reports say that that Saudi Arabia "made no firm commitment to increase crude oil production, 'but rather assured the U.S. of its capability to meet oil demand.'."
Bastach adds that due to a variety of factors across the globe, "increased demand for oil have all put upward pressure on prices. In response, Americans have seen gas prices increase more than 60 cents per gallon in the past year."
President Trump has followed through on his word that he would step up to the plate and demand that Saudi Arabia keep oil prices low.
Then real estate mogul and potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate Trump addressed the Nevada Republican Party in a 2011 speech that many speculated was going to be his presidential campaign announcement. On the topic of oil prices, President Trump asserted that nobody in Washington has negotiated well enough with members of OPEC for the American people, but that he would be bold enough to make strong demands with nations such as Saudi Arabia.
"Did you see recently where a couple of days ago Saudi Arabia said ah let's, raise the price let's cut back production. Can you believe it you're going to be paying five and six dollars a gallon for gasoline pretty soon and they wanna they want to go in and raise he price of oil because we have nobody in Washington that sits back and said 'you're not going to raise that f***in' price!"

Of course, he didn't run in 2012 but much of what he spoke about that day sounded very similar to the issues he discussed in 2016.
The full speech is well worth the watch.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 3:19am
President Trump's Tweet Brings Down Oil Prices.
President Trump's Twitter account secured a major victory for Americans. Marketwatch reports:
Oil futures kicked off the second half of the year with some losses on Monday, amid concerns global oil producers could bump up production more than investors expect.
Crude contracts pared bigger losses earlier stemming from a weekend tweet from President Donald Trump who hinted of a big potential production increase from Saudi Arabia.
"Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference...Prices to high! He has agreed!" — Donald J. Trump 6/30/18
This comes at a time in which many Americans travel for the 4th of July holiday.
**** HAVE A SAFE 4th of July HOLIDAY, EVERYONE. ****
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 2:59am
VP Pence Hits “Inhumane Immigration Law” In Mexifornia.
Our immigration system invites inhumane results.
This week, the “caravan” from Central America began arriving at the U.S. border. Vice President Pence traveled to El Centro Station in Mexifornia Monday to address the situation with American Border Patrol officials. “We’re grateful to each and every one of you,” the Vice President said.
This situation is a direct result of our weak immigration laws, President Trump said. “The truth is our immigration laws today are ineffective, and they invite inhumane results,” Vice President Pence explained in Mexifornia. “We call on the Congress to close deadly immigration loopholes that are exploited by terrorists, traffickers, and criminals.”
Vice President Pence delivered the following remarks in Mexifornia:
1:58 A.M.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: "Well, thank you, Chief. Thank you for those kind words of welcome. And why don’t you all join me in congratulating Chief Chavez for her new assignment right here. (Applause.) I’m just — I’m grateful for a 22-year veteran of Customs and Border Protection now being the Chief Patrol Agent here in this vitally important sector. And to Acting Chief Carla Provost, thank you for your extraordinary leadership as the Acting Chief of this vital agency in the life of our nation. Would you join me in thanking Chief Provost for her great leadership? (Applause.)
To Director Pete Flores, Director Sylvia Carrizoza, and to all of you — to the brave men and women of Homeland Security, from Border Patrol, Air and Marine Operations, Office of Field Operations, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations, Enforcement and Removal Operations — is my great honor to stand with so many great and brave American heroes in Mexifornia’s Imperial Valley here at El Centro Station. Give yourselves a round of applause. (Applause.)
And as I begin today, allow me to bring greetings from a great champion of America’s law enforcement in the United States, but someone who is a great, great admirer for everyone who sees to the security of the homeland and the border of this nation. I bring greetings from a tireless champion of border security for all of the American people, the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump. (Applause.)
I know the President’s commitment to the men and women of Border Patrol was on full display when he visited Southern Mexifornia not too long ago. As the President said on that day, and many times I’ve heard him say again and again, we recognize you’ve got a tough job. In many respects, you’ve got a dangerous job. And the American people understand it, and this President and I understand it, as well.
