We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The government wants to spy on its citizens - let's give them something to do!

The government likes to search the computers of Conservatives and crack their online accounts to read private messages. Ning has been accused, and many believe, of being complicit in reading members' PMs.

the 2010 list and fun idea's:


2010 List Of Carnivore Computer
And Eschelon Computer Keywords

The Carnivore system is apparently designed to detect any discussion via
the internet which includes certain combinations of "suspicious" words
and phrases. To stay safely "below the radar" you should never mention
anything about certain people such as Viet Dinh, Ralph Merkle, Whitfield
Diffie, Peter Calvocoressi, Joseph Kony, Jack Cashill, Geert Wilders,
Ira Magaziner, Henry Cisneros, Khalid bin Mahfouz, Buell Frazier, Alan
G. Whicher, Hillary Rodham, Tenchi Seikyo, Jayna Davis, Terrance Yeakey,
Buddy Youngblood, Richard Lee Guthrie, Jesse Trentadue, Cary Gagan,
Andreas Strassmeir, Gary D. Hunt, Mike Loudenslager, Tiffany Bible,
Arlene Blanchard, John Doe #2, Ruth and Michael Paine, George De
Mohrenschildt, Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Laurent Kabila, Idi Amin,
Soetoro Mangunharjo, Che Guevara, Aafia Siddiqui, Prisoner 650, Horst
Feistel, Angelo Mozilo, Maria Hsia, Jamie Gorelick, Erich Scherfen and
Rubeena Tareen, Albert Arnold Gore Junior, Anthony Marceca, Ausaf Umar
Siddiqui, Vernon Wayne Howell, Vincent Foster, Walter Krivitsky, Patrick
Matrisciana, Patrick Knowlton, Cliff Baxter, Rush Limbaugh, Maggie
Williams, Patsy Thomasson, Katrina Leung, William B. Black, Jr., Lt.
Gen. James R. Clapper, Jr., USAF, Janet Reno, Oliver North, Carlos
Ghigliotti, Jeff Christie, Wayne LaPierre, Diane Klieman, Sibel Edmonds,
Geoff Shields, David Rupert, Juanita Broaddrick, Jim Guy Tucker, David
Hale, Bruce Lindsey, Charles Wibourne Miller, Carolyn Huber, Billy Dale,
Texe Marrs, Margie Gray, Matt Drudge, Gary Aldrich, Conway LeBleu,
Craig Livingstone, Katherine Prudhomme, Eric Butera, Scott Reynolds, Jim
McDougal, Harold Ickes, Sidney Blumenthal, Daniel A. Dutko, James
Bunch, James Milam, James Sabow, James Carville, Niko
Jerkuic, Sandy Hume, Stanley Huggins, Terrance Yeakey, Ho Chi Minh, Tim
Sabel, Todd McKechan, William Barkley, William Densberger, Webster
Hubbell, George Orwell, Kurt Westergaard, Dolly Kyle Browning, Trish
Trupo, Gennifer Flowers, Bobbie Ann Williams, Betty Currie, Aaron
Tonken, Buzz Patterson, Kathleen Willey, Patricia and Glenn Mendoza,
Carolyn Moffet, Eileen Wellstone, Sandra Allen James, Christy Zercher,
Ingmar Guandique, Sally Perdue, Sharlene Wilson, Linda Tripp, Paula
Jones, Bernard Schwartz, Monica Lewinsky, Hiram Edson, Eli Seigel,
Madalyn Murray-O'Hair, Joseph W. Tkach, Chizuo Matsumoto, Benjamin
Roden, Sun Myung Moon, Albert Pike, Bonnie Lou Nettles, Teri Hoffman,
Adam Weishaupt, Franz Anton Mesmer, Ellen G. White, Robert Garza, Hatem
El-Hady, William Foster Garrett, Florence Martin, Mochtar Riady, Larry
Silverstein, Dr. Chaim Yoran, Christopher Ruddy, Michael Isikoff,
Kenneth Michael Trentadue, Zoh Hieronimus, Alonzo Cantu, Chien Chuen
"Johnny" Chung, Irene Wu, James Riady, John Huang, Charlie Trie, Sister
Frigidaire, Owney Madden, Abderraouf Jdey a/k/a Abd Al-Rauf Bin
Al-Habib Bin Yousef Al-Jiddi, Abderraouf Dey, A. Raouf Jdey, Abdal Ra'Of
Bin Muhammed Bin Yousef Al-Jadi, Farouq Al-Tunisi, Abderraouf Ben Habib
Jeday, or Farouk the Tunisian, Kathy Ferguson, Barbara Wise, Jerry
Luther Parks, Stokely Standiford Churchill Carmichael a/k/a Kwame Ture,
Hassan Nemazee, Mohammed Mansour Jabarah, Wade Rathke, Vince Weiguang
Li, Mohamed ibn Abdallah, who has pseudonyms too numerous to mention,
Alan Quasha, Wang Tianyi, William Colby, Ron Brown, Anthony Pellicano,
Victor Raiser II, Montgomery Raiser, Paul Tulley, Raymond "Shrimpboy"
Chow, Ed Willey, Hershell Friday, Carol Howe, Charles Meisner, Gandy
Baugh, Bob Bittman, Yung Yuen "Norman" Hsu, Dr. Ronald Rogers, Admiral
Charles Larson, Neil Moody, Paula Grober, Stanley Heard, Sant S.
Chatwal, Wade Rathke, Gary Delgado, George
Wiley, Steve Dickson, Jim Wilhite, Elian Gonzalez, Thomas Tamm, Zdenka
Gast, Jiang Zemin, Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, Karen Kwiatkowski, Lon
Horiuchi, Vicki Weaver, Jack Ruby, Malcolm X, Ann-Marie Doreen Murphy,
James Earl Ray, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., Kenneth
Gladney, Emory Allen Evans, Aaron David Goodrich, Carl Derek Havord
Cooper, Niko Jerkuic, Charles Ruff, Franjo Tudhman, and his son,
Miroslav Tudjman, Imad Fayez Mughniyah, Bill Shelton, Danny Casolaro,
Charles Meissner, Barry Seal, Hitler Hundzi, Calvin Walraven, Keith
McKaskle, Alan Standorf, Jon Parnell Walker, Chandra Levy, Ingmar
Guandique, Nicholas Van Hoogstraten, Jordan Kettleson, Kevin Ives, Don
Henry, Keith Coney, Admiral Jeremy "Mike" Boorda, Johnny Lawhorn Jr.,
Ron Miller, James Milan, Boonie Bearden, Richard Winters, Robert Bates,
Keith McMaskle, Gregory Collins, Jeff Rhodes, Suzanne Coleman, Elmer
"Geronimo" Pratt, Allah, Dawud Walid, Calogero Minacore a/k/a
Carlos Marcello, Ayatollah Mohammed Abdullah Al-Whatever, Yunis
Al-Astal, Stephen Donald Black, Erich Gliebe, Artur Ryno, Pavel
Skachevsky, Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim, Abdullah Qadri Al
Ahdal, Safwat Hijazi, Amir Siddique, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Emad Salem,
Abdul Ali Musa a/k/a Clarence Reams, Samir Al Quntar, Nasr Javed, Abu
Zubaydah, William Safuri, Sami AlArian, Mujeeb Cheema, Grover Norquist,
Asad Siddiqy, Mohammed Chafti, Abdul Rahman Yasin, Gary Johnson,
Terrance Yeakey, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Pauline Kanchanalak, Kenneth J.
Porter, Ezra Levant, Janie Ward, Ming Chen, Antonio Pan, Aug Setiawan,
Ted Sioeng, Dewi Tirto, Subandi Tanuwidjaja, Patsy and Allen Wooten,
Linda D. Medlar, Barbara Alice Wise, Paul Wilcher, W. Curry Holden,
George A. Wilcox, Dan Dwyer, William "Mack" Brazel, William D. Proctor,
John McBoyle, Frank Joyce, Lydia Sleppy, Nazamuddin Mohammidy, Glenn
Dennis, Floyd and Loretta Proctor, Dr. Jesse Johnson, William Blanchard,
Jesse A. Marcel, Norma Gardner, General Clemence McMullen, Brig. Gen.
Thomas Jefferson Dubose, Captain Oliver Henderson, Timothy McVeigh,
Robert L. Vesco, Otis B. Moss III, Dr. Khalid al Mansour, Dorothy
Tillman, Alice Palmer, Martin Klonsky, Joelle Fishman, Zephyr Teachout,
Barack Hussein Obama a/k/a Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barry Dunham, Ruth
Nidesand, Sohale Siddiqi, Jennifer Mason, Jeremiah Wright, Aunt Zeituni,
Janice Okubo, George Hussein Onyango Obama, Bishop Ron McRae, Reverend
Kweli Shuhubia, Cynthia K. Miller, Carlos Vignali, David Miscavige,
Valerie Jarrett, Dr. Khalid A-Mansour, Jacob Carruthers, Lachlan
Cranswick, Asa Hilliard, Ingrid Mattson, Maulana Karenga a/k/a Ronald
McKinley Everett, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, Nikolai Yezhov, Vasili Blokhin,
Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven, Ann Burford, Boris Yeltsin, David
Rockefeller, Prescott Bush, Ralph Nader, Salvador Allende, Vickie
Weaver, Tony Poe, Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour a/k/a/ Donald
Warden, O'jahnae Smith, Warren S. Jeffs, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Vinod
Gupta, Norma McCorvey, Daniel J. Hill, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, Jozef
Retinger, Étienne Davignon, George Koval, Antonio Gramsci, Palmiro
Togliatti, Adolph Hitler, Willi Munzenberg, Mehmet Ali Hagca, Bartle
Bull, Russell E. Peachey, Ellen Rometsch, David Sanchez Morales, George
Hunter White, Frank Olson, Mehmet Ali Agca, Krister Evertson, George
Norris, Lee Harvey Oswald; and especially terrorists or accused
terrorists, or terrorist wannabes, such as the aforementioned Usama Bin
Laden (also known as Osama bin Laden, Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin,
Shaykh Usama Bin Ladin, The Prince, The Emir, Abu Abdallah, Mujahid
Shaykh, Hajj, or just The Director), Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Abu Qatada,
Abdul Qadeer Khan, Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser, Adam Yahiye
Gadahn, Abdel Rahman, Armaldo Forlani, Mousa Abu Marzook, Abdullah Ahmed
Abdullah, Zacarias Moussaoui, Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah,
Ali Atwa, Anas Al-Liby, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, Hasan Izz-Al-Din, Abdul
Nacer Benbrika, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali
Al-Badawi, Jaber A. Elbaneh, Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali, Fazul Abdullah
Mohammed, Imad Fayez Mugniyah, Salim Hamdan, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, Imam
Samudra, Ali Ghufron, Amrozi Ghufron, Ali Saleh Mohamed Kahlah al-Marri,
Mohammed Taheri-Azar, Ahmed Ressam, Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil, Sheikh
Ahmed Salim Swedan, Abdul Nacer Benbrika, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, Daniel
Andreas San Diego, Husayn Muhammed al-Umari, Sayyid Qutb, Nidal Malik
Hasan, Faisal Shahzad, Ahmed Hashim Abed, Abdul Farouk Abdul-Mutallab
a/k/a Umar Farouk Abdul Mudallad, Mohammed Jamil Asha, Bilal Abdullah,
Abu Qatada, Abd Al Aziz Awda, Jamal al-Badawi, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri,
Tawfiq bin Attash, Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, Sheikh Hassan
Nasrallah, Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah, Mohammed Ali Hamadei,
Mohammed Amawi, Marwan El-Hindi, Wassim Mazloum, Abdul
Rahman Yasin, Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam, Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Mughassil,
Abu Nidal, Khaled Masri, Muhammad Atef, Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie,
Saif Al-Adel, Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub, Isnilon Totoni Hapilon,
and the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was born Ahmed Fadel Nazal

