We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Okay be prepared. All those that thought this Liar in Chief was not going to raise taxes for 95% of us just wouldn’t listen when trying to tell them it isn’t going to happen. They thought it was okay when the cigarette tax came on. Well let’s see how much they like it when are government imposes the National Sales Tax that they are talking about now. That means everything you buy is taxed to what could be as high as 20 to 25%. Let’s face it these same people that are brain dead should have known that the rich can’t sub stain the massive debt that the fraud and cronies are spending. Not to mention the money they wasted in pork (earmarks) in every bill they pass. Look at the money wasted from Social Security, the thousands of people that where dead. I like to know who has been cashing those checks. I wish those who voted for this Liar and fraud where the only ones to pay these taxes and the one’s to come. But unfortunately all of us have to pay. This country is going to be more than a welfare country in my opinion. The sorry part of this whole situation is that we can’t stop it. They talk about the Bush’s spending, just look at the Democratic’s they are far more worst. Fill with greedy little moles with the help of a few on the other side.

Here is a statement of the wicked witch of the west Pelosi’s position on Prop 8.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a staunch Democratic defender of homosexual rights, today expressed her "deep" disappointment that the state Supreme Court had affirmed a voters' decision, through the Proposition 8 state constitutional amendment last fall, that marriage is only between one man and one woman.
"I have long fought for equality for all of California's families and will strongly support efforts to restore marriage equality in California, so it can join the ranks of states such as Iowa and #HYPERLINK "http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=99294" \l ""Vermont," she
said in a statement.
Now the people of California have spoken on this issue and Pelosi just don’t get it. She is suppose to represent all the people’s wishes, but when it goes against her liberal views she fight’s the rights of the People. Thus is an example of what your congress people really think of you. Stupid and they know what’s best for us. Excuse me but Pelosi you our a liar, narrowed minded full of yourself poor excuse for a representative of the People. It seem to b=me instead of being in china preaching about global warming. You and the idiot Liar in Chief should be here taking care of this country or worrying about North Korea. Guess if they blow us up you won’t have to worry about climate. Will yaw.
Now I’m not saying climate is important but in my opinion blowing up a nuclear bomb is far more serious. And here’s what you don’t get idiot. NEWS FLASH idiot if they succeed and sell to our enemies Global Warming won’t matter will it. Now who is stupid. Don’t you think that talking to them about putting pressure on North Korea would be a better topic of discussion. Oh yea I forgot how silly of me, that takes a brain which you are definitely lacking.

Liar in Chief best step very carefully into the minefield of increased #HYPERLINK "http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=99339" \l ""taxes, because a new poll shows millions of Americans who voted for him last year say their future support will depend on the cost of government.

The poll revealed:
50 percent of Obama's supporters think the government should enforce existing gun laws rather than adopt new controls. Forty-four percent took the opposite view.

Forty-nine percent of Obama voters think property should be privately owned and controlled, whereas 28 percent support government ownership and control.

Seventy percent of Obama voters oppose a plan to grant him the power to shut down the #HYPERLINK "http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=99339" \l ""Internet in the case of an undefined emergency.

Another Obama censorship move, to create local boards to police radio stations, was opposed 41 percent to 39 percent among his own constituency.

And 45 percent of Obama's supporters disagree with his statement that America is not a Christian nation. Further, nearly half disapproved of his "purposefully concealing a symbol for Jesus Christ prior to a speech" at Georgetown #HYPERLINK "http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=99339" \l

Hmmm are people starting to wise up which is want I have been saying all along for those that voted for the fraud because of emotions and not facts. If the National Tax goes through then you will see them come over in flocks I predict. That’s because it will effect all those that had the foolish thought of a Liar and their 95% no taxes.

This editorial and opinions written by JudyDee

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Comment by Shirliann on May 28, 2009 at 1:11pm
Here are the rest of the videos to the above video:

Codex Alimentarius 2of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation Plan

Codex Alimentarius 3of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation Plan

Codex Alimentarius 4of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation
Comment by Shirliann on May 28, 2009 at 1:08pm
We better be prepared for what is to come. They have plans alright and don't anyone forget that. They will not be telling us though. Soon we will not be able to afford food and soon there will be no food to buy. The swine flu will be back in the news shortly, probably by this fall if not sooner. They will be trying to confiscate our gun and we will be under martial law and we will be put in concentration camps. By Decemeber 31, 2009 we will have to be in compliance with Codex Alimentarius where billions of people will die from starvation and preventable diseases from lack of nutrition.

Codex Alimentarius 1of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation Plan

Codex Alimentarius 1of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation Plan



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