We’re grateful to each and every one of you. The President has called all of you heroes who inspire our country with your courage and your patriotism every single day. And I want to assure you, from the President on down, we’re going to keep standing strong with the men and women who defend the border of the United States of America. (Applause.)
As I stand before you today, much of the nation’s attention has been focused on the so-called “caravan,” which has made its way up from Central America, and now, with some 150 people, has arrived at the American border.
As President Trump said on Saturday night, this situation is a direct result of our weak immigration laws and our porous border.
This caravan, like those who have gone before, is also rightly understood as a deliberate attempt to undermine the laws of this country and the sovereignty of the United States!
Thanks to the cooperation of the Mexican government, the caravan has been reduced from thousands to less than 150 that are at our border today.
And make no mistake about it — and I say this from my heart:
Every American should understand these people ARE victims. They’re being exploited by open-border political activists and an agenda-driven media1
And in far too many cases, on this day and every day that’s preceded it, men and women and children, like those gathered at our border today, are exploited by human smugglers and criminal and drug cartels who seize on their hardship and difficulty to undermine our laws and to profit for themselves.
All of this cries out for action. And thanks to the leadership of President Donald Trump, we are protecting the American people by securing our southern border, and we are building a wall on the southern border of the United States of America!
And let me make you a promise:
When it comes to the border wall, we’re going to build it all. (Applause.)
Now, for years, you Border Agents have recognized the need for a physical barrier on the southern border. You’ve been asking for a tall, strong wall system to fortify the nearly three-mile stretch of border that runs through Calexico, because this region channels so much of the illegal immigration, criminal activity, and illicit drugs that flow into Southern Mexifornia and spread across the nation.
This afternoon, it will be my privilege to travel to Calexico to see the 30-foot high wall that’s being built there. I’m told the crews are working around the clock to finish this new wall, installing as many as 50 new panels every single day!
And I look forward to seeing the progress firsthand.
With President Trump in the White House, I know you all know you have a leader who not only is listening to each and every one of you, and standing with each and every one of you, but he’s also standing on the conviction that walls work! And we will prove it when we complete this section again!
But let’s be clear — as we think about the hardship of those families gathered at our border in the so-called caravan, this wall is not only necessary to support you men and women who are on the frontlines of our homeland security, but it’s also a physical manifestation of the determination of the American people to protect our borders and protect our sovereignty! And we WILL COMPLETE IT. (Applause.)
But as we all know — and you better than me — it’s not just about building the wall. The truth is our immigration laws today are ineffective, and they invite inhumane results.
As the President said earlier today in the Oval Office, we call on the Congress to close deadly immigration loopholes that are exploited by terrorists, traffickers, and criminals. And we do so again today!
Whether it be the catch-and-release program or asylum policies that don’t require people to stay in the first safe country in which they arrive, we’re calling on Congress to work with us to bring about a positive change!
And it’s change that recognizes the hardship that is placed not just on the American people, but by those who by virtue of these lax immigration laws are emboldened to make a long and dangerous journey to come to the American border. The truth is these laws create an incentive for vulnerable families, and those who would exploit them, to make that long journey up the peninsula.
But let me make you a promise:
Under this President, this administration, we will not rest until Congress passes legislation that will modernize our immigration laws and remove the message and the incentive of people to the south to try to enter our country by any means. (Applause.)
That means cracking down on catch-and-release.
It means ending chain migration and the visa lottery.
It means cracking down on sanctuary cities and closing those dangerous loopholes.
And it also means fully funding that border wall system so that all of you have the resources that you need to protect our families and go home safe to yours.
The President and I both know the challenges you face every day are enormous. Every day, our Border Patrol agents apprehend more than 1,100 people illegally entering our country.
And here in the Imperial Valley, in the last fiscal year alone, you apprehended more than 18,000 illegal aliens. Many of them come from all over the world to exploit the gaps in our southwest border!
