It is entirely unbelievable these gone wild representatives have totally lost their minds. You have Pelosi and Boxer seeing things that aren’t there. You have the congress picking our pockets clean without as much as a wink. They are acting like money grows on trees and are bankrupting this country. I don’t know what’s in the water up there but it’s turning what once was a brain into oatmeal. Five hundred million dollars they want to spend for jets. They first had two and now they want eight.…
Added by JudyDee on August 9, 2009 at 7:00am —
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First of all I would like to set the record straight. On my post yesterday a commenter question the fact that I call him Liar in Chief. The commenter thought because of that post was why I call him a Liar. My answer to that is no. I have respect for all people and will not call anyone a Liar unless I catch them in an outright lie. Well my fellow true American Patriots that is exactly what I have caught the Liar in Chief many times. In one speech along I caught him with a whopping 15 lies. I…
Added by JudyDee on June 5, 2009 at 5:30am —
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Okay be prepared. All those that thought this Liar in Chief was not going to raise taxes for 95% of us just wouldn’t listen when trying to tell them it isn’t going to happen. They thought it was okay when the cigarette tax came on. Well let’s see how much they like it when are government imposes the National Sales Tax that they are talking about now. That means everything you buy is taxed to what could be as high as 20 to 25%. Let’s face it these same people that are brain dead should have…
Added by JudyDee on May 28, 2009 at 11:21am —
Obama: Top Red's dream come true
Communist Party official shares White House's ambitious agenda
This article I read on WND and is the hitting home for a New World Order and a Communists Country being sought from within. Isn't this how Hitler started. This was a speech that Sam Webb gave at a New York Banquet.
With Obama as president, health care and the economy can be "reformed," U.S. troops can be…
Added by JudyDee on May 25, 2009 at 5:34pm —
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Today I want to thank all the brave military and the veterans of all wars that fought for what America is all about. A special heart felt thank you to the families that have lost a member and the disabled that never question their duties to protect and defend the United States of America. Actually there are no words to express how much I appreciate their services both in wartime and peace. They make me proud because they carry on what are forefathers fought for FREEDOM. I also keep them in my…
Added by JudyDee on May 25, 2009 at 1:13pm —
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Stand up and deliver, two words that must remain in our thoughts at all times. We the fighters of the Constitution and our Liberties are under attack every day. There is no day of rest for the True American Patriots. Satan is among us making his presence known to those that can see it. The fight that we are engaged in against the evil doers must never be allowed to take over. For months now we have been fighting and yes sometimes to no…
Added by JudyDee on May 24, 2009 at 6:00am —
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Is the Liar in Chief giving the MSM the boot. I have learned that the White House has set up their own press people. The way it looks they will just hand out press releases to the MSM. Isn’t that nice you kiss butt news people being cut out now. I can’t say I feel sorry for them. I wonder is they are smart enough to see how they were used and then thrown under the bus. How’s that leg tingling now Chris Mathews. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group. The only downside is that the propaganda will go…
Added by JudyDee on May 23, 2009 at 6:28am —
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The talk of the pinheads continues with the same purposes in mind . Take today the speeches of Liar in Chief and Former VP Dick Cheney. Oh the outrage of pinhead Bob Beckle was so funny as to him making an ass of himself. These people on the far left just won’t let it go. I found the Liar’s speech so full of himself it would make you sick. I found him defensive and talking with forked tongue. The talks of unity but continues to keep the divide going. Between him ,Pelosi, and now turncoat…
Added by JudyDee on May 21, 2009 at 12:31pm —
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Can you believe the excuses you will hear from the pinheads as to why Liar in Chief is pushing so fast
everything including Health care which he wants done by July. Well in my opinion it doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer that one. Here you pinheads I'll answer it for you. The reason he pushing everything is before the 2010 election because he will loose control of everything. He is doing as much damage to the country as he can because the way Congress works it will take decades to…
Added by JudyDee on May 18, 2009 at 5:00pm —
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I have no use for this scum bag that screws us every chance he gets. I can't believe the people keep electing this guy. I thought he was a goner after the last election. He is doing absolutely nothing for the people of his state. After his dirty hands to help the economic crisis get started you would have thought that would do it. This man in my opinion could care less about the voters that put him in. He is one of the top ones to go in his next election. His latest act of screwing the…
Added by JudyDee on May 14, 2009 at 9:10am —
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LAS VEGAS (AP) - Nevada authorities are accusing the political advocacy group ACORN and two former employees of illegally paying canvassers to sign up new voters last year.Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto filed charges Monday alleging the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now had policies requiring employees in Las Vegas to sign up 20 new voters per day or be fired.Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller and Masto say that's voter registration fraud, and it violates state…
Added by JudyDee on May 5, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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The True American Patriot may be dealt another blow in controlling this now what could be a run away government. With turncoat Specter switching to the Dems and Frankin winning that will give the Liar in Chief the control he wants. He would have the capability to push any thing he wants. Not to mention Rahm and his mob style tactics is a real nightmare for America. It's not bad enough the damage they have already done. This definitely wasn't what our fore fathers had in mind when they set up…
Added by JudyDee on May 4, 2009 at 8:47am —
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Now more than ever before is the time to turn the negative and turn it into positive thinking. It serves us a two fold way to keep in the fight and the strength we need to continue the battle we are in. Let's see of what I think to turn things around.