and you should stay away from any discussion of things such as money laundering, the vast right-wing conspiracy, the Second
Amendment, or for that matter the First Amendment, rendition flights,
the right to keep and bear arms, cryptanalysis, key escrow, invasion of
privacy, the Cloward-Piven strategy, world government, improper
acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, sexual
abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of
documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents,
fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House
employees; or obscure places like Ruby Ridge, Orofino, Kogello,
Nanaimo, Muzaffarabad, Bretton Woods, the Lenexa caves, Kecksburg,
Warrenton Training Center, Room 2A0120, Swift Luck Greens, Fort Marcy
Park, Area 51, Ft. Meade, Los Alamos, Sanco Airfield, Black Lake Golf
Club, the basement of the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs WV,
Anniston Army Depot, Finland PA, Finksburg MD, Montauk Air Force
Station, The Abraham Lincoln School, Glynco GA, Diego Garcia, Artesia
NM, Yakima, Station F83, Mapsco 25J, Sea Girt NJ, Tanguisson Point, 1825
K Street, 1024 Elysian Fields, Watchfield, Irton Moor, Herzliyya,
Cheltenham, Shu Lin Kuo, Morwenstow, Waihopai, Illyuwn, Rocky Flats,
Menwith Hill, Kwajalein, Cayman Islands, Pripyat, Ingushetia,
Leistikowstrasse, Al Madinah, Cilipi, Dubrovnik, Kolocep, Elohim City,
Camp Hero, Pine Gap, Oklahoma City, White Sands NM, Hillsboro KS,
Kecksburg PA, Sugar Grove, Geraldton, Denton, Mena airstrip, the
Bhuddist Temple, Waco, Bletchley Park, Mount Weather Special Facility,
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, Bluemont VA, Raven
Rock PA, Nellis Air Force Base, Yucca Mountain; or anything about
organizations such as the CIA, NSA, GHCQ, Netline, Wackenhut, the
Hutaree militia, Defense Information Systems Agency, Central Security
Service, Defense Security Service, Government Emergency
Telecommunications Service, Diplomatic Telecommunications Service,
Defense Security Cooperation Agency, U.S. Peace Council, Jamaat-ud-Dawa,
Lashkar-e-Taiba, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Missile Defense
Agency, Ikhwan, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Weatherman
Underground, Young Communist League, Fruit of Islam, Searchlight
Leadership Fund, National Applications Office, Joint Special Operations
Command, Pentagon Force Protection Agency, National Reconnaisance
Office, the Bilderberg Group, National Imagery and Mapping Agency,
Secret Service, Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, Wo Hop To, Aum
Shinri Kyo, Western
Journalism Center, Privacy International, Center for Defense
Information, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Western
Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations, the Arkansas
Development Financial Authority, Loral Corporation, Arkansas state
pension fund, Citizen's Committee to Aid Packing House Workers, the
Alternate National Military Command Center, Citizens Consulting Inc.,
ACORN, Ejercito Popular Revolucionario, Pacific Seafood Company, Missile
and Space Intelligence Center, Dynamic Energy Resources, Federalnaia
Sluzhba Besopasnosti, Zapata Petroleum, Carret Asset Management, Harken
Energy, Castle Grande Estates, Skull and Bones, the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court, Tyson Foods, Palavi Foundation, Safa Foods, Bay
Harbour Management, Robert Taylor Homes, EPIC, CPSR, Branch Davidians,
2600 Magazine, the Drudge Report, RSA, RCMP, Judicial Watch; and
especially dangerous words and phrases like INFOSEC (or InfoSec), Radio
Aspidistra, Project Azorian, PGP, PEM, RIPEM, Glock, K&R, Uzi,
Ingram Mac-10, Rijndael, CONUS, UFO crash, ARPA, above top secret,
Project Megiddo, ballistic media, Chicago Posse,
eject-specimen-from-the-hive, Lithium Niobate, Project Minaret, Al
Qaida, PASport network, Defense Information Systems Network, Nationality
Act of 1940 Section 317(b), electronic surveillance, Enemy of the, Fax
encryption, Homeland Security, Civil Action No. 08-cv-04083, Amtrak,
HEMP shielding, Z-Division, Misty, Agile Provider, Information Security,
Information Warfare, International Order of, lead azide, Nine-Eleven,
Political action, Shopkeeper's Notebook, AFOSI/PJ, US Space Command
Regulation 55-20, muezzin, security forces, shaped charges, silver
nitrite, Security Awareness Division, sodium morphate, bird dog,
Liberation Front, polonium-210, strychnine, arsensic, cyanide, dynamite,
nitroglycerin, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, Military-industrial
complex, gold bullion,
Satellite phones, Crypto AG, Corona keyhole, Trilateral Commission,
Server in the Sky, Anthrax vaccine, USA Patriot Act, PENTBOMB, Chechnya,
explosives mitigation, Koo-jee-cha-goo-lee-ya, Computer Online Forensic
Evidence Extractor, Cipro, USS Cole, Guantanamo Bay, Brown Note,
taqqiya, Falun Gong, Ikhwan, Ehime Maru, APCO Project 25, TETRA, Segment
Q4, Segment G2, the Excluded Parties List System, true believers,
Alternate Joint Communications Center, AJCC, Site R, Splash jamming,
Kosovo, nffnffvangvba, American 587, Paducah Gasseous Diffusion Plant,
Subterrene, dry cleaning, HI-MEMS, the Windigo phenomenon, 1LL3G4L,
direct action, sabotage, smuggle, noah spaceship ararat, Artichoke,
domestic disruption, Contras, cordite, covert, data havens, defensive
elements, detcord, detection, detonators, Digicash, class struggle,
Flashbangs, FOUO, industrial intelligence, interception, WTC7,
motorcade, Law Enforcement Access Field, Physical Security Division,
psyops, shaped, silencer, stakeout, subversive, teflon, the Lawndale
Restoration project, national security, DOE facilities, 608 to 614 MHz,
the Telecommunications Priority System, posse comitatus, Space Shuttle,
Special Forces, Conelrad, dictionary attack, Unmanned Combat Aerial
Vehicles, permissive action links, Jihadis, birthday attack, Gamma
Guppy, National Warning System, heavily sanitized, redacted, Threatcon
Charlie, C4ISR facilities, Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility,
seismography, camouflage, RAF Fylingdales, High Probability of
Completion, G-3 conditioning, Communications Security Establishment,
CSE, Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio System, C/TAR, Worldwide Secure
Voice Conferencing System, CFSRS, SRS, Canadian Forces Information
Operations Group, CFIOG, Puzzle Palace, USS Liberty, Indigo Sky,
TRSSCOMM, Decision Information Distribution System, special security
classification, Telephone Booth, Autovon, the Defense Switched
Network, triethyl borane, RFNA, Precison Emitter Location, Joint
Tactical Radio System, brute force attack, Moonpenny, Silkworth,
Voicecast, chosen plaintext, SCIF, codebook, one time pad, absolute
secrecy, white noise, Al-taqiyya, retina scans, passports, credit card
purchases, car rentals, prescriptions, Force Protection Condition
Bravo+, banking transactions, MI6, KKN50, KKN39, WGU20, X-43A, Polecat,
X-45 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle, Sigint, Tempest, COBEOWEHHO,
commerce, marriage, ninth month of pregnancy, High Altitude
Exoatmospheric Nuclear Survivability, picking up a package in Malaysia,
Project Cable Splicer, Project Garden Plot, inheritance powder, Combat
Ciders, NEACAP, Looking Glass, Echelon, Skipjack, snefru, Clipper, soft target, hard target,
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, Rapid Reaction, Corporate Security,
Recon, domestic disruption, 9mm, Semtex, Dictionary, duress, psyops,
wipeout, N975B, 9192631770, 6834682612, 1420405751.689, Plectron tones,
H.R.645, The
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Capstone, VAAPCON, duress,
RAID, TELINT, Magic Lantern, CIPAV, Awarehouse, BLU-97, boobytraps,
Bunker, chameleon, creditcard, Croatian, Dynamo, fuses, Galil, key rotation,
NYS-CSCIC, skimming, PIN capture, CALEA, dumpster diving, peapod, Mole,
Keyhole, white noise, incendiaries, krkosska, nitrostarch, Parker-Hale,
motorcade, teflon, 2E781, botulism, BITNET, black-bag, squib, Blowfish,
Glock, Blackbird, TEMPEST, UKUSA, keystroke logging, Project P415, MD5,
IDEA, hacking, blackjack, boobytraps, CISSP, Clandestine,
eternityserver, Flintlock, Hitwords, humint, keebler, Kwajalein, KG-84,
password, Fortezza cards, plutonium, PGP 2.6.2., rail gun, nurndation,
Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, lockpicking, Mantis, OC-12, sniper,
Toffler, unclassified, WHCA, 042[hyphen]68[hyphen]4425, Advanced
Concepts Initiative, Counter Surveillance and Reconnaissance System,
Prowler, manifesto, murder, UN Army, HAARP, GWEN, NIMA, black
projects, COCOT, wire transfer, xinao, SODI BEYOTER, plutonium, PGP,
DES-EDE3, BATF, Bentonite, cyclonite, chloroform, snipers, enigma,
Special Access Programs, denial of service, urban exploration, National
Information Infrastructure, Alt-255, 1633 Hz, K9QVL, N6NHG, KC5ZTB, Area
Code 710, Channel 37, 1783.74 MHz, Polo Step, Seven Seekers, West Wing,
Project Suter, Big Safari, Grill Flame, Thirsty Saber, Zodiac
Beauchamp, Able Danger, Aristocracy Reborn, Conplan 8022, Copper Green,
Footprint, Titrant Ranger, Gray Fox, Credible Wolf, Vigilant Eagle,
Ragtime, Talent Keyhole, Cobra Bite, College Girls, Black Light, Project
643, Project 9000, Project 44637, Baphomet, Walpurgisnacht, Eckankar,
Project 50348, Project 53527, Thermal Vicar, Constant Pisces, Trojan
Footprint, Indigo Response, Wheelhouse, Yankee White, NIST 800-53,
CAPTCHA, Poor Debtor, Retract Heather, e-cash, Digicash, Pyrodex, ANFO,
spook, nitrate, 1569.54 Hz tuning fork, DCS1000, Triple DES,
Loki, Lucifer, MD5, FBI agents, covert, crypto, l0pht, 2600 meeting,
warez, TWA 800, felony convictions, the center fuel tank, diamond-cut
shredder, KAL24, WAR30, WGY906, REX 84, merchandise, product, delivery, wedding, wedding gift, Red neck, etc.

