We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Send Them Enemas—Not Tea Bags

It took a long time but here it is. The government’s illogical behavior has finally reached its logical conclusion. The hurry-up-and-sign-without-reading-stinkulus-bill and the “I-didn’t-know-you-did-know-rotten-lying-Washington-thugs” about the AIG bonuses are just the tip of the iceberg of the sloppy ways we can consistently expect from the modis operendi of Obama/Chicago gang will perform for the next –God forbid—four years. Obama and his shady cabinet are totally lawless, classless, and careless. They ran a fraudulent campaign and got away with it. To this day Obama has not produced one document to establish he actually is eligible to be president. Now they are running a lawless government and getting away with it. They are running rough shod over the Constitution. They are giving the bird to all our laws and making up new ones as they go. They are daring any one to stop them. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put our precious Constitution together again.

The best protest we the people can come up with is a “tea party” to protest a few of his policies while ignoring the most important fact of all—Obama is not our legal president. It is not only his policies that must be stopped, Obama must be stopped. Mr. and Mrs. Obama must be arrested, handcuffed and placed in jail before they completely destroy what is left of our American assets, freedoms, rights, and country. Time is of an essence. Obama is moving faster than the speed of light. He knows he has a lot to do in the short time before he either becomes total dictator or his thrown in jail. It is a matter of which comes first.

What if the thugs came to your door to attempt to trespass, rob you, rape your wife and daughters, and leave you for dead after viciously beating you and the entire family? Would you willingly invite them in and say welcome or would you do everything in your power to protect your family, your property and you life? What this present government is doing is no different that the thugs at your door. They are the thugs at our door. The sooner we identify the problem and the enemy the sooner we can become effective in protecting what is ours. Make no mistake about the malevolence of the visible and invisible people who are rapidly seizing control of America. They may look and sound like concerned caring Americans but they are not. They are the vilest people on the planet actively working to betray Americans and steal our country at the price of enslavement of all of us. They will take you property, enslave your children, and murder our elderly.

It is not my intention to demean the people who are using tea bags to symbolically recall the Boston Tea Party in protest of excessive taxation. I admire the success of their effort and their courage. It is simply that I feel it is misdirected. How much more powerful and effective they would be if they forced people to focus on the prime issue—Obama has to this day failed to prove he is legal and the rest of the thugs are aiding and abetting him in a cover up. The issues are not Obama’s trillion dollar budgets and bailouts—which are wrong. The bottom line issue is Obama is a usurper and must be removed. With Obama’s removal so are all the illegal bills, bailouts, and directives he has done since he moved into the Whitehouse. So why not be logical and put the horse in front of the cart?

If people insist upon having tea parties and sending Washington tea bags why not send them a message that will really hit home. Why not include a Fleet’s Enema or some Exlax in the package. Wouldn’t that send a more real message as to what we think of them? While we are pacifying ourselves with sending enemas to our favorite stopped up politicians, we can be looking for ways to first protect whatever assets we still have from any more government theft and second find new leadership to take the place of the existing politicians when we finally one way or another remove the entire government from office. We haven’t even begun the first steps necessary to take back America and restore her to the rule under the Constitution.

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Comment by wakeupamerica on March 24, 2009 at 3:53pm
that s a good one enemas not tea bags!!! lol too true too true too true :)



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