Weak and unprotected borders also provide easy access for violent criminal organizations and drug cartels trying to infiltrate our country and threaten our families and our communities.
Every single day, across all of America’s borders and ports of entry, the Department of Homeland Security, I’m also told, refuses entry to seven individuals who are known or suspected to be connected with terrorist organizations.
And the dangers are only growing. In Fiscal Year 2017, we’re informed that attacks on our Border Patrol agents actually increased by 73%!
And this very sector has the highest number of assaults on agents anywhere on our southern border. Last year alone, across the Imperial Valley, El Centro agents seized 3.8 tons of illicit drugs in the midst of that rising violence against them.
But let me say, the assaults on our Border Patrol agents must end!
The assaults and the violence on our agents will end1 (Applause.)
The American people know each and every one of you, the frontline officers and agents who secure our borders, are heroes! You deserve the support of the nation!
I’m pleased that, last year, President Trump signed into the law the largest increase in border security in nearly 10 years, investing new resources in detention facilities, new technology, and more.
And under our administration, thanks to the President’s leadership and the courage of all of you gathered here and all you represent, I’m pleased to report that illegal crossings at our southern border have fallen by more than 40% in the past 12 months. Job well done, men and women! (Applause.)
But we’re just getting started; I can assure you of that. And we’re going to keep the pressure on leaders in both parties in the Congress to do their job. And we’re going to take every step necessary to protect our border.
A few weeks ago, as you all are aware, President Trump sent National Guard units to provide vital assistance to those of you on the frontlines of border security in the air and on the ground that our Border Patrol agents will have the support that you need to focus on the immediate job at hand.
To date, we’re pleased that nearly 1,000 Guardsmen have deployed across Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, and more are on the way.
In the days ahead, we’re informed that upwards to 250 Guardsmen will be deployed across Southern Mexifornia to help secure the border, improve operational readiness, and strengthen your ability to respond to security threats across the Imperial Valley.
On behalf of the President, I want to thank the governors who have stepped forward to be full partners with our administration to secure our border and give our frontline officers the resources and support you need and deserve. They’re putting America first, and we are grateful for these Guardsmen and their leaderships and their states for partnering with us in our national and homeland security.
And lastly, we’re grateful to all of you. Our southern border is nearly 2,000 miles long. And here in El Centro Sector, you’re responsible for securing 71 miles stretching from Jacumba Mountains in the west to the Imperial Sand Dunes in the east. The vast territory you patrol is 940 square miles; it includes mountains and valleys, deserts, and farmland, the All-American Canal, and the New River.
As a sign of the strong partnerships along our borders, the seamless integration of neighboring Border Patrol sectors, I’m pleased to report that we’re joined today by Border agents from Yuma Sector, who patrol an additional 126 miles of border. To the Yuma Sector team, thank you for being with us today to demonstrate the strong, strong partnership between sectors. (Applause.)
Now, we all recognize you all, and our friends in the Yuma Sector, you supervise some of the toughest terrain in the country. But looking out at all of you, I know that tough terrain is only matched by the toughness of the men and women that I’m looking at today.
The truth is America is safer and more secure because of all of you, because of the sacrifices that and your families make every day when you put on the uniform and you head to your assigned duties along our border!
You are, in every sense, the men and women who stand on that rampart and protect the sovereignty of our nation. And you have our thanks.
America is safer and more secure because of your courage and your dedication. And President Trump, and every American family, is grateful for your service.
As we continue to fight every day for an immigration system that puts America first, just know this:
We will always stand with the men and women who stand on the front lines to protect the homeland. You’ve answered the call to service. We’ll answer the call to stand with you. I promise you that.
In the very words of Homeland Security’s Mission Statement, each and every one of you serve with honor and integrity to “safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.”
And I promise you the American people are proud of you and grateful for you every day.
