We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

“If a man cannot be trusted with the government of himself, can he be trusted with the government of others?? [Thomas Jefferson]
Before this past election, I considered myself fairly informed in the policy's of our Party and our government. I was content to go on with life and hope for the best. I was a supporter of President Bush and at first I thought that we finally had a President who would do the right thing. Not worry about being politically correct, follow our constitution and show the world that we were the United States of America and we will not bow down to anyone. He disappointed me!!!!

At first I was not to worried about Barack Obama, I didn't think he had a chance against Hillary. Boy was I wrong on that. Then I was looking at the choices that the Republican Party had given us and I was not real thrilled about any of them. I voted for Huckabee in the primary because in my opinion he was the closest to a true Conservative and follower of our founding fathers beliefs that was on the ticket.

When John McCain won the primary I was not real happy with that. I thought he was leaning a little to far to the left for me. For the first time in my life I thought that I was going to have to vote for someone that I did not believe in just so that Obama did not get in. It was tearing me apart. I was constantly battling with myself. Then came Sarah Palin! Wow I was impressed, she holds many of the values and convictions that I have. She is more like a conservative than anyone that I have seen in a long time. At that point I said to myself “for the future of my new Grand Daughter Amelia (she is in my profile pic) and the future of our Great Nation” I am not going to sit on my ass and keep complaining to the walls, so the next day I went down to McCain headquarters and signed up to volunteer. I spent the next 2 ½ Months manning the phone banks and doing whatever I could to help. Unfortunately we lost.

I believe that we lost this election because many of the Republicans that we have in office are not true conservatives. They have drifted away from the values that conservatives have. The Republican Party has moved more towards Socialism and further away from the Constitution. As each generation passes we have become more tolerant of things in fear of not being Politically correct. We have many republican politicians who are presenting themselves under the Conservative Banner, but not being true to conservative values.
We have gotten away from the roots of the Republican Party. It is time for a new group of Conservative leaders to take charge and lead this Party and Country into the future. We must elect officials who think and act more like Ronald Reagan. To follow our constitution and listen to We the People.

I am truly concerned for the future of our Country and fear that with the most left-wing President in office, together with hard-core liberals like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the such. This Nation is on a one way ticket to Socialism. So please take a good look at our Republican leadership, look into their voting records and show your support to the person who best represents true Republican values.


...that the United States were founded on the fundamental principle that individuals have certain rights and freedoms which cannot be infringed upon and may be restricted only to the degree necessary to preserve the rights of others.

...the money you earn is yours and that government in a free society has the right to take only as much as is needed to perform those limited functions, which are appropriate to it.

...the traditional family and the values it fosters are the foundation of American society and their preservation is essential to our Nation's continued success.

...parents have the right to determine the values with which their children will be raised and to have the widest possible choice among public, private and religious schools and that competition will improve public education

...that the free enterprise system is the most effective engine of economic progress

...high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business and farming punish initiative and stifle economic growth

...that with freedom comes responsibility and that individuals must take personal responsibility for their own actions and our criminal justice system must be based on this idea.

...that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions

...the preservation of our rights and freedoms must be entrusted to a strong national defense and of the ability of the United States to negotiate with other nations from a position of strength.

...there can be differences of opinion and that such differences such result in opponents, not enemies.

...that all of America's citizens can enjoy the rights and freedoms of our country without diminishing the rights of others.

...that public servants, particularly those whom we elect to office, must be held accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

It is imperative today to re-affirm the traditional freedoms and values of America to preserve our great Republic

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Comment by JJ on February 1, 2009 at 3:59pm
This entire 2008 election process was a joke--the fraud, debauchery, dishonesty...........the votes for Obama were duplicated and the votes for Mccain were re-directed by chips installed in the machines; there's even talk of remote controlled devices used from miles away to re-direct the votes to Dems.

Give up any notion of a two-party system--all the candidates have the same agenda--one world order--global government.



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