Let's take the Tea Parties as our first example of what I'm trying to convey here. Lord knows we the people (real grassroots of America) have been called every name you can think of by the bias press,Liberals, and American Haters. From…
Added by JudyDee on May 2, 2009 at 7:44am —
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YESTERDAY MARKED LIAR IN CHIEF'S FIRST ONE HUNDRED DAYS. I SAY "BIG DEAL". As far as I can see and in my opinion if I were him I'd be burying my head in the sand. He has only shown us arrogance, inexperience, the the most mistakes in any presidents first 100 days. As I have said many times before I have been watching this fraud like a hawk. I have been keeping track as much as I can to see how many blunders, lies, and good he has done. Well forget the good the errors far out weigh any thing he…
Added by JudyDee on April 30, 2009 at 5:30pm —
1 Comment
Congratulations New York Times Reporter. They ought to be very proud of you. Great tough question you asked. Sorry to hear you live in the land of Oz. If there was ever a doubt that the Times was in the tank and bias about the Liar in Chief they certainly proved it at the cirus show conference of the Fraud. Wow and Liar in Chief couldn't rely on his telepromper for the answer, four questions in one, the fraud has to write them down. Maybe the idiots thought it was a funny from him, but I don't.…
Added by JudyDee on April 30, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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Today first is the definition of Collectivism and Totalitarianism. Some of the facts I presented in parts 1 and 2 could very will apply here. All these definitions that I have provided are connected as you can see some a little less devious than others.
A political or economic system in which the means of production and the distribution of goods and services are controlled by the state. Collectivism is…
Added by JudyDee on April 28, 2009 at 5:30am —
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Yesterday I wrote about Socialism. In my opinion that is the first on the long road to we are heading too. Our government is throwing up smoke screens to divert attention away from what behind the scenes setting up the next stages to be set to go. To compare this situation think about it. Look how the Liar in Chief got the bailout, stimulus,ominous, and pork bills through. Particularly the bailouts. They kept the attention else where . He purposely kept attention else where, gave the…
Added by JudyDee on April 27, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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For a long time now we have placed our attention to the Taxation and spending that the government is doing. Now don't get me wrong this is very important, but I think we have to open our protest even further. These two are not the only problems facing us today. I have got myself a researcher that is doing the investigations for me and would like to pass on the information to you. There is more going on here that meets the eye. I have been watching the Government like a hawk. We all know as…
Added by JudyDee on April 26, 2009 at 5:30am —
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Those people in Washington that voted yes on the very first bailout need to be punish for screwing the Taxpayers both now and the future one's to come. We are now to date in debt for a whopping 12.8 trillion dollars and climbing. I was supposed to it then and I'm opposed to it now. These crooks pulled one great con job on us and are continuing their high way robbery. The fact that they are ripping of those who aren't even born yet makes me sick.…
Added by JudyDee on April 25, 2009 at 5:30am —
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Okay our Liar in Chief has flip-flop on what I consider an absolutely waste of money to maybe prosecute during war time any one from the Bush administration. Regardless where you stand on the subject I'm going to express my opinion of this hot subject. After the release by old Fraud Boy the techniques use to get valuable information to me is not torture. I ask you if you were a prisoner and you could have your choice would you select water boarding or having your head cut off. I think I know…
Added by JudyDee on April 23, 2009 at 5:30am —
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