We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Posted on MSNBC-By Rep. Jim DeMint-On July 11, 2011:

“US Senator Jim DeMint gives his perspective on the rise of the Tea Party and the state of the nation in ‘The Great American Awakening.’ Here’s an excerpt.

Americans Join the Fight:

By April 15, Tax Day 2009, Americans were ready to fight back. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets across the country in what were called Tea Party protests. I was invited to speak at Tea Parties all across South Carolina. Thousands attended and audiences roared with approval when I was introduced as the senator who fought the bailout bill, the stimulus bill, and wasteful pork-barrel earmarks.

The isolation I felt in Washington disappeared as I realized millions of Americans were willing to stand and fight with me. They demanded Washington stop spending, stop borrowing, stop increasing the debt, and stop the government takeovers. They even demanded term limits for congressmen and senators! These freedom loving Americans were my real colleagues. They convinced me to keep fighting the Washington establishment, despite the pain and long odds of success.

On September 12, 2009, a national tea party was held in Washington. Numerous conservative organizations and grassroots groups came together for an event on the National Mall that came to be known as 9/12. Hundreds of thousands of Americans came to protest the healthcare bill and the expansion of the federal government. I was honored to be asked to speak at the event. Before speaking, I spent most of the day mingling among the crowd and talking to people from all over the country.

Many of the marchers encouraged me with comments like: “Thanks for fighting, we’re praying for you, and what can we do?” These people were not partisan ideologues; they were afraid for their country and seemed almost desperate to stop Washington from pushing it over a cliff.

The 9/12 rally convinced me there was something deeply spiritual about what was happening in the nation. Call it a revival of the American spirit or an awakening of the American conscious – whatever their motivation, it was far deeper than political ideology. One lady who rode on a bus all night from South Carolina simply said, “I’ve never done anything like this before, but I had to do something.”

Many in the crowd were clearly motivated by their faith, but they were not in Washington to ask the government to promote religion or morality. Their concern for our country’s future seemed to have awakened their faith and stirred a sense of patriotism, civic responsibility, and a call to action. They knew their rights and freedoms came from God, not government, and they believed an expansive, debt-ridden government would destroy freedom in America.

Despite this incredible show of support for conservative principles on our front porch, Republicans in the Senate continued business as usual. At our weekly Republican Policy lunch on the Tuesday after the historic 9/12 rally, there was not even a mention of what happened within a few feet of where we were sitting. At the end of the meeting, I stood up and said, “Friends, we have talked of the need for a ‘big tent’ Republican Party. Well, that ‘big tent’ came to Washington last weekend and invited us to join them. They want all the things we say we believe in: less government, less spending, less debt, and less taxes. They are not going to embrace us until we embrace them.” I looked around the room. Silence. No comment.

Trying to change the Senate is akin to paddling up Niagara Falls. I was discouraged and tired of beating my head against the marble walls in Washington. Debbie and I struggled for many months about the decision to run for re-election in 2010. I didn’t want to spend another six years in Washington with the same people I’d been with for the last six years. Many wonderful people serve in the Congress from both parties. But too few believe in constitutional, limited government. Even fewer have the courage to stand for the proven principles of freedom when they are faced with demands from those who want more from government.

I can honestly say I have fought with all my strength and put it all on the line. Today – Election Day – I will find out if Americans have answered the call. What has happened in America over the last two years has been truly stunning. From the conflicts and drama behind the scenes in Washington to the revolutionary awakening of the American people, the battle for America’s soul is a story every citizen should know. And it is the story I tell in this book.

This is my personal story and it is written from my vantage point as a U.S. Senator. It is not intended to suggest in any way I was a central figure in this great American awakening. Millions of Americans led this effort and no one person or group can take credit for the historic changes that occurred in the two years leading up to Election Day 2010.

Throughout the battle, I have sensed the power of prayer from thousands of Americans and it has profoundly changed me. What seemed impossible with human strength became a reality because of the hope, work, and prayers of the American people. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to have played a small role in the fight to save freedom.



Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide:

I. Five Reasons to be Optimistic About America’s Future!

Posted on Godfather Politics-By PENTANGELI-On July 8, 2011:

I am very optimistic about America’s, as well as the world’s, future. We are in a unique part of world history that has ideas and worldview clashing in such a way where there is no way to escape the onslaught of progressive paganism except to engage it head on. World War I and II brought this unique time into full view of, well, the world. Back then it was a literal war. It was so in-your-face that you couldn’t escape the reality of it. There was literally no where to hide from the destruction and if there was, there was no easy way to get there.

We live in a similar world today, but instead of massive physical wars (there are plenty of wars going on now, but not on the scale of the early 20th century) we are engaged in a war of ideas. The battle has been mainly waged in the classroom by Secular Humanism in an attempt to brainwash children into continuing the Secular cause. These so-called Secular trained Progressives have infiltrated all areas of our society and have changed our country from within with us being the willful recipients of their “change.” We were only willful because their changed happened so slowly we almost didn’t notice it. All of that is changing now. The disgusting fruit of this change has put a sour taste in our mouths and we now realize it is in no way nutritious and we want something better. I believe Americans are willing to fight these so called intellectuals at their own game and force them out of their closet of lies.

My optimism has encouraged me to come up with a short list for why we should be looking forward to our future and not depressed about it.

1.     There is nowhere to run. This is a good thing. We must take a stand and fight or become complacent and accept the inevitable. I believe America’s history shows we never stand down from a fight that threatens our very freedoms. The first settlers to America were able to flee Europe for a better life. We should be thankful they made that decision. Europe is a decaying mess. Europe suffered as a result of that exodus. Americans have nowhere to run that provides for more freedoms than we already have. The only thing to do now is to fix the problems here. The mother of invention is necessity. The mother of worthwhile change is nowhere to run. The reason for America’s success in wars up through WWII was that we had something to fight for. We have something to fight for today.

2.    Democrats and specifically Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. To win a fight you need a truly awful villain. You need a villain you just love to hate and we got that in Nancy P. and President Obama. The amount of lies and double-speak these two have engaged in over the past 4 years is almost unbelievable. The Democrats take advantage of the internet whenever possible to push their Socialist agenda but always forget about it when telling lies. These things always come back to haunt you. In this day and age the idea of your sins finding you out isn’t a remote possibility. We know about it instantly. The plethora of evidence of the lies these two have told are so numerous it isn’t funny, but it has built a fire in our chest.

3.    The Republican Party. I have already made a list of why today’s Republican Party stinks but they were very useful to us during the Bush years and not in a “they did such a great job way.” The Republicans have so far acted just like the Democrats. They have been so aligned with the Liberals in their spending and political correctness that they have awakened Conservatives from our complacency. We know the Republican Party has been no friend to Conservatism for the past decade or so. They have been buddies with Democrats in destroying our nation, but now we are wise to their act and are currently in the process of eradicating our closet Communists.

4.    The TEA Party participants, Ron Paul, and Sarah Palin. Love them or hate them, these people have been a blessing for Americans. They have been on the offensive and aren’t afraid of the media. Americans love a good fight and Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and the TEA Party participants have been winning almost every battle. The sleeping giant is awake inside America and we want our country back. The media can’t keep up. At every turn it tries to defame and destroy these people and at every turn the media ends up looking like a whining baby. Every day, we are rallied by these men and women to understand our history, Constitution, and laws and participate once again as “We the people…”

5.     Elections are held every 2 years. Sometimes it seems like an eternity, but 2010 showed us that we can stop the destruction with our votes. 2012 will show us that we can reverse the destruction. We can keep voting until Congress, the President, and every politician understands that being voted in once is not a lifetime job with benefits. Every politician must be held accountable and with every election I believe that will be made known across the nation.

America is not done yet. Our collapse is not certain unless we stay on our current path. I believe Americans are clamoring for individual responsibility and they will fight until they get it back.”



II. Liberals, Democrats More Likely to Disbelieve Bible!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Terence P. Jeffrey-On July 9, 2011:


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:

Faith of Our Forefathers!


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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Comment by M on July 12, 2011 at 2:35pm
The articles are Right on the Money. I just hope that @^(^8*2 in the White House can be blocked from damaging America any more than he already has through his Executive Orders.



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