So let me just ask God’s blessings on each one of you, as you serve, that He might watch over you and protect you as you stand, too often, in harm’s way to protect this great nation. Amen
And let me make you a promise:
With your continued courage and commitment, and that of your families, with President Donald Trump in the White House, with the strong support of the American people, and with God’s help, I know we will secure this border!
I know we will stand with our sovereignty.
We will make America safe again. And we’ll have all of you to thank.
So thank you for your service to the United States of America.
God bless and protect each and every one of you.
And may God bless the United States of America.
It’s an honor to be here with you." (Applause.)
END V.P. Pence
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 2:21am
President Trump Stops Amnesty Bill In Congress.
7/2/18 by: 1600 Staff
Don't let the door hit you on the way out...
President Trump halted the momentum on H.R. 6136, the Goodlatte-Ryan-Denham Amnesty bill last week by a vote of 121-to-301.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The political risks these Republicans face was evident in those who took high profile roles in this latest unsuccessful attempt to overhaul U.S. immigration law and provide a path to legalization to the “Dreamers.” Unlike other illegal immigrants, this group knows no other nation than this one, having been raised and schooled here, and enjoys the sympathy of a broad swath of the American public. Joining Denham and Curbelo were Republican Reps. David Valadeo of Mexifornia, Will Hurd of Texas, Erik Paulsen of Minnesota, Mike Coffman of Colorado, and John Katko of New York, among others.
clinton topped Trump in all seven their ethnically diverse districts. Among this group, only Valadeo appears safe in November, but he was no less upset at coming away empty-handed.
“Two bills were given a vote, the second more generous to the 2 million individuals eligible for the DACA program, since discontinued by the Trump administration (it offered a path to citizenship, the more conservative bill only bestowed legal status.) But both failed, in part because Trump’s on-again-off-again endorsement of each wasn’t enough to convince wavering House Republicans to risk a vote on immigration reform this close to what could be a difficult midterm election.
Republican strategists concede that congressional Republicans are right to worry. Trump won the 2016 GOP presidential primary in part because he was the biggest border hawk among his competitors, and that’s because grassroots Republicans are suspicious of comprehensive immigration bills, especially those that offer any kind of “amnesty.” “The voters demand security first, but every attempt in Congress dating back to President George W. Bush proposals holds security hostage to reform,” a Republican insider said. “The only way to get to reform is one step at a time, and the first step is security.
We keep failing because we keep trying to jump the entire stairwell. It’s like we have amnesia every time and can’t remember why the last one failed.”
President Trump warned Republicans that he would not support the more “moderate” proposal a few weeks ago, alluding to its amnesty provision.
The president voiced support for the tougher Goodlatte bill with E-Verify to prevent employers from hiring illegal aliens, and would have given DACA recipients legal status, but not citizenship.
It is noteworthy that this is among the lowest vote totals for an amnesty bill in years, meaning that the president’s position is prevailing among House Republicans.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 2:03am
Police Arrest Man Who Threatened to Kill Rand Paul and Butcher Family, Senator Says.
7/2/18 by: Joe Setyon
Rand Paul thanks U.S. Capitol Police for arresting a man who allegedly made disturbing threats against the senator and his family.
U.S. Capitol Police have arrested a man who threatened to kill Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) and "chop up" his family with an axe, the senator said Monday.
In a Twitter post, Paul expressed his gratitude to the Capitol Police for detaining the man. "Thank you to the US Capitol Police for their arrest of the man who recently threatened to kill my family and me," the Kentucky Republican wrote:
According to the Louisville Courier Journal, the suspect made the disturbing threats over the phone, having called in to Paul's office in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
"Capitol Police have issued an arrest warrant for a man who threatened to kill me and chop up my family with an axe," Paul said earlier Monday at an event in Litchfield. "It's just horrendous that we have to deal with things like this."
Paul is no stranger to threats to his physical wellbeing. Last June, he was practicing with his Republican teammates for the Congressional Baseball Game at a field in Alexandria, Virginia, when a gunman opened fire. Paul was not hurt, though House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R–La.) sustained serious injuries.