Only an anti-capitalist troublemaker would go on and on about about the biggest
defense contractors, such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman,
McDonnell Douglas, General Dynamics, Litton, Raytheon, Halliburton,
United Technologies, General Motors, BAE Systems, Brown and Root, United
Technologies, Sikorsky Aircraft, L-3 Communications, Humana,
Occupational Health Services, Science Applications Intl, Triwest
Healthcare Alliance, ITT Industries, General Electric, Honeywell,
Bechtel Group, Fedex, Exxon Mobil, Textron, Oshkosh Truck, Rockwell
Collins, Johnson Controls, Electronic Data Systems, Texas Instruments,
United Parcel Service, and IBM.

Given the political climate in which we live today, your email correspondence had better not include
any mention
of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, such as Abu Nidal
Organization, ANO, Abu Sayyaf Group, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Ansar
al-Islam, Armed Islamic Group, GIA, Asbat al-Ansar, Aum Shinrikyo,
Basque Fatherland and Liberty, ETA, Communist Party of the
Philippines/New People's Army, CPP/NPA, Continuity Irish Republican
Army, Gama'a al-Islamiyya, HAMAS, The Islamic Resistance Movement,
Harakat ul-Mujahidin, HUM, Hizballah, Party of God, Islamic Movement of
Uzbekistan, IMU, Jaish-e-Mohammed, JEM, Army of Mohammed, Jama'at
al-Tawhid wa'al-Jihad, Jemaah Islamiya organization, JI, al-Jihad,
Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Kahane Chai, Kach, Kongra-Gel, KGK, Kurdistan
Workers' Party, PKK, KADEK, Lashkar-e Tayyiba, LT, Army of the
Righteous, Lashkar i Jhangvi, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, LTTE,
Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, MEK, National Liberation Army, ELN,
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ, Palestine Liberation Front, PLF, Popular
Front for the Liberation
of Palestine, PFLP, PFLP-General Command, PFLP-GC, al-Qa'ida, Real IRA,
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, Revolutionary Nuclei,
ELA, Revolutionary Organization 17 November, Revolutionary People's
Liberation Army/Front, DHKP/C, Salafist Group for Call and Combat, GSPC,
Shining Path, Sendero Luminoso, SL, United Self-Defense Forces of
Colombia, AUC.

If you really want to stay out of trouble, don't send a lot of email which includes names that appear on the U.S. Customs
and Border Protection — Blocked, Denied, Entity and Debarred Persons
Lists, the Bureau of Industry and Security Denied Persons List, the
Office of Foreign Assets Control lists, especially the U.S. Treasury
Department's List of Specially Designated Nationals, the List of
Terrorists Blocked from United States (PDF, 244 pages), which is where I
first saw the name Mousa Mohamed Abu Marzook in print (even though he
has been mentioned on the news a few times), the list of 39
additional specially designated global terrorists, or The FBI's Most
Wanted Terrorists.

Maybe I'm just rambling, or maybe this paragraph means something to somebody. I'd ride the subway, but I
haven't enough change. The overweight charmer could slip poison into
anyone's tea. Spherical gifts are difficult to wrap. Ralph prepared
red snapper with fresh lemon sauce for dinner. A moth zig-zagged along
the path through Otto's garden. Eating spinach nightly increases
strength miraculously. The taxicab broke down and caused a traffic
jam. The vault is roughly lined with stone. A quart jar of oil mixed
with zinc oxide makes a very bright paint. The pelican will have
breakfast on Tuesday.

I've been reading a very interesting book by Dr. Philip H. Melanson which has a lot to say about a number of
distinctive names in U.S. history, including Sirhan Sirhan, Arthur
Bremer, Lynette Alice
Fromme, Charles M. Manson, Muharem Kerbegovic, John Schrank, the
Alphabet Bomber, Sandra Collins Good, John W. Hinckley, Sara Jane Moore,
Oliver Sepple, Edwin Gaudet, Samuel Byck, Charles Guiteau, Francisco
Martin Duran, Joseph Maggio, Marcelino Corniel, Frank Eugene Corder,
Forrest Sorrels, James P. Hosty, Griselio Torresola, and Oscar Collazo,
but there was no mention of Frank Lee Morris, John William Anglin,
Clarence Anglin, or Albert Anastasia.

A much more controversial book by William M. Arkin contains page after page of words and phrases
you should never use during an international phone call, unless you have
a reason to talk about Radiant Mercury and Moon Smoke. If you are
naturally curious, you might wonder what a Oxygen-Iodine Laser is good
for, or maybe a Tailored Aperture Ceramic Laser, or any of several other
terms in this list.

635688C0 looks like a random hexadecimal number, but it isn't. If you need genuinely
random numbers, use HotBits or one of these. Large quantities of truly
random numbers, when coupled with phony PGP headers, would really drive
the code-crackers up a wall.

