We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Unite, Agree, Empower and Restore America

Now that the public knows the government refused to do a single action about establishing Obama’s eligibility for President, we must plan to take the next steps. Though it can not be answered in full detail nor can I address each and every ramification that will come forward as a result of what I am suggesting, but I will share a rough concept of what direction we can go. This concept is merely a point of departure that eventually will be refined by a master mind group after having researched and collected abundant information from all of us.

Here are a few key words—unite, simultaneously, terminate, agree, temporary replacement, new leadership, back to basics, enlighten and empower voters,

Goals: Restore America to the Republic under the Us Constitution
Maintain America’s Sovereignty

We must first unite in agreement the entire present government is acting in violation of the US Constitution and there fore must be terminated immediately from their positions before they do any more harm to America. This means Obama, Congress, Senate, and the 9 dishonorable Supremes must be terminated and replaced with people of good character. We must also empower the majority of voters with knowledge of the Constitution, their legal rights, and precisely what Constitutional laws Congress & Senate are violating, what policies without Constitutional authority they are passing, and why this is harmful to the majority of American citizens. (A lot of this is being done through the many web sites and bloggers. However only a limited number of voters actually obtain this information.)

We must simultaneously have ready temporary replacements with people of clean records, high moral character and integrity until America can have a new elections to either vote the temporary replacements permanently (within the limits of their terms) or seat new people.

After the new government is seated, the first job of Congress is to nullify, rescind, and dismantle every thing Obama has done from his first day in office. (Some of it may be too late, but it will have to work around it until balance is found.) Then Congress must spend time learning and studying the Constitution of America and restore all the laws America has broken in the Constitution either by repeal or declaration –however it must be done. Then America must declare its sovereignty and suggest all other countries do the same. (Like Robert Frost’s poem—Fences make good neighbors) From a position of sovereignty America can mend fences with other countries where possible, remain distant with others, and if need be go to war. However America should never enter any war unless she intends to totally win the war.

The question is how are “We the People” going to force “Them, the tyrannical government” to give up their positions of power? Obviously I don’t have the answer to that. However, I think we should start with—a grand jury or other type of orderly procedure – to indict the entire government and officially declare them guilty of holding their positions illegally since they are all under indictment for: treason, violation of the Constitution, aiding and abetting a usurper, violating their oath of office, breaching their fiduciary duties of office, etc. etc. etc. We need to promise them not only do we intend to remove them from office, but we intend to make them stand trail for their crimes, and pay fines, go to jail or both if found guilty. They will forever go down in history as the elected officials who betrayed their country. For those Congress people and Senators who decide to support and join “We the People” and do their jobs by demanding Obama produce his documents, etc—“We the People will grant them IMMUNITY. Possibly they will get to remain in their seats until their terms expire and thus leave honorably.

Instead of “tea parties” merely protesting their spending but still indirectly validating their seats as legal, we must agree and unite in one single purpose via any means of communication possible to demand the entire government resign or be terminated by WE the People for the above mentioned. This should be our one and only message beginning now until they are removed. We need to shout it on TV, Videos, Radio, at Rallies, On Signs, Bill boards, news paper ads, on inter net, protest marches, bumper stickers, and so on and on and on. If we shout loud enough, long enough—do you not think our numbers will grow and grow until we have become so loud they will have to concede so as to shut us up. Embarrass them. These elected officials need to be exposed.

This isn’t perfect but it’s a start. It’s a plan and a direction. I know there are many readers better educated and far brighter than I am. I hope they will add to the plan, refine it and we can begin yesterday!


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Comment by Therese Daniels on April 4, 2009 at 11:51am
Hi Jim Ohio,

You are right. I am aware of them all. However, we are still not united into one strength-in-number-group with a single leader and PR people to coordinate the many things we need to do to push this government out of office and replace it with one of integrity. These groups are small and framented. In order to be truly effective we need to be at least 50,000,000 strong shouting with one voice and one idea. Terminate Obama and the entire government! We got a better one to do the job!
Comment by JinOhio on April 4, 2009 at 11:05am
All of these are action items. There are many things to do to return our nation to the Republic it was. There are groups that have been working on these issues already. You have the right idea, but you don't need to start from scratch. There are common law grand juries being formed and they will do much to raise public awareness. See www.riseupforamerica.com if you would like to join them.

Read about the We The People Foundation. You may even be able to watch one of their regional meetings in April on your computer. They are holding a Continental Congress this summer. They need good people who know the constitution as delegates from each state. This will be historic and powerful.

Then read about the committees of safety. These begin in your own community and state. Think neighborhood watch groups on steroids. This group and the We The People Foundation are the two crucial things to do right away.

The 10th amendment center is a collection of information about what different states are doing to declare their sovereignty. Get behind the people in your state who are working toward this.

Sound money is another step your state must take so that we aren't at the mercy of the federal reserve when they finish destroying the US federal reserve note.

Repealing the 17th amendment will give the constitutional power to select US senators back to your state where it belongs. The constitution was trampled with this fraudulent amendment, because the 17th amendment wasn't properly ratified.

This is the effort organized by Restore the Republic to make the public aware of the federal reserve fraud.



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