November, Paul was assaulted by a neighbor who was angry that the senator was stacking yard debris near the boundary between their properties. Paul suffered several fractured ribs and the neighbor, Rene Boucher, was arrested by state police following the attack.
Rene Boucher later plead guilty to the federal charge of assaulting a member of Congress.
In addition to being sentenced to 30 days in jail, Boucher was slapped with a $10,000 fine. Federal prosecutors have since decided to appeal his sentence, arguing it isn't harsh enough.
Moreover, Paul has filed a civil lawsuit against Boucher, alleging "physical pain and mental suffering" and seeking punitive and compensatory damages.
Needless to say, Paul has dealt with a lot over the past year or so, and he said as much on Monday. "It's been a year where we're becoming more and more aware of these threats," he said.
In a civil suit, Paul's attorney claims the senator has been the victim of “physical pain and mental suffering."
Citing "physical pain and mental suffering," Paul is seeking punitive and compensatory damages from Rene Boucher, according to a civil complaint filed Friday in Kentucky's Warren County Circuit Court by Paul's attorney, Kyle Bumgarner.
It wasn't immediately clear exactly how much money Paul is asking for, but the senator does want Boucher to pay his medical and legal bills
In Friday's court filing, however, Bumgarner claimed Boucher has engaged in a "pattern of stalking and harassment" of Paul and his family. Without a court injunction keeping Boucher from contacting the senator and his family, Paul is worried this alleged pattern will continue.
The filing also had some harsh words for Boucher's motives, saying he acted in a way that was "unnecessarily cruel" and "malicious" and displayed "a total reckless disregard for [Paul's] rights, life and liberties."
Aside from the fractured ribs, Paul has dealt with pneumonia following the attack, according to the Bowling Green Daily News.
The civil complaint alleged that due to Boucher's attack, Paul has suffered "increased likelihood of, and susceptibility to, injury and disease." Moreover, the suit says, Paul "has been deprived of his enjoyment of life."

But Boucher's attorney, Matt Baker, does not believe Paul has a civil case.

"To the best of my knowledge, Sen. Paul has not suffered any loss of any income and doesn't appear that he will in the future," Baker told the Bowling Green Daily News. "It was established at the sentencing hearing that he does not have any out-of-pocket medical expenses in this case, and at some point after the incident he told Fox News in an on-camera interview that he has not taken any prescription pain medication, and so all that is to say we're going to defend this civil suit just like we would any other and see if we can get it resolved as efficiently as possible."
According to the suit, Paul is seeking a trial by jury.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 1:40am
Pennsylvania Officer Tases Suspect in the Back Because He Didn't Cross His Ankles Quickly Enough.
"Oh come on, bruh. You’re really going to tase him? He was sitting down. That's crazy. That's why I record everything."
7/29/18 BY: Zuri Davis
A Pennsylvania police officer tased a sitting suspect in the back, and video of the incident is going viral.
A Facebook video shows a man since identified as Sean Williams, 27, on a sidewalk as a Lancaster police officer, identified as Philip Bernot, gives him instructions to sit on the curb.
Bernot can be seen pointing his Electronic Control Device (ECD) towards Williams while he speaks. Bernot tells Williams to put his legs "straight out," which he does.
Bernot then tells Williams to cross his ankles. As Williams begins to pull his legs back, Bernot, who is standing behind the seated man, shoots his ECD into Williams' back.
"Oh come on, bruh. You're really going to tase him? He was sitting down," shouts the bystander who captured the incident on camera. "That's crazy. That's why I record everything."
Lancaster Mayor Danene responded to the incident after the video circulated. Sorace said in her own Facebook video that she was "upset" by the initial video.
She went on to say that the use of force was taken "very seriously" and announced an investigation was underway. Sorace also mentioned communication with civil rights groups and confirmed her support for a body camera initiative.
A report from the Lancaster police offers one explanation for the events leading up to the tasing.