No doubt the Carnivore system is kept busy by widespread discussion of drug terms, but huge lists of such
terms are available all over the internet, even from the White House
web site! You might have a perfectly legitimate reason to discuss such
technical terms as methamphetamines, paraphernalia, glutethimide,
dimethyltryptamine, strychnine, mescaline, MDMA, methcathinone, PCP,
Rohypnol, alpha-ethyltyptamine, amphetamine, amyl nitrite,
methcathinone, benzocaine, mannitol, benzocaine, Doriden, lidocaine,
crack pipe, ketamine, crystal methamphetamine, currency,
dimethyltryptamine, fentanyl, gamma hydroxy butyrate, hashish, heroin,
hypodermic needles, isobutyl nitrite, lysergic acid diethylamide,
marijuana, psilocybin, mescaline, methadone, methcathinone,
methlylphenidate, ritalin, opium, hashish, peyote, phencyclidine,
methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, phenylpropanolamine, psilocybin,
rohypnol, cannabis, Valium, Dronabinol or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Or you might have some perfectly valid reason to discuss such slang
terms as 4-MTA, Abe, Abe's cabe, abolic, Acapulco gold, Acapulco red,
Ace, acid, acid cube, acid freak, acid head, Adam, African black,
African bush, African woodbine, agonies, Ah-pen-yen, Aimies, air blast,
airhead, airplane, Alice B. Toklas, all lit up, all star, All-American
drug, Alpha-ET, ames, amidone, amoeba, amp, amp joint, amped-out,
amping, AMT, Angie, Angola, animal, animal tranq, animal tranquilizer,
antifreeze, Apache, apple jacks, aries, aroma of men, artillery, ashes,
Astro turf, atom bomb, Aunt Hazel, Aunt Mary, Aunt Nora, aunti, Aunti
Emma, aurora borealis, author, B-bombs, B-40, Babe, Baby, Baby bhang,
Baby habit, babysit, Baby T, backbreakers, back door,
backjack, back to back, backtrack, backup, backwards, bad bundle, bad
go, bad seed, bag, bag bride, bag man, bagging, bale, ball, balling,
balloon, ballot, bam, bambalacha, bambs, bang, bank bandit pills, bar,
barb, Barbies, barbs, barrels, Bart Simpson, base, baseball, base
crazies, base head, bash, Basuco, bathtub speed, batt, battery acid,
batu, bazooka, bazulco, Beam me up Scottie, beamer, beans, beast, beat
artist, beat vials, beautiful boulders, Bevis & Butthead, bebe,
bedbugs, beedies, beemers, behind the scale, beiging, belladonna, belt,
Belushi, belyando spruce, bender, bennie, bens, Benz, Benzedrine,
Bernice, Bernie, Bernie's flakes, Bernie's gold dust, bhang, big bag,
big bloke, big C, big 8, big D, big H, Big Harry, big flake, big man,
big O, big rush, Bill Blass, billie hoke, bikers coffee, bindle, bing,
bingers, bingo, bings, biphetamine, bird head, birdie powder, biscuit,
bite one's lips, biz, black, black acid, black and white, black
bart, black beauties, black birds, black bombers, black dust, black
ganga, black gold, black gungi, black gunion, black hash, black mo/black
moat, black mollies, black mote, black pearl, black pill, black rock,
black Russian, black star, black stuff, black sunshine, black tabs,
black tar, black whack, blacks, blanco, blanket, blanks, blast, blast a
joint, blast a roach, blast a stick, blasted, blizzard, block, block
busters, blonde, blotter, blotter acid, blotter cube, blow, blow a fix,
blow a shot, blow the vein, blow a stick, blow blue, blowcaine, blow
coke, blow one's roof, blow smoke, blowing smoke, blowout, blow up,
blows, blue, blue acid, blue angels, blue barrels, blue birds, blue boy,
blue bullets, blue caps, blue chairs, blue cheers, blue de hue, blue
devil, blue dolls, blue heaven, blue heavens, blud madman, blue
microdot, blue mist, blue moons, blue sage, blue sky blond, blue tips,
blue vials, blunt, Bo, bo-bo, boat, bobo, bobo bush, body
packer, body stuffer, Bogart a joint, bohd, bolasterone, Bolivian
marching powder, bolo, bolt, bomb, bomb squad, bomber, bombido, bombita,
bombs away, bone, bonecrusher, bones, bong, Bonita, boo, boom, boomers,
boost, boost and shoot, booster, boot, boot the gong, booted, boppers,
botray, bottles, boubou, boulder, Boulya, bouncing powder, boxed, boy,
Bozo, brain damage, brain ticklers, breakdowns, break night, brewery,
brick, brick gum, bridge up, Britton, broccoli, broker, bromo, brown,
brown bombers, brown crystal, brown dots, brown rhine, brown sugar,
brownies, browns, bubble gum, Buck, Bud, Buda, buffer, bugged, bull,
bullet, bullet bolt, bullia capital, bullion, bullyon, bumblebees,
bummer trip, bump, bundle, bunk, burese, burn one, burn the main line,
burned, burned out, burnese, burnie, burnout, Bush, businessman's lsd,
businessman's trip, businessman's special, busted, busters, busy bee,
butt naked, butter, butter flower, buttons, butu, buzz,
buzz bomb, C joint, C&M, C-dust, C-game, Caballo, Cabello, caca,
cactus, cactus buttons, cactus head, Cadillac, Cadillac express, cakes,
caine, California cornflakes, California sunshine, Cam trip, Cambodian
red, came, can, Canadian black, Canamo, Canappa, cancelled stick, candy,
Candy C, candy flipping, cannabinol, cannabis tea, cap, caps, cap up,
Capital H, caps, carburetor, Carga, Carmabis, Carne, Carnie, carpet
patrol, Carrie, Carrie Nation, cartucho, cartwheels, Casper the ghost,
cat, cat valium, catnip, caviar, cavite all star, Cecil, cest, chalk,
chalked up, chalking, Chandoo/chandu, channel, channel swimmer, Charas,
charge, charged up, Charley, Charlie, chase, chaser, chasing the dragon,
chasing the tiger, cheap basing, check, cheeba, cheeo, cheese,
chemical, chewies, chiba chiba, Chicago black, Chicago green, Chicken
powder, Chicken scratch, chicle, chief, chieva, China cat, China girl,
China town, China White, Chinese molasses, Chinese
red, Chinese tobacco, Chip, chipper, chipping, Chippy, Chira, Chiva,
chocolate, chocolate chips, chocolate ecstasy, Choe, Cholly, Chorals,
Christina, Christmas rolls, Christmas tree, chronic, chucks, churus,
chystal methadrine, Cid, cigarette paper, cigarrode cristal, Citrol,
clarity, clear up, clicker, cliffhanger, climax, climb, clips, clocking
paper, closet baser, cloud, cloud nine, cluck, co-pilot, coasting,
coasts to coasts, coca, cocaine blues, Cochornis, cocktail, Cocoa puff,
coconut, coco rocks, coco snow, cod, coffee, coke, coke bar, cola, cold
turkey, Coli, coliflor tostao, Colorado cocktail, Columbian, Columbo,
Columbus black, comeback, come home, conductor, connect, contact lens,
cook, cook down, cooker, cookies, coolie, cooler, cop, copping zones,
coral, coriander seeds, Corine, cork the air, Corrinne, cosa, cotics,
coties, cotton, cotton brothers, courage pills, course note, Cozmo's,
crack, crack attack, crack back, crack cooler, crack
kits, Cracker jacks, crackers, crack gallery, crack spot, crank,
cranking up, crankster, crap/crop, crash, crazy coke, Crazy Eddie, crazy
weed, credit card, crib, crimmie, crink, cripple, cris, crisscross,
criss-crossing, Cristina, Cristy, croak, cross tops, crossroads, crown
crap, crumbs, crunch & munch, cruz, crying weed, crypto, crystal,
crystal joint, crystal meth, cystal t, crystal tea, cube, cubes,
culican, cupcakes, cura, cushion, cut, cut-deck, cycline, cyclones,
dabble, dagga, dama blanca, dance fever, dawamesk, dead on arrival,
debs, decadence, deca-duabolin, deck, deeda, delatestryl, demo,
demolish, dep-testosterone, DET, Detroit pink, deuce, devil's dandruff,
devil's dick, devil's dust, devilsmoke, dew, dews, dex, dexedrine,
dexies, diablito, diambista, diamonds, dianabol, dice, diesel, diet
pills, dihydrolone, dimba, dime, dime bag, dime special, dime's worth,
ding, dinkie dow, dinosaurs, dip, dipper, dipping out, dirt, dirt grass,
dirty basing, dirty joints, disco biscuits, disease, ditch, ditch weed,
djamba, DMT, do a joint, do a line, do it jack, DOA, doctor, dog, dog
food, dogie, dollar, dolls, domes, domestic, domex, dominoes, don jem,
dona juana, dona juanita, doobee, doobie/dubbe/duby,
doogie/doojee/dugie, dooley, dope, dope fiend, dope smoke, dopium,
