We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Can you believe the excuses you will hear from the pinheads as to why Liar in Chief is pushing so fast
everything including Health care which he wants done by July. Well in my opinion it doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer that one. Here you pinheads I'll answer it for you. The reason he pushing everything is before the 2010 election because he will loose control of everything. He is doing as much damage to the country as he can because the way Congress works it will take decades to undo the damage he has done. Of course that's my opinion and I be willing to bet on it.

As far as I'm concerned look at the billions of taxpayer's money wasted to date. Now I hear a trucking
company is asking a bailout. Sure why not why didn't you just take the money and make a big bond fire
for all it's worth at the moment. These pinheads that are saying he is doing a good job, I can't wait
till he hits them with the things we already see. Boy will you hear the crying then. Take Oprah for
instances Miss Kiss the butt lady already starting to moan and pull for capitalism. Maybe she is
starting to feel the boycott of her. I sure hope so for voting with the color and not the experience. I can surely see some more coming her way. Some day they all, the greedy,crooked will pay for their misgivings. Some will say Oprah gives a lot but after I had heard that the one time she gave cars to
every one in her audience I thought oh how wonderful she should give back to those who made her
fortune. That bubble busted fast when I heard that she didn't buy the cars they where donated to her
and that some of the people had to give the cars back because they couldn't pay the taxes on them. Now that's not what I call being generous at all. I could even go along with the cars being donated if she
paid the rest. I don't call that giving at all. To give is not to cause any expense to the receiver now
that's giving. All she did was get the glory for it and did pay a cent, except for the fact I'll bet she took it as a tax write off. And to make matters worst she could afford all the expenses. Now maybe she does do good but what does she do for America. I haven't heard of anything. But if she has than I stand corrected.

In a 5-4 decision the Supreme court today decided that top officials can not be prosecuted for post 9/11
tactics. To me in my opinion was a waste of time that our Congress for 9 years now they have tried ever
trick in the book. Even today they are still trying the get Bush and his administration. Like they don't have enough to do in these troubled times. I'll be curious if they put a full fledged investigation into the wicked witch of the west. Talk about having a good case against someone. Wow how better could it be. I know it's innocent until proven guilty, but with her track record she is a liar. Now she is caught at it, has put this country in danger by having to release information that can be used against us. To me she should be tries for treason for aiding and abiding the enemies of the United States. Just look at the evidence that is against her. Not only this latest calling the CIA liars. But remember as soon as she first got the speaker of the house she tried to play president, hops a plane,goes overseas,and can't even deliver the correct message causing a turmoil. She ought to pay more attention to her job and stop all this political gains she is going for. Time for her to go down period. It's so funny to watch the pinheads trying to cover up for her. It's a crime to lie to Congress, so I tend to Believe the CIA on this one, and it's Pelosi that is lying. Well all I can say is that Pelosi must have the same type of dead brains cell as the Liar in Chief. After all he too sat in a church preaching hatred and did hear a word. Yea right Liar.

we can't forget good of Joe (the gaffer) Biden at it again. Only this time he may of put himself in danger by revealing the hide away for the VP. I don't think this man is capable of holding the office. I really feel that after having 2 anabolism it has effect his brain. I wish him no ill but he should have struck to his original statement that he would not accept the position of VP. This man I think is a loose cannon. Liar in Chief can't be to happy with him and I love every minute of his gaffs.

Which leads me to Liar in Chief's speech at Notre Dame full of lies too. Telling them the things they
wanted to hear. The only thing I'm saying on this subject how a person could stand there who signed the
order to kill living babies of late term abortions, is just plain hypocritical if there ever was one. These are living, heart beating babies who will never have a future thanks to the Liar in Chief. I hope that Notre Dame pays for their sins on this one. This is another example of teachers,professors,board members, and now priests that could think so little of human life.

Every day we must keep one another informed which will tend to help the True American Patriot. We see also every day just why we are fighting this worthy cause. We must stay strong and make our voices heard. Support one another and when we can point out the facts to the supporters of the the Liar in Chief. One thing is for sure the fraud is certainly helping our cause. I hear that some Liberals are starting to defect. Maybe they are starting to see the light. One can only hope.

This editorial and opinions written by JudyDee

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