Officer Mazzante responded to an initial call in the area about a disturbance.
The caller accused Williams of going after them on the street.
Mazzante came across a group, with a man fitting the caller's description and told Williams to sit down after he repeatedly told one of the females in the group that he wanted his Social Security card.
Mazzante repeated her instructions "several times" before Bernot took over.
The subsequent events were captured on video and posted online.
Emergency medical services followed protocol by performing a check on Williams.
Officers took him into custody after finding an outstanding warrant, which charges were listed as "Possession of a Controlled Substance (PCP) and Public Drunkenness." He was later released on a $5,000 bail.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 1:40am
Pennsylvania Officer Tases Suspect in the Back Because He Didn't Cross His Ankles Quickly Enough.
"Oh come on, bruh. You’re really going to tase him? He was sitting down. That's crazy. That's why I record everything."
7/29/18 BY: Zuri Davis
A Pennsylvania police officer tased a sitting suspect in the back, and video of the incident is going viral.
A Facebook video shows a man since identified as Sean Williams, 27, on a sidewalk as a Lancaster police officer, identified as Philip Bernot, gives him instructions to sit on the curb.
Bernot can be seen pointing his Electronic Control Device (ECD) towards Williams while he speaks. Bernot tells Williams to put his legs "straight out," which he does.
Bernot then tells Williams to cross his ankles. As Williams begins to pull his legs back, Bernot, who is standing behind the seated man, shoots his ECD into Williams' back.
"Oh come on, bruh. You're really going to tase him? He was sitting down," shouts the bystander who captured the incident on camera. "That's crazy. That's why I record everything."
Lancaster Mayor Danene responded to the incident after the video circulated. Sorace said in her own Facebook video that she was "upset" by the initial video.
She went on to say that the use of force was taken "very seriously" and announced an investigation was underway. Sorace also mentioned communication with civil rights groups and confirmed her support for a body camera initiative.
A report from the Lancaster police offers one explanation for the events leading up to the tasing.
Officer Mazzante responded to an initial call in the area about a disturbance.
The caller accused Williams of going after them on the street.
Mazzante came across a group, with a man fitting the caller's description and told Williams to sit down after he repeatedly told one of the females in the group that he wanted his Social Security card.
Mazzante repeated her instructions "several times" before Bernot took over.
The subsequent events were captured on video and posted online.
Emergency medical services followed protocol by performing a check on Williams.
Officers took him into custody after finding an outstanding warrant, which charges were listed as "Possession of a Controlled Substance (PCP) and Public Drunkenness." He was later released on a $5,000 bail.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 1:21am
Pantera Drummer Vinnie Paul is Dead.
Don't Forget His Role in Ending the Cold War.
7/2/18 Christian Britschgi
Pantera's 1991 Moscow show helped cement the demise of a dying empire.
It has been over a week since Pantera drummer and American metal heavyweight Vinnie Paul Abbott passed away, and the tributes are still pouring in.
At a Sunday public memorial for Abbott—who died in his sleep at age 54—friends, fans, and a long list of musicians that either influenced or were influenced by Abbott expressed sadness at his passing while sharing personal memories of his life.
My favorite memory of Abbott is the role he and Pantera played in ending the Cold War. -- In September 1991, Pantera—alongside fellow rock stars Metallica, AC/DC, and The Black Crowes—held a massive, free "Monsters of Rock" concert at a defunct airfield in Moscow, the heart of a rapidly crumbling Soviet Empire.
"It's a killer thing we are all here together, and music is the universal language," belted Pantera vocalist Phil Anselmo to roaring approval from a crowd numbering anywhere from 150,000 to 1.6 million.
All had turned up that day to hear angry, rebellious music of the kind that was prohibited in the USSR just a few years prior.
Images from the concert are glorious:
Pantera guitarist (and Abbott's brother) "Dimebag" Darrell headbanging along with a shirtless Anselmo; a teeming mass of fans experiencing the fringes of Western culture live and in person for the first time; groups of Soviet policemen impotently struggling to hold back the crowd.