doradilla, dors and 4's, dots, doub, double breasted dealing, double
bubble, double cross, double dome, double rock, double trouble, double
up, double ups, double yoke, dove, dover's powder, downer, downie, draf
weed, drag weed, draw up, dream, dream gum, dream stick, dreamer,
dreams, dreck, drink, drivers, dropper, drowsy high, dry high, dub,
dube, duby, duct, 'due, duji, dummy dust, durabolin, durog, duros, dust,
dust joint, dust of angels, dusted parsley, dusting, dymethzine,
dynamite, dyno, dyno-pure, earth, easing powder, eastside player, easy
score, eating, ecstasy, egg, eight ball, eightball, eighth, el diablito,
diablo, electric Kool Aid, elephant, elephant tranquilizer, Elvis,
embalming fluid, emergency gun, emsel, endo, energizer, enoltestovis,
ephedrone, equipose, erth, esra, essence, estuffa, ET, Eve, explorers
club, eye opener, factory, fake STP, fall, fallbrook redhair, famous
dimes, fastin, fantasia, fat bags, fatty, feed bag, Felix the Cat, ferry
dust, fi-do-nie, fields, fiend, fifteen cents, fifty-one,
finajet/finaject, fine stuff, finger, finger lid, fir, fire, fire it up,
first line, fish scales, five cent bag, five C note, five dollar bag,
fives, fix, fizzies, flag, flake, flakes, flame cooking, flamethrowers,
flash, flat blues, flat chunks, flatliners, flea powder, florida snow,
flower, flower flipping, flower tops, fly Mexican airlines, flying,
following that cloud, foo foo stuff, foo-foo dust, foolish powder,
footballs, forget pill, forget me drug, 45 minute psychosis, forwards,
fraho/frajo, freebase, freeze, french blue, french fries, fresh,
friend, fries, frios, frisco special, frisco speedball, friskie powder,
fry, fry daddy, fu, fuel, fuete, fuma d'angola, G.B., GHB, g-rock,
g-shot, gaffel, gaffus, gage/gauge, gagers, gaggers, galloping horse,
gamot, gange, gangster, gangster pills, ganja, gank, garbage, garbage
heads, garbage rock, gash, gasper, gasper stick, gato, gauge butt, gee,
geek, geek joints, geeker, geeze, geezer, geezin a bit of dee gee,
Georgia home boy, George smack, get a gage up, get a gift, get down, get
high, get lifted, get off, get off houses, get the wind, get through,
getting roached, Ghana, ghost, ghost busting, gick monster,
gift-of-the-sun, giggle smoke, giggle weed, gimmick, gimmie, gin, girl,
girlfriend, giro houses, give wings, glacines, glad stuff, glading,
glass, glass gun, glo, gluey, go-fast, go into a sewer, go loco, go on a
sleigh ride, goblet of jam, God's flesh, God's medicine, God's drug,
gold, gold dust, gold star, golden, golden dragon, golden eagle,
golden girl, golden leaf, golf ball, golf balls, golpe, goma, gondola,
gong, gonj, goob, good and plenty, good butt, good giggles, good go,
good h, good lick, goodfellas, goody-goody, goof butt, goofball,
goofers, goofy's, goon, goon dust, gopher, goric, gorilla tab, gorilla
biscuits, gorilla pills, got it going on, graduate, gram, grape parfait,
grass, grass brownies, grasshopper, grata, gravel, gravy, grease, great
bear, great tobacco, green, green buds, green double domes, green
dragons, green frog, green goddess, green gold, green goods, green
leaves, green single domes, green tea, green wedge, greens/green stuff,
greenies, greeter, greta, grey shields, griefo, griefs, grievous bodily
harm, grifa, griff, griffa, griffo, grit, groceries, ground control,
guma, gunga, gungeon, gungun, gunja, gutter, gutter junkie, gyve, H
& C, H caps, hache, hail, haircut, hairy, half, half-a-C, half a
football field, half G, half load, half moon, half piece, half
track, hamburger helper, hand-to-hand, hand-to-hand man, hanhich,
hanyak, happy cigarette, happy dust, happy powder, happy sticks, happy
trails, hard candy, hard line, hard rock, hard stuff, hardware, Harry,
harsh, hats, has, have a dust, haven dust, Hawaiian, Hawaiian sunshine,
hawk, hay, hay butt, haze, hazel, HCP, head drugs, headlights, heart-on,
hearts, heaven and hell, heaven dust, heavenly blue, heeled, Helen,
hell dust, he-man, hemp, henpicking, Henry, Henry VIII, Herb, Herb and
Al, herba, herms, hero, hero of the underworld, heroina, herone, hessle,
highbeams, hikori, hikuli, Hinkley, hippie crack, hiropon, hit the hay,
hit the house, hit the main line, hit the needle, hit the pit, hitch up
the reindeers, hitter, hitting up, hocus, holding, hombre, hombrecitos,
homegrown, honey, honey blunts, honey oil, honeymoon, hong-yen, hooch,
hooked, hooter, hop/hops, hopped up, horn, horning, horse, horse heads,
horse tracks, horse tranquilizer, hot dope,
hot heroin, hot ice, hot load/hot shot, hot rolling, hot stick,
hotcakes, house fee, house piece, How do you like me now?, hows, HRN,
hubba, hubba pigeon, hubbas, huff, huffer, hulling, hunter, hustle,
hyatari, hydro, hype, hype stick, I am back, iboga, ice, ice cream
habit, ice cube, icing, idiot pills, ill, illies, illy momo, inbetweens,
Inca message, Indian boy, Indian hay, indica, Indian hemp, Indo,
Indonesian bud, instaga, instagu, instant zen, interplanetary mission,
isda, issues, jab/job, jack, jackpot, jack-up, jag, jam, jam cecil,
Jamaican gold, Jane, jay smoke, Jay, Jee gee, Jefferson airplane,
jellies, jelly, jelly baby, jelly bean, jelly beans, jet, jet fuel, Jim
Jones, jive, jive doo jee, jive stick, Johnson, joint, jojee, jolly
bean, jolly green, jolly pop, jolt, Jones, Jonesing, joy flakes, joy
juice, joy plant, joy pop, joy popping, joy powder, joy smoke, joy
stick, ju-ju, Juan Valdez, Juanita, juggle, juggler, jugs, juice, juice
juja, jum, jumbos, junk, junkie, junkie kits, K2, kabayo, kabuki,
kaksonjae, kali, Kansas grass, kangaroo, kaps, Karachi, Kate bush, kaya,
k-blast, kee, Kentucky blue, key, k-hole, khat, ki, Kibbles & Bits,
kick, kick stick, kiddie dope, kiff, killer, killer green bud, killer
joints, killer weed, kilo, kilter, kind, king bud, king ivory, King Kong
pills, king's habit, kissing, kit, KJ, Kleenex, klingons, kokomo,
koller joints, kools, kryptonite, krystal, krystal joint, kumba, KW,
L.A. glass, L.A. ice, lace, lady, lady caine, lady snow, lakbay diva,
lamborghini, las mujercitas, lason sa daga, late night, laugh and
scratch, laughing gas, laughing grass, laughing weed, lay back, lay-out,
leaky bolla, leaky leak, leaf, leapers, leaping, legal speed, lemon
714, lemon drop, lemonade, Lenos, lethal weapon, lettuce, lib , Librium,
lid, lid proppers, light stuff, lightning, Lima, lime acid, line,
Lipton Tea, liquid ecstasty, lit up, little bomb, little ones,
little smoke, live ones, llesca, load, loaded, loaf, lobo, locker room,
loco, locoweed, logor, loony toons, loused, love affair, love boat,
love drug, love pearls, love pills, love trip, love weed, lovelies,
lovely, LSD, lubage, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ludes, luding out,
luds, lunch money drugs, M&M, machinery, Macon, maconha, madman, mad
dog, magic, magic dust, magic mushroom, magic smoke, main line,
mainliner, make up, mama coca, Manhattan silver, marathons, mari,
marshmallow reds, Mary, Mary and Johnny, Mary Ann, Mary Jane, Mary
Jonas, Mary Warner, Mary Weaver, Maserati, matchbox, matsakow, maui
wauie, Max, maxibolin, mayo, MDMA, mean green, medusa, meg, megg,
meggie, mellow yellow, merchandise, Merck, merk, mesc, mescal, mese,
messorole, meth, meth head, meth monster, meth speed ball, methatriol,
methedrine, methlies quik, methyltestosterone, Mexican brown, Mexican
crack, Mexican green, Mexican horse, Mexican locoweed, Mexican mud,
Mexican mushroom, Mexican red, Mexican reds, Mexican valiums, mezc,
Mickey Finn, Mickey's, microdot, midnight oil, Mighty Quinn, Mighty Joe
Young, mighty mezz, mind detergent, mini beans, minibennie, mint leaf,
mint weed, mira, miss, Miss Emma, missile basing, mission, mist, mister
blue, mixed jive, modams, mohasky, mojo, monkey, monkey dust, monkey
tranquilizer, monoamine oxidase, monos, monte, mooca/moocah, moon, moon
gas, moonrock, mooster, moota/mutah, mooters, mootie, mootos, mor a
