We are all worried about what the future fight for our Republic will bring. The thing I have learned the hard way in my over six decades of life is that a Political Party is like any other living thing. It will fight back when attacked and it will fight like a rat when cornered. the Fabian Socialist movement that I believe is behind all the crap of the last 170 years Developing and promoting the Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Liberal/Progressive iterations has been doing just that, for that long. Around 1840 Frederich Engels ( an extremely rich German Manufacturer) and Karl Marx ( A failed priest ) got together and produced the Communist Manifesto. Here is where the time line gets a little fuzzy.
Either the manifesto was developed concurrently with the Fabian Socialist ideology as the first offshoot or trial, or the reverse was happening. Regardless, they both came into existence within the same ERA. Looking at both the Fabian and Marxist slants to Socialism, you can clearly see where the Monied powers that were existant then, decided to create a system where they could be the elitists who controlled everything by government edict, that edict eliminated any competition, thus they were the only game in town. Socialism is the constructed lie that leads simple minded people to think of that form of Government, as benevolent towards the common man, and hostile towards the rich and powerful. A little Hint, it's Not!!!
The ERA that the Socialism concept was formed in had two things in common.
1.) The United States had shown the world that self rule by the people within a Capitalistic System, created more wealth and better living conditions for the common man, that at any other time in history.
2.) Monarchy Rule was being challenged, and was falling worldwide as mankind reached for Freedoms and Liberties like the USA had shown it possible to have.
If you compare the basics of the Monarchy and Socialism you will see more similarities than differences. I postulate that a group of Royals, since they were all interrelated, decided to repackage the Monarchy Rule model to fly under false colors of being the common mans redemption and future, while keeping the existing controls intact. Today the layers of deception and lies are slowly being peeled back showing socialism as unworkable as the Monarchy is. Unfortunately the Elitists who are hoping to bluff and control the World will fight back tooth and nail to retain their cover and power.
If we want to retain our Self Rule, Liberty, and Freedoms, we must stand up to and beat them at their own game. In the art of war by sun-tzu he wrote the best way to defeat the enemy is to use this basic tactic among others: Thoroughly know the enemy and also know yourself as well as the enemy. Fight their weaknesses and avoid their strengths. The Socialists have been using this tactic successfully since their beginning. We have to recognize it and use it against them. We can no longer afford to be fragmented in our fight against them or we will most definitely lose. At this juncture they have the temporary upper hand and political power. See how they have used and abused it so far by ignoring our wishes? It is imperative to regain that political power and realize that it will only be ours temporarily too.
Who will step forward and reach out to other Like minded groups to start a loose confederation to organize against the Socialist Agenda and all the Socialist Enemies? I have reached out to three organizations and I am having some success in getting the members to see they have more in common than in differences. We all need to do this NOW while there is still time to get as many people focused on taking every Political Seat and filling it with a true Conservative.
If we are able to put the Conservatives in power from the smallest Local election on up to the Highest office in the Land, we can break the political back of the Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Progressive/Liberal movement this cycle. Don't be confused by the list of names, they are all one in the same movement but they emulate the Hydra of Greek Mythology with the many heads but it could be destroyed by cutting it's Central head off. Knowlege will allow us to do that with the Socialists.
We must be ready to meet the Political Enemy with the same force that they throw against us. we must be able to dispel their lies about us. We must be able to Debunk the Lies of the Political Correctness Movement and make the average American realize that Political Correctness is an attack against our Freedoms and is directed at destroying our way of life along with Capitalism and the Constitution. It is the Perfect Storm directed against everything we hold Honorable and true.
We Americans who still believe in the Honor and Integrity of the True American Ethics are the front line in our generation to meet and defeat the forces of Darkness that are allayed against us. If not us Who?? If not now when?? All I know for certain is if we don't meet this threat here and now we will Fail, and a Darkness will settle over the land for Generations. The future generations of our posterity demand it of us. Don't be afraid to rise up and confront our elected Representatives, they are not yet our Masters, they are just our Hired hands, and it's damn well time we treated them as such.
So, get your boots on the ground running and hope we catch up with what the Democratic socialists have already accomplished for this Election cycle in organization to win.
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