It was a profound cultural moment. It also came at a pivotal time in the USSR's own history.
Just a month prior, a clique of diehard communist generals had tried to oust liberalizing Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev in a failed coup.
Two months after the show, Gorbachev announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union, ushering in not the freedom and democracy many had hoped for, but rather a lost decade of corrupt authoritarianism, political instability, and economic chaos.
A New York Times write-up of the show reports "scattered arrests" from the day as "police officers wearing helmets and wielding truncheons chased after troublemakers and drunken youth who appeared to be well-represented in the crowd."
"More than 1,000 militiamen were on guard around the stage, and more were hidden in trucks parked farther away," notes the Times.
Nevertheless, one can also see in Pantera's 1991 Moscow show the liberating power of culture on full display.
As Reason editors Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie argue in their 2011 book, The Declaration of Independents, the death knell for Soviet communism was not U.S. defense spending or its propping up of friendly third-world dictators.
Rather, it was the Eastern Bloc's irrepressible desire to join the free, prosperous world they saw on the TV show Dallas, or heard about on Velvet Underground records.
Music critic and writer Andrei Orlov made a similar point to the Times, noting that "Monsters of Rock" gave Soviet citizens a chance to openly express a long-repressed love for heavy metal.
"Look at the graffiti in the city," Orlov said. "AC/DC is written on every wall."
At a time when serious people wanted to spread freedom at gunpoint, Pantera and Abbott were liberating the youth with heavy riffs.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 3, 2018 at 1:06am
ICE Investigators Are Sick of Being Confused With Immigration Enforcement. 6/29/18 by: Zuri Davis
The enforcement of "zero tolerance" immigration policies by ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations is harming another part of the agency.
At least 19 agents working for an investigative division within Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are asking for separation from the agency.
In a letter first reported by The Texas Observer, agents from the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) division informed Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen that their association with ICE's immigration enforcement tactics has jeopardized their ability to conduct investigations unrelated to immigration.
The four-page letter explains that Homeland Security Investigations's mission and that of ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) are fundamentally different.
Homeland Security Investigations, referred to as the "U.S. Govt's 'Transnational Investigative' agency," specializes in drug trafficking, human trafficking, and trade fraud investigations. The division has played a major role, for instance, in prosecutions of dark web drug vendors operating in the United States.
The fact that HSI resides under the same bureaucratic umbrella as ERO has negatively affected the division's ability to investigate matters unrelated to immigration.
From their letter:
The disparate functions performed by ERO and HSI often cause confusion among the public, the press, other law enforcement agencies and lawmakers because the two missions are not well understood and are erroneously combined.
ERO's administrative actions have been mistaken for illegal investigations and warrantless searches.
HSl's investigations have been perceived as targeting undocumented aliens, instead of the transnational criminal organizations that facilitate cross border crimes impacting our communities and national security.
Furthermore, the perception of HSI's investigative independence is unnecessarily impacted by the political nature of ERO's civil immigration enforcement.
Many jurisdictions continue to refuse to work with HSI because of a perceived linkage to the politics of civil immigration.
Other jurisdictions agree to partner with HSI as long as the "ICE" name is excluded from any public facing information.
HSI is constantly expending resources to explain the organizational differences to state and local partners, as well as to Congressional staff, and even within our own department—DHS.

We've seen before how aggressive immigration enforcement can compromise other types of investigations. The East Valley Tribune, a newspaper based in Tempe, Arizona, published a five-part series documenting the ways former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's emphasis on immigration enforcement affected law enforcement resources. The paper explained that the overemphasis led to "slower response times on emergency calls, a dropping arrest rate and, for a time, excessive overtime costs." That series earned the Tribune a Pulitzer Prize in 2009. As the Pultizer committee noted, the report exposed "how a popular sheriff's focus on immigration enforcement endangered investigation of violent crimes and other aspects of public safety."



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