grifa, more, morf, morning shoot, morning wake-up, morotgara, morpho,
mortal combat, mosquitos, mota/moto, mother, mother's little helper,
mouth worker, movie star drug, mow the grass, mu, mud, muggie, muggles,
mujer, mule, murder one, murder 8, mushrooms, musk, muta, mutha, muzzle,
nail, nailed, nanoo, nebbies, nemmies, new acid, new addition, new
magic, New Jack Swing, Nexus, nice and easy, nickel bag, nickel deck,
nickel note, nickelonians, niebla, nigra, nimbies,
nineteen, nix, nod, noise, nontoucher, nose, nose candy, nose drops,
nose stuff, nose powder, nubs, nugget, nuggets, number, octane, ogoy,
oil, Old Steve, on a mission, on a trip, on ice, on the bricks, on the
nod, one and one, one box tissue, one on one house, one-fifty-one, one
plus one sales, one way, oolies, ope, optical illusions, orange barrels,
orange crystal, orange cubes, orange haze, orange micro, orange wedges,
oranges, outerlimits, owsley, owsley's acid, oyster stew, Oz, ozone,
PCP, PCPA, p-dope, p-funk, pack, pack a bowl, pack of rocks, pakalolo,
Pakistani black, Panama cut, Panama gold, Panama red, panatella, panckes
and syrup, pane, pangonadalot, panic, paper, paper acid, paper bag,
paper blunts, paper boy, parabolin, parachute, paradise, paradise white,
parlay, parsley, paste, pat, patico, paz, peace, peace pill, peace
tablets, peace weed, peaches, peanut, peanut butter, pearl, pearls,
pearly gates, pebbles, peddlar, pee wee, peep, peg,
pellets, pen yan, pep pills, pepsi habit, perfect high, perico, perlas,
perp, Peter Pan, peth, Peruvian, Peruvian flake, Peruvian lady, peyote,
phennies, phenos, pianoing, piece, piedras, pig killer, piles, pimp,
pimp your pipe, pin gon, pin yen, ping-in-wing, pingus, pink blotters,
pink hearts, pink ladies, Pink Panther, pink robots, pink wedge, pink
witches, pipe, pipero, pit, pixies, plant, pocket rocket, pod, poison,
point, poke, pole, pollutants, polvo, polvo blanco, polvo de angel,
polvo de estrellas, pony, poor man's pot, pop, poppers, poppy, pot,
potato, potato chips, potlikker, potten bush, powder, powder diamonds,
power puller, pox, predator, prescription, press, pretendica, pretendo,
primo, primobolan, primos, proviron, pseudocaine, Puff the dragon,
puffer, puffy, pulborn, pullers, pumping, pure, pure love, purple,
purple barrels, purple haze, purple hearts, purple flats, purple
ozoline, purple rain, push, push shorts, pusher, qat, quad,
quarter, quarter bag, quarter moon, quarter piece, quartz, quas, Queen
Ann's lace, quicksilver, quill, quinolone, racehorse charlie, ragweed,
railroad weed, rainbow, rainbows, rainy day woman, Rambo, rane, rangood,
rap, raspberry, rasta weed, raw, raw fusion, raw hide, rave, razed,
ready rock, recompress, recycle, red and blue, red bullets, red bud, red
caps, red cross, red chicken, red devil, red dirt, reds, red eagle, red
lips, red phosphorus, redneck cocaine, reefer, regular p, reindeer
dust, rest in peace, Reynolds, rhine, rhythm, rib, riding the wave, rig,
righteous bush, ringer, rip, rippers, roach, roach clip, roaches, road
dope, roapies, roasting, robutal, roca, rochas dos, roche, rock attack,
rock house, rock, rocks, rocket caps, rocket fuel, rockets, rockette,
rocks of hell, rock star, Rocky III, roid rage, roller, rollers,
rolling, roofies, rooster, root, rope, rophies, rophy, roples, Rosa,
Rose Marie, roses, rough stuff, rox, Roxanne,
row-shay, royal blues, roz, ruderalis, ruffies, ruffles, runners,
running, rush, rush snappers, russian sickles, sack, sacrament, sacre
mushroom, Sacred mushroom, salt, salt and pepper, Sam, sancocho, sandoz,
sandwich, Santa Marta, sasfras, Satan's secret, satch, satch cotton,
sativa, scaffle, scag, scat, scate, schmeck, schoolboy, schoolcraft,
scissors, scooby snacks, scoop, score, scorpion, Scott, Scottie, Scotty,
scramble, scrape and snort, scratch, scruples, scuffle, seccy, second
to none, seeds, seggy, sen, seni, serial speedballing, sernyl, Serpico
21, server, sess, set, sevenup, sewer, sezz, shabu, shake, sharps,
sheets, sheet rocking, sherm, Shermans, sherm sticks, sherms, shit,
shmeck/schmeek, shoot, shoot/shoot up, shoot the breeze, shooting
gallery, shot, shot down, shrooms, siddi, sightball, Silly Putty, Simple
Simon, sinse, sinsemilla, sixty-two, skee, skeegers, skeezers,
sketching, skid, skied, skin popping, skuffle, skunk, slab, slam,
slammin', slamming, slanging, sleeper, sleet, sleigh ride, slick
superspeed, slime, smack, smears, smoking, smoke, smoke a bowl, Smoke
Canada, smoke-out, smoking gun, snap, snappers, sniff, sniffer bags,
snop, snort, snorts, snot, snot balls, snow, snowball, snow bird,
snowcones, snow pallets, snow seals, snow soke, snow white, soap dope,
society high, soda, softballs, soles, soma, Somali, somatomax, sopers,
spaceball, space base, space cadet, space dust, space ship, spark it up,
Sparkle Plenty, sparklers, Special "K", special la coke, speed,
speedball, speed boat, speed freak, speed for lovers, spider blue,
spike, spivias, splash, spliff, splim, split, splivins, spoon, spores,
sporting, spray, sprung, square mackerel, square time Bob, squirrel,
stack, stacking, star, stardust, star-spangled powder, stash, stash
areas, stat, steerer, stem, stems, step on, stick, stink weed, stoned,
stones, stoppers, stove top, STP, straw, strawberries, strawberry,
Strawberry Quick, strawberry fields, strung out, stuff, stumbler,
sugar, sugar block, sugar cubes, sugar lumps, sugar weed, sunshine,
super, super acid, super C, super grass, super ice, super joint, super
kools, super weed, supergrass, Superman, surfer, sweet Jesus, sweet
Lucy, sweet stuff, sweets, swell up, swishers, synthetic cocaine,
synthetic THT, tabs, tail lights, taima, taking a cruise, Takkouri,
Tango & Cash, tar, tardust, taste, taxing, T-buzz, tea, tea party,
teardrops, Tecate, tecatos, teenage, teeth, tension, tex-mex, Texas pot,
Texas tea, Thai sticks, THC, the beast, the c, the devil, the witch,
Therobolin, thing, thirst monsters, thirteen, thoroughbred, thrust,
thrusters, thumb, tic, tic tac, ticket, tie, tin, tish, tissue, titch,
TNT, toilet water, toke, toke up, toncho, tooles, tools, toot, tooties,
Tootsie Roll, top gun, topi, tops, torch, torch cooking, torch up,
torpedo, toss up, totally spent, toucher, tout, toxy, toys, TR-6s,
track, tracks, tragic magic, trails, trank, tranq, trap, trays, travel
agent, trip, troop, trophobolene, truck drivers, tuie, turbo, turf,
turkey, turnabout, turned on, tutti-frutti, tweak mission, tweaker,
tweaking, tweek, tweeker, twenty, twenty-five, twist, twists, twistum,
two for nine, 2-for-1 sale, ultimate, uncle, Uncle Milty, unkie, up
against the stem, uppers, uppies, ups and downs, utopiates, Uzi, vega,
viper's weed, vodka acid, wac, wack, wacky weed, wake ups, wasted,
water, wave, wedding bells, wedge, weed, weed tea, weightless, west
coast, west coast turnarounds, wet, whack, wheat, when-shee, whicked,
whippets, white, white ball, white boy, white cloud, white cross, white
dust, white ghost, white girl, white-haired lady, white horizon, white
horse, white junk, white lady, white lightning, white mosquito, white
nurse, White Owsley's, white powder, white stuff, white sugar, white
tornado, whiteout, whites, whiz bang, whoop-de-do, wild cat,
window glass, window pane, wings, Winstrol, Winstrol V, witch, Witch
Hazel, wobble weed, wolf, wollie, wonder star, woolah, woolas, woolies,
wooly blunts, working, working half, works, worm, wrecking crew, X-ing,
XTC, Yahoo, yale, yeh, yellow, yellow bam, yellow bullets, yellow
dimples, yellow fever, yellow jackets, yellow submarine, yellow
sunshine, yen pop, Yen Shee Suey, yen sleep, Yerba, Yerba mala, yesca,
yesco, yeyo, yimyom, ying yang, Zacatecas purple, zambi, zen, zero, zig
zag man, zip, zol, zombie, zombie weed, zooie, zoom, zoomers, etc. On
the other hand, it is difficult to imagine a case in which every
imaginable drug term is included in one sentence, except on a page like

Of course, if you are interested in compiling your own huge list of drug slang terms, you could read these pages:
Slang drug terms
Drug Industry Document Archive
A Dictionary of Slang Drug Terms [PDF]
Several Lists of Drug Slang and Street Slang
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade [Huge list, PDF]
Drug Slang & Terminology Vault
Slang Drug Terms
Controlled Substances in Alphabetical Order
Drug slang in the Urban Dictionary
Drugs of Dependence Regulations [RTF] (Australia)
Appendix D Substances [PDF] (Australia)
Kentucky Scheduled Drug List 1 [RTF]

The General Assembly of North Carolina seems to have spent all day talking
about various depressants, such as Alprazolam, Barbital, Bromazepam,
Camazepam, Chloral betaine, Chloral hydrate, Chlordiazepoxide, Clobazam,
Clonazepam, Clorazepate, Clotiazepam, Cloxazolam, Delorazepam,
Diazepam, Estazolam, Ethchlorvynol, Ethinamate, Ethyl loflazepate,
Fludiazepam, Flunitrazepam, Flurazepam, Halazepam, Haloxazolam,
Ketazolam, Loprazolam, Lorazepam, Lormetazepam, Mebutamate, Medazepam,
Meprobamate, Methohexital, Methylphenobarbital (mephobarbital),
Midazolam, Nimetazepam, Nitrazepam, Nordiazepam, Oxazepam, Oxazolam,
Paraldehyde, Petrichloral, Phenobarbital, Pinazepam, Prazepam,
Quazepam, Temazepam, Tetrazepam, Triazolam, Zolpidem, and Zaleplon.

The South Dakota revised schedule of controlled substances essentially
duplicates the federal controlled substances list, and is then followed
by this pronouncement: "Whereas, this Act is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, an
emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full
force and effect from and after its passage and approval."

North Carolina has the same list, but without the declaration of an emergency.

If you really want to raise some eyebrows, start chattering about
capecitabine — a drug with some astonishing side effects.

You could have written this web page yourself, because there are numerous
places on the internet to find street names for Ecstasy, Amphetamine,
Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Depressants,
Designer Drugs, Opium, or Phencyclidine (PCP).

Street names for drugs (and slang terms in general) are sometimes rather amusing, in a
pathetic way. Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) is sometimes known as Circles,
Forget me drug, Forget pill, Forget-me pill, Getting roached, Using, La
Rocha, Lunch money drug, Mexican valium, Pingus, R-2, Reynolds, Rib,
Roach-2, Roaches, Roachies, Roapies, Robutal, Rochas dos, Roche,
Roofies, Rope, Rophies, Rophy, Ropies, Roples, Row-shay, Ruffies,
Ruffles, The five way, Wolfies, papas, peanuts, or pastas.
Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is sometimes known as Grievous bodily harm,
easy lay, Liquid Ecstasy, G, gib, Salty water, Scoop, Soap, liquid x, or
nitro. Ketamine hydrochloride is sometimes known as Special K, Kit
Kat, Vitamin K, K, Elephant Tranquilizer, super K, keets, super acid,
jet, or cat valiums. Amyl nitrite is sometimes known as Aimes, Aimies,
Ames, Amys, Boppers, Pearls, or Poppers.
Alpha-ethyltryptamine is often called Alpha-ET, ET, Love pearls, Love
pills, or Trip. Benzocaine is sometimes called Coco snow, Comeback,
Flat chunks, or Potato chips. Mescaline is also known as Beans,
Buttons, Cactus, Cactus buttons, Cactus head, Chief, Love flipping, Love
trip, Mesc, Mescal, Mese, Mezc, Moon, Peyote, Snackies, or Topi. Some
people refer to Isobutyl nitrite as Aroma of men, Bolt, Bullet, Climax
Crack, Hardware, Locker room, Poppers, Quicksilver, Rush, Rush Snappers,
Snappers, Thrust, or Whiteout. Methaqualone, which is known as 714s,
Karachi, Ludes, Sporos, is not to be confused with Methcathinone, which
some people know as Bathtub speed, Cadillac express, Cat, Crank,
Ephedrone, Gagers, Gaggers, Go-fast, Goob, Khat, Qat, Slick superspeed,
Sniff, Somali tea, Star, Stat, The C, Tweeker, Wild cat, or Wonder
star. Incidentally, Khat is a natural stimulant found in the leaves of
the Catha edulis plant, a
flowering evergreen native to East Africa. Khat was placed on the
Schedule I Federal Controlled Substance list in 1993. I've never heard
of Nexus, but apparently it goes by the name of 2CB, which is an
abbreviation of 2-(4-Bromo-2,5 diethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine, or by names
such as Banana split, BDMPEA, Bromo, MFT, Party pack, Spectrum, Toonies,
or Venus. While researching the material used on this page, I learned
that Clonazepam is similar in pharmacology to benzodiazepine and
diazepine. I also discovered that monkeys treated with Nabilone at
doses as high as 2mg/kg/day for a year experienced no significant
adverse events. Dogs given the same dosage weren't so fortunate. I'm
sure you know that nitrous oxide has been known for years as Laughing
Gas by dental patients everywhere, but it is also called Buzz bomb, NOX,
Shoot the breeze, or Whippets. Oxycodone is most commonly known as
OxyContin, but there are people
who refer to it as Blue, Cotton, Hillbilly heroin, OCs, Os, Ox,
Oxicotten, Oxy 80's, Oxycet, or just Pills. Ritalin (methylphenidate)
goes by the street names of Crackers, One and Ones, Poor man's heroin,
Ritz, Vitamin R, and West Coast. Peyote is also known as Bad seed,
Britton, Half moon, Hikori, Hikuli, Hyatari, Nubs, P, Seni, or Tops.
1,4-butanediol is sometimes known as BD, Weight Belt Cleaner, Serenity,
Thunder Nectar, or Revitalize Plus. Phencyclidine (PCP) is also known
as angel dust, ozone, wack, or rocket fuel.

More technical terms can be found by searching for words like methylenedioxymethamphetamine,
flunitrazepam, ketamine hydrochloride, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, Procaine,
Psilocybin, Scopolamine, estradiol, prochlorperazine, ergotamine
tartrate, nitroglycerin, buprenorphine, epinephrine, methyltestosterone,
triazolam, dronabinol, nabilone, and piroxicam.

Mention the name of a prominent marxist like George Soros, or other politician like Pelosi, Reid, Holder, etc. in the same message with a few of these words. Make nonsensical sentences, etc. The computer doesn't read sentences, just picks up the words....Government employees have to read the sentences to see if anything "is going on".

For example:
That movie was the bomb! The ending was explosive! We should go to Target and buy a Pelosi blow-up doll to give as a joke wedding gift. I need a new Playstation game, too - should I buy an RPG or shoot to kill game? Let's get the RPG one and cache it for protection from attack - my nephew is a real assassin with those toy guns of his. They look like automatic weapons. I'm surprised they deliver merchandise like that to kids.

When my grandkids get together with their plastic guns, assault rifles, and rockets they like to dress like a Ninja turtle team of assassins. They pretend to take each other hostage. You know that Reid makes my head want to explode - I'm going to lay down for a while and when my head hits the pillow it will be a soft target!

You get the idea - HAVE FUN WITH IT! They are required to investigate any mentions of prominent people with these words. It will tie up their personnel for days and days. It will break their budget for spying on Americans. If they want to read these words - let's give them some to read!

Being patriotic, and considering how this country need job stimulus, I'm just suggesting that words can help keep marxists employed.
Busily. For a long, long time. LOL

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Comment by Lady Liberty on June 17, 2010 at 8:27pm
BTW, this is fun at first to make silly sentences but this is not something to just do tonight and then go on......people need to commit to doing this on a regular basis - once a day or even once a week....If a large number of people would do this, it would really throw a monkey wrench in their works and their attempts to monitor us.....this should be a long-term action of, almost like civil disobedience. To show them we are American citizens with freedom of speech and will not quietly tolerate being spied upon by our government in private areas of our lives.




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